Got it! Now I have no excuse to avoid shoveling snow.
oldjudge 3s · about 1 year ago
Nice one Will!
Berto 18:59 · about 1 year ago
So I seem to have got the correct answer, but not sure how! I initially tried ENVOL (to soar!), using themer order. What is the correct path to ordering the letters?! Fun puzzle nonetheless! Thanks Will.
I was seeing double until I was given the glasses that helped me climb out of the box. Tough one. Thanks Will.
Eric Porter 4:20 · about 1 year ago
Nice idea! I saw the main idea pretty easily, but for some reason I thought the numbers were indexing into the alt answer. Eventually I realized that I was correct about the last one and saw the numbers were all unique.
Bbaack 🤓15:25 · about 1 year ago
I appreciate the time and effort that must have gone into this. Nicely done!
Agree! I hope Will will describe his process on this one -- a program searching though a word list, maybe? It took me a while to try the actual mechanism because it seemed so improbable. Very nice.
SamKat9 🤓12:48 · about 1 year ago
Very cool puzzle, thanks!
Laura M 🤓22:57 · about 1 year ago
Excellent! This is one of those puzzles that I can't quite believe that those words exist and you found them :-)
Fun puzzle that I got into a trap with. I was crossing out EVERY duplication. The first time through I got CED, JL, ROT, CD, EGO all of which COULD have been had different answers, but of course the did not because they were not correct. What to do, what to do. Then I looked at PEPPERPOT and thought, OK, what if I allow the 1st instance and got PEROT! Since I had thought for the NADER answer, "Heck that should have been PEROT!" I knew I was home. As you know I love a well turned clue, and I have to say that the alternate clue for CALMED was absolutely brilliant! It took me a while because I knew I was looking for an E and then I read it with the alternate meaning of taxed - SPLENDID!!!
I took the same wrong turn but (as a rookie) needed the nudge from the podcast to find the right path! Agreed, impressive construction and nice clues all around.
ReB 3s · about 1 year ago
Great mechanism. I didn't have time to seriously look at the meta after I solved the grid yesterday, but overnight I had an intuition as to the first step, and after a quick course correction, I intuited all the steps in short order before I started to test it out.
Things went fairly smoothly, except that I hit a major speed bump that knocked me off the road. I found N, V and E fairly quickly (Perot was the major confirmation that I was on the right track, having earlier thought he would be the answer to 63D). However, I sure struggled to find the other two letters. I first submitted NEVER, overlooking that the title would reject that choice out of hand because it had two E's. When that failed, it took me about seven passes in total to find the O and the L.
I had been hoping in a way that the answer would be NAVEL, as that would have had an amusing connection to the title...but alas that was not to be.
Stared at it on Sunday for a bit and didn't see it (was focused on trying to keep only the duplicates, or use them as fences or something). Then came back with fresh eyes today and thought to just ignore the additional instances. Very clever and fun, thanks.
Wow - terrific metanism. Really good puzzle. Thanks!
Meta World Peace 3s · about 1 year ago
Why did Tim Hortons have to close down all their shops (here in Minnesota)? So close to the border and yet so far... Great theme finds in this puzzle, Will!
whimsy 🤓12:21 · about 1 year ago
Whew! I finally caught on! -- and liked it a lot as soon as I did!
Thanks, Will!
I liked it a lot