Here's a nice "end of month" challenge for you that has been shoved into a "week 1" slot in order to make way for last week's #200. Nice crunchy grid, fun (at least I hope it's fun!) meta, with a nice pay-off (at least I hope it's a nice pay-off!) Enjoy! The answer to the meta is a name. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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Danny K Bernstein solved 2024-07-02T08:27:38.169Z
markhr solved 2024-07-02T08:48:20.557Z
Avlan solved 2024-07-02T11:48:01.631Z
LarsCaine solved 2024-07-02T12:55:27.698Z
hoover solved 2024-07-02T12:57:28.566Z
Darth solved 2024-07-02T13:59:53.336Z
Cindy Weatherman solved 2024-07-02T14:07:11.983Z
whimsy solved 2024-07-02T14:07:28.703Z
kurtalert solved 2024-07-02T14:45:47.490Z
Hector solved 2024-07-02T15:20:30.639Z
Dave C solved 2024-07-02T15:32:17.491Z
Alex Sisti solved 2024-07-02T15:33:14.647Z
DIS solved 2024-07-02T15:38:44.582Z
Carolyn solved 2024-07-02T15:46:19.656Z
heidi solved 2024-07-02T16:07:30.672Z
DrTom solved 2024-07-02T16:10:16.041Z
MatthewL solved 2024-07-02T16:37:22.398Z
woozy solved 2024-07-02T16:44:23.369Z
Jaclyn solved 2024-07-02T17:01:29.547Z
rjy solved 2024-07-02T17:28:19.052Z
Tim solved 2024-07-02T17:54:19.594Z
HeadinHome solved 2024-07-02T18:35:09.354Z
lbray53 solved 2024-07-02T18:40:20.078Z
omnilynx solved 2024-07-02T18:58:37.742Z
Laura M solved 2024-07-02T19:40:34.954Z
I K Snamhcok solved 2024-07-02T19:59:47.527Z
Meg solved 2024-07-02T20:28:45.761Z
Qmark solved 2024-07-02T23:57:34.482Z
AuLeaf solved 2024-07-03T01:24:11.495Z
Tom Wilson solved 2024-07-03T02:01:28.310Z
Berto solved 2024-07-03T03:36:23.331Z
edestlin solved 2024-07-03T13:56:46.869Z
Mikey G solved 2024-07-03T17:45:18.720Z
DCBilly solved 2024-07-04T12:08:55.071Z
KayW solved 2024-07-04T14:06:17.128Z
ajk solved 2024-07-04T17:29:58.498Z
JM solved 2024-07-05T15:53:49.947Z
Cindy Heisler solved 2024-07-06T16:35:45.754Z
CPJohnson solved 2024-07-06T18:17:41.373Z
FedexPope solved 2024-12-13T21:50:03.572Z
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hoover 7s · 2024-07-02T12:58:49.991Z
Good job! At first I didn't think the fours and fives like 31A, 34A would come into play, but they did!
Phew! Finally found them all! I was relying on symmetry, but two of them were outliers. Thanks for the mental workout... now to get on with the day. ;)
Very nice! I had to backsolve to figure out that SAGOMEL was supposed to anagram to SMEAGOL / ORC, but other than that, it was smooth sailing. Thanks for another great puzzle, Ben!
Ohhhhhhhhh. I see now. I kept trying to put the ME on the FRONT of all the letters and got nothing- so I went anagram, which clearly still works, but is harder/less direct/less elegant than moving ME right after letter 1!
Oh my, that's clever! I did not "take ME to your leader" literally! I stumbled on AMERICA and then just started trying anagrams, which is more tedious. I thought of LEGOLAS, but needed the L, not the M... then discovered SMEAGOL. Moving the ME makes much more sense. Ha!
Dave C 5s · 2024-07-02T15:35:28.541Z
Joe Biden was my guess before I started and then was able to find it. I'm not a LOTR fan, so I needed Mr. Google for Smeagol.
Fun one. Went down a bit of a rabbit hole with all the "letter followed by word" things and vice versa (WELLG, LPLATES, etc.), but ultimately found all the MEs. Then pondered who the heck EJBIODEN is before I saw the obvious. Thanks for the mental workout, Ben!
Goodness ME! I had a couple of false starts and MEandered through the grid. I tired to take all the letters before the MEs, the letter directly before the ME, the lead letter of the letters before the ME...and I figured you were just being MEan. But then the "and an anagram" caught ME eye. Hmm, ARICAME is certainly AMERICA and sure enough ERAMELD is EMERALD....het wait a minute "Take ME to your LEADER", if I do that with all the long MEs I have, well nothing but I think I see something here, let's use all the MEs (I like it when it is all about ME). Sure enough, my suspicions were correct and instead of a Hail Mary I got a Hail to the Chief.
Now, about the crunchy factor - you weren't kidding my friend. I see why and all but man I had to Google about 6 entries to fill. Lucky me I knew what L Plates were...did they play into the solve at all? I was wondering with their position of importance but I could see no tie-in (doesn't mean there wasn't one, just that I did not see it).
That had to be hard to build but nice AHA - thanks for the puzzle.
Ironcially found SMEAGOL while trying to make SMEE a character from the Lord of the Rings.
HeadinHome 🤓3:22 · 2024-07-02T18:37:38.968Z
Literally fell asleep in the middle of this one, which is kind of funny if you think about it (not boring… I’m just really tired). We can give you all kinds of latitude with the entries when you’re pulling off something like this! I found it fun to go ME hunting (find myself?). And I learned some new words! (ZARF, TAHR, OBOL).
Qmark 4s · 2024-07-03T00:01:36.316Z
Once I saw I could make "America" from "Aricame" (and how it fit with your title), I was off to the races... Thanks for another great meta, Ben!
All the single letter entries (T Geisel, O Game, etc) through me for a loop but others WELL-G the letter wasn't the leader. I figured the weirdo contrived entries being so prominent had to be significant and tried to see if there were and hidden things in them and then I repeated the title "Take ME ..." So I tried removing the ME so to get ERALD SAGOL etc. I figure I could add a new "leader" to ERALD to get (H)ERALD and that coincides with BODING. But the rest weren't clear and eluding. ARICA could become A(F)RICA but that F wouldn't be a "leader". Then I rewrote down the words with the me in them (I first wrote them all down without the ME) and I noticed wasn't there something about green in to clues? (or was that another meta they all blend together). Take a second or to to figure where to place the MEs but "to your leader" and they all fall into place. The clue Lord of Rings character being ORC had seemed a bit too generic for the overly precise Ben (as had Nana being a "Peter Pan" character... wait? Nothing about him being a blooming Newfoundland dog???). And they all fit. What an AHA moment!
I'm curious. How many knew ZARF right off the bat and use it in there common vocabulary? Is was so tickled to start of with that but the rest of the corner and much of the grid? Whoosh....
KayW 🤓7:17 · 2024-07-04T14:07:16.398Z
Very clever!! Me, not so much LOL. The nudges didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, but somehow just looked at them in a new way. I saw EMERALD and AMERICA and just didn't go further with those. Doh! Very clever construction
Was initially convinced that WELL G, O GAME, L PLATES, and HARD G had to be theme. Eventually saw the MEs, and then did basically everything but the right thing (letters before/after the MEs, first letters of those words, bringing ME--all the way--to the front, etc.). Needed nudges 3&4 to put me on the right track, and then of course it was easy. Clever idea, and the ME entries are pretty nifty. I do think maybe the crunch factor on the grid was a little too far for me though :) (though I can see how the only alternative might have been to junk it, and I get not wanting to do that). Thanks :)