The answer to the meta is a 2-word phrase that will be rather prominent
Last night I had an idea for a meta. But when I came to construct the grid this afternoon, I hit some issues. But with a slight change in direction, the puzzle you see before you emerged. And while it is not quite what I had initially intended, I think it might even be slightly better! The answer to the meta is a 2-word phrase that will be rather prominent. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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Been a while since literally the first thing I tried worked. Saw JPEG right away and was off. Did get briefly stuck with U-BEND instead of S-BEND, but figured it out soon enough. Fun one, thanks.
Berto 1s · 2025-02-20T10:24:12.234Z
Did exactly the same. “Jut-u-out”.
Carolyn 3s · 2025-02-19T16:57:35.690Z
Thanks! Enjoyed it.
Dave C 6s · 2025-02-19T17:04:54.363Z
Seemed easier than a Persian.
KayW 🤓5:01 · 2025-02-19T17:25:24.504Z
Very nice one, Ben thanks! And boy did I make that harder on myself than I had to. In case you are wondering how I managed to get several incorrect entries this time... I missed one of the asterisks and as luck would have it, that was the S. JUT OUT made perfect sense to me and I was flabbergasted when that wasn't right. I tried every which way to find an additional step before someone suggested I review the clues for more asterisks. Doh!
The "WWII Danger? But that's U-Boat and we just had boat..." was the obvious getway.
That not obvious gateway that should have been a gateway was the "Hey, I got that corner entirely without looking at the down clues! Better double check so the clues for 8D, 9D, 10D which are JOY, PRS, (hmm not sure what that is suppose to be) and GET. So the clue to JOY... Maybe something let "Jesu, as per a man's desiring, perhaps" perhaps... wait? "Man to be"? What the heck..."
You see, there is a problem with a little too much knowledge. In my early life I was a plumber so I ran into a lot of P BENDS (or traps) on sinks and such and in later life in the medical world so I know about microfold (or M CELLS) that transport antigen to the underlying mucosal lymphoid tissue for processing and initiation of immune responses. So I got JUMP OUT, which you have to admit might be a good answer.
A bit easier than you rated it. Calico or slightly plus but not yet persion. Would have been tough but doable without the asterisks. That'd be a persian/puma.
I have a feeling the original version did not have asterisks. But as KayW points out above, JUT OUT would be a valid answer if there was no asterisk on PIPE.
DCBilly 2s · 2025-02-19T23:00:12.733Z
Loved the visual on the opening page. It made me think about, what is a word for a prominent chin? And that was after I had already found the actual answer.
whimsy 🤓10:09 · 2025-02-20T00:56:04.109Z
I was a U-bender but what with seeing the bevy of beauties and their chinny-chin-chins, I happily twisted and turned my answer to an S. Thank you, Ben!