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What's My Line?

· By Capn Rick · Published 2024-06-09T04:01:28.761Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is an occupation.
I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing SSSunday morning! With apologies to those of you who are still working, every day has felt like Sunday to me since my retirement a few years ago. But speaking of work, this puzzle gives you an opportunity to figure out an occupation - just like that old TV game show (but without the blindfolds, of course!) 😆
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  • benchen71 solved 2024-06-09T05:14:43.469Z
  • Kulea solved 2024-06-09T08:08:13.701Z
  • Schmeel solved 2024-06-09T11:36:08.465Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-06-09T11:38:41.260Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2024-06-09T12:11:25.655Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-06-09T12:16:04.115Z
  • boharr solved 2024-06-09T13:00:22.720Z
  • Abide solved 2024-06-09T13:14:20.154Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2024-06-09T13:52:29.780Z
  • whimsy solved 2024-06-09T14:07:17.043Z
  • Meg solved 2024-06-09T14:07:25.305Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2024-06-09T14:18:11.896Z
  • Qmark solved 2024-06-09T14:24:05.339Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2024-06-09T14:32:16.722Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-06-09T14:43:34.927Z
  • KayW solved 2024-06-09T14:51:43.928Z
  • Dave C solved 2024-06-09T15:00:29.987Z
  • Gutman solved 2024-06-09T15:00:33.915Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2024-06-09T15:15:18.340Z
  • woozy solved 2024-06-09T15:25:07.954Z
  • Darth solved 2024-06-09T15:39:55.208Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2024-06-09T15:44:26.062Z
  • Hector solved 2024-06-09T15:51:09.279Z
  • andeux solved 2024-06-09T16:31:36.535Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2024-06-09T16:33:10.150Z
  • Tim solved 2024-06-09T16:43:03.844Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2024-06-09T16:52:36.252Z
  • Anita and Steve solved 2024-06-09T17:13:17.235Z
  • Berto solved 2024-06-09T17:19:35.355Z
  • DIS solved 2024-06-09T17:31:58.429Z
  • DCBilly solved 2024-06-09T17:38:03.514Z
  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2024-06-09T20:08:48.566Z
  • kurtalert solved 2024-06-09T20:37:09.612Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2024-06-09T21:16:20.039Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2024-06-09T21:41:41.464Z
  • DebbieC solved 2024-06-09T21:45:42.549Z
  • Laura M solved 2024-06-09T22:08:52.877Z
  • lbray53 solved 2024-06-09T22:42:17.643Z
  • JM solved 2024-06-09T23:34:32.267Z
  • heidi solved 2024-06-09T23:55:11.981Z
  • coffeeandcrosswords solved 2024-06-10T01:41:23.590Z
  • rjy solved 2024-06-10T03:05:18.824Z
  • Cross solved 2024-06-10T03:22:44.760Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2024-06-10T09:11:47.205Z
  • Eric Porter solved 2024-06-10T11:27:28.522Z
  • ajk solved 2024-06-10T17:47:21.963Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2024-06-10T18:17:33.773Z
  • hoover solved 2024-06-10T19:20:17.668Z
  • DrTom solved 2024-06-11T03:08:37.227Z
  • SJ solved 2024-06-11T13:37:11.292Z
  • TerminatorX solved 2024-06-11T17:38:49.573Z
  • michaelm solved 2024-06-11T19:19:10.742Z
  • Mikey G solved 2024-06-11T21:28:24.743Z
  • Unmooshed solved 2024-06-13T18:58:29.984Z
  • Meta World Peace solved 2024-06-15T02:00:52.211Z


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  • benchen71 1s · 2024-06-09T05:16:11.626Z
    Delightful! I love the way you disguised the fish being caught by those lines. The fact that they were all at the end of the lines was a nice constructing touch. :D
    • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T11:50:53.408Z
      Thanks, Ben! It was a little challenging getting those fish and lines to "hook up" where I needed them to. 😄
    • boharr 4s · 2024-06-09T13:01:55.803Z
      The Cap’n lands another beauty!
      • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T14:09:57.863Z
        Thanks, Bob!
      • whimsy 🤓9:07 · 2024-06-09T14:10:39.177Z
        I think I must have gotten a pike at this somewhere along the line, since for once I caught on quickly! This was a really smooth sailor. Thanks, Rick!
        • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T15:27:56.499Z
          Thanks, Claudia. I wasn't sure if you test solved an earlier version a while back. There are just too many puzzles and too many versions for my feeble brain to keep track of! 😄 If you did test, then "Thanks!"
        • HeadinHome 🤓2:41 · 2024-06-09T12:39:54.763Z
          I had to get to the last nudge to figure this out, because I had 6 downs highlighted but some were wrong: I was going with DROP for the downs (dropSITES, dropCAlls, DRAG/drop, FUELdrop, dropPHONE?, POWERdrop) … so I was always going to be lost! Revealing the fish nudge made me see 4 fish; had to google to confirm PORGY and LANCE - never heard of these as fish! Still with the wrong downs highlighted, that gave ELGLERS… close enough anglers that that was my second try (first tried fisherman). So, sort of backsolved and realized you wanted DATA and TOWN, so it was lines not drops we were after. (Even so, TOWN line would have puzzled me.. never use that phrase. I assume it’s like county line or state line?). Isn’t it odd that the words that go with LINE almost all go with DROP? The only one I had that didn’t quite work with DROP was phone, though I constantly do drop my phone. And I was bothered that SITE and CALL were both plural, so that seemed off. Anyhoo.. that was my voyage, cap’n, and it was still a fun ride!
          • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T15:23:41.519Z
            Looks like your voyage was more of a sail than a fishing trip, Wendy, what with all the back-and-forth tacking going on. 😄 Thanks for hanging in there and eventually landing this one!
          • Abide 🤓22:12 · 2024-06-09T13:15:49.501Z
            Wow, very impressive! Wish I hadn’t succumbed so early to the nudges.
            • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T15:25:49.605Z
              Thanks, Peter. Yes, the InSSStant Nudges are just too tempting sometimes.
            • Qmark 3s · 2024-06-09T14:25:25.428Z
              Saw the fish but not the "lines"...needed Hint 3 to land it. Thanks Cap'n Rick!
              • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T15:29:40.405Z
                Thanks, Qmark. Yes, there was a 9A "Hidden downside" associated with those LINES. 😄
              • MatthewL 🤓5:32 · 2024-06-09T14:45:12.979Z
                An appropriate themed puzzle from the Cap'n. Took a minute to find all the "lines" -- got hung up on HOSE for quite a while. Thanks for the puzzle, Rick!
                • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T16:35:39.261Z
                  Thanks for solving, Matthew!
                • KayW 🤓7:05 · 2024-06-09T14:54:37.492Z
                  Wow this one's a keeper! I had to google that a couple of those were indeed fishes (PORGY, LANCE) but knowing how elegantly symmetrical you always are I was sure they had to be. Thanks Cap'n!
                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T16:37:26.431Z
                    Thanks, Kay! Yeah, I figured those two species would be a little obscure to most folks but that symmetry would help save the day.
                  • Dave C 3s · 2024-06-09T15:03:19.681Z
                    I struggled, not knowing that lance and porgy were fish, so it took some nudges...
                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T16:39:02.908Z
                      Thanks, Dave. Ditto on my reply to KayW above. Maybe these relatively obscure fishies will come in handy for you someday.
                    • Hector 🤓7:43 · 2024-06-09T16:05:03.303Z
                      Every line lands a fish, in stark contrast to my personal history with this occupation. Thanks, Capn!
                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T16:45:42.315Z
                        Thank you, Hector. I've had many days like that myself. (sigh...) 😄
                      • Darth 🤓8:55 · 2024-06-09T15:50:36.929Z
                        Nice one, Cap'n! I saw four of the lines quickly, and noted the last letters were forming something... found another pair based on the need for symmetry and got an answer that made sense... but I didn't catch the fish at the ends of those lines. :D Cleverly done!
                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T16:44:41.469Z
                          Thanks, Darth. In an earlier version I had RISINGTOTHEBAIT instead of CROSSEDONESPATH at 8D. My thinking was that those last letters would kinda represent the bait for those 6 hungry fish, but it became too confusing vis-a-vis DROPPING.
                        • Sharkicicles 2s · 2024-06-09T16:34:04.846Z
                          Thanks captain! Been decades since I’ve gone fishin’…
                          • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T17:49:12.306Z
                            Look me up the next time you're in Boston, Sharkicicles. 🐟
                          • Bird Lives 3s · 2024-06-09T16:57:48.701Z
                            Comment deleted
                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T17:51:54.513Z
                              Thanks for solving, Jay! Not sure which previous meta that was, but they do tend to blend together after a while.
                            • Anita and Steve 5s · 2024-06-09T17:17:59.676Z
                              Great construction! Immediately saw all the fish, but not the lines, needed that third hint.
                              • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T17:52:50.197Z
                                Glad you liked it, Anita and Steve!
                              • Berto 1s · 2024-06-09T17:22:57.370Z
                                Wow - didn’t even see the fish until reading comments here! I found the symmetrical ‘dropped lines’ and the starting letters made no sense, but the ends - aha! But totally missed that they ‘crossed’ with the fish dangling at the end. Doh!
                                • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T17:54:24.067Z
                                  Thanks, Berto. Yes, this was one of my better outings when I had a fish on the end of every line. 😄
                                • Bird Lives 3s · 2024-06-09T18:24:19.626Z
                                  The compleat meta. I was able to do it without the nudges, possibly because I was a test solver for a much earlier iteration of this one. Neither the Cap'n nor I can remember. Even so, I had to check a couple of the fishwords and line words.
                                  Six down and four to go, Miss Kilgallen.
                                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T19:21:29.901Z
                                    Thanks, Jay. Yes, I think that you may have also been a tester of an early version a while back.
                                  • woozy 14:42 · 2024-06-09T15:41:32.998Z
                                    Well, I have no idea what a Lance, Porgy or a Fluke (other that a whale's tail fin) is, this was a KAS 4 for me. Weird reaction to the nudges. Saw lots of things about PHONEs and CALLS and messaging ans stuff abount oceans looked for LINES and ones but didn't see them. Tried to look for things dropped but hard to see things that are omitted especially when there aren't any. But I finally saw them with nudge three. Nudge four was a complete ????? to me as I had obviously been looking before stooping to reveal the nudge. Final nudge I realize and SKATE and and PERCH (and shark obviously) were fish I had E,R, then A, I figured it was ANGLER and the symmetric N confirm, meaning PORGY and LANCE must be the other two.
                                    Tricky fun K4 for me but I guess you hit one of me weak areas. The Lines were very subtly dropped. If I had caught them (I tried but apparently I'm a fish chowderhead) It's have be a K3.
                                    Clever. Good one. But I'm a dunce.
                                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T21:58:56.882Z
                                      Aw, don't beat yourself up, woozy. It was a little challenging, but I was hoping that the symmetry of both the LINE and fish entries would help folks solve.
                                    • Jeremy Smith 2s · 2024-06-09T21:22:59.296Z
                                      My lines on the West side of the grid dropped into a huge rabbit hole. I tried to force DATA into DATELINE, NAIR into HAIRLINE, and EATER into WATERLINE. Of course the East side of the grid wouldn't cooperate.
                                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T22:02:48.725Z
                                        Thanks, Jeremy. Yes, some folks weren't familiar with DRAG lines, but I saw plenty growing up in PA. I always try to use symmetry to help solvers in these types of situations. In this puzzle there is symmetry with both the LINE and the fish entries.
                                      • Sharkicicles 2s · 2024-06-09T21:27:51.385Z
                                        Totally overcomplicated this by the way, got “angler” and was like, oh a professional angler is a fisherman… was puzzled when it was wrong, thought about it for a bit, and was like oh, let’s just try “angler.”
                                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T22:04:08.286Z
                                          Thanks, Sharky. Yep, those intersections of LINEs and fish was all you needed in this one.
                                        • Laura M 🤓7:10 · 2024-06-09T22:09:38.205Z
                                          Nice! Never heard of the porgy fish :-)
                                          • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-09T23:16:40.861Z
                                            Thanks, Laura. Here in Boston we call them scup.
                                          • DrTom 🤓18:59 · 2024-06-11T03:17:06.168Z
                                            I saw all the fish and entered fisherman but was wrong (well yes but no). Then when I saw the lines I had not heard of town line but sure did of hose line And tug line so that complicated things a bit. My own fault trying to make life difficult. Fun solve
                                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-11T12:16:22.275Z
                                              Thanks, Tom. Glad you enjoyed it. And you weren't the first solver to mention an unfamiliarity with town lines. Here in New England, where the states are smaller, we have state lines, county lines, and town lines on our maps. You'll see "Entering (town name) / Inc. (Year)" signs at virtually every town line - the most popular of which is "Entering Natick / Inc. 1651", of course. 😄
                                            • michaelm 🤓6:41 · 2024-06-11T19:29:44.655Z
                                              Compleatly hooked on a wrong "angle" for a bit, but nothing fishy about this meta, Cap'n. You cast a large SSShadow indeed, thanks!
                                              • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-06-12T11:31:24.321Z
                                                Ha! Thanks, Mike. Glad you liked the fishing trip. I always enjoy your clever comments!
                                              • Meta World Peace 4s · 2024-06-15T02:10:46.816Z
                                                Great puzzle, Capn! I'm thinking the word "line" could use some R&R this weekend after the... queue of meanings it took on throughout the grid (career, fishing, six theme senses). It's also neat how A DROP IN THE OCEAN conjures up fishing, at least subliminally mid-solve and perfectly clearly now, looking back.
                                              Ship captain's concern
                                              1. 1A
                                                Ship captain's concern
                                              2. 6A
                                                Easy as ___
                                              3. 9A
                                                Hidden downside
                                              4. 14A
                                                Savory taste
                                              5. 15A
                                                German article
                                              6. 16A
                                                Olympic speed skater Ohno
                                              7. 17A
                                                "I understand!"
                                              8. 18A
                                                ___ Speedwagon
                                              9. 19A
                                                Clark's partner
                                              10. 20A
                                                Glide on ice
                                              11. 21A
                                                CIA forerunner
                                              12. 22A
                                                Jousting weapon
                                              13. 23A
                                                Have an evening meal
                                              14. 25A
                                                AARP members
                                              15. 27A
                                                Beach blanket?
                                              16. 31A
                                                Life of ___ (ease)
                                              17. 33A
                                              18. 37A
                                                Shakespearean king
                                              19. 38A
                                              20. 39A
                                                Salt Lake City athletes
                                              21. 40A
                                                Opera highlight
                                              22. 41A
                                                Periodic table figs.
                                              23. 42A
                                                Coup d'___
                                              24. 43A
                                                "___ and Bess"
                                              25. 45A
                                                Female lobster
                                              26. 46A
                                                Accidental success
                                              27. 47A
                                                Tournament favorite
                                              28. 50A
                                                Quickly approach
                                              29. 54A
                                                Nautical charts
                                              30. 59A
                                                Comparative word
                                              31. 60A
                                                Ending for land or sea
                                              32. 62A
                                              33. 63A
                                                Indian flatbreads
                                              34. 65A
                                                Greek vowel
                                              35. 66A
                                                "Gladiator" Oscar winner
                                              36. 67A
                                                Wee hour
                                              37. 68A
                                                Works on walls
                                              38. 69A
                                                Actor Milo of "The Verdict"
                                              39. 70A
                                              40. 71A
                                                Slangy refusal
                                              41. 72A
                                                Lender you shouldn't trust
                                              1. 1D
                                                Harbor boats
                                              2. 2D
                                                "Don't worry about me"
                                              3. 3D
                                                Computer input
                                              4. 4D
                                                Give off
                                              5. 5D
                                              6. 6D
                                                Insignificant amount
                                              7. 7D
                                                Honey bunch
                                              8. 8D
                                              9. 9D
                                                Rings up
                                              10. 10D
                                                ___ in the Pod (maternity clothing store)
                                              11. 11D
                                                Small city
                                              12. 12D
                                                ___ Stic (retractable Bic pen)
                                              13. 13D
                                              14. 24D
                                                ___ Major
                                              15. 26D
                                                Deli loaves
                                              16. 27D
                                                High-five sound
                                              17. 28D
                                                Flying start?
                                              18. 29D
                                                Neet rival
                                              19. 30D
                                                Pull with difficulty
                                              20. 32D
                                                Things that may be dropped or crossed
                                              21. 33D
                                                Energy source
                                              22. 34D
                                                "___, Brute?"
                                              23. 35D
                                                Shipbuilding wood
                                              24. 36D
                                                Punta del ___, Uruguay
                                              25. 44D
                                                Hebrew letter
                                              26. 46D
                                                Prescription-approving agcy.
                                              27. 48D
                                                "Personal reminder," in texts
                                              28. 49D
                                                Wide shoe width
                                              29. 50D
                                                Barber's sharpener
                                              30. 51D
                                                Conversation piece
                                              31. 52D
                                                Diner patron
                                              32. 53D
                                                Early computer
                                              33. 55D
                                              34. 56D
                                                Honolulu greeting
                                              35. 57D
                                              36. 58D
                                                T-bone, for one
                                              37. 61D
                                                Razor brand
                                              38. 64D
                                                "I can't believe this," in texts
                                              39. 66D
                                                Trig. function