The title came to me while I was lying in bed. Constructing this was a bear. It's convoluted and maybe I'm going to pay people to attempt it. But I had to work my way through it. (The punchiness of the [non-themer] clues have nothing to do with…
This was originally going to be a meta, but I figure the humor can be more visible if I make it a themed puzzle. Also I don't have to twist myself into knots turning these four jokes into a coded message that never fits right any way.
You can do better. And so can I. I did this one before but it didn't go over well. But I really liked the mechanism and I think I made it better this time. (Unless I made it too easy.)
Gosh a Mickle! Dickel-Pickle! Gee Willy-Wobbles! Dog my Cats! and Rowrbazzle!
This is an homage to a subject I love. As such this puzzle definitely requires specialized knowledge. If you have that specialized knowledge this will be a 1 or 1.5. If…
This concept came to me when I was half asleep. It took a while to figure out a meta-mechanism that would work with the concept but I finally came up with one. I hope you find this a unique and original metanism. It's weird but it will tie…
I can no longer judge if mine are hard or not. I originally was not going to include the asterisks for the themers but that'd make this too difficult. Now I hope it is hard but getable. This came to me when one of us asked "How to you spell…