




By a narrow margin

◆◆ · Publicado 2024-04-20T01:01:36.284Z

So this is one of my "retaliation" metas-- where I'm doing another meta I get sidetracked by other ideas and potential mechanisms. This is "in retaliation" to Ben's It…
So this is my entry for The April Midi Contest and the theme of golf. I had mistakenly thought a midi was 7 x 7 rather than 11 x 11 and this was my first attempt:…

Par for the course

◆◆ · Publicado 2024-04-10T18:09:46.953Z

(Oops.... I made this for the april midi contest, but I forgot that a midi was 11 x 11 and not 7 x 7. Oh, well. Here it is anyway)
Not that familiar with golf so I hope I did this right.
The meta is what is par for the golf course represented by…

Hungry Little Critter

· Publicado 2024-04-09T16:43:39.302Z

In this grid is a hungry little animal looking for food. The answer to the meta is the food it finds.
This should be a cute one. The animal is in the cover image, for what it's worth. And the food... well, it's not in the image (or if it is I can…

Quantum Engineering

◆◆ · Publicado 2024-04-02T23:12:59.954Z

What is quantum physics. I dunno something about breaking things down into pieces. Or not being able. Any way it's supposed to be very confusing. Like this meta, I guess.
This is a really difficult and weird puzzle. A suggestion to get started…

Sound Alternative

◆◆ · Publicado 2024-03-30T20:51:32.640Z

This is a "retaliation" meta, whipped out as a joke response to Matt Gaffney's MGWCC#826 "Sound Alternative". I haven't completed that one yet (it's a week 5) and sometimes it's easier to do a retaliation puzzle than to solve one.
This one is…

Never Forget... and never mind.

· Publicado 2024-03-29T01:10:35.869Z

Argh my first two attempts at this meta had "fatal errors" in that I accidently rewrote entries that were key to the meta. This REALLY should have it fixed.

Never Forget... and never mind.

◆◆ · Publicado 2024-03-28T05:35:45.670Z

Okay, so my first go of this meta had a serious error. Here the new one. And this one does too. However…

Take a little off the sides

· Publicado 2024-03-26T04:31:53.057Z

This is my second of my "retaliations". This is response to a tough MGWCC #825. It's a silly one I whipped up

Never Forget... and never mind.

· Publicado 2024-03-25T16:02:10.997Z

It's come to my attention this puzzle has a fatal (but minor?) flaw. A corrected version without the flaw can be found here: (Apparently my second one also had an…

Crucigramas más viejos
