To Be Continued
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To Be Continued

◆◆ · By Mikey G

Meta Prompt
[Level 1] The well-known 11-letter answer to the meta would make a good fifth theme entry.
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  • Hector solved 2023-08-05T17:02:32.276Z
  • oldjudge solved 2023-08-05T17:08:09.589Z
  • boharr solved 2023-08-05T17:11:56.551Z
  • FrankieHeck solved 2023-08-05T17:17:01.166Z
  • KayW solved 2023-08-05T17:17:07.475Z
  • Meg solved 2023-08-05T17:26:55.713Z
  • Toast solved 2023-08-05T17:32:24.930Z
  • frostyjhammer solved 2023-08-05T17:36:09.554Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2023-08-05T17:48:32.998Z
  • merlinnimue solved 2023-08-05T18:08:29.751Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2023-08-05T18:18:51.484Z
  • woozy solved 2023-08-05T18:22:45.332Z
  • markhr solved 2023-08-05T18:28:34.668Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-08-05T18:33:51.928Z
  • BrennerTJ solved 2023-08-05T18:38:33.590Z
  • Matt A solved 2023-08-05T18:42:56.872Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-08-05T18:57:50.510Z
  • Abide solved 2023-08-05T19:10:19.382Z
  • ReB solved 2023-08-05T19:19:52.498Z
  • rjy solved 2023-08-05T19:24:44.312Z
  • Joe solved 2023-08-05T19:39:20.117Z
  • JR solved 2023-08-05T19:45:27.819Z
  • JM solved 2023-08-05T19:50:55.863Z
  • Berto solved 2023-08-05T19:59:07.503Z
  • Gutman solved 2023-08-05T20:15:33.306Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-08-05T20:33:37.546Z
  • JeffsPuzzles solved 2023-08-05T20:36:59.744Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-08-05T20:40:35.776Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2023-08-05T21:14:43.045Z
  • DJB solved 2023-08-05T21:15:12.061Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-08-05T21:15:15.267Z
  • spotter solved 2023-08-05T21:38:09.068Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2023-08-05T21:52:36.837Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-08-05T22:29:23.612Z
  • benchen71 solved 2023-08-05T22:30:02.690Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-08-05T22:57:40.583Z
  • Schmeel solved 2023-08-05T23:01:54.913Z
  • lbray53 solved 2023-08-05T23:16:59.915Z
  • hoover solved 2023-08-05T23:59:12.761Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2023-08-06T00:59:19.076Z
  • Dow Jones solved 2023-08-06T01:37:47.880Z
  • LasersharpAurora solved 2023-08-06T02:21:19.904Z
  • Qmark solved 2023-08-06T02:21:20.711Z
  • DrTom solved 2023-08-06T04:26:02.287Z
  • Philip Chow solved 2023-08-06T06:57:31.107Z
  • Shae solved 2023-08-06T12:32:03.150Z
  • Darth solved 2023-08-06T18:45:08.972Z
  • Myelbow solved 2023-08-06T19:55:41.513Z
  • Bob J solved 2023-08-06T20:35:33.235Z
  • GR solved 2023-08-06T21:18:21.038Z
  • andeux solved 2023-08-06T22:42:34.654Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2023-08-06T23:47:43.779Z
  • Julie bookworm solved 2023-08-07T00:35:12.896Z
  • Carolyn solved 2023-08-07T03:58:42.887Z
  • DIS solved 2023-08-07T17:55:41.918Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2023-08-07T20:39:32.955Z
  • kurtalert solved 2023-08-07T21:04:01.302Z
  • ajk solved 2023-08-07T21:07:49.691Z
  • heidi solved 2023-08-07T22:12:30.290Z
  • Bbaack solved 2023-08-08T00:14:13.521Z
  • SJMcK solved 2023-08-08T16:15:41.172Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-08-10T00:37:18.627Z
  • Darrell solved 2023-08-13T19:06:20.203Z
  • Tane solved 2023-08-15T22:55:53.535Z
  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2023-08-31T19:35:58.241Z


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  • oldjudge 2s · 2023-08-05T17:08:38.309Z
    Nice one Mikey
    • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-05T17:09:23.942Z
      Answer: TONY BENNETT
      Explanation: Four theme entries start with TO* BE*, in line with the title, where * represents any number of letters. (Love the phrase TORCHBEARER, especially for the upcoming '24 Olympics, but that is technically hyphenated or even one word as opposed to two, hence the disclaimer.) The middle row also illustrates the meta answer's trademark song "I Left My Heart in San Francisco," and perhaps the most notable 11-letter entry in the form TO* BE* not represented is the late, great TONY BENNETT. Our family loved his music, and we will continue to spin it in his honor.
      • KayW 11:23 · 2023-08-05T17:17:53.057Z
        Awwww... lovely tribute to a fantastic singer. And a fun puzzle and meta, To Boot!
        • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:01:40.301Z
          And to paraphrase him, the best of puzzling is yet to come! 😀
        • boharr 2s · 2023-08-05T17:12:04.955Z
          Nice thanks.
          • Meg 5s · 2023-08-05T17:28:44.587Z
            Awww. Now I understand 34d. Only halfway through the grid, and my favorite clue is 42A. Thanks, Mikey!
            • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:02:17.423Z
              Thank you for your steadfast solving!
            • frostyjhammer 16:12 · 2023-08-05T17:40:19.716Z
              Nice tribute. RIP Anthony Dominick Benedetto.
              • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:02:24.125Z
                Indeed. 💛
              • Bird Lives 3s · 2023-08-05T18:21:17.874Z
                Is there really nobody else here yet? Where is everybody? Listening to to their old records, I guess.
                • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:03:23.243Z
                  More vinyl records were sold than CDs in '22 for the first time in the CD's history.
                • merlinnimue 🤓15:05 · 2023-08-05T18:18:46.243Z
                  Thanks for the puzzle, amazing find as always, I wish I could understand how you geniuses do it, but I understand now puzzle creation is like that quote from Harry potter: if you need to ask, you'll never know; if you know, you need only ask.
                  I feel like the center entry took me 5 minutes on its own, but thats a me problem, I need to get better (somehow). And thats not the reason why I'll be crying all day... 😢
                  • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:04:21.038Z
                    I will kindly exhort you that if you even have the tiniest of nudges toward creating puzzles, go for it! Keep your eyes and ears open, as inspiration can truly come from anywhere!
                  • Hector 5s · 2023-08-05T18:43:00.729Z
                    Total beaut
                    • Alex Sisti 3s · 2023-08-06T01:00:38.229Z
                      I see what you did there...
                      • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:04:38.852Z
                        Ohh, just got this, haha
                      • ReB 3s · 2023-08-05T19:22:48.820Z
                        Quite a relief from last week, as advertised. Nice memorial tribute. Needed a lot of help on the grid, though.
                        • Abide 14:23 · 2023-08-05T19:11:01.441Z
                          Great tribute. Confession: I had ALENT in the center square before I had to hit "Reveal".
                          • Berto 7:33 · 2023-08-05T20:01:01.817Z
                            Me too!!! Everything made sense once I could actually read the center square lol
                            • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:05:27.294Z
                              Yeah, I feel that you might need the reveal for that last square! TALENTS he did have.
                            • Joe 16:17 · 2023-08-05T19:41:01.442Z
                              I tip my glass to the great one! Nice puzzle, Mikey.
                              • rjy 12s · 2023-08-05T19:30:11.935Z
                                Loved Tony, and loved your tribute.
                                • I K Snamhcok 20:54 · 2023-08-05T20:45:33.158Z
                                  I didn’t get the center square; I got impatient and “revealed puzzle”. And now I wish I hadn’t. Such a nice touch. I should have thought it out. (And I like to think Mr. Bennett will always be with us. How could you not love that guy?)
                                  • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:06:47.020Z
                                    I know. It was the first day of my vacation, and as soon as I saw his name, I knew. He loved what he did so much, and his melodic interpretations and zest for life were true gifts.
                                  • MatthewL 13:53 · 2023-08-05T21:17:30.768Z
                                    Nice one, Mikey, and a nice tribute. Never noticed the TO.. BE... thing. Just got it from the middle row. Very clever all the way around.
                                    • Tyrpmom 34:51 · 2023-08-05T22:32:34.181Z
                                      Glad to see I’m not the only one who revealed the center square.
                                      • Laura M 🤓18:41 · 2023-08-05T23:00:14.162Z
                                        Cool, I didn't know that!
                                        • hoover 5s · 2023-08-06T00:01:01.189Z
                                          Nice tribute. This isn't my area of expertise so I was madly googling San Francisco and singing and painting. It didn't help that I had T(ALENT)S for 34D.
                                          • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-06T03:07:55.042Z
                                            Yeah, maybe could've added "two words" for the qualifier there.
                                          • Alex Sisti 3s · 2023-08-06T00:59:30.593Z
                                            • Qmark 3s · 2023-08-06T02:23:34.055Z
                                              Nice tribute puzzle, Mikey...and a great title. Clever center square. Super!
                                              • DrTom 4s · 2023-08-06T04:43:10.245Z
                                                Had the worst time trying to fill the middle because I wanted to put in ARTS but that did not fit with cats. It had to be Tony because, well because of all the TO BEs (surprised there was no Shakespeare reference there). When I asked myself TO BE or not TO BE it ended up with good old Tony Bennett. For those of us of a certain age this is even harder. ALL of the crooners are gone (gone to the coroners anagramatically), no more Dean, Frank, Mel, Bing, and now Tony. Sure there are some good ones now; Bublé, Legend, etc. but the Chairman of the Board, Velvet Fog and now the granddaddy of them all Tony. Why he was so good some people went Gaga over him. Nice tribute puzzle Mike.
                                                • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-08T03:23:40.847Z
                                                  I was thinking about this with Bennett; one of my friends loves Sinatra's music, and there was really a timelessness about their music. I agree, we need more crooners now, for sure!
                                                • Philip Chow 🤓16:42 · 2023-08-06T07:09:18.486Z
                                                  Amazing tribute puzzle! Very well done especially with the visual element in the middle :)… I also appreciate when you say what the intended difficulty is so I know not to unnecessarily go hunting for rabbit holes… (very brief rabbit hole hunting when I saw belch and thought belcher bay for hong kong… I should look for more bays!)… the meta skewed slightly harder since I didn’t grow up with tony bennett’s music so I googled “San Francisco heart” and there was a heart statue in SF named after tony Bennett… only realized later it was a song
                                                  • Shae 39:51 · 2023-08-06T12:34:04.689Z
                                                    Had the meta long before I gave up on the unexpected rebus. Otherwise enjoyed
                                                    • DrTom 4s · 2023-08-06T18:12:45.450Z
                                                      Many years ago a young Anthony Benedetto was travelling with his pet deer. He was with a group of friends who insisted they go clubbing to a new spot in Manhattan, a dance club owned by Samuel Fahn. They all had a marvelous time, perhaps too marvelous because come the next morning everybody was very hung over and ruing the activities of the past evening. However, none were more depressed than young Tony. “Why are you beating yourself up so?” asked a friend, “Give it a couple of hours and you’ll feel like new!” “But you don’t understand” said Tony, “I left my hart in Sam Fahn’s Disco”…. And from that sad beginning an iconic song was born…no, not that one, “Dear Hart” by Andy Williams.
                                                      • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-08T03:24:06.799Z
                                                        Oh my goodness...bahaha.
                                                      • Carolyn 3s · 2023-08-07T04:04:01.769Z
                                                        Didn't fill in the center square but the answer popped into my head. Now I get it! Very nice.
                                                        • DIS 🤓11:42 · 2023-08-07T17:57:01.732Z
                                                          One of the cleverest metas I've seen. Bravo!
                                                          • JHSeeman 2s · 2023-08-07T20:39:55.092Z
                                                            Nice one, cool tribute to a great performer. thanks for the puzzle.
                                                            • ajk 12:57 · 2023-08-07T21:10:26.267Z
                                                              Late to the party, but very enjoyable, thanks!
                                                              • kurtalert 🤓9:15 · 2023-08-07T21:06:26.212Z
                                                                Absolutely the wrong demo here! Fortunately, after googling "famous singers who paint" and "famous painters who sing" for a while, I finally stumbled across a list that included the right To* Be*. Good puzzle, thanks Mikey!
                                                                • Mikey G constructor · 2023-08-08T03:24:41.655Z
                                                                  You still solved without helpers, though! I know that rebus square will be pesky for some!
                                                                • SJMcK 14:43 · 2023-08-08T16:17:44.853Z
                                                                  Tony Bennett or not Tony Bennett? That is the question.
                                                                  1. 1A
                                                                  2. 5A
                                                                    They give directions to visitors (but not me, I know where nothing is)
                                                                  3. 11A
                                                                  4. 14A
                                                                    "Come on, Brutus, I thought we were besties!"
                                                                  5. 15A
                                                                    Genetic variant
                                                                  6. 16A
                                                                    Season opener?
                                                                  7. 17A
                                                                    Naomi Osaka, in July 2021 (a slight technicality in this themer, I know)
                                                                  8. 19A
                                                                    "I ___ (So Far Away)" (A Flock of Seagulls song)
                                                                  9. 20A
                                                                  10. 21A
                                                                    When my brother beat me at tic-tac-toe, we had a ___
                                                                  11. 22A
                                                                    "You love Altoids too? We were ___ for each other!"
                                                                  12. 23A
                                                                  13. 24A
                                                                    Character in "Twelfth Night" who sounds like he could use some Rolaids
                                                                  14. 26A
                                                                    LeBron James at first, briefly
                                                                  15. 28A
                                                                    Whopper you can't eat (unless you eat your words)
                                                                  16. 30A
                                                                    Slaughter of baseball
                                                                  17. 31A
                                                                    Star of "Hamilton" Leslie ___ Jr.
                                                                  18. 33A
                                                                    Ginger, my pet tortoiseshell, and others
                                                                  19. 35A
                                                                    Baseball's "hot corner"
                                                                  20. 39A
                                                                    With 41-Across, and this row, a visual clue to the meta
                                                                  21. 41A
                                                                    See 39-Across
                                                                  22. 42A
                                                                    Met tragedy, sometimes
                                                                  23. 43A
                                                                    Certain CBS spinoffs
                                                                  24. 45A
                                                                    Feint on the ice
                                                                  25. 46A
                                                                    Some old Palm smartphone (anagram of ROTE)
                                                                  26. 48A
                                                                    Flat hat
                                                                  27. 50A
                                                                    Williams who batted .406 in 1941
                                                                  28. 51A
                                                                    They were worn by Tim Taylor and Al Borland in the 1990s
                                                                  29. 55A
                                                                    Many a time
                                                                  30. 57A
                                                                    6,272,640 square inches
                                                                  31. 58A
                                                                    Word of support
                                                                  32. 59A
                                                                    Precede (often used in a different tense regarding a type of conclusion)
                                                                  33. 62A
                                                                    Rose : Betty :: Dorothy : ___
                                                                  34. 63A
                                                                    Former emcee of "Hollywood Squares," "Dancing with the Stars," and (his personal favorite) "Breakfast Time"
                                                                  35. 65A
                                                                    Staple of the stable
                                                                  36. 66A
                                                                    Fit to be tilled
                                                                  37. 67A
                                                                    Audrey Hepburn completed hers in 1994, initially
                                                                  38. 68A
                                                                    Only number that is a factor of all positive integers
                                                                  39. 69A
                                                                    "Don't tell anyone I've given you a nudge to the meta if they ask!"
                                                                  40. 70A
                                                                    Extinct flightless bird
                                                                  1. 1D
                                                                  2. 2D
                                                                    Oodles on top of oodles
                                                                  3. 3D
                                                                    "Will that first pig's house hold?" "Not sure, let's take a ___"
                                                                  4. 4D
                                                                    Bolivian capital (you have a 50:50 chance)
                                                                  5. 5D
                                                                    They might be chocolate
                                                                  6. 6D
                                                                  7. 7D
                                                                    "___ que si" ("Of course," in Oaxaca)
                                                                  8. 8D
                                                                    Oxygen! They need oxygen!
                                                                  9. 9D
                                                                    "Inside ___ Davis" (excellent 2013 Coen Brothers film)
                                                                  10. 10D
                                                                    To be, in Barcelona
                                                                  11. 11D
                                                                    Foolish time
                                                                  12. 12D
                                                                    Stale French bread?
                                                                  13. 13D
                                                                    When I didn't know what two divided by twenty was, things got ___
                                                                  14. 18D
                                                                    An expensive shoe with an upward sole is a ___ of fortune
                                                                  15. 22D
                                                                  16. 24D
                                                                    Black or green, e.g.
                                                                  17. 25D
                                                                    What I eat when offered the choice between cake and ice cream
                                                                  18. 26D
                                                                    Gauff of tennis
                                                                  19. 27D
                                                                    After a hard day at the salsa factory, I go take ___
                                                                  20. 29D
                                                                  21. 32D
                                                                    Beach in the Palmetto State
                                                                  22. 34D
                                                                    Singing and painting, for two (our meta answer did both!)
                                                                  23. 36D
                                                                    "Yeah...have to leave or something...anyway bye"
                                                                  24. 37D
                                                                    It was so hot outside, my gardening tool melted; I guess you can't have your ___ and heat it too
                                                                  25. 38D
                                                                    Changed the locks?
                                                                  26. 40D
                                                                    Good name for a sharp-tongued comedienne
                                                                  27. 41D
                                                                    Screening org.
                                                                  28. 43D
                                                                    Character actor Dabney
                                                                  29. 44D
                                                                    First word in a classic 1946 holiday film title
                                                                  30. 47D
                                                                    To the question "How are you?," he once answered, "Not very how. I don't seem to have felt at all how for a long time"
                                                                  31. 49D
                                                                    Staple of 1970s prog rock
                                                                  32. 51D
                                                                    "Game of unspeakable fun" that debuted in 1989
                                                                  33. 52D
                                                                    Aquatic-sounding Canadian band that released 1971's "Put Your Hand in the Hand"
                                                                  34. 53D
                                                                    Give out your address?
                                                                  35. 54D
                                                                    Calico or tortoiseshell
                                                                  36. 56D
                                                                  37. 59D
                                                                    Stew, or what you might do if your stew isn't ready in time
                                                                  38. 60D
                                                                    "The School for ___ Mothers" (2022 book by Jessamine Chan)
                                                                  39. 61D
                                                                    Able to see through
                                                                  40. 63D
                                                                  41. 64D
                                                                    Male name that anagrams to 28-Across