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Only Time Will Tell

· By Darth · Published 2024-10-21T11:00:13.626Z

Meta Prompt
Solve the meta to discover who committed the murder.
Mansion Murder Mystery: "Only Time Will Tell"
During a small dinner party at the stately Sinclair Mansion, Ella Sinclair, a renowned art collector, falls victim to murder. Her body is discovered in the grand library, which features an antique clock with the Sinclair monogram etched on its crystal face and a pendulum that has stopped swinging. A bloody umbrella lies near the victim, and in her hand is a crumpled note. The cause of death appears to be blunt force trauma to the head.
Edward Sinclair, the victim’s aloof husband, has been under financial strain and stands to inherit Ella’s vast art collection. The Sinclairs had invited three guests for dinner: Lita Moore, Ella’s personal assistant, recently dismissed from service; J. P. Duvall, a rival art dealer, who had a contentious relationship with Ella; and Sophia Hartwell, a family friend with a mysterious past.
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  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-10-21T15:40:29.894Z
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  • andeux solved 2024-10-21T20:13:40.698Z
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  • Berto solved 2024-10-22T02:14:27.526Z
  • DrTom solved 2024-10-22T02:52:55.710Z
  • TEngstrom solved 2024-10-22T04:00:36.753Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2024-10-22T04:10:55.867Z
  • boharr solved 2024-10-22T13:50:22.742Z
  • markhr solved 2024-10-22T14:39:53.801Z
  • BMW solved 2024-10-22T16:29:01.783Z
  • lbray53 solved 2024-10-22T16:30:22.188Z
  • Meg solved 2024-10-22T20:15:39.163Z


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  • Darth constructor · 2024-10-21T11:00:13.626Z
    The solution: THE BUTLER did it, and it's all meta to solve! What does "Only Time Will Tell" indicate? The Introduction tells the storyline and, yes, the plot points are just saying that everyone has a possible reason to want the victim dead, especially Edward -- but logically, why would he murder his wife during a party with guests around? Another clue (40D) indicates that Duvall and the two others seem not to know about the apparent murder weapon. Are we missing something meta related? If you look at the grid, you will notice the "S" in the center -- the Sinclair monogram "etched" on the clock's face (mentioned in the Introduction). Now, list the 9 clued events in chronological order (note the time of their occurrence) and then imagine the minute hand extending from the center of the grid and the letter it might point to at each 5-minute segment (e.g. 6:45 = T, 7:25 = H, ...) and you get THE BUTLER!
    More about the murderer: Why is "the butler" so cliche for murder mysteries? Part of the reason is because the high-profile types are the focus of an investigation. However, mention of "a servant" in 57A hints that there are others in the house besides the guests. Too often those others feel "unseen" and marginalized, and sometimes as a result turn to crime against those in power.
    • Jaclyn 🤓4:47 · 2024-10-21T14:35:26.659Z
      Fantastic! MINUTE HAND really helped me see what to do once I had the clues in order.
      • Darth constructor · 2024-10-21T15:25:03.171Z
        Awesome! I think you're at the top of the Leader Board! Way to go! :D
        • Jaclyn 🤓4:47 · 2024-10-21T18:32:18.805Z
          ** happy dance **
      • Carolyn 2s · 2024-10-21T15:51:00.926Z
        Enjoyed that very much!
        • Darth constructor · 2024-10-21T16:38:46.049Z
          Perfect! I needed to hear that! :D
        • woozy 🤓11:17 · 2024-10-21T19:42:45.122Z
          Okay this is great. But took me a while to figure out what the minute hand pointed to
          • Darth constructor · 2024-10-21T21:42:05.967Z
            Yes, I knew that I couldn't be very precise in that regard. That's why I did CABBIE to assist with finding the "B" early on. :)
            • woozy 🤓11:17 · 2024-10-22T05:46:35.327Z
              No. I meant I didn't know that step of the meta. I thought grid squares, alpha-numering, n-th letter in a word. Took me a long time to go "Oh, geez! clock face", but one I did there wasn't any ambiguity.
          • woozy 🤓11:17 · 2024-10-21T19:44:54.510Z
            Uh... not to nitpick but ... isn't the center of the grid an "E" rather than an S?
            • Darth constructor · 2024-10-21T21:43:55.049Z
              I do appreciate nitpicking.... Look at the grid and you will see the "S" made up of several black squares.
              • woozy 🤓11:17 · 2024-10-21T22:36:13.049Z
                Wow! That's an impressive grid!
              • woozy 🤓11:17 · 2024-10-21T22:47:01.210Z
                You know. If the center square (E) had been blank I think I would have seen it but I missed this. Great addition!
                I thought maybe the minute hand was pointing to the letters of the only entry with at least 12 letters. But POMEFPRTI didn't seem to mean much? Was Ella in her dying throws trying to mention French Fries? Or does it anagram to TIME PROP F (time travel was finally achieved on the 6th try?)? Or OPP F. TIME (Code for the operation where the butler does in Ella before "Father Time" can?)
              • woozy 🤓11:17 · 2024-10-21T20:43:22.975Z
                Any one else figure the letter under the plate had been intended for Edward?
                • Darth constructor · 2024-10-21T21:56:31.930Z
                  Yes, certainly. The "Dear E" (Edward?) and "Love, S" (presumably S for Sophia) seems telling. It could be that the note was intended for Edward but intercepted and placed there in order to stir up trouble! Could the butler have put the note there?... Or, perhaps the butler wrote the letter himself? After the "private word" Edward storms out of the library, so their conflict becomes public... and maybe just what the butler wanted in order to throw suspicion on Edward. ;)
                  • woozy 🤓11:17 · 2024-10-21T22:39:17.843Z
                    I figure Edward tried to lie about it and claim it was from him for Ella and he was signing it with his last name initial and Ella wasn't having any of it ("What? This isn't even in your handwriting! If you're going to lie try to put a little effort into it!")
                • Steve M 🤓19:27 · 2024-10-21T23:10:04.794Z
                  Really fun puzzle! I recognized the clock face and tried to use the minute hand to spell something in chronological order without success because I didn’t extend my “clock” to the edge of the grid. After random guesses of everyone, I came back to the butler.
                  • Darth constructor · 2024-10-21T23:59:12.945Z
                    Thanks for taking the time to solve! ;)
                  • andeux 🤓4:54 · 2024-10-21T23:37:36.498Z
                    I guessed which squares to use for the five minute increments just by eyeballing it, but I was curious as to how accurate those directions were. It turns out that they are remarkably close to exact: arctan(4/7) in degrees is 29.74, the distance a minute hand will travel in 4 minutes and 57+ seconds.
                    • Darth constructor · 2024-10-22T00:05:19.701Z
                      Good to know! Thanks for checking it out for me! (Since it's a 15x15 grid, I had just approximated by counting each square as a minute.)
                    • Berto 2s · 2024-10-22T02:19:35.757Z
                      I started with TAEBUTP and figured either the Sinclair mansion was in Scotland, or my clock face was a little distorted. Decided it had to be The Butler and easy to backsolve to the correct minute locations. Fun but deadly..
                      • Darth constructor · 2024-10-22T03:04:50.321Z
                        Glad you got it! Thanks for hanging in. ;)
                      • Tyrpmom 🤓13:17 · 2024-10-22T04:12:19.450Z
                        Love it!
                        • Darth constructor · 2024-10-22T14:09:57.964Z
                          Awesome! Thanks for solving! ;)
                        • boharr 4s · 2024-10-22T13:54:26.346Z
                          I had a hard time fitting a round object on a square object. Spatial numbness I call it. Thanks.
                          • Darth constructor · 2024-10-22T19:04:46.056Z
                            No, you're alright! haha Glad you finally got it. ;)
                          • DrTom 5s · 2024-10-22T03:01:05.984Z
                            It's ALWAYS the butler! Any of us that have watched old movies, or listened to old tropes knows that "The Butler did it". I got all the letters but I was not sure how to order them. I first got LETTERHUB and started looking in the middle when my anagramatical mind said "THE BUTLER silly!" Now I see that it is, appropriately, in temporal order, very "handy". Nice job Darth, I enjoyed it.
                            • markhr 🤓12:50 · 2024-10-22T14:52:41.527Z
                              I kept trying to connect the 15-minute markers along a straight line or an arc, and kept getting nonsense. Finally figured it out.
                              To my knowledge, in all her stories and novels, Agatha Christie never had the butler do it. I always wondered where this trope came from. Probably Hollywood. Anyway, great puzzle, Darth.
                              • Darth constructor · 2024-10-22T19:05:36.793Z
                                Thanks for sticking with it. ;)
                              Embassy VIP (abbr.)
                              1. 1A
                                Embassy VIP (abbr.)
                              2. 5A
                                *At 6:45, the ___ arrive. It's raining and they leave their umbrellas in the foyer -- except for Duvall, who keeps his with him.
                              3. 11A
                                There are 16 in a lb.
                              4. 14A
                                Twist-apart treat
                              5. 15A
                                Tangle up, or involve in intrigue
                              6. 16A
                                Back muscle, briefly
                              7. 17A
                                Nine-digit IDs
                              8. 18A
                                Wandering, as a lost lamb
                              9. 19A
                                Rock producer Brian
                              10. 20A
                                *At 7:25, during dinner, Ella finds a cryptic note tucked under her plate: "___ , Only time will tell. Love, S" (Only one person notices her reaction.)
                              11. 22A
                                "Girl With a Watering Can" painter
                              12. 24A
                                Borders on
                              13. 26A
                                Falcons, on scoreboards
                              14. 29A
                                Witch trials town
                              15. 30A
                                Zayn ___ of One Direction, once
                              16. 31A
                                *At 8:40, while ___ drink tea, Ella and Duvall exchange heated words over a prized painting she has refused to sell him.
                              17. 33A
                                Homecoming returnees
                              18. 35A
                                Jay-Z's genre
                              19. 36A
                                Flight information
                              20. 43A
                                Word before "salt" or "serpent"
                              21. 44A
                                ___ Brothers (failed investment firm)
                              22. 45A
                                *At 9:30, Lita Moore ___ Ella about her sudden dismissal after years of loyal service. Confused and furious, Lita cries, “You’ll regret this!”
                              23. 51A
                                Ledger entry in red
                              24. 52A
                                Upscale Honda
                              25. 53A
                                "The Waste Land" monogram
                              26. 54A
                                Mends, as socks
                              27. 55A
                                *At 10:00, Sophia Hartwell ___ playing Debussy's "Clair de Lune" on the piano. As Edward listens, Sophia smiles nervously.
                              28. 57A
                                *At 10:10, a servant finds a copy of Dostoevsky's "___ and Punishment" under a chair. When she returns it to the library, she finds Ella collapsed on the floor, dead. A bloody umbrella is next to her.
                              29. 59A
                                Grocery sack
                              30. 60A
                                East African expedition
                              31. 63A
                                Ingrid's "Casablanca" role
                              32. 66A
                                Suffix for "salt" or "serpent"
                              33. 67A
                                By way of wagering
                              34. 68A
                                Lost traction
                              35. 69A
                                Winter hours in DC
                              36. 70A
                                With 71A, pointer on a timepiece
                              37. 71A
                                See 70A
                              1. 1D
                                Items on a "must" list
                              2. 2D
                                Returns recipient
                              3. 3D
                                *At 9:45, the large ___ of the grandfather clock in the library stopped swinging (as revealed by the frozen 70A 71A)
                              4. 4D
                                Run slow, as a watch with a weak battery
                              5. 5D
                                Machine part with teeth
                              6. 6D
                                Oust from office
                              7. 7D
                                CPR expert
                              8. 8D
                                Spanish 101 verb
                              9. 9D
                                Former Russian ruler
                              10. 10D
                                Least outgoing
                              11. 11D
                                World Cup chant
                              12. 12D
                                More madcap
                              13. 13D
                                *At 8:15, the Sinclairs retreat to the library for a "private word." Minutes later, Edward ___ out, clearly upset.
                              14. 21D
                                "___ questions and hear no lies"
                              15. 23D
                              16. 24D
                                Latin 101 verb (3rd pers. sing.)
                              17. 25D
                                Island east of Java
                              18. 27D
                                Menacing remarks
                              19. 28D
                                Move like a frog
                              20. 32D
                                Iridescent gem
                              21. 34D
                                "Assuming that's true..."
                              22. 37D
                                Fender bender
                              23. 38D
                                ___ Wip (dessert topping)
                              24. 39D
                                Plain folk who shun electricity
                              25. 40D
                                *At 9:55, Duvall announces that his ___ has gone missing. Sophia and Lita look at each other and shrug, seeming not to care.
                              26. 41D
                                Wet weather
                              27. 42D
                                Tolkien tree creatures
                              28. 45D
                                Hailed worker?
                              29. 46D
                                71% of the Earth's surface
                              30. 47D
                                Gold panning find
                              31. 48D
                                Part of TGIF
                              32. 49D
                                Kidnapper's demand
                              33. 50D
                                Deep dark matter?
                              34. 56D
                                Cleaning product prefix
                              35. 58D
                                Sacred ceremony
                              36. 61D
                                Team supporter, or ceiling fixture
                              37. 62D
                                ___ Dhabi (Mideast capital)
                              38. 64D
                              39. 65D
                                Toss into the mix