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Shows That Count

· By Bird Lives · Published 2025-02-03T11:04:00.932Z

Meta Prompt
The answer is a TV show.
Nudge 1 The puzzle is obviously about television. Several of the entries are clued with reference to TV shows. Seven other entries could almost be clued with a similar references.
Nudge 2 These clues are symmetrically placed.
Nudge 3 Nudge 1 says that these entries could “almost” be clued with TV references. But something is missing.
Nudge 4 The missing element is hinted at in the title. “Shows” in the title is already explained in Nudge 1 – these entries are almost the titles of TV shows. The other substantive word in the title is “count.”
Nudge 5 So the missing element in those show titles is connected to “count.” Nudge 5a A Sesame Street character with a Transylvanian accent might help you do what’s necessary here.
Nudge 6 Once you have all seven of the missing count-related things, you could add them up. Don’t. Instead, look for them elsewhere in the grid.
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  • whimsy solved 2025-02-03T19:59:41.864Z
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  • Eric Porter solved 2025-02-04T20:24:44.567Z
  • oldjudge solved 2025-02-04T21:28:26.764Z
  • omnilynx solved 2025-02-05T04:43:03.404Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2025-02-05T15:38:07.555Z
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  • sashaeatworld solved 2025-02-10T20:13:04.524Z


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  • Gutman 2s · 2025-02-03T11:14:32.376Z
    Great show
    • Lance 2s · 2025-02-03T13:33:46.522Z
      Very fun solve, thanks Bird Lives!
      • Pair O Ducks 🤓6:30 · 2025-02-03T13:55:19.134Z
        Clever! Haven't quite managed to find the M or the S, but the answer was too clear to be wrong so I tried it. Thanks for the puzzle!
        • DavyGravy 🤓11:56 · 2025-02-03T14:03:09.397Z
          Clever idea! Never heard of the 3 show. Needed IMDB for that one. I knew the rest. Some oldies in there took me down memory lane a bit. Thanks for the Monday fun.
          • Darth 🤓14:12 · 2025-02-03T14:19:34.762Z
            I'm not a big TV watcher, but "Body Problem" and "Simple Rules" seemed familiar somehow. I've not watched any of these, so I used Google to confirm what I suspected. ;) Thanks, Jay!
            • Bird Lives constructor · 2025-02-03T15:22:33.695Z
              I've never watched those two or Adam 12 or the answer. But I guess that having heard of them is sufficient for solving or constructing.
            • boharr 2s · 2025-02-03T14:29:42.386Z
              I guess I don't watch enough TV. Needed a nudge and Google. But got there. Thanks, Jay
              • imontoo 2s · 2025-02-03T15:36:55.144Z
                Fun! “Simple Rules” was my click moment.
                • Dave C 3s · 2025-02-03T15:17:30.810Z
                  I needed Google for some but 48 Hours, 60 Minutes and Route 66 got me started.
                  • KayW 🤓3:25 · 2025-02-03T15:49:02.611Z
                    Loved that show - Very clever. Thanks Jay! hmmm in hindsight I should have entered NUMB3RS but crosshare accepted NUMBERS :D
                    Also loved that you gave "yourself" a shout-out at 42-across ;)
                    • Carolyn 🤓18:16 · 2025-02-03T16:40:12.651Z
                      Didn't know them all, but knew enough! Thanks
                      • kurtalert 🤓6:01 · 2025-02-03T16:23:36.270Z
                        Very fun :-)
                        • Alex Sisti 3s · 2025-02-03T16:20:32.875Z
                          Really well done!
                          • MatthewL 🤓6:49 · 2025-02-03T17:36:34.424Z
                            Go 3, 8 and 60, which led to NUR which is, apparently a TV show. But, not the right entry. So kept looking and finally saw ADAM 12 (which I used to watch as a kid), and that led me to find the rest. Fun one. Thanks for the puzzle, Jay!
                            • ajk 🤓11:35 · 2025-02-03T17:41:45.606Z
                              Very nice, as always. Got the mechanism before finishing the grid, as I had some trouble with the NW corner (not least because I couldn't remember how to spell BAYH 😂). Did have to backsolve 3 BODY PROBLEM b/c I've never heard of that one, but knew the rest (including the answer). I think 8 SIMPLE RULES was the first one I saw, but they all came to mind quickly except for 3-BODY. Especially like the 21D clue. 😂 And the 52A clue reminds me that I need to watch season 2 of that show. Fun one, thanks. :)
                              • woozy 13:24 · 2025-02-03T18:48:00.052Z
                                Funny. 8 simple rules was the one I had never heard of. 60 minutes and (incorrect) 24 hours jumped at me so I knew the mechanism there and then. In going through the list it was easy to miss ADAM and ROUTE but the assymetry of ROCK and HOURS made them easy to find. (Never heard of the show Route 66). Got NumbGrs and wondered for a while if it was a play on the shows logo NUMB3RS (I always synthesially associated the letter G with the number 5 rather than 3 but maybe Jay has a different synthesia association) but then I realized to show was 48 hours.
                                Three Body Problem is.... oh, Netflix algorithm edgier originality on demand like every-where else. One of these days I'm going to write a treatise about why I don't like streaming shows marketed to those who view themselves as intelligentsia but... Meh. Which is not to say it didn't have its moments.
                              • whimsy 🤓12:00 · 2025-02-03T20:11:20.769Z
                                Knew 3, 12, 30, 60 and 66. Resulting in NMBRS. Backsolved and googled the remainder, including the answer so that I knew enough to use the 3 in it. 😄
                                Thanks, Jay!
                                • DrTom 2s · 2025-02-03T17:18:06.257Z
                                  The fill was more of a challenge than the meta. I did have a leg up because there were a lot of "Boomer Lore" clues (Mort Sahl, Brenda or Bart Starr, Erroll Garner or FLynn, Lolita Haze, etc.) There was also a lot of very clever fill (it was not until the end that I got the Mercedes for ladies, and GOETHE - VERY nice)!
                                  Thanks for the puzzle Jay...Oh, is the Mona Lisa person a relative or just was luckily born with that name? Since the fill I have of course heard Nat King Cole in my ear.
                                  • Wendy Walker 3s · 2025-02-03T21:49:12.337Z
                                    Of course I recognized only the oldest shows and was stuck with MBERS for the longest time! Lots of fun, Jay; thanks!
                                    • michaelm 🤓7:09 · 2025-02-04T00:41:56.744Z
                                      and... YOU GET A CAR for this! MMM had me chuckling from beginning to end, thanks Jay!
                                      • ELSavage 🤓7:27 · 2025-02-04T02:02:19.379Z
                                        Another puzzle that this mathematician could not resist. I was tempted to put the '3' in the answer, but wasn't sure if that would have worked. The only show I hadn't heard of was 3-Body Problem, but knew it as a well-known physics problem, and symmetry required it.
                                        • Bird Lives constructor · 2025-02-04T03:21:33.071Z
                                          The 3-spelling would have been accepted also.
                                        • Qmark 3s · 2025-02-04T11:39:01.639Z
                                          Loved it...thanks!
                                          • HeadinHome 🤓1:24 · 2025-02-03T21:09:47.921Z
                                            Rules and Rock, plus Minutes in the center — did it for me. Then found others because of symmetry (thanks). I entered Numb3rs. I assume Numbers was acceptable too?
                                            • oldjudge 3s · 2025-02-04T21:29:30.430Z
                                              Nice job Jay!
                                              • omnilynx 🤓14:44 · 2025-02-05T04:43:59.877Z
                                                Because of 69A, I was sure it would be Sesame Street. What a 45A!
                                                • HeyMikey 6s · 2025-02-05T17:31:20.202Z
                                                  Interesting puzzle - thanks, Jay. Needed the nudges because I read the novel, "3 Body Problem" before the show came out so I discarded it along with 127 Hours cuz it's a movie, not a TV show. And I didn't know about 8 Simple Rules. I watched a lot of Numb3rs as a math nerd and I'm embarrassed not to have seen it earlier.
                                                  Love that the significant entries have symmetric locations!
                                                  • Bird Lives constructor · 2025-02-06T03:16:56.112Z
                                                    I never read the book and have never watched the show. I just liked the title.
                                                  • Sharkicicles 2s · 2025-02-06T18:04:33.159Z
                                                    I am tv dumb so had to use Wikipedia (there’s a list of tv shows with a number in the title!) but this was a really impressive construction… themers were hidden in plain sight!
                                                    It flows under the Ponte Vecchio
                                                    1. 1A
                                                      It flows under the Ponte Vecchio
                                                    2. 5A
                                                      Brute completes this famous Shakespeare line
                                                    3. 9A
                                                      Mercedes for ladies, perhaps
                                                    4. 14A
                                                      Evan or Birch in Indiana politics
                                                    5. 15A
                                                      Othello, for one
                                                    6. 16A
                                                      Double reeds
                                                    7. 17A
                                                      Driver in the movies
                                                    8. 18A
                                                      Humorist Bombeck
                                                    9. 19A
                                                      Scheduling blocks, often
                                                    10. 20A
                                                      Physical, as opposed to psychological, ailment
                                                    11. 23A
                                                      Nat ___, channel for "Dog Town" and "Wicked Tuna"
                                                    12. 24A
                                                      Cubist Juan
                                                    13. 25A
                                                    14. 27A
                                                      What to do when the vinaigrette is too tart
                                                    15. 30A
                                                      Get engaged, old style
                                                    16. 33A
                                                      Gangbangers and where they hang
                                                    17. 34A
                                                      Splatter films' stock in trade
                                                    18. 35A
                                                      New Mexico artist colony
                                                    19. 37A
                                                      Producer for Coldplay, U2, Peter Gabriel, et al.
                                                    20. 38A
                                                      Recap of a previous meeting
                                                    21. 41A
                                                      Slasher film director's shout
                                                    22. 42A
                                                      "___ Lisa," song by Jay Livingston
                                                    23. 44A
                                                      Statistic with "per" in the middle
                                                    24. 45A
                                                      Put a red herring in a puzzle perhaps
                                                    25. 47A
                                                      Placates a fussy restaurant customer
                                                    26. 49A
                                                      Setting for "Si, mi chiamano Mimi"
                                                    27. 50A
                                                      Kobe's 325-lb. teammate
                                                    28. 51A
                                                      Title word before "This Way," "Free," "to Be Wild," etc.
                                                    29. 52A
                                                      Keri Russell in Netflix's "The Diplomat," e.g.
                                                    30. 54A
                                                      "I before E," "Hit with 16, stand with 17," etc.
                                                    31. 60A
                                                      Waze suggestion
                                                    32. 62A
                                                    33. 63A
                                                      Hard, punk, or acid, among others
                                                    34. 64A
                                                      Garner or Flynn
                                                    35. 65A
                                                      Meyers of late night TV
                                                    36. 66A
                                                      What TV's "Indian Matchmaker" wears
                                                    37. 67A
                                                      Eye ailments
                                                    38. 68A
                                                      Lolita's surname
                                                    39. 69A
                                                      Big birds
                                                    1. 1D
                                                      "Pease porridge hot" rhyme scheme
                                                    2. 2D
                                                      He wrote the lyrics for "Hair"
                                                    3. 3D
                                                      Role for Bening in a recent biopic
                                                    4. 4D
                                                      "I don't believe it!"
                                                    5. 5D
                                                      TV chef
                                                    6. 6D
                                                      Matadors' foes
                                                    7. 7D
                                                      Target of a Lara Croft raid, perhaps
                                                    8. 8D
                                                      Ukraine neighbor in Risk
                                                    9. 9D
                                                      French director Eric ("Pauline at the Beach")
                                                    10. 10D
                                                      Pioneer in subscription TV
                                                    11. 11D
                                                      Cry heard on Oprah's TV show
                                                    12. 12D
                                                      Montmartre mom
                                                    13. 13D
                                                      It promised to "put a tiger in your tank"
                                                    14. 21D
                                                      It separates whites and colors
                                                    15. 22D
                                                      First name in cosmetics
                                                    16. 26D
                                                      Go bad
                                                    17. 27D
                                                      "Um, excuse me?"
                                                    18. 28D
                                                      Alumni fund friend
                                                    19. 29D
                                                      Strip with Zonker and Uncle Duke
                                                    20. 30D
                                                      Matches : wrestling : : ___ : boxing
                                                    21. 31D
                                                      Art deco mononym
                                                    22. 32D
                                                      TV doctor role for Hugh Laurie
                                                    23. 34D
                                                      Tiny flying insect
                                                    24. 36D
                                                      Editorial override
                                                    25. 39D
                                                      One from Basra or Baghdad
                                                    26. 40D
                                                      Reporter Brenda or Packer Bart
                                                    27. 43D
                                                      Hibachi residue
                                                    28. 46D
                                                      One who takes over from EMTs
                                                    29. 48D
                                                      Supports for artists
                                                    30. 49D
                                                      In whose dramas the last shall be "Faust"
                                                    31. 51D
                                                      Type of chess for those in a hurry
                                                    32. 52D
                                                      Son of Zeus, brother of Athena
                                                    33. 53D
                                                      Comedian Sahl
                                                    34. 55D
                                                      TV comedy set in Korea
                                                    35. 56D
                                                      It's entered in court
                                                    36. 57D
                                                      The good earth
                                                    37. 58D
                                                      Raw silk color
                                                    38. 59D
                                                      Goes downhill fast
                                                    39. 61D
                                                      Low digit