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Play Dough

· By DrTom · Published 2023-04-05T04:05:49.270Z

Meta Prompt
The answer is what one does before the play starts
Hopefully this will be a much easier go than the last couple of mine. It was never my intent to throw two fastballs low and inside so I am trying to make it up with this fun and, with luck, eminently solvable meta that is free of any rotten tricks!
Nudge 1: Obviously the title doesn't refer to the multicolored plaything, so what MIGHT PLAY DOUGH refer to?
Nudge 2: There are only 5 colors of Play-Doh shown, and obviously there are more. Do you think 5 might be a hint at the length of something?
Nudge 3: I have been making a concerted effort to have things symmetrical and though I am not always perfect at it, I was with this puzzle.
Nudge 4: Nudge 2 suggests there are 5 theme answers, which almost always point to a 5 letter answer (and it does here). How many ways can we get one letter from an answer? there is a very common method in use for thisMeta
Nudge 5: Did you notice other words in the grid suspiciously close to the theme words? Now if they are only 1 letter off, what does that suggest?
Nudge 6: The "money" themers; where might their alternatives be? Cash - let me ask my Momma (and my Poppa), Cent - you might end up wrestling with that one for a while. Lira - I'll bet that what they pay Italian Directors with...
Each of the symmetrically placed money references had a corresponding entry that was one letter off. Those letters spelled the answer to the prompt:What one does before the play starts
CENT - - - - CENA = A
LIRA - - - - LINA = N
BUCKS - - - - TUCKS = T
COIN - - - - COEN = E
CASH - - - - CASS = S
Checking for previous play data...

Leaderboard (updated hourly)

  • DebbieC solved 2023-04-05T04:32:58.168Z
  • Hector solved 2023-04-05T05:17:56.720Z
  • Dow Jones solved 2023-04-05T05:54:37.478Z
  • Meg solved 2023-04-05T11:37:37.210Z
  • benchen71 solved 2023-04-05T11:54:34.749Z
  • boharr solved 2023-04-05T12:30:06.402Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2023-04-05T12:30:31.708Z
  • rjy solved 2023-04-05T12:30:58.317Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2023-04-05T13:36:55.841Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2023-04-05T14:14:20.634Z
  • kymike solved 2023-04-05T14:21:28.106Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-04-05T14:25:30.405Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-04-05T14:34:46.267Z
  • Darth solved 2023-04-05T15:13:01.934Z
  • JM solved 2023-04-05T15:18:59.962Z
  • kurtalert solved 2023-04-05T15:41:38.414Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-04-05T16:28:41.564Z
  • woozy solved 2023-04-05T16:54:13.657Z
  • troysail solved 2023-04-05T16:55:20.879Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-04-05T17:06:59.280Z
  • dplass solved 2023-04-05T17:19:32.074Z
  • DCBilly solved 2023-04-05T17:21:02.402Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-04-05T17:31:40.225Z
  • edestlin solved 2023-04-05T18:13:24.175Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-04-05T18:13:26.722Z
  • Carolyn solved 2023-04-05T18:24:06.163Z
  • Bbaack solved 2023-04-05T18:44:38.497Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2023-04-05T19:34:32.576Z
  • DIS solved 2023-04-05T20:36:58.709Z
  • ajk solved 2023-04-05T21:28:42.290Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2023-04-05T22:15:00.690Z
  • somylai solved 2023-04-05T23:32:22.998Z
  • Teamdoubletow solved 2023-04-06T00:22:37.815Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-04-06T00:56:10.195Z
  • KayW solved 2023-04-06T02:26:11.707Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-04-06T04:09:45.333Z
  • lbray53 solved 2023-04-06T10:24:27.703Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2023-04-06T15:32:57.416Z
  • jbird solved 2023-04-06T16:53:50.187Z
  • Ergcat solved 2023-04-07T13:33:29.327Z
  • PuzNewbie solved 2023-04-07T19:58:16.024Z
  • SeamusOL solved 2023-04-08T01:57:17.797Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2023-04-08T13:13:00.333Z
  • Darrell solved 2023-04-08T21:14:51.006Z
  • markhr solved 2023-04-09T14:44:31.686Z
  • Capn Rick solved 2023-04-09T15:17:48.121Z
  • Joan Meyer solved 2023-04-09T15:18:16.976Z
  • ReB solved 2023-04-09T16:37:33.861Z
  • hoover solved 2023-04-10T02:32:05.493Z
  • Mikey G solved 2023-04-10T17:12:37.111Z
  • Johnny Luau solved 2023-04-10T17:57:22.937Z
  • SJMcK solved 2023-04-12T15:57:11.205Z
  • sledge solved 2023-04-13T18:09:17.296Z


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  • DebbieC 12:18 · 2023-04-05T04:35:27.112Z
    Thanks for a lovely way to end my Tuesday. Very nice construction and just enough challenge for midnight. I saw the title and felt I had to finish the puzzle before Passover begins tomorrow night (for those who dont know - no leavened food permitted so NO DOUGH).
    • Bird Lives 4s · 2023-04-05T12:39:38.724Z
      When I was very young, the Haggadah used by the family whose house we were sedering at told of the rush to leave Egypt. The line was something like, "The Jews snatched up their dough," or words to that effect., "before it could rise." We -- the five (or was it more?) kids at the table -- couldn't stop laughing.
      • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T12:30:29.159Z
        Well then, under the circumstances I'm glad I could rise to the occasion. Thanks for solving.
      • boharr 4s · 2023-04-05T12:30:37.056Z
        Nice one, DrTom
        • Bird Lives 4s · 2023-04-05T12:33:31.745Z
          Nice puzzle, and, as Al would say, clean. For a few seconds I was thrown off the scent by CLAM (can you dig it?) even though it had no symmetrical counterpart.. Then i realized that DrTom is upping his game.
          • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T13:33:24.080Z
            Thanks Jay. Never thought of CLAM, but I'm glad it didn't interfere. I mean I don't want to be accused of shellfishly making difficult metas and cockling and smiling while people struggle. I do always try to make a "conventional" meta. but I've never let rules stand in the way of a good mechanism or pun (or for that matter a bad one of either of those).
          • JHSeeman 2s · 2023-04-05T14:16:23.629Z
            Nice one Tom....will admit I looked through the grid a couple of times looking for the pair to Clam....dang red herrings...then I saw antes and had the required facepalm....thanks
            • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:10:44.332Z
              I can assure you CLAMS was an unintended red herring. It didn't even cross my mind when I was creating this. Funny how you get focused on one thing and miss others. I had a lot of money related fill things come up that I had to eliminate. Glad you enjoyed it.
            • MatthewL 7:48 · 2023-04-05T14:37:25.695Z
              Very nice, Dr. Tom! Loved the cluing on this -- elicited a few chuckles along the way
              • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:11:26.840Z
                ALWAYS my intent!😁
              • I K Snamhcok 4s · 2023-04-05T14:26:44.718Z
                CLAM also threw me off for a bit, but not long. Fun! Thanks, Dr. Tom!
                • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:12:57.112Z
                  I figured instead of buy a vowel you could bi a valve????
                  • dplass 7:22 · 2023-04-06T01:28:28.391Z
                    Groan. I love it.
                • JM 🤓11:07 · 2023-04-05T15:22:30.087Z
                  I was stuck on CLAM too but it didn’t make cents.
                  • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:12:34.592Z
                    Well that's nice for a CHANGE - love your pun!
                  • woozy 12:15 · 2023-04-05T17:02:10.123Z
                    Oh. Now I get it.
                    I don't think I'd ever be able to solve it the normal way. I just saw all the references to money and the title and prompt and entered ANTE wrong, ANTE UP wrong and then saw it was in present tense ("does") and tried ANTES. Worked.
                    I did see CENT and CENA and thought that was interesting but I couldn't pursue it further until I figured I had to pursue it further.
                    • DebbieC 12:18 · 2023-04-05T18:03:28.104Z
                      Interesting. I saw COIN/COEN first & thought it could be something but was probably a rabbit hole. But LINA was right next to it. I did back solve to find the T. So interesting how we each see things differently.
                    • whimsy 9:59 · 2023-04-05T17:12:29.673Z
                      Fun still, on about the 14th pass. As a test solver, I want to assure you that DrTom is always looking for ways to better his product. And I've got the Aretha Franklin email chain [Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re...] to prove it! :)
                      • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:16:06.298Z
                        Thanks Claudia, I probably wore you out on this one because you did see it MULTIPLE times. Few solvers realize how much punishment (and PUNishment) testers receive as they are sent variation after variation and asked for input.
                      • woozy 12:15 · 2023-04-05T16:55:20.535Z
                        Okay... now to backsolve...
                        • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:17:06.391Z
                          Is that like counting back change?
                        • dplass 7:22 · 2023-04-05T17:21:16.231Z
                          I was somehow unable to see BUCKS/TUCKS which led me down a few more habbit roles.
                          • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:19:56.290Z
                            Well Dave you were the only one to notice my Wednesday faux pas. It should have said the original MOVIE Wednesday. Interestingly enough, Ricci has a role in the Netflix series Wednesday, though not as Wednesday.
                          • Carolyn 2s · 2023-04-05T18:25:17.953Z
                            Very nice. Enjoyed the puzzle!
                            • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T19:20:07.526Z
                              Thanks Carolyn
                            • Bbaack 15:09 · 2023-04-05T18:54:36.421Z
                              It was fun indeed! I had to ponder the answer "ACER" a bit before I caught on to the wordplay. Clever as always, thanks!
                              • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T22:35:22.613Z
                                I have to admit, I liked the ACER clue a lot, but then me and wordplay/puns - who knew!!!! Thanks for solving.
                              • CPJohnson 7s · 2023-04-05T19:49:11.349Z
                                Count me in the briefly-led-astray-by-clam group. Great puzzle, DrTom!
                                • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T22:36:01.418Z
                                  You are joining a large group of clam diggers! Thanks for shelling out your time.
                                • Sharkicicles 2s · 2023-04-05T19:35:30.069Z
                                  Thanks, Doctor! I concur this is a great meta.
                                  • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T22:36:53.667Z
                                    Thank you, I needed a bit of a save after Rotten Trick. Glad you enjoyed it.
                                  • ajk 10:55 · 2023-04-05T21:34:45.266Z
                                    Think it took me like 4 or 5 cycles of 'well yeah, the 5 money terms but then what' before the obscure (to me) clue for 7D finally made me focus on that entry long enough to see its match. Speedy after that. Fun stuff, thanks.
                                    • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-05T22:45:02.723Z
                                      So Lina, I am a fan of foreign films and old enough that this was not an unfamiliar name...and besides I needed an N. I like movies where you have to sit in the café for hours discussing what the ending meant and what would happen to the protagonists now. I grew up watching French films and seeing people discuss at length whether the film meant this that or the other. If you have ever wondered what those animated conversations at the bar were about, it was usually that. Thanks for not getting Swept Away.
                                      • ajk 10:55 · 2023-04-06T18:51:02.893Z
                                        :) sounds like fun
                                    • Teamdoubletow 7s · 2023-04-06T00:31:48.709Z
                                      We also spent some time digging for clams but only got wet! Luckily Alex commented on the lack of symmetry with clam and then we were able to scratch that meta itch.
                                      • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-06T03:06:28.030Z
                                        Wow, I almost have a bucket of clams by now, I need some crackers and a beer! Thanks for solving.
                                      • KayW 🤓5:59 · 2023-04-06T02:35:09.506Z
                                        Thanks for a fun and easy puzzle! I saw CLAM too, but as soon as I got to ANTES I figured it wasn't needed. I always had that one as a "maybe" anyway - because it is just slang for money where the true themers are not. And its symmetric partner most definitely could not possibly be a money term.
                                        • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-06T03:18:09.811Z
                                          Its funny that CLAM snuck in there. At different points during the fill process PESO, FIN, GRAND showed up and of course had to be jettisoned. I was not as comprehensive in my search for synonyms as I should have been. Thanks for taking a calm approach to the clam.
                                        • lbray53 3s · 2023-04-06T10:33:23.590Z
                                          I liked this one a lot Dr. Tom. I think it is a solid Calico. The clues were inventive but required a bit of work. (A good thing.) The mechanism going back to the clues puts it in the second tier in my opinion. I tried making something out of the "money words" first but could not cash in that way.
                                          • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-06T13:16:18.968Z
                                            Thank you, I'm glad you could cash in.
                                          • Cindy Heisler 7s · 2023-04-06T15:46:04.294Z
                                            I got stuck on clam, too. I did have Antes but when I entered I left off the s. That's what I get for being in a hurry! As always, I loved the clues! Thanks, Dr Tom.
                                            • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-06T16:38:57.961Z
                                              And thank you both for solving and for all the testing you have done for me.
                                              • Cindy Heisler 7s · 2023-04-06T23:11:42.323Z
                                                My pleasure!
                                            • Ergcat 4s · 2023-04-07T13:34:14.703Z
                                              Late start ( it’s Friday!) but quick to the meta! Fun one!
                                              • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-07T16:52:55.482Z
                                                Glad you enjoyed it!
                                              • Joan Meyer 4:18 · 2023-04-09T15:19:09.283Z
                                                so fun - thanks
                                                • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-10T03:58:48.105Z
                                                  Thank you so much. fun is indeed the gold ring on this merry-go-round.
                                                • Capn Rick 🤓7:33 · 2023-04-09T15:23:44.563Z
                                                  Just got around to this one. Great job, DrTom! Has anyone mentioned the CLAM red herring? :)
                                                  • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-10T03:57:48.153Z
                                                    Oh my, people are steamed about my CLAM! It was entirely unintended, and thank god it had no symmetrical partner. It never occurred to me that CLAM was a slang word for money. I think they are thinking I should be drawn and quartered (drawn butter and a quarter of a piece of lemon).😊
                                                  • ReB 4s · 2023-04-09T16:40:37.802Z
                                                    Nice job, and finally one that was eminently solvable - without nudging. Just took me a while to get through my backlog to your puzzle.
                                                    • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-10T03:55:01.265Z
                                                      Thank you for working through the pile.
                                                    • hoover 3s · 2023-04-10T02:33:30.908Z
                                                      I fell down the rabbit hole of trying to create a word ladder. So I was in the right neighborhood but on the wrong street. CENT CENA LENA LINA LIRA ... CASS CASH ... ONLY OILY ... COIN COEN ...
                                                      • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-10T03:54:26.011Z
                                                        Wow, very interesting. I mean you had the Mx but then tried to make me a whole lot craftier than I am. Still, something to keep in mind for the future....thanks for solving (and the idea)
                                                      • SJMcK 13:43 · 2023-04-12T15:58:15.408Z
                                                        I would argue that the original “Wednesday” was Lisa Loring
                                                        • DrTom constructor · 2023-04-13T05:19:21.888Z
                                                          And you'd be right. I mentioned this on the Xword-Muggles site but not here. I changed the clue here to reflect the original "movie" Wednesday. Sloppy work on my part, I knew it was the movie Wednesday and forgot to add it when it was pointed out by a tester. Lisa Loring certainly was the TV Wednesday.
                                                        Grate things
                                                        1. 1A
                                                          Grate things
                                                        2. 6A
                                                          Aquatic life form epitomizing happiness
                                                        3. 10A
                                                          Anatomic fluid container
                                                        4. 13A
                                                          Playground comment
                                                        5. 14A
                                                        6. 15A
                                                          Golden, Ice or Space
                                                        7. 16A
                                                          Ms. Oteri of SNL fame
                                                        8. 17A
                                                          Eve's kid's kid
                                                        9. 18A
                                                          Amazon's vehicle
                                                        10. 19A
                                                          Small price to pay
                                                        11. 20A
                                                          Makes no sense
                                                        12. 21A
                                                          Turkey purchaser
                                                        13. 22A
                                                          Features of feet
                                                        14. 24A
                                                          Dancing daytime TV host
                                                        15. 26A
                                                          Plantain lilies
                                                        16. 29A
                                                          One of ten you can make a point with
                                                        17. 32A
                                                          Milan's La ___
                                                        18. 33A
                                                          Honor on your diploma?
                                                        19. 34A
                                                          "20/20" network
                                                        20. 37A
                                                          What moneychangers go hunting for
                                                        21. 40A
                                                          Little nipper
                                                        22. 41A
                                                        23. 44A
                                                          An Audi has four
                                                        24. 47A
                                                          Proper food in Israel
                                                        25. 49A
                                                          "BAM" chef
                                                        26. 51A
                                                          Sound in the water
                                                        27. 53A
                                                          Name that sounds honest and open
                                                        28. 56A
                                                          Mint, or its product
                                                        29. 58A
                                                          Tater, taro or tapioca
                                                        30. 61A
                                                          Ready tender for Johnny
                                                        31. 62A
                                                          "Go on ..."
                                                        32. 63A
                                                          Computer that would be impossible to return
                                                        33. 64A
                                                          Rush along the edges
                                                        34. 65A
                                                          Mo preceder
                                                        35. 66A
                                                          Big box furniture store
                                                        36. 67A
                                                          Allowable weights
                                                        37. 68A
                                                          Damascus' land: Abbr.
                                                        38. 69A
                                                          Left heavy deposits on the beaches of Normandy: Inits.
                                                        39. 70A
                                                          As such
                                                        1. 1D
                                                          Christina, the original movie "Wednesday"
                                                        2. 2D
                                                          Drained of blood
                                                        3. 3D
                                                          Unbearable smell
                                                        4. 4D
                                                          Dumas character portrayed by Depardieu
                                                        5. 5D
                                                          "___ was told"
                                                        6. 6D
                                                          Either one of the two guys from "Fargo"
                                                        7. 7D
                                                          Italian film director Wertmuller
                                                        8. 8D
                                                          Nobody around
                                                        9. 9D
                                                          My company if I am 8D
                                                        10. 10D
                                                          Putting something aside
                                                        11. 11D
                                                          Gel in a dish
                                                        12. 12D
                                                          Wrestler/Actor Jon
                                                        13. 20D
                                                          "From hell's heart, ___ at thee" (Ahab quote)
                                                        14. 21D
                                                          Horne with a lovely sound"
                                                        15. 23D
                                                          Bailout key
                                                        16. 25D
                                                          Rap artist qualifier
                                                        17. 27D
                                                          House siding material, for short
                                                        18. 28D
                                                          Start of a "bleu" oath
                                                        19. 30D
                                                          How to finish when you are addressing a Dean
                                                        20. 31D
                                                          Sales agent
                                                        21. 34D
                                                          Deluge refuge
                                                        22. 35D
                                                          Scary word
                                                        23. 36D
                                                        24. 38D
                                                          Hollywood star Basinger
                                                        25. 39D
                                                          Contemptuous look
                                                        26. 42D
                                                          Ignore someone like you were Amish
                                                        27. 43D
                                                          Brain equivalent of a heart scan
                                                        28. 45D
                                                          Dog's warning
                                                        29. 46D
                                                          Hippocracy free
                                                        30. 48D
                                                          Where goods often go after wholesale
                                                        31. 50D
                                                          Volodymyr Zelenskyy, notably
                                                        32. 52D
                                                          Fixes a shirt tail
                                                        33. 54D
                                                          E-6s in the Army and Marines
                                                        34. 55D
                                                          "Those are silver, ___ are gold.":Quote
                                                        35. 56D
                                                          Mama of the Papa's
                                                        36. 57D
                                                          Type of spoiled child
                                                        37. 59D
                                                          Schrute Farms vegetable
                                                        38. 60D
                                                          "-zoic" things
                                                        39. 64D
                                                          "The Racer's Edge"