This puzzle was inspired by the grid of MGWCC #817 Keep It Simple. You don't have to have solved that one to enjoy this one; the mechanisms are entirely different! The answer to the meta is a 3-word phrase. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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Danny K Bernstein solved 2025-03-11T05:58:10.832Z
woozy solved 2025-03-11T06:09:32.615Z
hoover solved 2025-03-11T06:23:14.976Z
Pair O Ducks solved 2025-03-11T12:26:03.190Z
LarsCaine solved 2025-03-11T13:13:32.228Z
boharr solved 2025-03-11T14:15:47.183Z
Darth solved 2025-03-11T14:21:59.439Z
Meg solved 2025-03-11T14:33:43.076Z
Carolyn solved 2025-03-11T14:46:45.023Z
SJ solved 2025-03-11T14:48:36.749Z
Dave C solved 2025-03-11T14:54:06.167Z
MatthewL solved 2025-03-11T15:12:14.841Z
markhr solved 2025-03-11T15:30:18.174Z
Hector solved 2025-03-11T16:20:01.606Z
JHSeeman solved 2025-03-11T16:27:17.127Z
Cindy Weatherman solved 2025-03-11T17:52:16.451Z
DIS solved 2025-03-11T18:00:55.789Z
JM solved 2025-03-11T18:50:16.876Z
Berto solved 2025-03-11T19:18:35.250Z
I K Snamhcok solved 2025-03-11T20:08:15.752Z
FedexPope solved 2025-03-11T20:15:46.977Z
edestlin solved 2025-03-11T20:17:04.890Z
Tom Wilson solved 2025-03-11T20:40:39.433Z
lbray53 solved 2025-03-11T20:43:02.957Z
whimsy solved 2025-03-11T21:07:33.084Z
DebbieC solved 2025-03-11T21:11:32.706Z
Tim solved 2025-03-11T21:15:49.637Z
KayW solved 2025-03-11T21:38:49.318Z
heidi solved 2025-03-11T21:56:20.839Z
Tyrpmom solved 2025-03-11T22:41:37.873Z
HeadinHome solved 2025-03-11T23:52:26.700Z
shalmanezer solved 2025-03-12T03:35:30.355Z
Alex Sisti solved 2025-03-12T05:03:58.390Z
Cindy Heisler solved 2025-03-12T15:46:52.340Z
InAJelly solved 2025-03-12T15:49:52.015Z
CPJohnson solved 2025-03-12T19:17:23.249Z
Polyagonist solved 2025-03-13T06:54:23.774Z
kurtalert solved 2025-03-13T14:33:21.588Z
ajk solved 2025-03-13T16:40:41.858Z
Johnny Luau solved 2025-03-13T17:26:59.341Z
Susan solved 2025-03-13T18:07:08.521Z
DCBilly solved 2025-03-13T19:51:38.051Z
Serafin solved 2025-03-14T13:24:24.497Z
puzzasaur solved 2025-03-14T19:47:56.427Z
Mg305 solved 2025-03-15T12:03:13.189Z
Spid4567 solved 2025-03-16T23:02:59.562Z
omnilynx solved 2025-03-19T16:11:27.931Z
Darrell solved 2025-03-22T20:31:03.803Z
eleanor48 solved 2025-03-25T23:00:30.417Z
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Was stumped on the second step for a while but it came clear.
I was a little concerned with 47D. I originally put in YENTA but when that failed and I say it had to begin with B-I- I immediately reacted "Oh, no! He wouldn't! Not him!". I'm really relieved you didn't.
hoover 3s · 2025-03-11T06:24:36.308Z
I saw part 1 quickly, but then got stuck at SIRSPALELODYNU until I saw SIA and DYE.
I got it based on the title and the fact that "and" must be involved. Then I back-solved to see the 3-letter words.
whimsy 🤓11:40 · 2025-03-11T21:25:35.194Z
I too guessed correctly based just on all the "ands" because I couldn't see anything else. But then had plenty of fun going back and figuring it out based on hoover and DaveC's hints! (Thanks, guys.) And Thanks, Ben! Nicely conceived and carried out; always more than what meets the eye!
KayW 🤓3:34 · 2025-03-11T21:39:56.765Z
Very nice, Ben!! Once again that was going to be my WAG but I wanted to know WHY before trying it.