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Take One for the Team

· By ajk · Published 2024-05-27T04:00:27.675Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is a professional team
Happy Memorial Day
Many meta ideas come from frustrating dead-ends encountered while solving other puzzles. This one was instead inspired by the title of another puzzle, namely this one by Bird Lives. The similarities between the two end at the titles, so having solved that one won't spoil this. :)
Thanks to Wendy Walker for test solving, and to Abide both for test solving and wordsmithing a particularly significant clue. Thanks as always to Joe Ross for tech support.
I'm terrible at guessing difficulty, but I think this one is maybe middle-ish. Nudges Wednesday, solution on Sunday.
Hope you enjoy!
A small clarification about the structure of the puzzle: The puzzle provides explicit paths to both parts of the team name
Nudge 1: The title tells you to take one. One what? From where?
Nudge 2: There are seven clues with the word 'team' in them…
Nudge 3: And the 23D clue tells you that 'second place' is important
Nudge 4: OK, taking the second letter from each themer gets you half the team name. Where's the rest? What's left of the theme entries?
Nudge 5: Do any of those new words remind you of other clues?
Nudge 6: You need to look in a 'second place' to find matches for those new words.
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  • Mwoychick solved 2024-05-27T13:20:51.204Z
  • Eric Porter solved 2024-05-27T13:30:24.376Z
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  • hoover solved 2024-05-27T14:35:16.319Z
  • imontoo solved 2024-05-27T14:43:03.253Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-05-27T15:17:46.486Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-05-27T15:37:53.032Z
  • kurtalert solved 2024-05-27T15:43:45.792Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2024-05-27T15:55:10.251Z
  • Hector solved 2024-05-27T16:30:24.299Z
  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2024-05-27T16:45:09.979Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2024-05-27T16:49:32.942Z
  • DIS solved 2024-05-27T17:01:51.015Z
  • woozy solved 2024-05-27T17:08:54.974Z
  • Tim solved 2024-05-27T17:13:04.436Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2024-05-27T17:50:44.174Z
  • Laura M solved 2024-05-27T19:14:43.050Z
  • LB800 solved 2024-05-27T20:47:56.686Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-05-27T20:48:09.659Z
  • dannyvee solved 2024-05-27T23:14:10.603Z
  • whimsy solved 2024-05-27T23:37:33.493Z
  • markhr solved 2024-05-27T23:48:47.835Z
  • Gutman solved 2024-05-28T00:25:38.668Z
  • Berto solved 2024-05-28T01:55:18.411Z
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  • DrTom solved 2024-05-28T19:21:35.933Z
  • Carolyn solved 2024-05-28T21:01:50.448Z
  • Adam Simon Levine solved 2024-05-28T23:22:57.488Z
  • rfj solved 2024-05-29T15:19:26.280Z
  • Steve M solved 2024-05-29T16:06:55.327Z
  • Johnny Luau solved 2024-05-29T17:37:18.068Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2024-05-29T18:22:30.164Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2024-05-29T21:19:08.772Z
  • david solved 2024-05-29T21:33:26.438Z
  • minimuggle solved 2024-05-29T22:00:03.202Z
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  • KayW solved 2024-05-30T00:23:49.038Z
  • antdisp solved 2024-05-30T02:57:07.524Z
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  • Qmark solved 2024-05-30T15:24:26.331Z
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  • JeffTurnham solved 2024-05-31T04:46:39.405Z
  • Stefan Lowe solved 2024-05-31T05:01:20.961Z
  • Bodegas solved 2024-05-31T19:25:15.933Z
  • frostyjhammer solved 2024-05-31T23:45:16.674Z
  • Josh solved 2024-06-01T02:50:48.521Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2024-06-02T01:34:35.605Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2024-06-03T17:11:29.577Z
  • Philip Chow solved 2024-06-03T23:04:36.259Z
  • DavyGravy solved 2024-06-07T11:03:57.273Z
  • Lex solved 2024-11-13T15:18:09.789Z


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  • Darth 🤓14:36 · 2024-05-27T05:09:53.627Z
    I don't know my sports teams, but the 23D/56A clue helped get me there. Thanks, Alan.
    • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T13:38:51.802Z
      Yeah, the intent was to give a way for non-sports fans to check their answer. :)
    • FrankieHeck 🤓11:12 · 2024-05-27T12:27:40.832Z
      You know it's a great meta if I can solve a sports puzzle without Google. Well done!
      • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T13:39:28.187Z
        Thanks. :) I was definitely cognizant of being accessible to non sports fans
      • Meg 3s · 2024-05-27T12:49:15.902Z
        I feel like once I got the location, I should have known the team. Did I miss something?
        • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T13:41:11.786Z
          There's a second step that will get you the team. That's why the 23D clue refers to it as a double step towards the meta. Look at what you have left of the themers after removing the letters to make the city.
          • hoover 19s · 2024-05-27T14:45:38.823Z
            Argh, I never saw this! This is brilliant!
            • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T16:12:41.267Z
              Thanks, but you're not alone. I clearly didn't signpost the availability of the second step well enough. :)
            • Meg 3s · 2024-05-27T15:48:16.890Z
              • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T18:31:32.374Z
                :) thanks
          • boharr 2s · 2024-05-27T12:50:23.259Z
            Nice one, Alan. At first I thought baseball was in play.
            • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T13:41:23.419Z
              Glad you liked it. :)
            • Dave C 3s · 2024-05-27T13:18:39.235Z
              Houston was clearly spelled out and maybe Rockets is also, but I just googled to see which Houston team was second in the 1986 playoffs.
              • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T14:38:31.022Z
                Yeah, there's definitely a real mechanism to get ROCKETS. :)
                • woozy 🤓14:05 · 2024-05-27T17:12:02.086Z
                  The second step is clever. Look at the title "Take one for the team" So take the second letter out and what's left.
                  Hmm. I wonder if anyone got the team first and the location second.
                • Mwoychick 12:01 · 2024-05-27T13:21:18.022Z
                  Very nice, Alan!
                  • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T14:38:15.869Z
                    Thanks :)
                  • hoover 19s · 2024-05-27T14:37:30.587Z
                    I live in this city and it took me about 10 tries to get the right team and the right incantation. After I saw the city, I wrote down a list of 8 team names, past and present. Then I recalled the 1986 team, and FWIW, this is the first 1986 team that lost in the playoffs that I thought of:
                    • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T15:56:17.515Z
                      Ack, sorry! The puzzle actually gives you a path to both parts of the answer--the double reference in 23D was an attempt to tell people that there was an explicit route to both pieces.
                    • Eric Porter 8s · 2024-05-27T13:37:13.344Z
                      Nice puzzle, Alan. Any reason why it has to be "Houston Rockets" and not simply "Rockets"?
                      Between the title and the hint, I thought this was easier than average for a MMM.
                      • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T15:55:10.230Z
                        Well, I guess just that the puzzle gives you both parts, and there are probably other teams named Rockets. :)
                        • Eric Porter 8s · 2024-05-27T16:28:02.257Z
                          Oops, after looking at the other comments I totally missed the fact that taking out the second letters spells "Houston". I went straight to the next step.
                        • imontoo 3s · 2024-05-27T14:43:50.770Z
                          Enjoyed it! Thanks for the puzzle, Alan.
                          • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T15:56:27.469Z
                            You're welcome :)
                          • MatthewL 🤓7:54 · 2024-05-27T15:48:12.280Z
                            Nice one! Got Houston fairly quickly, and then just guessed Rockets, based mainly on 69A and the fact that I recalled that the Rockets lost a championship game in the 80s, whereas I didn't recall the Astros ever getting to the Series in the 80s. Didn't see the second part of the mechanism until reading the comments here. Thanks for the puzzle, Alan!
                            • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T17:28:27.801Z
                              Yeah, I did a lousy job of pointing people to step 2 I'm afraid :) Glad you liked it.
                            • kurtalert 🤓5:19 · 2024-05-27T15:47:13.796Z
                              Very nice! I got Houston right away but was stuck on the Astros because they got second in the NL that year. Missed the ROCKETS second step initially.
                              • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T17:28:55.226Z
                                Totally my fault, but glad you had fun anyway. :)
                              • Hector 🤓7:00 · 2024-05-27T16:37:27.516Z
                                Very cool!
                                • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T17:28:06.313Z
                                  Thanks :)
                                • woozy 🤓14:05 · 2024-05-27T17:09:42.510Z
                                  The second step was very creative.
                                  I'm impressed by double themed entries. Very clever!
                                  • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T17:28:01.136Z
                                    Thanks, glad you liked it. :)
                                  • Laura M 🤓8:42 · 2024-05-27T19:31:50.668Z
                                    • ajk constructor · 2024-05-27T19:54:03.601Z
                                      :) thanks
                                    • HeadinHome 🤓5:01 · 2024-05-27T20:51:12.772Z
                                      Didn’t even see HOUSTON spelled out! (Kept trying ROCKETS and it wouldn’t take, so I looked up where they were from and put the city in too). Funny that most people had Houston FIRST!
                                      • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T03:56:34.273Z
                                        :) sorry about that
                                      • whimsy 14:07 · 2024-05-27T23:50:42.120Z
                                        Another who missed the second step but managed to solve. Now, seeing it, well, I'd say first-place construction! Thanks, Alan!
                                        • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T03:57:02.540Z
                                          You're very welcome. Sorry I didn't do a better job of blocking the short cut :)
                                        • markhr 🤓12:22 · 2024-05-27T23:51:50.662Z
                                          Took me a while to get that second step. Nicely done.
                                          • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T03:57:19.258Z
                                            Thanks :)
                                          • lbray53 2s · 2024-05-27T23:57:33.978Z
                                            This is brilliant. Sorry I missed the second half of the solve. I had a spidey sense on the entries for OWL, COAT and TUE but was not smart enough to follow up.
                                            • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T03:57:50.108Z
                                              No worries, and thanks. Definitely on me to have made the path more clear. :)
                                            • lbray53 2s · 2024-05-27T23:43:05.159Z
                                              Wrong sport. I failed!
                                              • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T03:57:11.691Z
                                                :) sorry about that
                                                • frostyjhammer 🤓7:39 · 2024-05-31T23:47:20.097Z
                                                  Hah... I guessed "Astros" but that's not enough letters
                                                • Berto 2s · 2024-05-28T02:00:55.289Z
                                                  Solved but didn’t see step 2 until reading comments. Very neat, and certainly signposted, just too clever for me!
                                                  • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T03:58:00.139Z
                                                    Thanks :)
                                                  • DrTom 16:33 · 2024-05-28T19:26:08.399Z
                                                    When I mistakenly entered GILD for COAT I said HMMMM. I mistakenly thought STAND and PATIO (umbrella places) and the two animal care orgs were part of it, but when I took the 'second" letter from GUILD to get GILD/COAT then, using the immutable law of symmetry, O from BOAT to get BAT/OWL everything fell into place. Very nice puzzle with LOTS of content and a very clean fill. Superb job Alan!!
                                                    • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T22:18:43.182Z
                                                      Thanks very much :)
                                                    • Carolyn 3s · 2024-05-28T21:06:21.650Z
                                                      Excellent puzzle!
                                                      • ajk constructor · 2024-05-28T22:18:53.484Z
                                                        Glad you liked it :)
                                                      • Steve M 29:02 · 2024-05-29T16:10:14.600Z
                                                        Spotted Houston right away. Thanks! Fun one.
                                                        • ajk constructor · 2024-05-29T19:26:36.309Z
                                                          You're welcome :)
                                                        • Bird Lives 2s · 2024-05-29T21:36:10.941Z
                                                          Houston, I had a problem. I got the mechanism and submitted HOUSTON. Dzzzt Incorrect. Then I tried ROCKETS. Dzzzt Incorrect. As a desperation guess, I went with ASTROS. Ditto. I knew better than to even try TEXANS. The mechanism was ingenious, especially the two hints -- one in the clues, one in the title if parsed correctly. But I didn't get the second part and had to backsolve for it. Then I was really impressed. Looking forward to more like this.
                                                          • ajk constructor · 2024-05-29T23:45:55.942Z
                                                            Thanks :) Very glad you liked it.
                                                          • KayW 🤓8:03 · 2024-05-30T00:25:36.766Z
                                                            Absolutely brilliant meta and construction! Embarrassed that I needed nudge #2 to spot it but let me just say that shows how smoothly you worked that verbage into the clues that it didn't even register in my brain. Thanks!
                                                            • ajk constructor · 2024-05-30T14:03:27.498Z
                                                              Thanks! Glad you liked it :)
                                                            • Qmark 4s · 2024-05-30T15:26:26.067Z
                                                              Thanks Alan...had Houston, but needed nudge 4 to help me think to use the "leftover" letters to get the rest. Super construction.
                                                              • ajk constructor · 2024-05-30T16:34:02.704Z
                                                                Thanks. Glad you enjoyed. :)
                                                              • frostyjhammer 🤓7:39 · 2024-05-31T23:49:14.145Z
                                                                This is a great meta puzzle! I build spreadsheets to track the steps, grid numbers, entries, clues, first (second!) letters, etc. and today's spreadsheet has the most columns ever.
                                                                • ajk constructor · 2024-06-01T13:25:30.691Z
                                                                  Glad you liked it. :)
                                                                • Philip Chow 10:15 · 2024-06-03T23:08:29.866Z
                                                                  Fantastic puzzle!! Lots of layers which was nice… I completely didn’t notice that “team” was in all the relevant clues… just went to alt clues/entries immediately when I tried entering SORT for RANK and MON for TUE so that helps a lot when what you want to fit doesn’t fit 😝
                                                                  • ajk constructor · 2024-06-04T16:10:06.500Z
                                                                    Glad you enjoyed :)
                                                                  ____ handed (as a hockey team facing a power play)
                                                                  1. 1A
                                                                    ____ handed (as a hockey team facing a power play)
                                                                  2. 6A
                                                                    Lock component
                                                                  3. 10A
                                                                    Vessel for a crew team
                                                                  4. 14A
                                                                    Capital of Western Australia
                                                                  5. 15A
                                                                    Rec. center not featured in a Village People song
                                                                  6. 16A
                                                                    Humorist Bombeck
                                                                  7. 17A
                                                                    Life aim, for some
                                                                  8. 19A
                                                                    Classify, in a way
                                                                  9. 20A
                                                                    Lou Gehrig's disease, formally (and briefly)
                                                                  10. 21A
                                                                    Team of skilled craftspeople, say
                                                                  11. 22A
                                                                    Ballet position
                                                                  12. 23A
                                                                  13. 24A
                                                                    Bridge a gap?
                                                                  14. 26A
                                                                    Visitors from outer space
                                                                  15. 27A
                                                                    Window frame
                                                                  16. 31A
                                                                    Brief affection?
                                                                  17. 33A
                                                                    Ready to go, as champagne
                                                                  18. 34A
                                                                    Road trip game or '60s TV show
                                                                  19. 36A
                                                                    Hammerin' ____ Aaron, who broke Babe Ruth's home run record
                                                                  20. 40A
                                                                    A year in Rome?
                                                                  21. 41A
                                                                    It might be sung by a choir team
                                                                  22. 42A
                                                                    Modern-day Persia
                                                                  23. 43A
                                                                    Troublemaker, frequently
                                                                  24. 44A
                                                                    Gillette's contribution to crosswords
                                                                  25. 45A
                                                                    Clean a surface, say
                                                                  26. 46A
                                                                    Drunk's shakes
                                                                  27. 48A
                                                                    Viable at higher production levels, say
                                                                  28. 50A
                                                                  29. 53A
                                                                    Set of fifty
                                                                  30. 55A
                                                                    Python's Idle
                                                                  31. 56A
                                                                    See 23-Down
                                                                  32. 58A
                                                                    Take a ____ (support a political team, say)
                                                                  33. 60A
                                                                    ____ Beta Kappa
                                                                  34. 63A
                                                                    Encouraging lead-in
                                                                  35. 64A
                                                                    Disco Stu is probably a big fan of theirs
                                                                  36. 66A
                                                                    Second largest branch of Islam
                                                                  37. 67A
                                                                    Eat, formally
                                                                  38. 68A
                                                                    Old-school vibe
                                                                  39. 69A
                                                                    Destination for the Apollo 11 team
                                                                  40. 70A
                                                                    Hit the ____
                                                                  41. 71A
                                                                    Half-time team need perhaps
                                                                  1. 1D
                                                                    Animal welfare org.
                                                                  2. 2D
                                                                  3. 3D
                                                                    Bruins great Bobby and kin
                                                                  4. 4D
                                                                    Brief directions?
                                                                  5. 5D
                                                                    Bench players want to get in it
                                                                  6. 6D
                                                                    Dental assistant
                                                                  7. 7D
                                                                    Missing, briefly
                                                                  8. 8D
                                                                  9. 9D
                                                                  10. 10D
                                                                    World capital featured in some 2016 campaign materials
                                                                  11. 11D
                                                                  12. 12D
                                                                    Playground retort
                                                                  13. 13D
                                                                  14. 18D
                                                                    Ancient mark (like Gandalf's G)
                                                                  15. 22D
                                                                    Nocturnal flier
                                                                  16. 23D
                                                                    With 56-Across, prize for a squad that lost in the 1986 playoffs (and a double step towards solving the meta)
                                                                  17. 25D
                                                                    Word orig.
                                                                  18. 27D
                                                                    Cover, as with a precious metal
                                                                  19. 28D
                                                                    Actress Hathaway
                                                                  20. 29D
                                                                    Trig function that sounds like a legal instruction
                                                                  21. 30D
                                                                    Bygone Moscow bigwigs
                                                                  22. 32D
                                                                    Former French President Jacques
                                                                  23. 35D
                                                                    Get some money down
                                                                  24. 37D
                                                                    Roughly three-quarters of Algerians
                                                                  25. 38D
                                                                    Defunct new-world soccer group that's almost a facial passage
                                                                  26. 39D
                                                                    Body part you might scrape in a fall
                                                                  27. 41D
                                                                    It might get you backstage
                                                                  28. 45D
                                                                    Syllable skippers
                                                                  29. 47D
                                                                    Early wk. day
                                                                  30. 49D
                                                                    Former Education secretary Duncan
                                                                  31. 50D
                                                                    Involuntary motion
                                                                  32. 51D
                                                                    Texter's caveat
                                                                  33. 52D
                                                                    Place for an umbrella, perhaps
                                                                  34. 54D
                                                                    "I'm sick of flying across the ocean. Let's take ____ instead."
                                                                  35. 57D
                                                                    James who starred with Marlon, Al, and that dude who played Fredo
                                                                  36. 59D
                                                                    ____'clock news
                                                                  37. 60D
                                                                    The other animal welfare org.
                                                                  38. 61D
                                                                    Roman hero of many labors (abbr.)
                                                                  39. 62D
                                                                    Emerged unscathed
                                                                  40. 64D
                                                                    Important QB metric
                                                                  41. 65D
                                                                    Prefix for X, Y, and Z.