This puzzle is clued at NYT Friday level, so settle in. There is also a way to check your answer, which will be revealed later in the comments if no one figures it out.
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FrankieHeck solved 2024-12-30T14:38:10.124Z
Hector solved 2024-12-30T14:43:59.957Z
Darth solved 2024-12-30T15:05:33.982Z
boharr solved 2024-12-30T15:23:14.412Z
Dave C solved 2024-12-30T16:10:55.807Z
BarbaraK solved 2024-12-30T16:12:21.533Z
Qmark solved 2024-12-30T16:13:33.654Z
Berto solved 2024-12-30T16:39:11.725Z
kymike solved 2024-12-30T16:49:02.162Z
lbray53 solved 2024-12-30T17:01:49.567Z
Bird Lives solved 2024-12-30T17:07:18.052Z
DrTom solved 2024-12-30T17:51:52.934Z
Mwoychick solved 2024-12-30T17:55:51.043Z
Meg solved 2024-12-30T18:11:13.609Z
KayW solved 2024-12-30T19:08:45.267Z
MatthewL solved 2024-12-30T19:54:42.449Z
andeux solved 2024-12-30T20:19:02.885Z
Streroto solved 2024-12-30T20:31:57.489Z
LarsCaine solved 2024-12-30T20:51:56.090Z
DavyGravy solved 2024-12-30T21:06:47.784Z
markhr solved 2024-12-30T21:29:43.496Z
Tim solved 2024-12-30T21:42:41.797Z
Anita and Steve solved 2024-12-30T21:57:17.704Z
DIS solved 2024-12-30T22:48:46.758Z
Lance solved 2024-12-30T23:02:09.487Z
Cindy Weatherman solved 2024-12-30T23:46:40.074Z
Alex Sisti solved 2024-12-31T00:42:02.188Z
damefox solved 2024-12-31T00:45:10.482Z
I K Snamhcok solved 2024-12-31T02:13:20.727Z
ELSavage solved 2024-12-31T02:24:50.126Z
Pair O Ducks solved 2024-12-31T02:53:07.581Z
shalmanezer solved 2024-12-31T03:34:07.672Z
Tyrpmom solved 2024-12-31T04:07:24.865Z
HeadinHome solved 2024-12-31T04:24:43.738Z
ajk solved 2024-12-31T11:47:45.704Z
rjy solved 2024-12-31T14:01:42.793Z
JM solved 2024-12-31T14:12:56.730Z
michaelm solved 2025-01-01T19:06:10.745Z
CPJohnson solved 2025-01-01T19:06:18.731Z
david solved 2025-01-01T19:12:14.860Z
Kulea solved 2025-01-01T19:32:04.253Z
hoover solved 2025-01-01T19:32:57.222Z
DCBilly solved 2025-01-01T19:39:06.624Z
Capn Rick solved 2025-01-01T19:39:42.047Z
atsiricajr111191 solved 2025-01-01T20:09:33.200Z
Susan solved 2025-01-01T21:03:54.830Z
heidi solved 2025-01-01T21:04:40.757Z
whimsy solved 2025-01-02T00:03:21.199Z
TEngstrom solved 2025-01-02T00:26:25.235Z
woozy solved 2025-01-02T01:03:17.256Z
Carolyn solved 2025-01-02T01:13:43.390Z
AZinDC solved 2025-01-02T06:25:05.350Z
minimuggle solved 2025-01-02T12:27:14.993Z
Jaclyn solved 2025-01-02T14:30:43.121Z
Eric Porter solved 2025-01-02T17:14:41.837Z
bhamren solved 2025-01-02T18:12:40.356Z
DaveG solved 2025-01-02T19:08:36.762Z
Tom Wilson solved 2025-01-02T19:17:24.774Z
Mr Tex solved 2025-01-02T19:24:56.126Z
FedexPope solved 2025-01-02T20:50:12.332Z
Botaku solved 2025-01-03T20:43:01.899Z
Cindy Heisler solved 2025-01-03T22:16:21.849Z
cheval mondegreen solved 2025-01-04T00:55:04.595Z
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Nice work, Peter. Got the meta solved before I could complete the grid. :D Have an X-cellent New Year!
boharr 2s · 2024-12-30T15:24:00.712Z
It was my WAG, but I figured it out. Thanks, Peter.
Dave C 6s · 2024-12-30T16:11:50.215Z
I thought of Utica right away, but it took a minute to back solve for it
lbray53 6s · 2024-12-30T17:02:48.299Z
Staring, Nothing, Nothing. . . HAH! There it is.
Qmark 3s · 2024-12-30T16:14:06.423Z
Loved it...great title...thanks Peter!
Bird Lives 6s · 2024-12-30T17:22:12.327Z
My original hunches were OCALA, which seems to be in about half the crosswords I do. But no, it was the city deeply involved in pharmaceuticals. I found the grid to be a bit challenging, though my inner 12-year old loved the clue at 42A.
Could have been nothing else! I remembered the answer to the last puzzle but not the mechanism, so I spent a LOT of time trying to retrofit. At one point I got lured by the dark-side and saw TEM N E along with a reference to ASU (that is just diabolical!!!) but luckily I knew well enough that it was UTICA that I resisted the shiny object.
Thanks for a bit of nostalgia (I suppose 4+ years ago was nostalgic for many reasons) and here is hoping for many more years of solves.
MatthewL 🤓18:45 · 2024-12-30T19:56:02.190Z
Took a minute, but finally found my way. And yes, what else could it have been? Thanks for the puzzle, Peter!
Nice one Peter. My wife grew up in Utica and we visit family there often. I want to meet up with Al Sisti for lunch one of these days. Thank you for all the time and effort you put in editing the MMM puzzles. You published my very first one (Muscle Contraction). Looking forward to many more. Happy New Year!
Lance 3s · 2024-12-30T23:04:32.774Z
I thought fersure it was gonna be TEMPE, until the grid decided it would have to be TEMNE. DOH!
Late start due to travel. Needed to check a couple things in the SE corner before I could finish it, but turns out what I had was right. Mechanism jumped to mind almost immediately. Very clever, and lots of fun clues. Fun stuff, thanks. And thanks for all your efforts editing the MMM!!!
How cool... and what a perfect title! Thanks for the home-age...
HeadinHome 🤓3:32 · 2024-12-31T04:30:36.960Z
I felt sure this would involve adding X or CROSS to the final words, based on the title and the wording of the prompt. So SPANx (the shapewear), crossBONEs (skin and bone becomes skull and cross bones). When that led no where I just thought of cities that are often used. TEMPE was one (and was almost there), and the next one I tried was UTICA, which of course worked, THEN I figured out how you were supposed to get it! Thanks for a year of good puzzles and kind words.
Doh! Shoulda got this one without nudges, but alas... Nice job, Peter!
hoover 5s · 2025-01-01T19:34:16.511Z
I saw the 4LW at the end of each themer, but I needed nudge #2 to tell me to try prepending a letter instead of a whole word.
whimsy 19:20 · 2025-01-02T00:23:43.282Z
I spent too much time trying to use the crossword-friendly words: BOA, ONE, (Aunt) BEA, SPA, and X? to get somewhere. Wasn't happenin' !
Thanks for this and for marvelous Monday management, Peter!
First thought was Rouen, when saw ROE in same row as BOAT. Plenty of rabbits in there, especially if one goes astray shortening almost all of those ENDings to three-letter words. Thanks for the nudges and the MMM master class, Peter. Happy 2025!