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It's a Disaster

· By DrTom · Published 2024-02-07T12:30:22.363Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is a famous environmental treatise
I will fully admit that the idea for this meta was blatantly stolen from another constructor (actually two). The meta answer is, of course, different but the mechanism is the same. It came together rather quickly and thankfully I had the expert help of ajk as a tester and he really helped improve it.
So, quietly so you do not disturb the monster, see if you can dust off the cover and reveal the name of this work.
Nudges Friday (I will try to remember to put them everywhere this time I promise!)
Nudge 1] The 6 theme answers are very obvious because they are environmentally associated (particularly after I changed one to include the word environment)
Nudge 2] Symmetry is your friend...
Nudge 3] Do you think there is a reason I clued 27A to be so "Boston"? I mean there are a lot of clues for that word that don't include bean town.
Nudge 4] Say all 6 theme answers alound, what do they have in common?
Nudge 5] This mechanism usually comes up around Christmas, albeit with a different word, but the Mx is the same
DANG IT!!! I know I asked the program for symmetry, and during the editing process (trying to find a fill that did not include the name of dogs of 13th century pamphlet authors) I must have moved a themer and messed it up. Therefore Nudge #2 is incorrect; symmetry may be your friend, but not in this meta. Thanks to HeadinHome for pointing out this glaring mistake in my nudges.
The theme answers are "almost" symmetric, but they DO have the same qualifier that should let you know who they are.
BIG nudge 1] All of the theme clues have the word environment (in some form) in them.
BIG nudge 2] If I said "You knew what the dumb answer could be" I've used the mechanism five times.
There were 6 clues with the word environment (or some form of that word) in them. Those six clues yielded the following words:
AISLE - with a silent S
CORPS - with a silent P
PARKS - with a silent R (when pronounced ala Boston)
FRUIT - with a silent I
HYMNS - with a silent N
LIGHT - with a silent G
That spells out SPRING with silent letters, or SILENT SPRING, the book by Rachel Carson about the environmental disaster that DDT was causing.
I realize that there were some problems with this meta, which are too long to go into here so
For a complete explanation and graphic solve go to:
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  • Darth solved 2024-02-07T18:36:27.084Z
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  • woozy solved 2024-02-07T19:39:28.478Z
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  • Philip Chow solved 2024-02-09T15:25:32.170Z
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  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2024-02-09T23:14:06.591Z
  • rjy solved 2024-02-10T03:36:07.413Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-02-10T03:49:58.546Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2024-02-12T07:18:51.788Z
  • Salty solved 2024-02-23T17:11:21.380Z
  • Mikey G solved 2024-03-18T06:13:21.900Z


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  • Hector 🤓7:22 · 2024-02-07T12:30:22.363Z
    Very nice!
    • SamKat9 🤓9:43 · 2024-02-07T12:30:22.363Z
      Great puzzle, thank you!
      • markhr 🤓20:33 · 2024-02-07T12:30:22.363Z
        "The" cah. Stupid Crosshare won't let me edit.
        • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-07T14:06:20.065Z
          I know! Actually that is something that the site is working on fixing because we all suffer from fumble fingers, or "fingas" as the case might be. Personally I think it is a good idear (not a mistype, just more of that wicked accent).
        • markhr 🤓20:33 · 2024-02-07T12:30:22.363Z
          Pahked and cah safely. Nice one, Dr. T.
          • Cindy Heisler 1s · 2024-02-07T13:19:26.385Z
            Very nice, Dr Tom. Some great clues!
            • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-07T18:46:57.012Z
              Thanks Cinnie
            • Mwoychick 14:41 · 2024-02-07T14:48:04.051Z
              Very nice, Dr. Tom!
              • Carolyn 2s · 2024-02-07T14:44:51.245Z
                Excellent !
                • boharr 2s · 2024-02-07T14:44:48.710Z
                  Thanks, DrTom. Fun one.
                  • MatthewL 🤓9:58 · 2024-02-07T15:21:12.144Z
                    Fun one. Got a bit tripped up as I didn't see HYMNS as a themer (because no "environment" in the clue), but was able to backsolve. As always, love the cluing -- particularly enjoyed 47A. Thanks for the puzzle, Tom!
                    • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-07T17:09:08.743Z
                      Thank you.
                      Good point about HYMNS, I thought by emphasizing "nature" it would link in, but I went back in and added "and our environment" to the clue.
                    • whimsy 13:51 · 2024-02-07T17:08:35.379Z
                      Fun to find a MEOW I hadn't done. Some tricky but then ha-ha clues. Even with a reminder that we'd encountered something like it before, took me a few to spot the way. Thanks, Tom!
                      • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-07T18:46:29.660Z
                        Yes, there are few you did not have a hand in. You are a good tester because you are fair but unafraid to say, "Tom, that is kind of stupid" (something I have heard before of course). Besides you get my humor which is, for me, a plus (though I am sure you have at times viewed it as a liability 😂)
                      • KayW 🤓8:01 · 2024-02-07T17:10:53.170Z
                        Good one Tom. Hahaha. As I was filling in the grid, I really waned PAHKS for 27A, so that was my immediate tip-off to the metanism. Thanks!
                        • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-07T18:44:01.876Z
                          Took me a while to come up with the silent R and when I hit on the Boston mx. it got to be "how do I do this without completely giving it away. It was wicked hard. Thanks for solving
                        • ajk 🤓3:10 · 2024-02-07T17:25:49.114Z
                          Just as fun the second time around :)
                          • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-07T18:48:43.339Z
                            Well actually better the second time around because now it incorporated a lot of ajk ideas which, no doubt, made it much more palatable. Thanks for testing and (re)solving.
                          • Darth 🤓8:57 · 2024-02-07T18:38:16.108Z
                            Lol. Nice one, DrTom! :D
                            • woozy 🤓16:19 · 2024-02-07T19:45:12.068Z
                              Seeing as there is only one environmental treatise that is a household name, I can't say it was a WAG but I put little effort to solving.... maybe something about "spring" can be added to entries. I dunno..... Oh the ol' silent letters I guess. ...
                              • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-08T05:37:57.187Z
                                Well if you disregard "An Inconvenient Truth, The Sixth Extinction, The Sea, The End of Nature, etc. then I guess there is only one?
                              • woozy 🤓16:19 · 2024-02-07T19:49:52.715Z
                                Oh... I see..... um.... well, I guess Meows are for this sort of stuff but....
                                • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-08T05:55:20.577Z
                                  Not sure what you mean? Are you wondering if MEOW's are for Metas or word play? I guess I would have to say yes. The MEOWs, and for that matter all of the Metas, have been around for several years now and focus on wordplay, use of sound, use of symbolism, common knowledge and so on to hide another answer within the puzzle itself, i.e. they are "self-referential" or meta. Some MEOWs will break the "standard" rules of: "no two letter words, no unchecked squares, no Naticks, no unduly specialized jargon, etc." but mine usually do not unless I have come up with an odd grid ("Talk like a Sailor" comes to mind). Hopefully that clears things up.
                                • Ergcat 15:15 · 2024-02-07T19:37:20.325Z
                                  Very nice! Haha loved “pahked the cah “! You say it’s the same mechanism, but still took me a moment to catch on! I enjoyed this one! Thanks DrTom
                                  • woozy 🤓16:19 · 2024-02-07T19:47:26.235Z
                                    Hmm.... If this is based on silent letters where is the silent R?
                                    • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓4:11 · 2024-02-08T01:49:56.177Z
                                      The "Southie" is relevant here
                                      • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-08T05:55:31.290Z
                                        A "Southie" is fairly well known to be a dyed in the wool Bostonian and has the thick Boston accent. In Boston they do not pronounce R's (this is referred to as non-Rhotic) as in "I'm gonna PAHK the CAH OVA THEA", and is the reason that "Southie" was in the clue.
                                      • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓4:11 · 2024-02-08T01:49:24.402Z
                                        Fun, thank you! (Still a thrill to solve a meta on my own, sans nudges!)
                                        • Qmark 3s · 2024-02-08T06:06:25.632Z
                                          Fun one...thanks DrTom!
                                          • Dave C 3s · 2024-02-08T23:11:19.895Z
                                            I missed the n from hymns at first
                                            • hoover 5s · 2024-02-09T05:52:48.306Z
                                              What about the silent S in CORPS?
                                              • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-09T13:26:59.078Z
                                                Got me there, missed the double silent, guess it's good I don't do this for a living.
                                                • ajk 🤓3:10 · 2024-02-09T16:52:00.140Z
                                                  ack, I take partial blame there too. Should have seen that. 🤦🏼‍♂️
                                              • hoover 5s · 2024-02-09T05:51:26.890Z
                                                Hmm, no THE.
                                              • Philip Chow 🤓8:37 · 2024-02-09T15:29:48.622Z
                                                that silent R sure was clever... i tried PAHKS first as well... the clue for ENS bothered me ever so slightly - the two ns are slightly off center and not truly centered but that's just me being OCD... thanks for the fun puzzle :)
                                                • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-09T19:06:34.763Z
                                                  Yes, in retrospect I should have had it as Planning center. My excuse, and it's a bad one, was that it was late and I was tired and using the clue database, which has that exact clue. No excuse, I should have seen it. Just as I should have used PSYCHE instead of CORPS, but I needed a 5 letter word and the only other was PSALM. Granted that would work but since I knew I was also using HYMNS I was afraid I'd get people who thought the treatise was either the book of Genesis or Exodus
                                                • rjy 3s · 2024-02-10T03:42:21.325Z
                                                  Finally got this one… phew! I eventually got to the say-the-words-out-loud stage, but got hung up with AISLE CORPS being kinda close to AL GORE, so I fought endlessly for an inconvenient answer.
                                                  • HeadinHome 🤓1:27 · 2024-02-10T03:53:35.772Z
                                                    I solved this on my iPad a couple of days ago but forgot to transcribe here! (posted on Muggle site when I solved). I made this WAY harder than it was... was too thrown by the not-quite symmetry of FRUIT's position, and the lack of the actual word "environment" in HYMNS' clue... am I obsessive compulsive?? This was fun and a clever idea. I might have used "align" instead of LIGHT for the G, since technically the H in LIGHT is also silent. ? Again, OCD?
                                                    • DrTom constructor · 2024-02-12T14:08:59.853Z
                                                      I agree the CORPS one is a problem, but without the H, LIGHT becomes LIT...which I may have been when conceiving this puzzle.😁But of course, the internet confirmed my error:"In fact, if the 'gh' pair is preceded by an 'i', the 'i' makes a long vowel sound as in the words 'light', 'fight', 'night', and 'sight'." - so yes "align" would have been the much better choice, DAM(N)!
                                                    • HeadinHome 🤓1:27 · 2024-02-10T03:54:47.655Z
                                                      Huh - for that matter, the S in CORPS is also silent! (not just the P)
                                                      Grocery store area with an environment impact, Cleaning ___
                                                      1. 1A
                                                        Grocery store area with an environment impact, Cleaning ___
                                                      2. 6A
                                                        Much maligned fiddle player
                                                      3. 10A
                                                        That girl there
                                                      4. 13A
                                                      5. 14A
                                                        New Deal environmental movement Civilian Conservation ___
                                                      6. 15A
                                                        Possessed previously
                                                      7. 16A
                                                        Eloise's home
                                                      8. 17A
                                                        Adjective for a queen
                                                      9. 18A
                                                      10. 19A
                                                        Ruler with Arabic numbers
                                                      11. 21A
                                                        Muslim's "good book"
                                                      12. 23A
                                                        The person Mom always tells you to ask
                                                      13. 25A
                                                        Large choker around the neck
                                                      14. 27A
                                                        What an environmentally conscious “Southie” does with his car and then walks to Fenway
                                                      15. 28A
                                                        Fix the squeaks
                                                      16. 29A
                                                        Person with a very sore foot
                                                      17. 31A
                                                      18. 32A
                                                        Mufti's opinions
                                                      19. 34A
                                                        What you need for when the chickens come home
                                                      20. 36A
                                                        Concoction of ice cream and Hires
                                                      21. 37A
                                                        Emerged victorious
                                                      22. 38A
                                                        "Siddhartha" author
                                                      23. 42A
                                                        Pasture curlyheads
                                                      24. 44A
                                                        Source of Crunches for your waistline
                                                      25. 45A
                                                        After-school activity for Mom and Dad; Abbr.
                                                      26. 47A
                                                        What Biblical wrongdoers, or 60's college students, often were
                                                      27. 49A
                                                        Poetic "over there"
                                                      28. 50A
                                                        One of the few things you are lauded for breaking
                                                      29. 52A
                                                        Keep people in stitches
                                                      30. 53A
                                                        Match a raise
                                                      31. 54A
                                                        Target of the environmentally dangerous spray Alar
                                                      32. 55A
                                                      33. 57A
                                                        Disruption in your YouTube video
                                                      34. 58A
                                                      35. 62A
                                                        Verdant desert areas
                                                      36. 66A
                                                        Left over residue from burning a baseball bat
                                                      37. 67A
                                                        Reverent songs that laud the beauty and abundance of nature and our environment
                                                      38. 68A
                                                        Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore
                                                      39. 69A
                                                      40. 70A
                                                        Cowboy confirmations
                                                      41. 71A
                                                        With all the TV specials on the environment, people are starting to see the ___
                                                      1. 1D
                                                        Phone, calculator or compass
                                                      2. 2D
                                                        Not well
                                                      3. 3D
                                                        Can be Red, Yellow or Black
                                                      4. 4D
                                                        Hung out in a hammock
                                                      5. 5D
                                                        Gouda's lower fat cousin
                                                      6. 6D
                                                        Here-there go between
                                                      7. 7D
                                                        It is a choice when the Tide runs out
                                                      8. 8D
                                                        How fast what goes around comes around: Abbr.
                                                      9. 9D
                                                        Naomi of tennis
                                                      10. 10D
                                                        Is derelict in duty
                                                      11. 11D
                                                        Continually torment
                                                      12. 12D
                                                        Location of the tree of knowledge
                                                      13. 14D
                                                        Historic drive for acquisition
                                                      14. 20D
                                                        Fowl Egyptian
                                                      15. 22D
                                                        Goes on at length
                                                      16. 23D
                                                        Obsolete phone component
                                                      17. 24D
                                                        Cher made this pitch but not Sonny
                                                      18. 26D
                                                      19. 27D
                                                        Politician who is an ex-con
                                                      20. 28D
                                                        Spray that deters, but does not kill, mosquitoes
                                                      21. 29D
                                                        It might get plastered on the job
                                                      22. 30D
                                                        Forever and a day
                                                      23. 33D
                                                        Sinus clearer at the sushi bar
                                                      24. 35D
                                                        Place to put something you want to be rid of
                                                      25. 37D
                                                        Not merely moist
                                                      26. 39D
                                                        Eye zit, for all intents and purposes
                                                      27. 40D
                                                        Berry good gin
                                                      28. 41D
                                                        Evening for the same guy who says 49A
                                                      29. 43D
                                                        The desired finish of choice
                                                      30. 44D
                                                        What Sir Bedevere claimed he was turned into in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
                                                      31. 45D
                                                        It is often best when turned
                                                      32. 46D
                                                      33. 48D
                                                      34. 51D
                                                        Impatiently eager
                                                      35. 53D
                                                        "Lambchop's" Mom?
                                                      36. 54D
                                                        Foul sign on a football field
                                                      37. 56D
                                                        Act like a snake in the grass
                                                      38. 59D
                                                        Does a laughing Manhattan drinker have a ___ humor?
                                                      39. 60D
                                                        Babysitter's handful
                                                      40. 61D
                                                        Kennedy Center
                                                      41. 63D
                                                      42. 64D
                                                        Addis Ababa's land: Abbr.
                                                      43. 65D
                                                        One of several match-makers?