A free crossword community for everyone
Crosshare is free and ad-free, but it isn't free to run. We rely on support from people like you to make it possible.

Become a Crosshare Patron

Crosshare is developed by a very small team of volunteers. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a huge difference towards keeping this project alive.

Monthly recurring donations are especially helpful, as they allow us to plan for ever increasing server costs from new users and new features. To encourage recurring donations, we've added a new patron icon - - which lasts one month from the time of your last donation. Please consider making a recurring donation and becoming a Crosshare patron!

We also accept donations via Zelle. Zelle is great because 100% of your donation goes to Crosshare! Please send your donation to Be sure to follow up with an email so we know which account to give a patron icon to and how you'd like to be listed on the contributors list!

If you'd like to donate but not via paypal/zelle, please contact us via email or discord.

The contributors who make Crosshare possible

Contributors who have totaled $100 or more are in bold