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8 Millimeter

◆◆ · By DrTom · Published 2024-11-06T12:30:49.582Z

Meta Prompt
The answer is something producers are very concerned about
This is another puzzle that has been sitting around for a while waiting to find a place in the queue. Heck I had to remember how to solve it as I was trying to get it ready to go.
I doubt they will remember it, but KayW and lbray53 helped me test and refine this one. Of course they may just pull a Mission Impossible on me, "As always, should you or any of this meta be wrong or crunchy, the test solvers will disavow any knowledge..."
Difficulty? Hmmm...I'm going to say Calico to Persian because you will have to see the "trick" to solve. Of course once you do it is pretty straightforward, but noticing what I'm up to might be a challenge for some depending on your levels of experience with the subject. Still, this is nothing that is way out in left field so I expect most will find their way.
֎ Calico
֎ Persian
I will try to remember to post nudges this week, hopefully I can keep my mind in the game.
I must be losing it....I could have SWORN I posted the nudges here on the same day I did them for the Muggles forum, but if I did I must not have saved my work because they sure are not here, my apologies:
Nudge 1] The title was selected carefully because 8 millimeter is the size of movie film (or at least it was).
Nudge 2] The theme answers are symmetrical.
Nudge 3] Are there any possible movie titles among the themer answers?
Nudge 4] What do all those movies in the theme answers have in common?
Nudge 5] The title was also the name of a movie which, not be chance, shares the same trait as the themers
Nudge 6] The meta answer is 7 letters long and there are 7 theme answers, now if only you could get a letter from each, or at least a square number containing a letter!
The intended path was to notice that there were 7 symmetrically placed movies with clues hinting to their full titles.
Helping that a bit was both the title of the Meta, "8 Millimeter" a "numbered film as well as the size of the movie film of old and the graphic that showed the little Michelin Man-like figure holding film cans, many of which had films with numbers in their titles.
15 Measure from the beginning of time - what would that be but Year 1.
28 German holding (or perhaps Holden) area - William Holden's only Oscar was for Stalag 17
30 Candles on a birthday cake - maybe 16 of them in a popular movie
35 Reed Richard - certainly Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four a Marvel franchise
48 Primates in many Sci-Fi films - certainly there have been LOTS of monkeys (King Kong, Planet of the Apes, etc.) but few weirder than 12 Monkeys
51 Name for a group of friends in Mexico - who can forget those three zany friends, the Three Amigos
65 Measurement on the road - this was probably harder to see than others, and part of that is that I lived in Detroit for a while and 8 Mile was pretty much the boundary between the Urban core and the wealthier suburbs. Perhaps I should have made the clue Measurement on the road in Michigan, but alas...
If you take those numbers, each of them designates a square in the puzzle, and those numbers, in their numerical order, spell NUMBERS, a concern for producers.
For a graphic of the intended solve, please go to:
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  • hoover solved 2024-11-06T05:07:47.206Z
  • benchen71 solved 2024-11-06T07:13:08.437Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2024-11-06T08:39:31.324Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2024-11-06T13:16:39.469Z
  • DCBilly solved 2024-11-06T14:04:13.965Z
  • Meg solved 2024-11-06T14:21:36.936Z
  • JM solved 2024-11-06T14:39:12.624Z
  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2024-11-06T14:55:51.895Z
  • Darth solved 2024-11-06T14:58:29.695Z
  • whimsy solved 2024-11-06T15:11:47.386Z
  • Mg305 solved 2024-11-06T15:14:10.120Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-11-06T15:45:58.766Z
  • Hector solved 2024-11-06T16:10:55.524Z
  • Serafin solved 2024-11-06T16:21:09.864Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2024-11-06T16:46:07.420Z
  • imontoo solved 2024-11-06T17:02:59.079Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-11-06T17:04:08.372Z
  • Carolyn solved 2024-11-06T17:20:06.202Z
  • rjy solved 2024-11-06T17:23:08.607Z
  • DIS solved 2024-11-06T17:27:43.523Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-11-06T17:59:06.792Z
  • boharr solved 2024-11-06T18:27:45.908Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2024-11-06T18:42:19.831Z
  • LB800 solved 2024-11-06T20:45:16.193Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2024-11-06T21:07:10.059Z
  • kurtalert solved 2024-11-06T21:08:41.590Z
  • woozy solved 2024-11-06T21:11:20.169Z
  • Tim solved 2024-11-06T22:39:36.649Z
  • KayW solved 2024-11-06T22:48:06.418Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2024-11-06T23:10:09.548Z
  • andeux solved 2024-11-06T23:42:05.870Z
  • Avlan solved 2024-11-07T04:03:49.459Z
  • Laura M solved 2024-11-07T04:24:59.808Z
  • kymike solved 2024-11-07T12:40:51.202Z
  • lbray53 solved 2024-11-07T13:06:31.750Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2024-11-07T13:53:26.520Z
  • Berto solved 2024-11-08T01:58:38.370Z
  • Qmark solved 2024-11-08T03:58:50.597Z
  • Capn Rick solved 2024-11-08T04:09:03.777Z
  • omnilynx solved 2024-11-08T16:38:29.015Z
  • markhr solved 2024-11-09T05:13:01.920Z
  • edestlin solved 2024-11-09T14:53:09.832Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2024-11-09T16:33:45.498Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2024-11-09T20:54:25.718Z
  • Lance solved 2024-11-10T14:30:00.580Z


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  • hoover 🤓8:29 · 2024-11-06T12:30:49.582Z
    Woo hoo, cat is off the couch! 28A and 30A were my way in, and then when I looked for symmetry I saw 48A and 51A. Then 35A. 15A and 65A were the last to drop.
    • benchen71 5s · 2024-11-06T12:30:49.582Z
      Did you know there is a movie starring Mark Wahlberg called "Mile 22"? And did you know that you had BEF at 22A? So I had all the letters, with the B in the wrong place! Back to Google... oh, of course! The Eminem movie, "8 Mile". And, of course, "Eminem" sounds like "M and M" = mm = millimetres! (But then Mark Wahlberg was once known as Marky Mark, which is also MM, so this puzzle had layers up the wazoo!)
      • DrTom constructor · 2024-11-06T13:23:34.204Z
        Well, when I started I was looking for movies that only had an actual number 1st (12 Monkeys) but there were not enough or they were not unique enough or well known enough or short enough for fill. When I allowed numbers to follow (Stalag 17) or to be spelled out (Sixteen Candles) I opened the door for misinterpretation. There were lots of movies with numbers but many were duplicates (8 Below, 7 Below, 7 Ronin, 47 Ronin). I actually ran across Mile 22 MUCH later, after testing and some editing and was soooo depressed and then I saw that even if people went that way they still got the B (admittedly out of order) but they got it, AND it was not a well known movie (interestingly it does not even appear in 1MDB list of movies with number in the name) I just let it slide. I suppose I should have clued the desired movie as "5280 feet in Detroit" and then you would have had MILE and MICHIGAN (where 8 Mile Road is). Hindsight...
        I am glad you persevered. Oh, and the "Millimeter" refers only to the size that movie film used to be, not anything to do with the initials of the actors - but I can see how it might have drawn your attention when you were trying to justify one over the other.
      • Darth 20:34 · 2024-11-06T15:08:18.284Z
        I started to see what you were doing (those "measurement" clues helped throw me off! haha), but then for a minute the results seemed all too random. Finally figured out the natural sequence. Thanks, DrT! Fun! :D
        • MatthewL 🤓16:09 · 2024-11-06T17:07:27.878Z
          Fun one. Saw what was going on fairly quickly, and knew most of the movies (had to google the MONKEYS because I was sure it was seven, not twelve). Other than that, a smooth solve. Thanks for the puzzle, Dr. Tom!
          • DrTom constructor · 2024-11-06T21:03:06.468Z
            I remember that movies just because it was so darn weird, I guess I had better watch again.
          • imontoo 10s · 2024-11-06T17:03:26.330Z
            Clever! Clever! Clever!
            • DrTom constructor · 2024-11-06T21:02:33.278Z
              Thank you
            • Carolyn 2s · 2024-11-06T17:21:31.880Z
              Thanks to Google! Good one😊
              • DrTom constructor · 2024-11-06T21:03:49.360Z
                I figured Mr. G might have a role today, just to verify the numbers.
                Glad you enjoyed it
              • HeadinHome 5:14 · 2024-11-06T18:02:33.278Z
                Stalag and Amigos both suggested numbers, and then saw Candles, Fantastic, and Monkeys. Took longer to get Mile, and then finally Year because of its symmetrical placement (not familiar with that one). For a while I was reading the prompt at “something producers are very concerned about Dr. Tom”. ( : That could be so many things. Ha ha ha THanks!
                • DrTom constructor · 2024-11-06T21:02:12.039Z
                  They are indeed; I am not allowed on many movie sets...
                  Thanks for staying and watching all of the features!
                • boharr 2s · 2024-11-06T18:28:53.725Z
                  Thanks, DrTom
                  • kurtalert 8:09 · 2024-11-06T21:10:10.781Z
                    Fun - thanks!
                    • Tyrpmom 18:26 · 2024-11-06T21:09:57.297Z
                      Cried “uncle” filling out the grid. The meta was a smooth little number though.
                      • DrTom constructor · 2024-11-07T02:12:11.412Z
                        Yes, unfortunately many of my constraints precluded easier words, thanks for sticking with it.
                      • woozy 16:29 · 2024-11-06T21:23:20.780Z
                        Wow... don't know why I didn't see it at first. I caught a lot of the nagging details but they didn't stick. Had to be told I was on the wrong track.
                        So... here's my first retaliation meta: (Very hard meta)
                        And my second: (Not a meta. Kind of hard but a lot of fun)
                        • Qmark 3s · 2024-11-08T03:59:07.180Z
                          Fun...thanks DrTom!
                          • Capn Rick 11:55 · 2024-11-08T04:13:55.899Z
                            Fun one, DrTom. And thanks for the shout-out at 54D!
                            • DrTom constructor · 2024-11-08T05:14:45.745Z
                              Glad you enjoyed it, and always glad to shout-out a friend!
                            Fresh, in Frankfurt
                            1. 1A
                              Fresh, in Frankfurt
                            2. 4A
                              Dead-end employment, slangily
                            3. 9A
                              Maine town that got ticked off?
                            4. 13A
                              When the Lothario tried to make one of these, he failed
                            5. 14A
                              Call heard when the meta cannot be solved
                            6. 15A
                              Measure from the beginning of time
                            7. 16A
                              Baptism, if it is done correctly
                            8. 17A
                              Big name in winter boots
                            9. 18A
                              Klinger on MAS*H
                            10. 19A
                              Yogi Berra said this ain't until it is
                            11. 20A
                              Tending to repeat oneself
                            12. 22A
                              Prior to: Abbr.
                            13. 23A
                              Had down cold
                            14. 24A
                              Insurance giant that erupted on the scene in 1853
                            15. 28A
                              German holding (or perhaps Holden?) area
                            16. 30A
                              Lights on a cake
                            17. 32A
                              Placido Domingo was one of three
                            18. 33A
                              Dead letter collection
                            19. 34A
                              Includes: Abbr.
                            20. 35A
                              Reed Richards, Mr. ___
                            21. 40A
                              British New Year's honor: Abbr.
                            22. 43A
                              President we associate with fins, for short
                            23. 44A
                              Advanced teachers: Abbr.
                            24. 48A
                              Primates in many sci-fi films
                            25. 51A
                              Name for a group of friends in Mexico
                            26. 52A
                              Sprayed a deterrent
                            27. 53A
                              Bart's saxy sister
                            28. 55A
                              Often precedes Ahh
                            29. 56A
                              Types of deodorants
                            30. 59A
                              Razor of crossword fame
                            31. 60A
                              Style or verve
                            32. 63A
                              The last place many bachelors will walk
                            33. 64A
                              Favor one leg over the other
                            34. 65A
                              Measurement on the road
                            35. 66A
                              Projections from a mountain-side
                            36. 67A
                              "Ok, that's clear now"
                            37. 68A
                            38. 69A
                              Right turns on a map
                            39. 70A
                              End of the line for a RR
                            1. 1D
                              Quality of an ingenue
                            2. 2D
                              Gloria with the Miami Sound Machine
                            3. 3D
                              Person on a computer
                            4. 4D
                            5. 5D
                              A "Benjamin"
                            6. 6D
                              Old Navy rival
                            7. 7D
                              How you would smell in Barcelona
                            8. 8D
                              Composer Bartok
                            9. 9D
                              Took a car?
                            10. 10D
                              Opposite of 36D
                            11. 11D
                              Scratch the surface, perhaps
                            12. 12D
                              Screw up
                            13. 13D
                              Host of Survivor, Jeff
                            14. 21D
                              Gram alternative
                            15. 23D
                              Kilmer of Chicago Fire
                            16. 25D
                              Pampering, at least initially
                            17. 26D
                              Japanese phone and computer giant
                            18. 27D
                              Word with dumb or smart
                            19. 29D
                              Trajectory of a bullet or an arrow: Abbr.
                            20. 30D
                              Identifying as your birth gender
                            21. 31D
                            22. 33D
                              Sally Field's "Norma ___"
                            23. 36D
                              Dissenting vote
                            24. 37D
                              Where you can find all your "Friends": Abbr.
                            25. 38D
                              "___ Be", Black Eyed Peas hit
                            26. 39D
                              Forensic hit
                            27. 40D
                              Delicious treat on Mondays
                            28. 41D
                              Neckwear that might choke you
                            29. 42D
                              Contents of a SASE
                            30. 45D
                              Someone enjoying an I scream
                            31. 46D
                              Uniformed group in the lobby
                            32. 47D
                              Feature of a sigmoid curve, in math
                            33. 49D
                              Vegetable unit that sounds military
                            34. 50D
                              Tokyo, once
                            35. 51D
                            36. 53D
                              Gets two points less than an opponent
                            37. 54D
                              Place for Cap'n Rick to put up for the night
                            38. 57D
                              Dead word for expired
                            39. 58D
                              Former buyer in Italy
                            40. 59D
                              Legendary boxers
                            41. 60D
                              Dash lengths
                            42. 61D
                              Neglect to stick to the truth
                            43. 62D
                              Requirement if the Tide is out