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Aye Aye, Captain!

· By Capn Rick · Published 2023-01-23T05:08:06.341Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is something you may find on a ship.
Come aboard! We're expecting you! Yes, today's MMM is coming to you live..., er, in syndication, from the deck of the "Pacific Princess". All of your favorite characters are here including Gopher, Doc, Julie, good old Isaac, and my personal favorite - Captain Stubing. You can't run a ship without a good Captain, and every Captain needs a good crew - preferably one that respectfully and dutifully takes orders (unlike mine on the "Wicked Fishah!". Ahem! 😄)
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  • Hector solved 2023-01-23T05:29:35.922Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-01-23T07:23:10.685Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-01-23T13:13:56.806Z
  • Meg solved 2023-01-23T13:16:05.594Z
  • Schmeel solved 2023-01-23T13:36:41.672Z
  • kymike solved 2023-01-23T13:59:06.170Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-01-23T14:09:49.801Z
  • Dave C solved 2023-01-23T14:33:38.919Z
  • Mikey G solved 2023-01-23T14:50:54.074Z
  • JM solved 2023-01-23T15:11:24.324Z
  • Abide solved 2023-01-23T15:26:04.804Z
  • Darth solved 2023-01-23T15:30:55.303Z
  • BrennerTJ solved 2023-01-23T15:41:50.142Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-01-23T15:55:01.473Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-01-23T16:12:08.847Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-01-23T16:17:09.641Z
  • DebbieC solved 2023-01-23T16:27:52.488Z
  • Darrell solved 2023-01-23T16:58:05.837Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2023-01-23T16:59:52.840Z
  • boharr solved 2023-01-23T17:07:31.716Z
  • ajk solved 2023-01-23T17:33:08.704Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2023-01-23T17:41:47.958Z
  • heidi solved 2023-01-23T17:50:48.581Z
  • Ergcat solved 2023-01-23T17:54:08.190Z
  • DIS solved 2023-01-23T17:57:52.865Z
  • BethA solved 2023-01-23T18:12:27.798Z
  • ChrisCross solved 2023-01-23T18:18:38.968Z
  • Carolyn solved 2023-01-23T18:43:03.172Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2023-01-23T19:17:15.651Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-01-23T19:24:43.753Z
  • Gutman solved 2023-01-23T19:59:15.349Z
  • imontoo solved 2023-01-23T20:51:33.098Z
  • jbird solved 2023-01-23T21:18:09.007Z
  • Anita and Steve solved 2023-01-23T21:32:37.256Z
  • dplass solved 2023-01-23T21:44:29.670Z
  • rjy solved 2023-01-23T21:59:22.158Z
  • oldjudge solved 2023-01-23T22:21:20.135Z
  • auee89 solved 2023-01-23T22:35:09.769Z
  • dannyvee solved 2023-01-23T22:57:36.395Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2023-01-23T23:52:09.404Z
  • SJMcK solved 2023-01-24T00:02:00.317Z
  • lbray53 solved 2023-01-24T01:55:55.517Z
  • Dow Jones solved 2023-01-24T02:54:41.094Z
  • DrTom solved 2023-01-24T12:52:43.408Z
  • woozy solved 2023-01-24T16:59:30.690Z
  • Alvibu67 solved 2023-01-24T21:52:34.805Z
  • Eric Porter solved 2023-01-24T23:28:49.231Z
  • ReB solved 2023-01-25T03:34:22.108Z
  • Teamdoubletow solved 2023-01-25T03:44:10.384Z
  • Nancygo solved 2023-01-25T14:05:12.506Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-01-25T14:14:16.897Z
  • Johnny Luau solved 2023-01-25T16:08:58.182Z
  • david solved 2023-01-25T17:25:03.407Z
  • minimuggle solved 2023-01-25T17:39:10.783Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2023-01-25T17:40:23.149Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2023-01-25T18:26:00.045Z
  • kurtalert solved 2023-01-25T18:56:49.725Z
  • KayW solved 2023-01-25T21:21:22.633Z
  • AaronT solved 2023-01-25T22:07:29.242Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2023-01-25T22:13:12.475Z
  • Bbaack solved 2023-01-25T23:55:34.934Z
  • SeamusOL solved 2023-01-26T00:08:57.675Z
  • frostyjhammer solved 2023-01-26T05:26:32.108Z
  • DavyGravy solved 2023-01-26T12:46:03.854Z
  • Cate C solved 2023-01-26T15:22:11.895Z
  • Jimbo solved 2023-01-26T18:15:43.499Z
  • K7 solved 2023-01-26T20:57:34.350Z
  • Chaddog solved 2023-01-26T22:48:20.081Z
  • Naptown Kid solved 2023-01-27T03:28:07.136Z
  • TMart solved 2023-01-27T14:37:50.870Z
  • edestlin solved 2023-01-27T14:49:43.473Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2023-01-27T16:52:02.763Z
  • JR solved 2023-01-27T18:02:21.291Z
  • Katiedid solved 2023-01-27T20:07:54.598Z
  • michaelm solved 2023-01-27T21:34:41.438Z
  • Sanne Budd solved 2023-01-27T22:57:31.900Z
  • markhr solved 2023-01-28T01:20:23.848Z
  • Pandora's Blocks Weekly Meta Crossword solved 2023-01-28T02:08:35.118Z
  • wendy walker solved 2023-01-28T14:46:59.058Z
  • LesY solved 2023-01-28T17:10:37.152Z
  • Golem solved 2023-01-28T17:39:47.290Z
  • Prog solved 2023-01-28T19:54:10.487Z
  • Deepak B solved 2023-01-28T21:00:00.096Z
  • LB800 solved 2023-01-28T21:32:43.079Z
  • BobJas solved 2023-01-28T22:13:45.684Z
  • Deb W solved 2023-01-28T22:56:58.238Z
  • Ashutosh Sodhani solved 2023-01-29T02:50:55.719Z
  • Jeff G solved 2023-01-29T22:48:05.472Z
  • Qmark solved 2023-01-30T01:44:32.017Z
  • bodhipepper solved 2023-02-04T22:34:46.845Z
  • somylai solved 2023-03-29T13:39:46.678Z
  • Philip Chow solved 2023-04-02T03:02:49.760Z
  • Kulea solved 2024-06-16T07:03:35.239Z


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  • Hector 4s · 2023-01-23T05:34:26.437Z
    Hear, hear
    • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T13:33:58.284Z
      Ha ha! Thanks for solving, Hector.
    • Laura M 🤓7:02 · 2023-01-23T07:24:37.695Z
      Hector got here first and stole my comment :-) Great meta!
      • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T13:34:31.676Z
        Thanks, Laura. Glad you enjoyed it.
      • Meg 7s · 2023-01-23T13:17:20.182Z
        Nice construction! Everything came together quite nicely.
        • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T14:36:27.516Z
          Thank you, Laura. And thanks for solving!
          • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-02-12T18:08:33.706Z
            Whoops! In looking back over the comments, I saw that I called you "Laura", Meg. Sorry about that!
          • Dave C 8s · 2023-01-23T14:35:01.714Z
            Now, now, don't worry if you weren't first...
            • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T16:38:04.021Z
              You guys are very quick! Thanks, Dave.
              • DrTom 3s · 2023-01-24T12:57:42.167Z
                Sure, sure that's easy for you to say
              • Mikey G 🤓5:38 · 2023-01-23T14:55:09.078Z
                Ship happens.
                • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T16:38:32.030Z
                  Yes it does, Mikey. Yes it does.
                • Darth 6:10 · 2023-01-23T15:36:48.950Z
                  That hit the spot! Well done, Cap'n!
                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T16:38:50.974Z
                    Thanks, Darth. Glad you liked it.
                  • I K Snamhcok 1s · 2023-01-23T16:19:46.980Z
                    Good one! Thanks, Matey!
                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T18:22:35.035Z
                      Thanks for solving, Chris!
                    • MatthewL 🤓5:38 · 2023-01-23T16:13:22.038Z
                      Very clever puzzle. Couldn't see anything for a bit, but then the clouds parted, and it was smooth sailing.
                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T18:23:00.119Z
                        Glad you enjoyed it, Matthew.
                      • DIS 🤓4:31 · 2023-01-23T17:58:23.832Z
                        Exciting and new!
                        • dplass 4:49 · 2023-01-23T21:45:20.653Z
                          Come aboard...
                          • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T23:14:03.892Z
                            You can say that again, DIS. :)
                          • Ergcat 12:05 · 2023-01-23T17:56:38.122Z
                            Good one! Saw it right away except I had “tsked” for “well, well” instead of “oho” ! But I went back through and fixed it! Thanks, Cap’n! I am on a ship right now but no parrots! We are going to Antarctica in search of penguins!
                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T18:52:43.230Z
                              Thanks for solving, Ergcat. Good luck searching for those penguins in Antarctica. I'll be on a sunny beach in Aruba where there may indeed be a few parrots.
                              • Ergcat 12:05 · 2023-01-24T00:26:31.907Z
                                Have a great time!
                            • ChrisCross 🤓7:32 · 2023-01-23T18:19:58.720Z
                              Loved it. I kind of cheated in that I was stuck in a rabbit hole of double letters, and I likely wouldn't have dropped it if I didn't see forum comments mentioning little rabbit holes and calling the meta clever. (Not that double letters aren't clever, to anyone who has made a double-letter meta.)
                              • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T18:57:10.964Z
                                Thanks, Chris. You're the second person to mention the double letters rabbit hole. I hadn't realized there were that many, but looking back I do find several instances.
                                • dplass 4:49 · 2023-01-23T21:45:56.653Z
                                  I tried looking at double letters two different ways before I had the headslap moment.
                              • BethA 4s · 2023-01-23T18:13:48.471Z
                                Thanks for the puzzle!
                                • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T18:57:30.377Z
                                  You're welcome, Beth. Thanks for solving!
                                • Carolyn 3s · 2023-01-23T18:43:46.644Z
                                  Really, really enjoyed that one!
                                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T20:12:13.413Z
                                    Thanks, Carolyn. Glad you enjoyed it!
                                  • imontoo 3s · 2023-01-23T20:52:16.057Z
                                    Nicely done!
                                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T21:32:07.501Z
                                      Thank you, imontoo!
                                    • rjy 4s · 2023-01-23T22:05:21.815Z
                                      Nice, Cap'n! I was also trapped in double letters, esp with TEN REPEATS in the center, and there were 9 double-lettered across words. It's stupid how many time I looked for a 10th. Nice AHA when all was said and done!
                                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T23:16:42.389Z
                                        Yes, the double letters rabbit hole has proved to be quite deep, rjy. Thanks for solving.
                                      • dplass 4:49 · 2023-01-23T21:44:55.893Z
                                        Nice. Love the double meaning (see what I did there) of PARROT.
                                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T23:15:58.706Z
                                          Glad you liked it, David.
                                          • Ergcat 12:05 · 2023-01-24T00:25:06.758Z
                                            Ooooh! I didn’t even think of that !! Clever, clever!
                                          • auee89 3s · 2023-01-23T22:37:13.812Z
                                            Thanks Cap'n! Looked for "i"s at first, then quickly moved on once seeing repeats. Nice one.
                                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T23:18:28.334Z
                                              I was wondering if anyone would consider the "i"s, auee89. Glad you found the right path.
                                            • oldjudge 7s · 2023-01-23T22:23:31.134Z
                                              That was fun ——bye bye
                                              • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-23T23:18:47.868Z
                                                Thanks, Judge. Glad you enjoyed it!
                                              • SJMcK 🤓7:10 · 2023-01-24T00:03:24.408Z
                                                Enjoyed that one
                                                • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-24T00:55:51.621Z
                                                  Thanks, Steven. Glad you liked it!
                                                • Bird Lives 4s · 2023-01-23T23:57:14.849Z
                                                  I was hoping for PIRATE PARROT since in some regions of our land these are almost homonyms. Plus, I don't think Princess and Carnival are known for having budgies and macaws aboard along with their contagious microorganisms.
                                                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-24T01:00:41.218Z
                                                    This is definitely a pirate ship parrot, Bird Lives. :)
                                                  • DrTom 3s · 2023-01-24T12:56:31.609Z
                                                    Fun even the second time around! By the way, do you know what the Pennsylvania Dutch call their parrot? PollyAmish, ba dum tss.
                                                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-24T13:31:52.776Z
                                                      Hi DrTom. Thanks for your help with pretesting!
                                                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-24T16:31:35.405Z
                                                        BTW DrTom, be careful not to catch the Amish flu. First you get a little hoarse, then you get a little buggy. :)
                                                        • DrTom 3s · 2023-01-25T19:03:03.304Z
                                                          and next thing you know you are sitting at the kitchen table and feel like you are up near the ceiling!
                                                      • woozy 8:55 · 2023-01-24T17:02:57.463Z
                                                        Oog.... did I have sleepy eyes last night!
                                                        I couldn't find any clue that would be "fifty-fifty" so I chose 33D Department of Labor division because a division could be half for you and half for my for AROROT which I anagrammed to Oar Rot.
                                                        Okay, in the morning..... sheesh
                                                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-24T18:04:47.983Z
                                                          No prob, woozy. I can imagine that OAR ROT can also be found on some ships. :)
                                                        • Eric Porter 53s · 2023-01-24T23:31:47.515Z
                                                          Nice. My first thought didn't quite work. I still can't figure out the other 'R'. I have Knock Knock -> Riff. It must be Rosa, but can't figure out how.
                                                          • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-25T01:37:27.032Z
                                                            Thanks for solving, Eric. The other R comes from THERE THERE = "Everything will be just fine" (Relax).
                                                          • ReB 4s · 2023-01-25T03:43:33.383Z
                                                            Hear hear! Need a cracker? Took a bit a head scratching until I looked at the title again and decided to look for grid words that could be doubled. Had to look up 16A to confirm there actually was a British band by that name.
                                                            Nicely done.
                                                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-25T04:17:07.088Z
                                                              Thanks, ReB. Glad you were able to find "DURAN DURAN". They were pretty popular in the 1980s.
                                                            • Teamdoubletow 3s · 2023-01-25T03:44:46.881Z
                                                              Lovely puzzle... Lots of rabbit holes!
                                                              • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-25T04:18:12.061Z
                                                                Glad you and Alex were able to figure it out, Ali. Thanks for solving!
                                                              • Nancygo 10:52 · 2023-01-25T14:07:50.218Z
                                                                So many rabbit holes! I needed all the nudges.
                                                                • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-25T16:47:50.029Z
                                                                  Thanks for solving, Nancygo.
                                                                • kurtalert 🤓6:51 · 2023-01-25T18:57:14.072Z
                                                                  This was great! Thanks!
                                                                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-25T21:10:05.916Z
                                                                    Thanks, kurtalert. Glad you enjoyed it.
                                                                  • KayW 🤓5:23 · 2023-01-25T21:23:16.107Z
                                                                    nudge nudge wink winked ashore. Or aboard. Or wherever it is I am. Another good one, Capn!
                                                                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-25T22:55:06.724Z
                                                                      Thank you, Kay. Glad you liked it.
                                                                    • Sharkicicles 2s · 2023-01-25T22:14:08.480Z
                                                                      First puzzle on the replacement iPad :) thanks Captain!
                                                                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-25T22:56:39.882Z
                                                                        Way to go, Sharkicicles! Glad you didn't have to resort to pencil and paper!
                                                                      • Bbaack 🤓16:13 · 2023-01-26T00:03:21.045Z
                                                                        I fell into all the rabbit holes others have mentioned, so needed the nudges to climb out. Fun and clever one as always, thanks!
                                                                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-26T00:35:44.630Z
                                                                          Thanks for solving, Bbaack. Glad the nudges helped.
                                                                        • TMart 🤓8:22 · 2023-01-27T14:39:27.784Z
                                                                          Nice one - thanks, Cap'n!
                                                                          • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-27T15:44:04.406Z
                                                                            Glad you liked it, TMart.
                                                                          • michaelm 🤓4:09 · 2023-01-27T21:39:36.086Z
                                                                            Down down the double letter well well I I went went. When I finally climbed back out Friday, there there it was was. Great job Cap'n and congrats on the Matt G mention!
                                                                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-27T21:47:56.898Z
                                                                              Thanks for solving, michaelm. And a big "Aye Aye" regarding Matt's mention! What an honor that was!
                                                                            • Pandora's Blocks Weekly Meta Crossword 8:13 · 2023-01-28T02:09:56.052Z
                                                                              Loved it! Got to 17-Across and thought, "Huh, isn't there a much more common way to clue this?"
                                                                              • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-28T02:15:28.402Z
                                                                                Thanks, Will. Glad you enjoyed it.
                                                                              • Jeff G 5s · 2023-01-29T22:50:31.856Z
                                                                                Excellent meta! Just right on the difficulty meter. Duran Duran was my in. Thanks for sharing the puzzle.
                                                                                • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-30T01:10:22.732Z
                                                                                  Thanks, Jeff. Glad you enjoyed it.
                                                                                • Qmark 4s · 2023-01-30T01:45:10.052Z
                                                                                  Managed to solve it with the help of the 3rd Nudge...super puzzle Rick!
                                                                                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2023-01-30T03:11:15.588Z
                                                                                    Thanks for solving, Qmark. Glad you liked it.
                                                                                  Unconscious states
                                                                                  1. 1A
                                                                                    Unconscious states
                                                                                  2. 6A
                                                                                  3. 10A
                                                                                    Pet adoption org.
                                                                                  4. 14A
                                                                                  5. 15A
                                                                                    Glamour rival
                                                                                  6. 16A
                                                                                    Water source
                                                                                  7. 17A
                                                                                    "No mas" boxer Roberto
                                                                                  8. 18A
                                                                                    Pub orders
                                                                                  9. 19A
                                                                                    "Right away!"
                                                                                  10. 20A
                                                                                    Actress and activist Milano
                                                                                  11. 22A
                                                                                    As we speak
                                                                                  12. 24A
                                                                                    ___ one's laurels
                                                                                  13. 26A
                                                                                    "Scream" director Craven
                                                                                  14. 27A
                                                                                    Part of a comic's routine, perhaps
                                                                                  15. 28A
                                                                                    Workers' earnings
                                                                                  16. 32A
                                                                                    Activist Parks
                                                                                  17. 35A
                                                                                    Young newts
                                                                                  18. 37A
                                                                                  19. 38A
                                                                                    Sugary suffix
                                                                                  20. 39A
                                                                                    Says again
                                                                                  21. 41A
                                                                                    "What have we here?!"
                                                                                  22. 42A
                                                                                  23. 44A
                                                                                    "Les Etats-___"
                                                                                  24. 45A
                                                                                    Decor or fabric finish?
                                                                                  25. 46A
                                                                                    King Arthur's realm
                                                                                  26. 48A
                                                                                    Aliases, for short
                                                                                  27. 50A
                                                                                  28. 51A
                                                                                    VIPs of the Old West
                                                                                  29. 55A
                                                                                    Stimpy, on "The Ren & Stimpy Show"
                                                                                  30. 58A
                                                                                    Actor Day-Lewis
                                                                                  31. 59A
                                                                                    Tomato variety
                                                                                  32. 60A
                                                                                    Sci-fi sightings
                                                                                  33. 62A
                                                                                    Grant money?
                                                                                  34. 63A
                                                                                    Pork serving
                                                                                  35. 64A
                                                                                    Actress Turner
                                                                                  36. 65A
                                                                                    Slippery as ___
                                                                                  37. 66A
                                                                                  38. 67A
                                                                                    Band in Britain
                                                                                  39. 68A
                                                                                    Abe's South Dakota neighbor
                                                                                  1. 1D
                                                                                    Fragrant wood
                                                                                  2. 2D
                                                                                    Small egg
                                                                                  3. 3D
                                                                                    "The Bells of St. ___"
                                                                                  4. 4D
                                                                                    2019 film whose title means "to the stars"
                                                                                  5. 5D
                                                                                    Karate instructor
                                                                                  6. 6D
                                                                                    Split ___ soup
                                                                                  7. 7D
                                                                                    Comic DeGeneres
                                                                                  8. 8D
                                                                                    Mountain's height: Abbr.
                                                                                  9. 9D
                                                                                    Stitched again
                                                                                  10. 10D
                                                                                    Frozen dinner brand
                                                                                  11. 11D
                                                                                    Cancun coin
                                                                                  12. 12D
                                                                                    Lobster portion
                                                                                  13. 13D
                                                                                    Swiss peak
                                                                                  14. 21D
                                                                                    Commercial cost
                                                                                  15. 23D
                                                                                    Bottle parts
                                                                                  16. 25D
                                                                                    Delay (old style)
                                                                                  17. 28D
                                                                                    Old Testament prophet
                                                                                  18. 29D
                                                                                    Not worth debating
                                                                                  19. 30D
                                                                                    Say again
                                                                                  20. 31D
                                                                                    Hershey's toffee bar
                                                                                  21. 32D
                                                                                    Campus military org.
                                                                                  22. 33D
                                                                                    Dept. of Labor division
                                                                                  23. 34D
                                                                                    Appear to be
                                                                                  24. 36D
                                                                                    Royal flush card
                                                                                  25. 39D
                                                                                    "Everything will be just fine"
                                                                                  26. 40D
                                                                                    Expressed disapproval
                                                                                  27. 43D
                                                                                    Hikes the football again
                                                                                  28. 45D
                                                                                    Utterly absurd
                                                                                  29. 47D
                                                                                  30. 49D
                                                                                    Former PLO leader
                                                                                  31. 51D
                                                                                  32. 52D
                                                                                    Emulated a "Spirit of '76" guy
                                                                                  33. 53D
                                                                                  34. 54D
                                                                                    With cunning
                                                                                  35. 55D
                                                                                    Mineral-hardness scale
                                                                                  36. 56D
                                                                                    Run ___ (go wild)
                                                                                  37. 57D
                                                                                    At a distance
                                                                                  38. 59D
                                                                                    Color TV pioneer
                                                                                  39. 61D
                                                                                    Jazz instrument