Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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woozy solved 2023-06-21T06:55:37.910Z
Mg305 solved 2023-06-21T10:18:09.126Z
boharr solved 2023-06-21T13:00:03.961Z
Pair O Ducks solved 2023-06-21T13:17:47.750Z
JM solved 2023-06-21T13:18:00.525Z
Meg solved 2023-06-21T13:41:22.510Z
Tyrpmom solved 2023-06-21T13:57:09.810Z
MatthewL solved 2023-06-21T14:42:29.600Z
Hector solved 2023-06-21T14:51:17.877Z
ReB solved 2023-06-21T15:07:34.165Z
whimsy solved 2023-06-21T18:40:37.387Z
I K Snamhcok solved 2023-06-21T19:51:49.954Z
Jaclyn solved 2023-06-21T20:04:58.084Z
Darrell solved 2023-06-21T21:37:06.839Z
HeadinHome solved 2023-06-21T22:18:17.788Z
BarbaraK solved 2023-06-21T23:05:29.642Z
heidi solved 2023-06-21T23:15:24.955Z
witchmina solved 2023-06-22T00:02:50.750Z
Golem solved 2023-06-22T00:12:21.251Z
KayW solved 2023-06-22T00:22:13.517Z
lbray53 solved 2023-06-22T00:25:37.589Z
hhg solved 2023-06-22T01:43:45.608Z
SeamusOL solved 2023-06-22T01:51:04.269Z
rjy solved 2023-06-22T03:16:02.974Z
DrTom solved 2023-06-22T03:48:56.711Z
Berto solved 2023-06-22T10:59:51.892Z
emmie solved 2023-06-22T12:59:03.514Z
MrTheHan solved 2023-06-22T14:26:12.294Z
hoover solved 2023-06-22T14:57:11.928Z
jbird solved 2023-06-22T15:36:15.869Z
Jeremy Smith solved 2023-06-22T17:41:11.227Z
frostyjhammer solved 2023-06-22T23:34:33.603Z
ajk solved 2023-06-23T23:44:41.279Z
Carolyn solved 2023-06-24T02:37:34.523Z
Alex Sisti solved 2023-06-25T03:38:53.989Z
PuzNewbie solved 2023-06-26T05:01:38.492Z
sledge solved 2023-06-30T17:16:32.030Z
Flora Wynn solved 2023-07-08T17:53:01.489Z
kurtalert solved 2023-07-12T20:35:36.110Z
Inicia sesión con Google para dejar un comentario tuyo:
Guessed the answer from the write up, but took some time to backsolve the mechanism. It's evident in retrospect, but rather far OUT there, wouldn't you say?
BTW, regarding Meg's question (and mine:) is this where your clue to 8A comes from? (first sentence reads, "Bosc pears stand out in a crowd for many reasons."
For the entries with clues that include the word "out" take the outermost letter in the grid. OORT is spelled down on the left and CLOUD is spelled down on the right.
HeadinHome 🤓5:55 · 2023-06-22T02:01:28.532Z
Ahhhhhh. uh huh. uh huh. tnx.
BarbaraK 2s · 2023-06-21T23:10:53.893Z
My auto-correct didn’t like Oort. If you get some “port cloud” submissions, that’s probably why :)
KayW 9:20 · 2023-06-22T00:25:42.939Z
Far out, man! And once again it took me 2 tries. First guess was the Kuiper belt. I thought you were on a belt kick, haha. But OORT CLOUD fits the title better.
Berto 11:49 · 2023-06-22T11:02:58.622Z
Oh very good, Ben. I finally found OUT the metanism… and needed to stretch my horizons a little!