As well, I needed to notice themers themselves spelled something. When the second word (in the singular) failed I was wondering if you were doing some horrible easter egg.
Red herring then... something deliberately put in that requires a mechanism to actually see and the purpose of which is only to say "nope, you're on the wrong track".
Ha ha! Thanks, and congrats, Kay on solving a "sportsing" meta. Good luck with your Easter egg search! (Don't forget the two "overs" in the 52A clue, which is positioned directly "over" 58AUNDER.
KayW 🤓6:51 · 11 days ago
... and just saw the nudges. Yeesh, I missed HALF the metanism - I thought those bball terms were just the usual superb Cap'n Easter Eggs. VERY nicely done!
MatthewL 🤓5:58 · 11 days ago
Fun one, Cap'n! Saw it almost right away, which is how I like my Sunday puzzles. Thanks, Rick!
Thanks, Dave. I needed to make this grid 16x15 to accommodate the doubling-up of the stacked themers. It still retains symmetry, but it's vertical this time.
Bird Lives 4s · 11 days ago
When my first guess CELTIC was marked wrong, my impulse was to go with JASON TATUM, but then I thought of history, making him only one of many many. Thanks for the green memories. And Havlicek stole the ball.
Thanks for solving, Tyrpmom. I expected to see a lot of "Boston Celtics" (plural) answers today, which is why I tried to emphasize "someone" in the prompt.
lolololol even though I test solved this I missed half of it (in my defense, I test solved it like 2 months ago ). Spotted CELTIC but missed the BOSTON part this time around
I must have tested a very early version -- I don't remember this! (I thought I remembered testing something that had St. Pat as the answer, or was that something else?...who knows?) And just now I only entered CELTIC at first because that jumped out at me before I even noticed the turtle, and the onion, and the other greenies. I'm just too close to the subject, I suppose.
Anyhow, terrific work! We're lucky to have you and your puzzles, Cap'n! Thanks!
Thank you, Claudia. Yes, you tested an earlier version back in January, but I know I significantly rearranged and changed a lot of things since then. Heck, I was still tweaking it the night I posted! Hopefully we'll finally be able to run one of your fine puzzles on SSS this year!
Solved yesterday but came back and read the nudges today to see if I missed anything... never noticed the sports terms, haha! I only saw the "green" things and then used the UNDER clue to know where else to look. In my defense (see what I did there?), I'm not familiar with ECLAT, CAGER, or TIPOFF in a sports context, but hey, 3 outta 6 ain't bad, right? Impressive work, Cap'n!
Hi Lydia. Thanks for solving and for the feedback! Coming up with 6 basketball-related entries that spelled CELTIC was a bit tricky. CAGER is an old term for a basketball player, and every game starts with a TIPOFF at center COURT. ECLAT isn't a basketball term per se. I'm just using wordplay there with "Fanfare" as in viewing "Fare" for sports "Fans".
I hope you didn't take it as a criticism! Wasn't meant to be by any means. I am just very much not a sports person, so for me to recognize any of the words is a win in my book! "Fan fare"... I love that!