The answer to the meta is a 4-letter locative verb
This one came to me late last night and then I just had to see if it was possible to construct a grid that would make it work. And, well, would you look at that: it was possible to construct (as long as you don't mind the occasional 2-letter word!) However, I should say that it's a definite "week 4". The answer to the meta is a 4-letter locative verb. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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Sure hope the seven Xs in the grid (in conjunction with SEVENOXEN) didn't lead you astray! Once I saw that AXOLOTL was going in the central space, I just tried to get as many other Xs in as possible - just for fun!
Berto 2s · 2025-02-26T02:48:16.225Z
The X’s were the first thing I shaded, but we were looking for a 4-letter word so soon crossed them off…
The Alt for “hear” caused me the greatest trouble, but forming the box convinced me, and SPAN was all I could find in the box that made sense! (What about the R though?)
Yes, the X's were a brief distraction, but I saw the main idea as I was filling in the grid, and not knowing how so many of them were going to result in a four-letter word, I noticed the connections and... wait, why are they all in the same place? Thanks for a fun one that turned out to be quick for me.
Tim 7:01 · 2025-02-25T23:45:36.236Z
Wasn't sure what a locative verb was - but your meta "pointed" me in the right direction. Well done.
I had SNAP as a potential answer when the meta hint was "4-letter verb". But I thought SPAN could be thought of as a "locative verb" in the sense that it refers to a location. SNAP, though, is not semantically associated with a location. So I changed the meta hint to "4-letter locative verb" and deleted SNAP from the list of possible answers.
Ergcat 22s · 2025-02-26T12:37:56.898Z
Great construction, Ben! Thanks for the nudge to keep looking in that direction. I submitted SNAP at first so I was in the right spot, wrong direction!
" I just had to see if it was possible to construct a grid that would make it work. And, well, would you look at that: it was possible to construct (as long as you don't mind the occasional 2-letter word!"
Why would you need the occasional two letter words.
To make a grid with AFTERSHAVE, OVERHEAR, PREPARED, and UNDERSTAND in it, together with RISE, PEELED, TRIM and HEED surrounding the letters SPAN, I needed a grid that also happened to have six 2-letter words. I couldn't find a grid that had everything I needed without also including some 2-letter words.
Well, with much angst and a LOT of assistance I made it to SPAN, but it was a final, "what the heck, that looks like a verb and it is sort of locative". The fact that the only thing directly OVER HEED (for HEARD) is R makes this SPRN not SPAN, or at least that is what I came back too about 30 times. I had everything I needed, just didn't know how to put it together.
Eventually got there, but needed every last hint
Mightn't "PANS" be a locative verb in the present tense? (e.g. "He pans left to capture the full panoramic image.")