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Watching the Detectives

· By Alex Sisti · Published 2024-07-15T13:00:33.451Z

Meta Prompt
The answer is a 7-letter actor.
Good morning Muggles, and welcome to Muggle Meta Monday!
This puzzle – titled “Watching the Detectives” – is part 3 of my four-puzzle Detective Suite (the first being “Elementary, My Dear Watson,” and the second being “A Figure in Hiding”). The topic of the suite is one of my favorites, fictional detectives. No intimate or complete knowledge is needed on any of these sleuths, but a visit with Mr. E… I mean Mr. G… might be required for corroboration.
This one actually grew from the title of one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite singer/songwriters: Elvis Costello (and though it’s not meta-related, you should really check the song out on YouTube. I got to hear him perform it live in a little club in Utica, a few days before his infamous debut on Saturday Night Live in 1977).
Anyway, as much as I enjoyed reading detective stories, I enjoyed watching film and TV adaptations of those stories and their detectives just as much. While some of the actors were way off from the images I conjured up from the books’ descriptions, many – even most -- were pretty spot on. How about you? Do you have any examples of where the actor was just wrong for the part (let’s not even talk about Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher)? Any that were dead-on perfect (to that list, I’d include Maury Chaykin as Nero Wolfe and Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes)? A great topic for a campfire roundtable, for sure.
Oh… and did I mention that this suite also has a mega-meta answer? Well, it does, so keep track of the puzzles as you solve them. And now, adjust the aluminum foil on the rabbit ears, fire up the Jiffy Pop and sit back… the game is afoot!
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  • Abide solved 2024-07-16T16:57:13.666Z
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  • Qmark solved 2024-08-23T22:29:03.193Z
  • Mikey G solved 2024-08-24T05:30:00.665Z


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  • Darth 🤓10:08 · 2024-07-15T13:31:22.052Z
    Great construction! After all that, you must be petered out! ;) Thanks for the fun, Al.
    • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-15T14:26:08.697Z
      And thanks for the pun, Darth!
    • boharr 2s · 2024-07-15T13:54:51.477Z
      Thanks, Al. I'm fond of Suchet. Very campy.
      • DIS 🤓16:19 · 2024-07-15T14:05:31.137Z
        Was Puck an Easter egg? I remember seeing Peter Puck watching hockey games in the '70's.
        • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-15T16:13:24.278Z
          Totally coincidental... I'm not that clever (although there are other Easter eggs).
        • DCBilly 2s · 2024-07-15T14:40:45.420Z
          Ha! Figured out the Peter connection the hard way - after my first seven letter actor submission doinked.
          • MatthewL 🤓6:47 · 2024-07-15T14:21:21.095Z
            Tried PETER USTINOV first, but then realized you only wanted 7 letters. Thanks for the puzzle, Al!
            • hoover 3s · 2024-07-15T13:21:56.424Z
              Nice one for a Monday! I deduced the right 7-letter actor! Branagh is a more recent one, but your other clues were classics, so I went with the classic instead.
              • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-15T16:12:27.345Z
                There's a better reason it wasn't Branagh.
              • Bird Lives 3s · 2024-07-15T15:38:29.726Z
                Ashamed to admit that all the Peters didn't register till after I had guessed the very incorrect Branagh. Nice that Crosshare believes in "if at first you don't succeed. . ."
                • Sendhil Revuluri 4:32 · 2024-07-15T15:33:52.778Z
                  Thank you! If it is kosher to ask for a hint here (post-solve): what is the tip-off that it was USTINOV and not BRANAGH? (It seemed like the theme clues were a mix of TV shows and movies and "original" and "remade" versions.)
                  • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-15T16:14:00.276Z
                    All the actors in the themers were "Peter"...
                • Dave C 3s · 2024-07-15T15:50:18.826Z
                  I liked Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.
                  • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-15T23:24:30.336Z
                    One of the best pieces of serendipity that ever happened to me!!
                  • Meg 2s · 2024-07-15T15:53:58.741Z
                    I thought maybe our friend 50d would be involved somehow. Fun puzzle!
                    • woozy 10:28 · 2024-07-15T15:52:54.177Z
                      LOVE IT! You really outdid yourself!
                      So it the very beginning having finished the grid but only just starting to brainstorm the metanism I'm writing the names down in order with the number and it occurs to me to think "Hmm, I should write down the first names as well" after the first two "Oh, no he didn't!" But indeed he did.
                      Loved it!
                      • Sharkicicles 2s · 2024-07-17T19:05:59.639Z
                        I did the same thing. Made me smile once I saw it.
                      • ajk 🤓9:39 · 2024-07-15T16:30:44.815Z
                        Submitted the full name first, as I wasn't sure if the prompt was just to narrow the list or intended to signal what to actually enter. Didn't get past THE PUMPKIN EATER when deciding which 7-letter actor to pick, so I missed the first name link. Very nice indeed. Fun one, thanks.
                        • DrTom 4s · 2024-07-15T16:40:30.209Z
                          Delightful puzzle! I saw the letters of one of my favorite detectives and said, "OK that's it" then tried to put the letters in numeric order and got squat. "Can't be, the impossible cannot have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances." I said, so I circled the letters and "all was revealed in due course". I had kind of hoped Ustinov had been in The Pumpkin Eater or that another 1964 film had him with Peter Finch. But in the end (and I'll have you know I avoided a rude pun here) it had to be M. Ustinov despite me desperately wanting it to be my favorite Poirot, David Suchet, (he is my favorite but (another rude comment avoided) it was not to be.
                          Fun Monday exercise, thanks Al
                          • whimsy 12:07 · 2024-07-15T17:27:51.788Z
                            Gah! Also missed all the Peters at first, but zeroed in eventually. And yes, I too like 50D as an "ellipse". Really nice -- Thanks, Al!
                            • Carolyn 2s · 2024-07-15T17:56:01.298Z
                              Very cool!
                              • kurtalert 🤓7:07 · 2024-07-15T17:58:40.710Z
                                Very cool! I saw my first Poirot movie on a plane earlier this year. Was fun!
                                • Laura M 🤓9:00 · 2024-07-15T19:02:24.828Z
                                  Excellent! As I was trying to figure out the numbers in parentheses, thinking it can't just be that, can it? And it was :-) Fascinating that there are so many famous actors named Peter who played detectives...
                                  • Wendy Walker 3s · 2024-07-15T19:53:13.225Z
                                    Nice subtle shout-out to the MMM-meister, Al!
                                    • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-15T23:26:46.146Z
                                      Any guesses who suggested it? I originally had "ABATE," and he just suggested new entries for 59A and 68A.
                                      • Wendy Walker 3s · 2024-07-16T12:38:00.763Z
                                        WHAT a surprise.
                                    • imontoo 3s · 2024-07-15T21:04:10.665Z
                                      Thanks, Al!
                                      • Mwoychick 13:23 · 2024-07-15T23:06:38.672Z
                                        Great puzzle, Al - I'm also a fan of Elvis Costello and saw him in 1989 in Maine (Nick Lowe was there, too). Couldn't agree more with the clue for 47D!
                                        • Tyrpmom 1s · 2024-07-16T01:41:14.958Z
                                          David Suchet is awesome as Poirot. Loving this detective series.
                                          • HeadinHome 11:19 · 2024-07-16T01:38:10.537Z
                                            Just ‘cuz DavidSuchet has too many letters and isn’t a Peter. Otherwise….
                                            • KayW 🤓7:10 · 2024-07-16T01:50:12.770Z
                                              LOVE IT - especially THE PUMPKIN EATER in the middle. Saw all the PETER actors but confess I had to google to see which 7-letter PETER played POIROT.
                                              • Larry Edelstein 🤓4:01 · 2024-07-15T19:50:49.445Z
                                                Re: Elvis, I saw him just down the road in Ithaca about ten years later. He had that wheel he let people spin and he'd play the song it landed on. The Blood and Chocolate tour, him in his Napolean Dynamite persona, years before Jared Hess stole/unconsciously stole/made up separately the name. Great show!
                                                Fun puzzle too ;-)
                                                • rjy 2s · 2024-07-16T04:30:34.607Z
                                                  Very fun! And cute ABIDE Easter egg in there too!
                                                  • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-16T12:14:44.557Z
                                                    He held my dog hostage until I put it in there.
                                                    • Abide 3s · 2024-07-16T17:07:41.902Z
                                                      Asta has been safely returned 😜
                                                      • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-16T18:54:32.282Z
                                                        Don't suppose you threw in Myrna Loy for good measure? Woof!
                                                  • omnilynx 🤓17:38 · 2024-07-16T17:08:28.428Z
                                                    Too bad you couldn't fit Peter Falk in somehow.
                                                    • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-07-16T18:55:25.777Z
                                                      "The answer is a four letter word beginning with "F." What could possibly go wrong?
                                                    • JHSeeman 2s · 2024-07-16T20:52:32.251Z
                                                      Doh....7 letters dummy..... Fun one.
                                                      • Sharkicicles 2s · 2024-07-17T17:35:05.965Z
                                                        I was really hoping someone named “Johnson” played him at some point…
                                                        • Ergcat 11:20 · 2024-07-17T20:27:57.700Z
                                                          Got it! Had to consult Mr Google for the Peter connection to decide among the 3 actors I had (Randall, Branagh, and Ustinov). Good one, thanks, Al!
                                                          • Qmark 3s · 2024-08-23T22:29:58.068Z
                                                            Set my printed version of the puzzle aside and only got back to it it with no nudges needed. Thanks for another great meta!
                                                            • Alex Sisti constructor · 2024-08-25T03:45:22.653Z
                                                            • Qmark 3s · 2024-08-23T22:30:56.565Z
                                                              Lifelong Elvis Costello fan, so loved your title for this one as well. :)
                                                              Tonsil neighbor
                                                              1. 1A
                                                                Tonsil neighbor
                                                              2. 8A
                                                                Letters associated with 2 on a telephone keypad
                                                              3. 11A
                                                                Political support group
                                                              4. 14A
                                                                He played DCI Daniel Hegarty on the "Criminal Record" TV series (3)
                                                              5. 15A
                                                                Little in Lille
                                                              6. 16A
                                                              7. 17A
                                                                One of the grounds for divorce
                                                              8. 19A
                                                                Project ender?
                                                              9. 20A
                                                              10. 21A
                                                                He played Mr. Moto in eight movies (2)
                                                              11. 23A
                                                                Ejects with force
                                                              12. 28A
                                                                Home of Senators and Kings
                                                              13. 30A
                                                              14. 31A
                                                                He played Sherlock Holmes in the 1959 version of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (5)
                                                              15. 33A
                                                                Table scraps
                                                              16. 35A
                                                              17. 36A
                                                                Reagan's "Star Wars" vision (abbr.)
                                                              18. 37A
                                                                Rank held by Vic Morrow's character in "Combat"
                                                              19. 40A
                                                                1964 British film starring Peter Finch
                                                              20. 44A
                                                                Part of IOS
                                                              21. 45A
                                                                French affirmative
                                                              22. 46A
                                                              23. 47A
                                                                Type of pear I've only ever seen in crosswords
                                                              24. 49A
                                                                He played Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther series (6)
                                                              25. 50A
                                                                Orchard pest
                                                              26. 53A
                                                                Mauna ___ (Hawaiian volcano)
                                                              27. 55A
                                                                Actress P.J. with a memorable (to me) kitchen scene in "Stripes"
                                                              28. 56A
                                                                He played Detective Ryan in "Turk 182" (2)
                                                              29. 57A
                                                                Greek vowel
                                                              30. 59A
                                                                MSN, e.g.
                                                              31. 60A
                                                                Assembly point
                                                              32. 68A
                                                                Twisted Sister's Snider
                                                              33. 69A
                                                                Detective Spade or owner of a warehouse club
                                                              34. 70A
                                                                He played Lt. Mitch Kellaway in "The Mask" (7)
                                                              35. 71A
                                                                Show to be human
                                                              36. 72A
                                                                At all
                                                              37. 73A
                                                                Shape of Stewie's head on "Family Guy"
                                                              1. 1D
                                                                Official designation of Obamacare (abbr.)
                                                              2. 2D
                                                                Advertised dosage of Brylcreem
                                                              3. 3D
                                                                Antagonistic org. in "The Simpsons Movie"
                                                              4. 4D
                                                                One of the Bobbsey twins
                                                              5. 5D
                                                                "The Secret of the ___ Mill" (Hardy Boys) or "The Adventure of Shoscombe ___ Place" (Sherlock Holmes)
                                                              6. 6D
                                                                TV singing competition, for short (which I stopped watching in 2006 when Katherine McPhee lost to Taylor Hicks. I mean, seriously!?)
                                                              7. 7D
                                                                Chowing down, but with some formality
                                                              8. 8D
                                                                Desmond Morris book, "The Naked ___"
                                                              9. 9D
                                                                Rodent-themed Oscar-nominated song (I stopped watching in 1973 when it lost to Maureen McGovern's "The Morning After." I mean, seriously!?)
                                                              10. 10D
                                                                Veal ___
                                                              11. 11D
                                                                Skating competition category
                                                              12. 12D
                                                                Love, love, love
                                                              13. 13D
                                                                Rods' companions
                                                              14. 18D
                                                                Dashboard reading (abbr.)
                                                              15. 22D
                                                                Western hemisphere grp.
                                                              16. 23D
                                                                Emulates Ella Fitzgerald
                                                              17. 24D
                                                                Overly bossy
                                                              18. 25D
                                                                Adlai's 1956 running mate
                                                              19. 26D
                                                                Seriously trounce, colloquially
                                                              20. 27D
                                                                In ___; undisturbed
                                                              21. 29D
                                                                Where Credence Clearwater Revival got stuck
                                                              22. 32D
                                                                Nautilus captain and the clownfish he might have been searching for
                                                              23. 34D
                                                                Help with the dishes
                                                              24. 36D
                                                                Go downhill in a hurry
                                                              25. 37D
                                                                Stainless ___
                                                              26. 38D
                                                                Style; e.g., detective story
                                                              27. 39D
                                                                Head lock?
                                                              28. 41D
                                                                Hated "Real World" star or "A Midsummer Night's Dream" character
                                                              29. 42D
                                                                Snaky swimmers
                                                              30. 43D
                                                                Guthrie of the long-form monologue song "Alice's Restaurant Massacree"
                                                              31. 47D
                                                                Cartoonist Keane behind "Family Circus," the unfunniest strip ever (no one thinks your kids are cute, and Barfy is a stupid name for a dog)
                                                              32. 48D
                                                                Texas oil city
                                                              33. 49D
                                                                Literary device used by Jonathan Swift in "A Modest Proposal" and Taylor Swift in "Blank Space"
                                                              34. 50D
                                                                Put up with
                                                              35. 51D
                                                              36. 52D
                                                                Activity starter?
                                                              37. 54D
                                                                Brain scan, for short
                                                              38. 58D
                                                                Indigo dye source
                                                              39. 61D
                                                                See 62-Down
                                                              40. 62D
                                                                With 61-Down, author of "The Joy Luck Club"
                                                              41. 63D
                                                                Come together
                                                              42. 64D
                                                                Figure reported on IRS Form 1040, line 11
                                                              43. 65D
                                                                Weightlifting unit
                                                              44. 66D
                                                                Sounds of hesitation
                                                              45. 67D