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"One if by Land..."

· By Capn Rick · Published 2024-08-11T04:01:04.023Z

Meta Prompt
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Leaderboard (updated hourly)

  • kurtalert solved 2024-08-11T05:09:13.655Z
  • Schmeel solved 2024-08-11T07:53:47.577Z
  • Darth solved 2024-08-11T11:16:18.051Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2024-08-11T12:19:38.701Z
  • Meg solved 2024-08-11T12:42:11.721Z
  • Berto solved 2024-08-11T12:53:02.324Z
  • Avlan solved 2024-08-11T13:15:43.907Z
  • kymike solved 2024-08-11T13:23:54.584Z
  • whimsy solved 2024-08-11T13:34:40.096Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2024-08-11T13:44:27.005Z
  • ajk solved 2024-08-11T13:52:49.936Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2024-08-11T14:31:38.655Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-08-11T14:36:08.594Z
  • JM solved 2024-08-11T14:44:45.645Z
  • imontoo solved 2024-08-11T15:29:59.729Z
  • andeux solved 2024-08-11T15:40:54.381Z
  • Carolyn solved 2024-08-11T15:46:32.603Z
  • woozy solved 2024-08-11T16:02:42.690Z
  • Abide solved 2024-08-11T16:10:42.985Z
  • hoover solved 2024-08-11T16:19:39.670Z
  • KayW solved 2024-08-11T16:42:46.234Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2024-08-11T16:50:48.583Z
  • Gutman solved 2024-08-11T16:55:09.494Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2024-08-11T17:07:42.196Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2024-08-11T17:17:57.172Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2024-08-11T18:04:32.410Z
  • Hector solved 2024-08-11T18:35:10.174Z
  • michaelm solved 2024-08-11T18:49:23.645Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2024-08-11T19:07:43.176Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2024-08-11T19:08:24.409Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2024-08-11T19:09:34.084Z
  • Eric Porter solved 2024-08-11T19:12:09.683Z
  • markhr solved 2024-08-11T19:25:42.206Z
  • DCBilly solved 2024-08-11T19:55:58.788Z
  • frostyjhammer solved 2024-08-11T20:25:13.260Z
  • DrTom solved 2024-08-11T20:56:09.632Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2024-08-11T21:00:12.673Z
  • Laura M solved 2024-08-11T21:16:31.438Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2024-08-11T21:30:02.354Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2024-08-11T21:30:46.711Z
  • DIS solved 2024-08-11T21:44:17.367Z
  • Anita and Steve solved 2024-08-11T22:02:22.947Z
  • vizzini455 solved 2024-08-11T23:32:31.406Z
  • Kulea solved 2024-08-12T00:18:27.243Z
  • ELSavage solved 2024-08-12T00:31:11.312Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-08-12T01:14:10.416Z
  • rvkal solved 2024-08-12T01:45:57.536Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-08-12T02:59:39.177Z
  • Chris solved 2024-08-12T11:09:59.628Z
  • BrennerTJ solved 2024-08-12T16:58:52.730Z
  • iceman solved 2024-08-12T17:08:00.466Z
  • Dave C solved 2024-08-13T02:28:39.580Z
  • SJ solved 2024-08-13T13:22:53.432Z
  • rjy solved 2024-08-13T17:26:35.790Z
  • heidi solved 2024-08-13T22:16:05.510Z
  • omnilynx solved 2024-08-14T19:24:16.765Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2024-08-15T01:58:53.779Z
  • Mikey G solved 2024-08-17T06:01:42.827Z
  • Meta World Peace solved 2024-08-17T16:13:44.003Z
  • Lex solved 2025-01-30T15:55:00.185Z
  • mediocre solved 2025-02-03T05:49:17.612Z


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  • kurtalert 🤓3:22 · 2024-08-11T05:09:45.775Z
    Nice one! Hit me right away, smooth puzzle and solve!
    • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T12:05:49.956Z
      Thanks, Kurtalert! Glad you enjoyed it.
    • Darth 8:50 · 2024-08-11T11:17:54.915Z
      Nice idea and construction, Cap'n. Thanks.
      • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T12:06:32.980Z
        Thanks for solving, Darth!
      • Meg 2s · 2024-08-11T12:43:33.306Z
        Looked on both sides, looked right, looked under, looked around, and finally looked left. Nicely done!
        • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T13:19:48.611Z
          Thanks, Meg. The "Cs" can be tricky to navigate sometimes. 😄
        • Berto 1s · 2024-08-11T13:00:49.770Z
          Spent a while circling first letters of grid entries tenuously linked to ‘land’ and the second letters of those related to ‘sea’ - then saw “PA” and “UL” next to ‘C’… aha! Thanks Cap’n Rick!
          • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T13:21:34.157Z
            Thanks, Berto. Those "aha moments" are fun, aren't they? 😁
          • ajk 🤓4:28 · 2024-08-11T13:54:08.655Z
            lol took me a few beats, even though I test solved this one. So I got the fun aha both times around. 😂 Thanks :)
            • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T14:24:17.413Z
              Thanks, Alan. I forgot you tested. My memory isn't what it used to be! 😃
              • ajk 🤓4:28 · 2024-08-11T14:59:33.934Z
                lol well neither is mine, obviously, given how long it took me to get this a second time 😂
            • imontoo 3s · 2024-08-11T15:30:43.752Z
              Thanks, Cap’n! Enjoyed it!
              • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T16:36:33.032Z
                Thank you for solving, Konnie!
              • Cindy Heisler 2s · 2024-08-11T16:53:29.725Z
                Late start today, but fun solve without nudges. Thanks, Cap'n!
                • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T17:24:48.014Z
                  Thank you, Cindy. Glad you liked it!
                • KayW 🤓6:30 · 2024-08-11T16:43:08.184Z
                  Wow!! Very clever construction. Thanks!
                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T17:24:24.077Z
                    Thanks for solving, Kay. Sorry you had to call "TowBOAT/U.S." to make it back to shore. 😄
                  • MatthewL 🤓4:53 · 2024-08-11T14:39:46.400Z
                    Nice one, Cap! Gotta confess though -- I just guessed based on the title and SEA and LANTERNS, and the fact that I happened to watch National Treasure last night. Didn't see the mechanism until reading the comments. Still, a solve is a solve. Thanks for the puzzle!
                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T00:11:06.914Z
                      Thanks, Matthew. Yes, a solve is a solve. Thanks for solving!
                    • Bird Lives 5s · 2024-08-11T18:07:26.413Z
                      I saw LANTERNS and REDNOSES that should have been REDCOATS and knew what the answer had to be. (Are there other Easter eggs?) Like othatthers, my first stab was looking for the letters after C, but since that was not always two. . .
                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-11T18:46:04.208Z
                        Hi Jay. I had MID crossing NIGHT in the NE corner and REBEL crossing MEN in the SW. Longfellow makes an appearance along with a LOPEing horse.
                      • michaelm 9:53 · 2024-08-11T19:12:16.198Z
                        Poetic, Cap’n, thanks! Would there now be Uber and texting involved?
                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T00:07:03.827Z
                          Thanks, Mike. Yes, I think there would now be Uber and texting involved. 😄
                        • Mwoychick 🤓6:21 · 2024-08-11T19:10:20.845Z
                          Very nice ride, Cap'n!
                          • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T00:06:07.301Z
                            Thanks, Mark! I appreciate your comments.
                          • JHSeeman 2s · 2024-08-11T19:08:33.386Z
                            Great one... thanks Capn
                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T00:05:13.271Z
                              Thank you, John. Glad you liked it.
                            • Sharkicicles 2s · 2024-08-11T21:01:22.941Z
                              Rick is such a good cap’n he found a way to work the seven seas into this one…
                              • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T00:08:53.956Z
                                Thanks, Sharkicicles. Yes, I'm always looking for ways to work in the "nauti" stuff. 😄
                              • DrTom 3s · 2024-08-11T21:02:07.469Z
                                LISTEN, my children, and you shall hear
                                Of the recent meta by our Captain dear,
                                On the eleventh of August, in twenty four;
                                We went to the website we all adore
                                For a puzzle inspired by tales of yore.
                                ‎ ‎
                                He used as an idea those famous quotes,
                                About lanterns aloft if they came in boats
                                One, if by land, and two, if by sea,
                                What better a nudge could there ever be!
                                Fun puzzle Cap’n, I followed a minor rabbit to a tea party and a revolution until I saw PA and UL and that they were both “by C”. Fun fill and so many Eggs my basket overflowed. Let’s see if I got them all: Treaty, Rednoses (I know that you could not use Redcoats, given the Mx, but I thought you might have used LOBSTERS being from New England, Patriotic chant, Church official (Old North no doubt), Enjoyed a British Tradition, Signal lights, Hamilton and 1776, Boston Nickname, Longfellow, Revolutionist, Easy gait for a horse…and probably some I missed.
                                To do all that and keep the fill VERY tight, a usual Rick masterpiece.
                                • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T02:03:11.939Z
                                  DrTom, your poem and comments brought tears (of laughter ) to my eyes! I think you found most of my Easter eggs - don't forget MID crossing NIGHT in the NE, the clash of REBEL with the "King's MEN" in the SW, and Lighthorse Harry LEE. DINAH "Washington" and "Shore" was admittedly a stretch. Thanks for solving and commenting, my friend! I'm looking forward to your SSS next week.
                                • Laura M 🤓8:12 · 2024-08-11T21:17:27.379Z
                                  Very nice! I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't think of the Cs until I caved and looked at the hints...
                                  • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T02:04:12.215Z
                                    Thanks, Laura. Those Cs can be very fickle. 😄
                                  • ELSavage 🤓4:43 · 2024-08-12T00:32:18.463Z
                                    I remembered most of the grid, and the metanism, from our group solve, so I wasn't sure if I should even chime in here.
                                    • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T02:05:22.836Z
                                      Hi Eric. No worries about chiming in here. It was nice meeting you last month. Hope to see you again at a future NE Muggle Meetup!
                                    • HeadinHome 🤓2:48 · 2024-08-12T01:19:09.771Z
                                      Guessed twice (midnight ride of Paul revere and Boston Tea Party ) before guessing correctly. I was taking the pairs on each side of the Cs and coming up with nothing (had that much even before nudges… so nudges didn’t help, just confirmed it was indeed about those Cs). Just happened to see the 2 BEFORE the Cs a while after submitting the correct guess… OHHHH sure NOW it’s easy! (Is the S missing?)
                                      • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T02:09:01.831Z
                                        Thanks, Wendy. Yeah, the mechanism was more difficult to find than the answer to this one. And yeah, Longfellow's poem title was "Paul Revere's Ride", but in using "two" letters before the "Cs", I had to work with an even number of letters. Thanks for solving!
                                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T12:22:14.212Z
                                          I meant to add that the "official" answer, as derived from the grid, is "Paul Revere Ride", but I'm accepting "Paul Revere's Ride" and other variations that are close enough for government work. 😄
                                      • Chris 🤓5:27 · 2024-08-12T11:10:53.030Z
                                        Wow. First meta is was ever able to solve. Thank you.
                                        • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-12T12:15:48.322Z
                                          Congrats, Chris! I'm very happy that it was one of mine. You gotta be careful with these meta puzzles though because they can become very addictive. 😁
                                        • Dave C 4s · 2024-08-13T02:31:29.074Z
                                          I also didn't see the mechanism until reading the comments, but got it based on all the references to it.
                                          • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-15T18:11:47.157Z
                                            Thanks, Dave. Yeah, this was one of those where the mechanism is harder to find than the answer. 😄
                                          • Meta World Peace 6s · 2024-08-17T16:22:21.524Z
                                            "The metas are coming!"... and here's to you keeping 'em coming, Capn Rick--your ideas and New England themes are awesome!
                                            • Capn Rick constructor · 2024-08-17T21:47:11.906Z
                                              Thank you, MWP! I'll definitely try to keep cranking 'em out. Fortunately there's a lot of theme material to draw from here in New England. 😄
                                            1. 1A
                                            2. 5A
                                              "I love the smell of ___ in the morning" ("Apocalypse Now" line)
                                            3. 11A
                                              Garten of "Barefoot Contessa"
                                            4. 14A
                                              Penne ___ vodka
                                            5. 15A
                                              "___ Lonesome Tonight?" (Elvis)
                                            6. 16A
                                            7. 17A
                                              Christian of fashion
                                            8. 18A
                                              Stomach ailments
                                            9. 19A
                                              Swelled head
                                            10. 20A
                                              Clown features
                                            11. 22A
                                              Singers Shore and Washington
                                            12. 24A
                                              Stores, as grain
                                            13. 25A
                                              Not so long ago
                                            14. 26A
                                              "... two if by ___"
                                            15. 27A
                                              Respectful address
                                            16. 28A
                                              Corned beef dish
                                            17. 31A
                                              Tugboat sound
                                            18. 33A
                                              Jeweler's glass
                                            19. 37A
                                              Patriotic chant
                                            20. 38A
                                              Flight paths
                                            21. 40A
                                              Family member
                                            22. 41A
                                              African language group
                                            23. 43A
                                            24. 44A
                                              Light-Horse Harry's family
                                            25. 45A
                                            26. 47A
                                              ___ Lanka
                                            27. 49A
                                              Church official
                                            28. 51A
                                              Enjoyed a British tradition
                                            29. 55A
                                              Gobble up
                                            30. 56A
                                              Signal lights
                                            31. 57A
                                              "Honest" president
                                            32. 58A
                                              Swiss cough drop
                                            33. 60A
                                              1003, in old Rome
                                            34. 61A
                                              "All the King's ___", Robert Penn Warren novel
                                            35. 62A
                                              Peg on which a cello rests
                                            36. 63A
                                            37. 64A
                                              Right-angle shapes
                                            38. 65A
                                              Angry with
                                            39. 66A
                                              Art ___ (retro style)
                                            1. 1D
                                              San Diego baseballer
                                            2. 2D
                                              Sci-fi visitor
                                            3. 3D
                                            4. 4D
                                              Sully, as a reputation
                                            5. 5D
                                            6. 6D
                                              Van Gogh venue
                                            7. 7D
                                              Chest muscles, briefly
                                            8. 8D
                                              Nautical assent
                                            9. 9D
                                              Domineered, with "over"
                                            10. 10D
                                              "Hamilton" and "1776"
                                            11. 11D
                                              "In other words..."
                                            12. 12D
                                              Dark hours
                                            13. 13D
                                            14. 21D
                                              World Cup cheer
                                            15. 23D
                                              Jules Verne captain
                                            16. 25D
                                              Boca ___, FL
                                            17. 27D
                                            18. 28D
                                              Boston nickname, with "The"
                                            19. 29D
                                              Simile center
                                            20. 30D
                                              ___ Antonio, TX
                                            21. 32D
                                              Earthy pigment
                                            22. 34D
                                            23. 35D
                                              Longfellow contemporary
                                            24. 36D
                                              USN rank
                                            25. 38D
                                              Buzzard's cousins
                                            26. 39D
                                            27. 42D
                                              Mexican snack
                                            28. 44D
                                            29. 46D
                                              "Gran ___" (2008 Eastwood flick)
                                            30. 48D
                                              Go bad
                                            31. 49D
                                            32. 50D
                                              Makes level
                                            33. 51D
                                              Shire of "Rocky" films
                                            34. 52D
                                              Old hat
                                            35. 53D
                                              Early computer
                                            36. 54D
                                              "Do as I say, not ___"
                                            37. 55D
                                              British noble title
                                            38. 56D
                                              Easy gait for a horse
                                            39. 59D
                                              USN officer