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Five for Fighting (Meta)

· By Abide · Published 2024-06-03T11:53:42.253Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is an event.
Constructor note: Some Google may be required, depending on your generation.
Nudge if you’re stuck: Most of us are not in the greatest generation. Google the first words in the * Down entries
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  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-06-03T13:17:14.937Z
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  • Naptown Kid solved 2024-06-08T13:55:31.972Z
  • Qmark solved 2024-06-08T14:19:20.975Z


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  • Abide constructor · 2024-06-03T11:53:42.253Z
    This Thursday (June 6) is the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the Normandy Invasion known as D-Day. This image explains the grid layout.,737 Just to create more constraints, I added the country codes US, GB, and CA at the top, to align with their beachhead attacks. Plus DE at the bottom.
    • DrTom 4s · 2024-06-03T20:01:52.879Z
      Peter, I see the US (Utah State) GB (Gold Bug) and Canada (Canada's version) on UTAH, GOLD and SWORD but not on the others. Did I miss something or was that just for those three. The DE (DEUTSCHLAND) is that the DE that ties in JUNO AWARDS and SWORDLILY.
      • Abide constructor · 2024-06-03T22:56:21.524Z
        US is between their Utah and Omaha beaches. GB over Gold. CA over Juno. (There is a Down GB near Sword but that just sorta happened.) The DE is in RUDER on bottom row. Basically the four country codes are in symmetric positions, as least as far as a 15 will allow.
    • Capn Rick 🤓8:21 · 2024-06-03T12:57:17.057Z
      Nice construction, Peter. Great 32A at the end!
      • Darth 🤓21:21 · 2024-06-03T12:57:57.295Z
        Yeah, I'm not that old to remember it.... but an easy Google find, and a free history lesson, too. ;) Thanks, Peter.
        • boharr 3s · 2024-06-03T14:15:14.825Z
          Nice one. Thanks, Peter
          • lbray53 3s · 2024-06-03T14:32:26.392Z
            Nice puzzle. I am glad you included the explanation so that we could enjoy the details that I missed. Great construction.
            • woozy 🤓17:05 · 2024-06-03T14:55:19.488Z
              Wow. Google search aren't much easier than that. I was a bit surprised to see the auto-complete fill in my search within the first two words. Bit ashamed that the amazing construction is completely lost on the likes of me.
              I was really afraid this was going to be a going to be a sporting event and was frustrated that I truly saw nothing and had no idea what to google and figured "well, I might as well try...." Wow. Taken aback.
              Great puzzle!
              • Abide constructor · 2024-06-03T19:37:07.604Z
                The mini-theme of fighting, jab, and hook were intended to throw solvers off the scent.
                • BarbaraK 2s · 2024-06-04T15:12:11.344Z
                  They succeeded :)
                  • David 🤓2:37 · 2024-06-08T10:27:06.158Z
                    You definitely succeeded on throwing me off the scent. I was sure I was looking for hockey at first, then opened up to boxing. I was trying to think of Olympic sports, then starting looking up rugby rules (I'm not familiar with them) to see what that might show.
                • hoover 6s · 2024-06-03T15:58:21.555Z
                  Ironically, I had to look at this twice despite having pointed out the significance of last weekend's WSJ answer!
                  • Philip Chow 🤓8:20 · 2024-06-03T17:24:58.709Z
                    got it from omaha... since it appears often enough in crosswords to be clued as the beach... didn't know the other 4 but thank you google :) nice puzzle... and i recently learned "rocket" for arugula so was pretty excited to be able to fill that in
                    • Dave C 4s · 2024-06-03T16:29:33.932Z
                      Based on the title, I was looking for something related to hockey, since the penalty is 5 minutes for fighting... Then the starts of the 5 theme answers set in.
                      • Abide constructor · 2024-06-03T19:35:26.190Z
                        The image pic is the band (actually solo artist) of that name, who was the answer to a Muller Meta last year. Hits include Superman and 100 Years. Wikipedia says he took the band name from the hockey penalty.
                      • Laura M 🤓13:13 · 2024-06-03T18:30:12.253Z
                        Nice! More intricate construction than I realized.
                        • Carolyn 2s · 2024-06-03T20:49:27.989Z
                          • DrTom 4s · 2024-06-03T20:01:38.732Z
                            I put in D-Day landing the first time because I was thinking of what technically all of those were and they were the beaches. D-Day itself was a MUCH bigger undertaking with coordinated paratrooper, glider and amphibious troops. But I figured it was simply D-Day when the D-Day landing was rejected.
                            Interestingly, one gentleman in our church was one of the meteorologists who was tasked with determining if D-Day would be a go or no-go because of the weather. He is unfortunately gone now and with him his stories of what was and is still the largest military landing.
                            If you ever get to France you have to visit the D-Day memorial, I defy anyone to walk away from that unchanged.
                            • HeadinHome 🤓2:23 · 2024-06-03T20:11:55.309Z
                              Salute! I knew Utah and Omaha, but the association didn’t click (I was thinking sports, expecting medals or something). Googled the first words and it came up immediately, along with the map. Didn’t see the beach configuration or the US, GB and CA (or DE) until you explained! Great puzzle!
                              • KayW 🤓8:07 · 2024-06-04T00:38:11.805Z
                                I recognized enough of the beach names to get it, and google confirmed the remainder. Nicely constructed, particularly getting the country codes in the grid. Thanks!
                                • Bird Lives 7s · 2024-06-05T03:26:54.484Z
                                  Embarrassed to say I remembered almost none of this (admittedly, I was very young at the time). Even after I Googled the five as a group and got the answer, Omaha was the only one I recognized. Instead I went down the boxing rabbit hole. I went looking for two other punches, a cross and an uppercut -- letters going across or upwards (the latter hunch got further reinforcement from the "Up to par" clue). I even Googled Five For Fighting's greatest hits.
                                  • MatthewL 🤓7:20 · 2024-06-05T13:40:56.526Z
                                    Nice one Peter! Was stuck in the boxing rabbit hole (plus KING made me think of Don King), but the nudge worked -- didn't even need to Google, as I immediately saw it from that hint. Thanks for the puzzle!
                                    • kurtalert 🤓5:45 · 2024-06-05T13:56:41.730Z
                                      Nice puzzle, thank you! I'm not a big history guy and Omaha is the only beach amongst these that I've heard of... good to learn more about this. Thanks for the fun puzzle!
                                      • whimsy 20:02 · 2024-06-05T18:58:21.904Z
                                        Gah -- should have seen it. No, I wasn't there 😄-- but I've read enough about WWII... Very, very nice, Peter, in many respects.
                                        • DCBilly 2s · 2024-06-05T22:34:58.696Z
                                          I have been to the site, but I still needed the nudge to see the answer, head slap. No Googling needed...
                                          • Qmark 4s · 2024-06-08T14:20:10.085Z
                                            Nice one Peter...only needed the first nudge. Thanks!
                                            • Wally 8:17 · 2024-06-14T20:27:20.957Z
                                              Rats, I had the meta but somehow didn't get any of the possible solutions in my guesses. I kept using the word "beaches". Nice puzzle
                                              HVAC measures
                                              1. 1A
                                                HVAC measures
                                              2. 5A
                                                Sport with scrums
                                              3. 10A
                                                Keto diet no-no
                                              4. 14A
                                                Campus marchers, for short
                                              5. 15A
                                                Find ___ for (sock drawer chore)
                                              6. 16A
                                                ___ Ermey, gunnery sergeant portrayer in "Full Metal Jacket"
                                              7. 17A
                                                Morales of "Ozark"
                                              8. 18A
                                              9. 20A
                                                Sprinter Evelyn who won her 4th Olympic gold medal at age 35 (!)
                                              10. 22A
                                                Salad green called "rocket" overseas
                                              11. 23A
                                                Lower layer of the earth's crust (named for the silica and magnesia found there)
                                              12. 24A
                                                FBI figures
                                              13. 25A
                                                1 inch = 25.4 ___ : Abbr.
                                              14. 26A
                                                See 54-Across
                                              15. 28A
                                                Lofty phobia?
                                              16. 30A
                                                ___ Hill (ritzy San Francisco neighborhood)
                                              17. 32A
                                              18. 33A
                                                Restore to wellness
                                              19. 34A
                                                Place to get some "me time"
                                              20. 38A
                                                Oodles of
                                              21. 40A
                                                .puz file alternative
                                              22. 42A
                                                Cry of victory
                                              23. 43A
                                              24. 45A
                                                When doubled, a Pacific paradise
                                              25. 47A
                                              26. 48A
                                                Nadya Suleman, many times over
                                              27. 49A
                                                Ridesharing app
                                              28. 50A
                                                Tribal land, informally
                                              29. 51A
                                                "___ Said" (acclaimed 2022 chronicle of the Weinstein expose)
                                              30. 54A
                                                With 26-Across, legendary headliner of 1922
                                              31. 56A
                                              32. 58A
                                                Acknowledge an election defeat
                                              33. 60A
                                                Diabetic's dose
                                              34. 63A
                                                Circular bobbin driver found in sewing machines
                                              35. 65A
                                                Houston college
                                              36. 66A
                                                [...hello, I'm right here...]
                                              37. 67A
                                                "___ there yet?"
                                              38. 68A
                                                Corrida kudos
                                              39. 69A
                                                Whittle (down)
                                              40. 70A
                                                Not so pleasant
                                              41. 71A
                                                Part of GPS
                                              1. 1D
                                                La ___ Tar Pits
                                              2. 2D
                                                Complete a Caesar
                                              3. 3D
                                                * NCAA Aggies that play at Merlin Olsen Field
                                              4. 4D
                                                N.K. Jemisin's genre, for short
                                              5. 5D
                                                The nine-to-five grind
                                              6. 6D
                                                "___ bro?" (query from an Internet troll)
                                              7. 7D
                                                Gooey stuff seen on Nickelodeon's "Double Dare"
                                              8. 8D
                                                Second stringers
                                              9. 9D
                                                Time to close the books
                                              10. 10D
                                                Rocky projection
                                              11. 11D
                                                The Beatles had a white one
                                              12. 12D
                                                Monarch's domain
                                              13. 13D
                                                Software prototypes
                                              14. 19D
                                                * Canada's version of The Grammys
                                              15. 21D
                                                * Texas hold'em variation
                                              16. 24D
                                                * Title insect of a Edgar Allan Poe story
                                              17. 26D
                                                Baby powder ingredient
                                              18. 27D
                                                "That's gonna leave a mark!"
                                              19. 29D
                                                Up to par?
                                              20. 31D
                                                Top seed's reward
                                              21. 35D
                                                * Gladiolus, by another name
                                              22. 36D
                                                Peter or Paul, but not Mary
                                              23. 37D
                                                Animated movie where Woody Allen voiced Z 4195
                                              24. 39D
                                                Green eggs and ham advocate
                                              25. 41D
                                                High-tech car key
                                              26. 44D
                                                Pierre who founded eBay (anagram of "my radio")
                                              27. 46D
                                                Liquid for a stamp pad
                                              28. 51D
                                                Type of iron or paper
                                              29. 52D
                                                Noisy ruckus
                                              30. 53D
                                                Key symbolized by a bent arrow
                                              31. 55D
                                                "The Discovery of India" author
                                              32. 57D
                                                Continental bills
                                              33. 59D
                                              34. 60D
                                                "___ you big time"
                                              35. 61D
                                                Seals the deal
                                              36. 62D
                                                Bird's ___ soup
                                              37. 64D
                                                Ref. that added "spy balloon" in 2024