Nudge 1 The puzzle is obviously about television. Several of the entries are clued with reference to TV shows. Seven other entries could almost be clued with a similar references.
Nudge 2 These clues are symmetrically placed.
Nudge 3 Nudge 1 says that these entries could “almost” be clued with TV references. But something is missing.
Nudge 4 The missing element is hinted at in the title. “Shows” in the title is already explained in Nudge 1 – these entries are almost the titles of TV shows. The other substantive word in the title is “count.”
Nudge 5 So the missing element in those show titles is connected to “count.”
Nudge 5a A Sesame Street character with a Transylvanian accent might help you do what’s necessary here.
Nudge 6 Once you have all seven of the missing count-related things, you could add them up. Don’t. Instead, look for them elsewhere in the grid.