Lots of fun, Will! Thought of you yesterday when I saw a preview for "Arthur the King."
Berto 🤓2:33 · about 1 year ago
Yes, like others I started adding a few other “ing” clues into the mix but that idea died when I realized the themers were tied in nicely to the meta and there lied the answer.
Fun one Will, thank you!
(And Go Lions!)
Fun puzzle! Nice aha moment! Felt like someone pieing me in the face since I should have gotten it earlier but too many things vying for attention in the grid when I should’ve been reading the clues
Fun one, thanks. Started with all the *ing words but (fairly) quickly saw the link (not to say tie) to the themers. Was preparing to do something fancy with those nine entries when it suddenly occurred to me that I should probably check the first letters...
Dave C 3s · about 1 year ago
We tried to include clues with waiting and crunching, but that didn't work...
whimsy 🤓11:50 · about 1 year ago
Not "Hi and bye" after all.
Thanks for this fun one, Will!
HeadinHome 🤓1:00 · about 1 year ago
Not lyin’ - I was dyin’ to figure out how those themers were tyin’ in with all the weird clues containing lying dying and tying! My path to solving was that as I was doing the grid, I was highlighting all the clues that seemed oddly worded (15A, 58A, 1D, 31D were the biggest ones) — then saw that they all contained an x-ying verb and saw that there were others that also did, though not as oddly worded (such as 17A). Great fun finding (almost) all the rest, highlighting their entries, and backsolving for the rest! BTW, The term “stans” was completely new to me, as was the word “flats” for the two-bone wing thingy… nice to know what to call them now!
Ha, was also mystified by FLATS, not being a chicken wings fan. Thanks for reminding me to look that up. :)
hoover 🤓9:49 · about 1 year ago
Nicely done, with a click to let you know you've solved properly.
William D 🤓7:51 · about 1 year ago
Thanks as always!
ReB 3s · about 1 year ago
Not to much to add to the comments. The title must have jogged my mind a bit after I found the three rhymes, as I then then quickly saw the "ing" words in the clues, and the rest was a smooth ride. Fun time, and well-constructed.
Nice puzzle Will, thank you. It was interesting to see that the title gave the mechanism, though of course you did not know that until the end. I like how everything tied together. I managed to solve it by "mistake"...I had TED for EDWARD giving me S?TTA. "In a mall", what???? I also could not get AIL that way, and I spent a lot of time saying "tying on a few too many" when to me to "tie one on" IS to get drunk so I thought "instead of saying tying one on last night there must be something to do with plurals." But then it hit me that you had also said something about lying so I went looking for others. In the end, my desire to vie for the solve had me vying with all the other meta fans. I was going to tell you all the story about how I was able to buy a villa on the French Riviera through only the sale of multicolored t-shirts, but I did not want to relate a tie-dye lie....
bergie 🤓6:46 · about 1 year ago
Really fun, thanks.
Meta World Peace 3s · about 1 year ago
If you'd been looking for a three-letter word akin to "get a move on" I'd've sent in HIE!
I never would have gotten this. And I didn't. But I feel I must still be missing something. What is the significance of -ying words? And of there being three of each type?
Tyrpmom 3s · about 1 year ago
I didn’t get it either, but I did notice die, tie and lie in the long entries. I don’t know why they become dying, tying and lying. Even so, they are such unusual words I’m surprised I didn’t take note of them when I filled in the grid.