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Law of the Excluded Middle (Meta)

· By benchen71 · Published 2024-02-20T05:00:50.643Z

Meta Prompt
The answer to the meta is what is excluded by the Law of the Excluded Middle
Goodness but this was one of the hardest grids I've ever put together! And yes, I know it didn't have to be a pangram; but when 39 down appeared early in proceedings, I just couldn't help myself. Ah well, let's hope all that effort was worth it. The answer to the meta is what is excluded by the Law of the Excluded Middle. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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  • woozy solved 2024-02-20T05:29:56.453Z
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  • edestlin solved 2024-02-20T13:22:29.772Z
  • hoover solved 2024-02-20T13:40:21.282Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-02-20T13:41:39.527Z
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  • DIS solved 2024-02-20T17:06:27.883Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-02-20T17:22:15.072Z
  • Laura M solved 2024-02-20T18:54:50.352Z
  • Ergcat solved 2024-02-20T19:28:35.927Z
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  • Qmark solved 2024-02-22T14:17:38.420Z
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  • SJMcK solved 2024-02-29T20:22:16.852Z


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  • Darth 15:15 · 2024-02-20T05:44:20.897Z
    I finally saw it! lol Nice one, Ben! :D
    • woozy 🤓26:45 · 2024-02-20T05:30:34.576Z
      Oh, very clever. I spent too long looking at the excluded middle.
      • benchen71 constructor · 2024-02-20T06:44:08.852Z
        Hee hee. It's there in the puzzle title, as plain as day: "excluded" ;-)
      • Berto 4s · 2024-02-20T06:17:49.226Z
        I must ‘fess… Had to look up the law. Although not totally necessary for the solve, nice to be educated! Thanks Ben!
        • HeadinHome 🤓1:38 · 2024-02-20T13:49:04.545Z
          Great puzzle! This theme sounds similar to a fallacy we learned in logic class, the “either/or” fallacy… either you agree with x, or you believe y. Also called false dilemma, or black-and-white thinking. (Examples I hear are often so blatant I sometimes wonder if anyone studies logic any more!)
          • hoover 3s · 2024-02-20T13:41:53.379Z
            Nice one! I started out taking note of the letters that went into the space until I decided I didn't like them there and erased them. That made G--R E---Y pop right out.
            • benchen71 constructor · 2024-02-21T00:13:20.022Z
              That's exactly the solving route I was anticipating!
              • ReB 3s · 2024-02-24T18:57:32.494Z
                I did something similar, pondered the letter jumble for a minute or two, then had the idea to go back to the four horizontal words and look at the other letters (1D by the title I suspect). Since you had graciously placed the key words side-by-side, the answer popped right out.
              • Meg 2s · 2024-02-20T14:40:34.578Z
                Hiding in plain sight. Very nice!
                • Cindy Heisler 2s · 2024-02-20T15:13:43.382Z
                  Always nice to learn something new. It took me a while to see, since I was concentrating on the middle letters. Nice "aha" moment! Thanks, Ben!
                  • hbxwords 🤓12:49 · 2024-02-20T15:36:51.460Z
                    Well done! One thing that was tricky for me was that to complete the grid, you had to fill in the correct "missing" letters, but those Across answers were unchecked (no second option to fill in). So for a while, silly me couldn't figure out ACTOR because I was overthinking the clue terribly! :)
                    • lbray53 4s · 2024-02-20T15:30:40.333Z
                      Fun puzzle. I struggled for a bit. I was making a MT out of a MOAT.
                      • Hector 12:57 · 2024-02-20T16:59:06.903Z
                        Well done! ACTUALLY, however, 37A expresses the principle of bivalence, not excluded middle. Adjusts glasses
                        • benchen71 constructor · 2024-02-20T22:12:33.699Z
                          It's been quite a while since I studied formal logic. :D
                        • Hector 12:57 · 2024-02-20T17:14:34.450Z
                          In addition, your banner image is not an instance of excluded middle, as logicians use the term. You want: p or not-p. The formula you have is sometimes called non-contradiction (but that term is also used for the different but related principle that no claim is both true and false).
                          • MatthewL 🤓8:44 · 2024-02-20T17:24:48.699Z
                            Nice one. Was complaining to another muggle that I couldn't see what to do, and literally typed out "GR? EY?" and then, of course, immediately saw it. Hiding in plain sight indeed. Thanks for the puzzle, Ben!
                            • benchen71 constructor · 2024-02-20T22:10:59.156Z
                              I was hoping the Aussie spelling of GREY wouldn't trip people up too much!
                            • Laura M 🤓8:00 · 2024-02-20T19:10:55.611Z
                              • Ergcat 16:49 · 2024-02-20T19:29:40.582Z
                                I tried the letters in the middle first… then I excluded them! Very clever, Ben! Thank you!
                                • KayW 🤓8:15 · 2024-02-20T21:31:54.582Z
                                  Wow that was fun - thanks Ben!
                                  • Carolyn 3s · 2024-02-20T22:11:32.858Z
                                    Very nice!
                                    • Pair O Ducks 7:56 · 2024-02-20T22:49:41.934Z
                                      Cool meta, but wow that grid was a workout! So many entries were new to me, and not knowing where the "extra" letters would go made it super tough to get a toehold. Thank goodness for autocheck — and glad I stuck it out to enjoy the clever aha at the end! Thanks, Ben!
                                      • kurtalert 🤓7:07 · 2024-02-21T00:23:06.443Z
                                        Hah... as others did, I also stared at the middles too long before noticing the outer pieces!
                                        • DrTom 3s · 2024-02-21T18:12:25.987Z
                                          Fun, after I got over the "WHAT?" factor. I can safely say I am bivalent, though not ambivalent....
                                          Thanks Ben
                                          • whimsy 15:52 · 2024-02-21T19:06:56.702Z
                                            Have I got a (mistaken) solve story! I took the letters missing from the grid -- but I messed up what to use from the NW corner so I had AR (instead of EA), SSA, CTO, MM. I entered them into an anagram solver with two ??s, looking for something to go in the middle of ARSSA__CTOMM! I got the word ACHROMATISMS -- vaguely meaning stuff without color. When I remembered the Ebony and Ivory, I went with the answer of Grey and tacked on the Area just because of the expression. A one letter goof-up led me to a fifty cent word that led me to the right answer!
                                            Thanks for this interesting and nearly double-duty puzzle, Ben!
                                            • benchen71 constructor · 2024-02-21T20:05:26.976Z
                                              That's incredible! =o
                                            • Tyrpmom 13:18 · 2024-02-22T04:27:39.827Z
                                              Nice meta.
                                              • Qmark 3s · 2024-02-22T14:19:07.333Z
                                                Super puzzle Ben! ...and being from Canada, I support your spelling of grey 100%.
                                                • benchen71 constructor · 2024-02-22T20:12:12.038Z
                                                  Excellent. Let's have a cup of Earl Grey tea to celebrate! :-)
                                                • ReB 3s · 2024-02-24T18:53:04.238Z
                                                  Enjoyable puzzle - I can see how difficult it was to construct. Started today, but it turned out to be a very straight path to the answer for me with no rabbit holes, no nudges needed. You never know when you start. Thanks.
                                                  • ajk 🤓8:39 · 2024-02-25T02:36:33.373Z
                                                    lol I swear I tried that mechanism a couple of days ago and it didn't work. 😆 I think I spent too much time trying to do stuff with the extra letters, rather than ignoring them. But even after the nudge to ignore them I somehow couldn't make it work until just now, which it popped out instantly. Ah well. :) Fun one, thanks.
                                                    • Philip Chow 12:10 · 2024-02-25T05:59:11.017Z
                                                      this was fun! i'm so ashamed of having to use the fourth nudge... i overcomplicated things by trying to manipulate the MIDDLE letters... and the gray/grey spelling threw me off hahaha
                                                      "M*A*S*H" vehicle
                                                      1. 1A
                                                        "M*A*S*H" vehicle
                                                      2. 5A
                                                        "I'm glad that's over!"
                                                      3. 9A
                                                      4. 14A
                                                        Skin-care brand owned by Procter & Gamble
                                                      5. 15A
                                                        Smallest letter of the Greek alphabet
                                                      6. 16A
                                                        Katey of "Married... With Children"
                                                      7. 17A
                                                      8. 18A
                                                        Just ___ (not much)
                                                      9. 19A
                                                        English class assignment
                                                      10. 20A
                                                        River that flows through Toulouse and Bordeaux
                                                      11. 22A
                                                        City on the English Channel
                                                      12. 23A
                                                        "Hamilton" creator, ___-Manuel Miranda
                                                      13. 24A
                                                        Atari rival of the 1980s that also produced Cabbage Patch dolls before Hasbro took over the rights
                                                      14. 27A
                                                        French 101 verb
                                                      15. 28A
                                                        January, in Spain
                                                      16. 30A
                                                        Skiing great Lindsey ___ (even I've heard of her and I'm Australian!)
                                                      17. 32A
                                                        Wide shoe size
                                                      18. 33A
                                                        He loved Lucy (not an original clue but I really like it!)
                                                      19. 34A
                                                        Magician's skill (with "of hand")
                                                      20. 37A
                                                        Only alternatives that the Law of the Excluded Middle allows for
                                                      21. 40A
                                                        Gain the admiration of
                                                      22. 41A
                                                        "Barbie Girl" band
                                                      23. 44A
                                                        Tummy muscles
                                                      24. 47A
                                                        Editor's "leave it"
                                                      25. 48A
                                                        Former French First Lady Carla ___
                                                      26. 49A
                                                        Arctic ice
                                                      27. 51A
                                                      28. 54A
                                                        Leb. neighbour
                                                      29. 55A
                                                      30. 57A
                                                        Miss Saigon's homeland
                                                      31. 59A
                                                        66 across, for example
                                                      32. 60A
                                                        Book after Joel
                                                      33. 62A
                                                        Jane Austen heroine with a penchant for matchmaking
                                                      34. 63A
                                                        Mental picture
                                                      35. 64A
                                                        Treed place in a city
                                                      36. 65A
                                                        7th UN Secretary-General, ___ Annan
                                                      37. 66A
                                                        Probert in "Gosford Park", ___ Jacobi
                                                      38. 67A
                                                        Ice-cream name that sounds like things you see in fast-flowing rivers
                                                      39. 68A
                                                        Bevery Hills cop, ___ Foley
                                                      1. 1D
                                                        Knocked into, potentially spilling someone's drink (with "their elbow")
                                                      2. 2D
                                                        Friend of Jerry, George & Cosmo
                                                      3. 3D
                                                        Oscar Wilde play, "The Importance Of Being ___"
                                                      4. 4D
                                                        Arsonist, for short
                                                      5. 5D
                                                        Instrument referred to in the song referred to in 52 down
                                                      6. 6D
                                                        Red Monopoly piece
                                                      7. 7D
                                                        "When are you getting here?" (abbr.)
                                                      8. 8D
                                                        Collection of notes
                                                      9. 9D
                                                        On the ocean
                                                      10. 10D
                                                        Ram or stallion, for example
                                                      11. 11D
                                                        Common rock formation that consists of chalcedony and quartz
                                                      12. 12D
                                                        Colloquial (and former) name for the Democratic Republic of the Congo
                                                      13. 13D
                                                        Official residence of the President of France, ___ Palace
                                                      14. 21D
                                                        Cpl. or Sgt.
                                                      15. 22D
                                                        Lines seen at some parties
                                                      16. 25D
                                                        Voice of Prince Charming in the Shrek movies, Rupert ___
                                                      17. 26D
                                                      18. 29D
                                                        "Umbrella" singer, to fans
                                                      19. 31D
                                                        Sporting org. that utilises ice rinks
                                                      20. 34D
                                                        Nasal membrane that can become deviated
                                                      21. 35D
                                                        Screen legend Sophia ___
                                                      22. 36D
                                                        Nicolas II was the last one
                                                      23. 38D
                                                        Audible breaks in conversation
                                                      24. 39D
                                                        When day and night are of approximately equal length
                                                      25. 42D
                                                      26. 43D
                                                        Post by plane
                                                      27. 44D
                                                        Edward Albee play, "Who's ___ of Virginia Woolf?"
                                                      28. 45D
                                                        Hold responsible
                                                      29. 46D
                                                        Method of echolocation
                                                      30. 48D
                                                        "See ya!"
                                                      31. 50D
                                                        U2 guitarist, The ___
                                                      32. 52D
                                                        Paul McCartney figuratively in a duet with Stevie Wonder
                                                      33. 53D
                                                        Frisbees, for example
                                                      34. 56D
                                                        Animated corpse in Turkic folklore
                                                      35. 58D
                                                        Home appliance company known for their MaestroPizza oven
                                                      36. 60D
                                                        Gorilla or chimpanzee (or human, for that matter!)
                                                      37. 61D