Any notes from the editor can of course be ignored unless you have a really poor sense of humour. And yes, two out of three themers here are boozy in nature/cluing! (Explains why you thought having a 11/10/11 stack with a themer cross an 11/11 stack…
"Make puzzles regularly", he said, "You'll enjoy it!", he said, forgetting that he lives in a society and is physicaly incapable of dropping ideas which are dead in the water.
So, I created this grid whilst invigilating an exam (as well as the usual completion of paperwork because those exams last forever).... then I forgot about it, go figure. Seed word of 7A! (I promise it's a thing. It's a lovely word. Honest.)
Fill is fun! I can't believe that 57D was last used in 1997 (ofc, the clue would've been rather different back then!!). I'd have liked to get one more set of long entries in but... well, I looked into the abyss, and it glared back at me.