Other examples (some of which are too long for a 15x15 grid): organic food, British English, bike pedal, brown rice, cloth diaper, handwritten, outdoor rock climbing, silent film, visible light, "Star Trek: The Original Series," "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope," etc. etc. etc.
Thanks Adam! (Btw I just emailed you a few hours ago.)
Adam Doctoroff 🤓3:24 · 2023-07-07T12:14:55.107Z
You're welcome! I don't seem to have gotten your email, though - did you send it to my gmail or narrow gauge account? can always message me on the muggle board also. look forward to hearing from you!
very fun puzzle! loved learning about RETRONYM... took me a while to get the reference to the puzzle's title but i get it now :)... don't know if it was intentional or not but liked that there were two song references about rain on your wedding day