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Initial Response (Meta)

· By DavyGravy · Published 2025-01-12T11:00:44.418Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is a song from the 1960s
Puzzle discussion , nudges and reveal at
Nudge 1 A clue to the artist runs right through the middle row.
Nudge 2 There are 6 symmetrically placed songs by the group.
Nudge 3 Its strange that there are only six two-word clues.
Nudge 4 How might the title be a clue to the meta answer?
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  • Mr Tex solved 2025-01-12T11:29:28.183Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2025-01-12T13:09:43.366Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2025-01-12T13:22:13.739Z
  • Capn Rick solved 2025-01-12T14:11:01.524Z
  • Hector solved 2025-01-12T14:34:48.182Z
  • Meg solved 2025-01-12T14:44:32.321Z
  • Dave C solved 2025-01-12T14:52:38.490Z
  • kymike solved 2025-01-12T14:58:29.659Z
  • Wendy Walker solved 2025-01-12T14:59:04.378Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2025-01-12T15:40:08.738Z
  • KayW solved 2025-01-12T15:44:20.666Z
  • Abide solved 2025-01-12T15:48:14.926Z
  • JM solved 2025-01-12T16:00:25.453Z
  • DCBilly solved 2025-01-12T16:02:15.122Z
  • Mikey G solved 2025-01-12T16:02:24.763Z
  • FedexPope solved 2025-01-12T16:03:56.304Z
  • Tim solved 2025-01-12T16:11:57.604Z
  • Darth solved 2025-01-12T16:21:53.965Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2025-01-12T16:23:04.718Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2025-01-12T16:35:40.632Z
  • michaelm solved 2025-01-12T16:42:17.970Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2025-01-12T17:06:10.005Z
  • MatthewL solved 2025-01-12T17:45:00.131Z
  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2025-01-12T17:46:47.551Z
  • Carolyn solved 2025-01-12T17:50:23.529Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2025-01-12T17:52:48.031Z
  • Lance solved 2025-01-12T18:01:22.531Z
  • lbray53 solved 2025-01-12T18:04:14.857Z
  • markhr solved 2025-01-12T18:04:23.028Z
  • heidi solved 2025-01-12T18:07:54.611Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2025-01-12T20:02:53.511Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2025-01-12T20:15:42.126Z
  • ajk solved 2025-01-12T20:24:12.882Z
  • DIS solved 2025-01-12T20:27:12.163Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2025-01-12T20:40:41.724Z
  • Anita and Steve solved 2025-01-12T21:44:16.567Z
  • Brahms solved 2025-01-12T21:58:42.317Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2025-01-12T21:59:58.042Z
  • hoover solved 2025-01-12T23:52:47.758Z
  • imontoo solved 2025-01-12T23:56:01.307Z
  • Kulea solved 2025-01-12T23:57:05.687Z
  • whimsy solved 2025-01-13T00:10:07.565Z
  • Eric Porter solved 2025-01-13T02:18:51.010Z
  • Berto solved 2025-01-13T02:46:54.006Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2025-01-13T03:26:19.194Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2025-01-13T03:56:32.630Z
  • TEngstrom solved 2025-01-13T04:38:08.828Z
  • DrTom solved 2025-01-13T05:09:39.457Z
  • InAJelly solved 2025-01-13T14:44:16.254Z
  • Heb solved 2025-01-13T16:15:18.670Z
  • DaBromsJames solved 2025-01-13T16:31:01.962Z
  • rjy solved 2025-01-13T16:38:43.377Z
  • Serafin solved 2025-01-13T16:52:56.602Z
  • Alvibu67 solved 2025-01-13T20:31:31.953Z
  • woozy solved 2025-01-14T03:02:47.357Z
  • Slowbruh solved 2025-01-14T03:11:56.105Z
  • iceman solved 2025-01-14T05:16:36.199Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2025-01-14T22:14:41.498Z
  • Chris Barbee solved 2025-01-16T20:59:30.413Z
  • ELSavage solved 2025-01-17T14:45:54.490Z
  • dooiemus solved 2025-01-21T21:19:35.352Z
  • Lex solved 2025-01-23T19:22:41.247Z
  • kurtalert solved 2025-01-29T18:46:49.511Z


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  • Alex Sisti 3s · 2025-01-12T13:22:27.161Z
    Really clever!
    • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T15:48:39.119Z
      Comment deleted
      • Alex Sisti 3s · 2025-01-13T05:15:32.255Z
        Pete Best did.
        • rjy 2s · 2025-01-13T16:40:40.392Z
          I met his niece in London last year - wow, talk about a story that hangs over a family forever!
          • Alex Sisti 3s · 2025-01-14T18:46:47.006Z
            Yeah. He was a tad... bitter.
    • Dave C 3s · 2025-01-12T14:57:03.735Z
      Very clever. I "initially" was trying to do something with the numerous grid entries that started with a letter, but that got me nowhere.
      • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T15:39:32.384Z
        Thanks for solving
      • Wendy Walker 3s · 2025-01-12T14:59:46.106Z
        Nice one, Davy! Row 8 is what tipped me off.
        • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T15:39:15.243Z
          Thank Cap’n Rick for the middle row!
          • Capn Rick 🤓4:35 · 2025-01-12T16:46:10.753Z
            👍Gotta have some "eggs" while enjoying "Breakfast with the Beatles". 😄
            • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T19:49:28.529Z
              Would that make you “The Eggman?”
              • Capn Rick 🤓4:35 · 2025-01-12T21:25:36.880Z
                "Goo goo g'joob!"
                • whimsy 9:17 · 2025-01-13T00:20:29.342Z
                  An appropriate nickname for the Cap'n!
              • Wendy Walker 3s · 2025-01-13T20:38:58.121Z
                But of course the middle row was a Cap'n Rick idea! Why am I not surprised to learn that?!
                • Capn Rick 🤓4:35 · 2025-01-13T21:43:25.807Z
            • Meg 2s · 2025-01-12T14:44:47.648Z
              • KayW 🤓5:49 · 2025-01-12T15:54:02.521Z
                I WANT TO TELL YOU this meta was really SOMETHING - thanks Dave! haha I had a head start - I solved this while listening to radio program "Breakfast with the Beatles". Perfect timing! Good job making the relevant clues fit in so well!
                • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T17:07:18.673Z
                  Thanks Kay. We could be here all day making punny posts out of Beatle songs!
                • Abide 🤓8:25 · 2025-01-12T15:50:34.686Z
                  Whew! I got to OLD OLD and stalled there for a while. Had to go through and struck gold at Page 6.
                  • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T17:07:48.165Z
                    Thanks for solving!
                    • ajk 🤓4:52 · 2025-01-12T20:28:04.418Z
                      lol also got stuck at OLD OLD
                    • DCBilly 2s · 2025-01-12T16:07:51.080Z
                      Right in my wheelhouse as a loyal listener of Breakfast With The Beatles.
                      • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T22:30:02.062Z
                        Great. Thanks for solving
                      • Darth 🤓6:48 · 2025-01-12T16:23:43.380Z
                        Nice one, Dave. Love it!
                        • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T17:26:31.753Z
                          Thanks Darth. Sorry I couldn’t fit in a Star Wars clue for you 😞
                        • Cindy Heisler 4s · 2025-01-12T16:39:11.444Z
                          I had it all and then stalled on the last step. A nudge from a helpful muggle got me going in the right direction. Thanks for the puzzle, Davy!
                          • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T17:08:41.838Z
                            As you said, sometimes we need a little help from our friends!
                          • michaelm 🤓10:52 · 2025-01-12T17:04:14.081Z
                            Earworm alert! Quick diversion through Old Brown Shoe. Thanks, Mr Gravy!
                            • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T17:53:53.094Z
                              Love that one. Very underrated
                            • MatthewL 🤓6:18 · 2025-01-12T17:46:41.809Z
                              Got the songs quickly, but then stalled out. Needed nudge 3, which showed me the way home. Thanks for the puzle, Davy!
                              • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T19:17:34.575Z
                                My pleasure
                              • Carolyn 3s · 2025-01-12T17:51:10.036Z
                                Great song, best group of all time!
                                • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T19:16:31.245Z
                                  And my favorite rock album of all time
                                • ajk 🤓4:52 · 2025-01-12T20:27:18.356Z
                                  Shouldn't really have needed the 3rd nudge. Saw BIRTHDAY while I was filling the grid, quickly found the rest. Then I tried first letters and first two letters of the entries, then I tried first letters of the clues--which spells OLD OLD, of course. So that derailed me because it seemed like it couldn't be coincidence (even though it was lol). The only thing I didn't try was first letters of both clue words 😆. So then I looked at the nudges. Fun one, thanks.
                                  • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T22:25:41.323Z
                                    Thanks for solving Alan
                                  • DIS 🤓22:05 · 2025-01-12T20:50:35.387Z
                                    What tipped me off was BRA, though I wasn't sure if that was deliberate.
                                    • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T22:24:25.899Z
                                      Yes it was deliberate. For those that don’t know, it’s in the chorus. “Life goes on, BRA!…” The other easter egg, compliments if Capn Rick is the DOOWOP entry.
                                      • whimsy 9:17 · 2025-01-13T00:15:32.635Z
                                      • Sharkicicles 2s · 2025-01-12T22:00:32.087Z
                                        Nice one dave!
                                        • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-12T22:24:45.973Z
                                          Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
                                        • hoover 3s · 2025-01-12T23:54:02.780Z
                                          Needed the nudges. Not my wheelhouse.
                                          • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-13T01:13:10.639Z
                                            They’re there if you need them. I’ve needed to use them many times. Thanks for solving
                                          • imontoo 3s · 2025-01-12T23:56:42.067Z
                                            I needed the nudges. But, I finally got there. Good one, Dave!
                                            • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-13T01:09:48.282Z
                                              Thank you for solving
                                            • whimsy 9:17 · 2025-01-13T00:19:03.861Z
                                              To me, it's just about the happiest Beatles song -- Who doesn't like Happy!
                                              A tad tricky and a lot delightful! Thank you, Davy!
                                              • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-13T01:09:31.702Z
                                                Thanks. Glad you’ve enjoyed it.
                                              • Bird Lives 4s · 2025-01-13T03:30:23.675Z
                                                Clever. I saw the six songs right away since I used four of them in my "Hit Singles" SSS. But I neede the nudge about the clues.
                                                • HeadinHome 🤓2:47 · 2025-01-12T20:44:29.808Z
                                                  Needed all nudges because I missed the Liverpudlian line. Uboat and Ibeam were initial answers, the TITLE and HOMES lining up symmetrically had me sure I was looking for acrostics. Fun solve, even with the nudges.
                                                  • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-13T14:38:27.095Z
                                                    Thanks! The song was in my head the whole time I created it! Such an ear worm.
                                                  • DrTom 9s · 2025-01-13T05:19:19.433Z
                                                    Got down all kinds of rabbit holes because Lennon wrote some of those and McCartney wrote some of those (though I think most were credited "Lennon-McCartney", so I was PJing right along then LMing, and I got stuck at LM Doowop = "Love Me Do"???? Then to complicate it I went with an initial Beatles song P.S. I Love You, then, hmmm the initial U and Boat, submarine, Yellow Submarine. The initials of the clues were a nice touch. Thanks for the puzzle Davy.
                                                    • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-13T14:37:10.345Z
                                                      Glad to entertain! Oh the rabbit holes we go down… Or should I say “Rocky Raccoon” holes?
                                                    • DaBromsJames 4:56 · 2025-01-13T16:31:25.669Z
                                                      Love the mechanism! Thanks Gravy
                                                      • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-13T17:01:27.633Z
                                                        You are very welcome!
                                                      • woozy 🤓9:48 · 2025-01-14T03:10:54.316Z
                                                        Oh, For god's sake! I never even noticed the REAL part of the puzzle til just now. Okay! Now I'm really impressed.
                                                        • woozy 🤓9:48 · 2025-01-14T03:03:55.869Z
                                                          Cute. Had someone describe this metanism I'd have said. No, it'd be too hard and no one would see it.
                                                          But... I got with no problem and it worked out beautifully.
                                                          • DavyGravy constructor · 2025-01-18T21:24:11.188Z
                                                            The reveal has been posted. See it at the following link:
                                                            Outdoor burst
                                                            1. 1A
                                                              Outdoor burst
                                                            2. 5A
                                                              "What's your ___ ?” (retro pickup line)
                                                            3. 9A
                                                              Lewis' Alice
                                                            4. 13A
                                                              Rough patch in adolescence?
                                                            5. 14A
                                                              Menacing WWII vessel
                                                            6. 16A
                                                              Friend of Henri
                                                            7. 17A
                                                              " ___ boy!"
                                                            8. 18A
                                                              Bed on a train
                                                            9. 19A
                                                            10. 20A
                                                              Delivery information?
                                                            11. 22A
                                                            12. 24A
                                                              "Ooh so tasty!"
                                                            13. 25A
                                                              Fuel for a mustang
                                                            14. 26A
                                                              Something with a stirring message?
                                                            15. 30A
                                                              Unwelcome menopause symptom
                                                            16. 35A
                                                              " ___ There For You" ("Friends" theme song)
                                                            17. 36A
                                                              Bus or train schedule
                                                            18. 37A
                                                              " ___ Here to Eternity " 1953 Burt Lancaster film
                                                            19. 38A
                                                              "What am I, chopped ___?!"
                                                            20. 39A
                                                              It takes a cue
                                                            21. 40A
                                                              Dracula's wedding song?
                                                            22. 42A
                                                            23. 43A
                                                              "Here we go again" looks
                                                            24. 44A
                                                              Sicily's high pt.
                                                            25. 45A
                                                              Bill known as the "Science Guy"
                                                            26. 46A
                                                              Push-up provider?
                                                            27. 47A
                                                              Style of music marked by the use of nonsense phrases
                                                            28. 51A
                                                              Obama's bride
                                                            29. 56A
                                                              Start of a magic chant
                                                            30. 57A
                                                              Skating medalist Ohno
                                                            31. 59A
                                                              Hinged car part
                                                            32. 60A
                                                              Ride on air currents
                                                            33. 61A
                                                              Down Under dog
                                                            34. 62A
                                                              Prefix with potent or present
                                                            35. 63A
                                                              Lend assistance
                                                            36. 64A
                                                              Gallagher of Oasis
                                                            37. 65A
                                                              Delay action
                                                            1. 1D
                                                              Broccoli ___
                                                            2. 2D
                                                              It often follows the overture
                                                            3. 3D
                                                              Kind of verb, for short
                                                            4. 4D
                                                              Like Felix Unger from “The Odd Couple”
                                                            5. 5D
                                                              Quell or tone down
                                                            6. 6D
                                                              Metal structural unit
                                                            7. 7D
                                                              Like many horror flicks
                                                            8. 8D
                                                              NL East ball player
                                                            9. 9D
                                                              “I just go ___ over the Lady who sings “Poker Face!””
                                                            10. 10D
                                                              "How ___ Your Mother" (Jason Segel sitcom)
                                                            11. 11D
                                                            12. 12D
                                                              What dieters hope to weigh
                                                            13. 15D
                                                              ___ District
                                                            14. 21D
                                                              Commotion from promotion
                                                            15. 23D
                                                              Competitor of Uber
                                                            16. 25D
                                                              Mnemonic device used for the Great Lakes
                                                            17. 26D
                                                              Part of NRA
                                                            18. 27D
                                                              George Jetson's boy
                                                            19. 28D
                                                              Lump of garlic
                                                            20. 29D
                                                              Slangy term for an employee of Thomas Watson’s tech company
                                                            21. 30D
                                                              “Are you allergic to bees?” “Yeah if I get stung by one I’ll break out in ___!”
                                                            22. 31D
                                                              Temporary brain fart
                                                            23. 32D
                                                              More or less
                                                            24. 33D
                                                              Basketball Hall of Fame coach Jerry
                                                            25. 34D
                                                              " ___ Good" (No Doubt hit of 2001)
                                                            26. 36D
                                                              Line on a spine
                                                            27. 38D
                                                              Frog's resting spot
                                                            28. 41D
                                                              U2 frontman with 22 Grammy awards
                                                            29. 42D
                                                              Home of the NBA's Jazz
                                                            30. 44D
                                                              Totally chill dude
                                                            31. 46D
                                                              Part of a ship
                                                            32. 47D
                                                              100-yard race
                                                            33. 48D
                                                              Its blown on stage
                                                            34. 49D
                                                            35. 50D
                                                              Bend out of shape, like a vinyl album
                                                            36. 51D
                                                              It was once known as “The Kissing Disease" (eww)
                                                            37. 52D
                                                              Website for DIYers
                                                            38. 53D
                                                              Casa___, Toronto castle
                                                            39. 54D
                                                              Anderson of 1970's TV
                                                            40. 55D
                                                              Make the cut?
                                                            41. 58D
                                                              Google Maps marker