Wow, that was excellent! I went from feeling that you hadn't provided enough signposts, to "that can't be a coincidence", to "but that occurs twice", to "aha"!
mm feel free to dm me on either xwordmuggles / discord (oxo#3626) if you need hints and stuff :)
lbray53 3s · over 3 years ago
Thanks. I got some help. Nice construction but beyond me I’m afraid.
oldjudge 40:26 · over 3 years ago
I think it was a great concept for a puzzle.The only issue I have is that there are several other “cross” words in the grid.Rip is cross current and hem is cross stitch. If you allow more than one word then Bane is cross to bear and tool is cross cut saw.
boharr 3s · over 3 years ago
This is a very intricate puzzle, and I needed a major shove to solve it. My first mistake was finding too many "cross" words to start (as is mentioned on these comments). But even after that I needed help to get to AHA! Hope you continue making puzzles.
Meg 3s · over 3 years ago
Thanks to my fellow Muggle for a big shove!
whimsy 🤓18:28 · over 3 years ago
Thanks for this, emmie; and thanks for guiding me away from all the angry birds I saw! : )