Pack It In
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Pack It In

◆◆ · By Mikey G

Meta Prompt
[Level 3] The answer to the meta is an 8-letter noun often seen at a school.
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  • oldjudge solved 2024-08-24T17:00:39.080Z
  • Hector solved 2024-08-24T17:10:04.940Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2024-08-24T17:14:42.560Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2024-08-24T17:17:43.366Z
  • Darth solved 2024-08-24T17:49:40.807Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2024-08-24T18:22:47.405Z
  • damefox solved 2024-08-24T19:14:16.474Z
  • lukadisgre solved 2024-08-24T19:21:04.695Z
  • Carolyn solved 2024-08-24T19:38:39.104Z
  • kurtalert solved 2024-08-24T19:39:19.273Z
  • rjy solved 2024-08-24T20:02:46.564Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2024-08-24T20:10:00.270Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-08-24T20:11:59.863Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2024-08-24T20:14:18.639Z
  • Meg solved 2024-08-24T20:16:07.131Z
  • Toast solved 2024-08-24T20:26:22.091Z
  • Eric Porter solved 2024-08-24T20:35:17.806Z
  • frostyjhammer solved 2024-08-24T20:42:13.472Z
  • JM solved 2024-08-24T21:00:31.639Z
  • BrennerTJ solved 2024-08-24T22:04:29.062Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2024-08-24T22:09:52.522Z
  • LesY solved 2024-08-24T22:28:32.501Z
  • Bob J solved 2024-08-24T23:14:12.567Z
  • boharr solved 2024-08-25T01:25:09.764Z
  • Laura M solved 2024-08-25T01:40:45.701Z
  • hoover solved 2024-08-25T02:03:49.760Z
  • whimsy solved 2024-08-25T02:27:57.709Z
  • Abide solved 2024-08-25T02:28:38.336Z
  • Berto solved 2024-08-25T02:36:51.285Z
  • KayW solved 2024-08-25T02:48:27.982Z
  • DrTom solved 2024-08-25T03:58:00.273Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2024-08-25T04:04:39.878Z
  • Qmark solved 2024-08-25T04:15:12.358Z
  • andeux solved 2024-08-25T04:17:38.980Z
  • benchen71 solved 2024-08-25T05:25:11.298Z
  • lbray53 solved 2024-08-25T12:46:45.791Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2024-08-25T16:12:16.893Z
  • Myelbow solved 2024-08-25T17:59:00.149Z
  • FrankieHeck solved 2024-08-25T18:52:25.799Z
  • dilly solved 2024-08-25T19:19:38.541Z
  • heidi solved 2024-08-25T20:29:34.552Z
  • Kent solved 2024-08-25T22:37:14.224Z
  • Cruciverbalicious solved 2024-08-25T23:57:55.041Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2024-08-26T00:02:51.874Z
  • Salty solved 2024-08-26T02:27:30.576Z
  • SporcleMirror solved 2024-08-26T11:41:28.199Z
  • edestlin solved 2024-08-26T13:01:32.940Z
  • 13sparx13 solved 2024-08-26T13:47:34.380Z
  • DIS solved 2024-08-26T20:42:17.967Z
  • Gutman solved 2024-08-26T21:59:27.635Z
  • Schmeel solved 2024-08-27T04:30:40.358Z
  • SJ solved 2024-08-27T11:15:06.746Z
  • Alvibu67 solved 2024-08-27T23:08:25.041Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-08-28T21:21:50.170Z
  • spotter solved 2024-08-28T21:25:15.710Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2024-08-28T23:09:47.231Z
  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2024-08-28T23:28:19.842Z
  • woozy solved 2024-08-29T06:24:02.452Z
  • DJB solved 2024-08-29T12:35:13.596Z
  • Steve M solved 2024-08-29T15:28:09.127Z
  • Tim solved 2024-08-29T19:39:50.510Z
  • Scrivimancer solved 2024-08-29T20:21:01.603Z
  • Unmooshed solved 2024-08-29T20:28:58.735Z
  • Sue Adams solved 2024-08-30T00:31:17.672Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-08-30T16:54:47.363Z
  • markhr solved 2024-08-30T17:09:58.158Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2024-08-30T23:09:44.248Z
  • Kathryn P solved 2024-08-30T23:13:12.271Z
  • Meta World Peace solved 2024-08-31T02:15:30.635Z
  • syoustra solved 2024-08-31T07:45:51.146Z
  • DCBilly solved 2024-08-31T10:19:52.856Z
  • health goethe solved 2024-09-01T17:32:32.158Z
  • David C solved 2024-09-02T21:12:35.094Z


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  • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-24T17:00:46.273Z
    Answer: LUNCHBOX
    The four rebus squares in this puzzle are FREE, SACK, LATE, and LIGHT, and each can be followed by the word LUNCH to form a new phrase; since each is in its own box, we have several instances of a LUNCHBOX (or BOX LUNCH) in the grid, the answer to the meta. I also did my best to capture a lunchbox in the grid art, which certainly is the only justification for a giant row of black squares at the bottom and the lack of connectivity!
    • Hector 9:02 · 2024-08-24T17:14:40.780Z
      With the grid solved, a 1 or 2, but the grid will be hard to solve without backsolving with the meta answer in hand, so... Nice one yet again!
      • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-24T18:38:48.649Z
        Yeah, curious to see how this one plays!
        • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-24T19:26:13.062Z
          And I can already tell, haha. Time to adjust!
      • Darth 🤓11:25 · 2024-08-24T17:54:13.542Z
        Lol. I first thought of RAN free, RAN late, and RANsack ... yeah, that's how my brain works! But "RAN (a) light" just wasn't gonna get me very far!... Then my stomach said "LUNCH" and I was there! Gotta go with the gut! hahaha...
        • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-24T19:26:20.305Z
          Bahaha, I always go with my gut.
        • kurtalert 🤓7:30 · 2024-08-24T19:39:53.878Z
          Nice one, thanks Mikey!
          • lukadisgre 🤓4:59 · 2024-08-24T19:24:13.316Z
            First puzzle I solved before the deadline without hints, very fun :D
            I love puzzles that play with conventional format and rebuses, so this one was really a treat for me! (no pun intended again, how do I keep doing this lol)
            • Carolyn 4s · 2024-08-24T19:44:39.569Z
              Tough! Figured out the answer but had to back solve to finish the grid. INERT and TRICYCLE just didn't work!
              • Pair O Ducks 🤓1:06 · 2024-08-24T20:13:50.335Z
                Easy meta, HARD grid! Still don't understand RTS -- I tried so hard to make it RBS (I think that's a football thing?) Now I want second lunch!
                • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-24T20:55:39.348Z
                  Right Tackles, I think. Fun fact: I have my fantasy draft tomorrow. Second fun fact: What's a football?
                • boharr 3s · 2024-08-25T01:29:05.076Z
                  Lunch! I’m in. Thanks Mikey.
                  • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-31T02:27:48.562Z
                    I'm always in for lunch.
                  • hoover 2:29 · 2024-08-25T02:08:20.764Z
                    The grid was really rough until I realized there were rebuses. What did it for me was not being able to fill the top left corner, and realizing I needed FREEZE/FREELY. Then that made the top right corner make more sense, so by the time I got to HIGHLIGHTREEL it went smooth like butter. The hardest was the "Dormant"/"On deck" crossing. I always take "on deck" to mean "up next" like in baseball, so I was super surprised to see the suggestions from Grid is a 4, meta a 2.
                    • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-31T02:28:19.778Z
                      Oh, that was even changed to make it easier, I think! I think I had the obscure "quiescent" as the original clue there.
                    • whimsy 26:37 · 2024-08-25T02:46:15.602Z
                      The answer was my first thought on seeing sack -- but I got waylaid thinking that the other rebus entries had to be things like bag, tote, etc. Revealed the SLATED/LATENT square to find out that wasn't the case, and carried on from there. I did vaguely wonder about the unusual grid too. Thanks for 'splainin' that! And thanks for the back to school puzzle; I think I'm go with a Paw Patrol one this year!
                    • Berto 1s · 2024-08-25T03:29:04.029Z
                      Not familiar with “sack lunch” so wasn’t quite sure!
                      • Qmark 4s · 2024-08-25T04:15:30.043Z
                        Fun one...thanks Mikey!
                        • Eric Porter 5s · 2024-08-24T20:41:08.662Z
                          I should have been able to think of how to actually solve it. Instead, I took a guess based on the title and prompt. "Pack It In" made me think of "lunch" and there's only 1 8-letter noun often seen at school that fits.
                          • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-31T02:27:42.916Z
                            Yeah, I even figured the grid art would alert people to the answer swiftly, but I don't think that happened!
                          • DrTom 3s · 2024-08-25T04:06:45.226Z
                            The two hardest parts were filling the grid and trying to infer the right word. LUNCHEON, MEALTIME, CHOWTIME....finally I said, well Mikey probably didn't just leave it to chance, I mean he had a lunchbox shape to point us to lunch (as opposed to FREE, SACK, LATE, LIGHT Sleeper)...hey a LUNCHBOX 8 letters, pack it in, DOH!!! Nice Level 1, that is what made it a temporary challenge because I was waiting for a square to point me to the end (pack it in) which would point me to an anagram which would translate from Klingon to an 8 letter noun.
                            Glad it wasn't that!
                            • DrTom 3s · 2024-08-25T04:09:48.947Z
                              I solved the grid without backsolving, but I must admit I never saw the LUNCH in a Box thing until you mentioned it Mikey.
                              • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-31T02:30:14.185Z
                                That's fair! I might have even seen a TOY BOX Thursday a couple years back in NYT, now that I think of it.
                              • MatthewL 🤓6:56 · 2024-08-28T21:23:32.387Z
                                Tried a number of different things, but then got hung up on LUNCHBAG (because you pack stuff in a bag, right)? Finally took another look and found the right answer. Thanks for the puzzle, Mikey!
                                • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-31T02:30:25.029Z
                                  I think you could make an argument for LUNCH BAG here!
                                • HeadinHome 2:09 · 2024-08-30T16:57:33.707Z
                                  Had to reveal for 9D — I had G (right guard) instead of the T, thinking the 9D word would end in ing (so the rebus had to end with an I) — that should have cued me in (SMH). This brought back great memories… my fave was called Campus Queen and its artwork featured a 60’s young woman going to school, getting dressed up for a date, going to a football game… man I wish I still had that lunchbox!!
                                  • Bird Lives 4s · 2024-08-30T23:13:35.473Z
                                    Maybe it's a generational thing and everyone younger than me (i.e., everyone) is familiar with the phrase "sack lunch," but that's the one that kept me from getting this sooner. I took a "bag lunch" on school trips. Maybe it's a regional thing -- Pittsburgh. That bag lunch was secured with "gum bands."
                                    • Mikey G constructor · 2024-08-31T02:36:11.638Z
                                      That might be! I also think of the fake movie referenced in a "Seinfeld" episode too, haha. (My mom said she's more familiar with "sack lunch," so maybe it's also regional!!)
                                    • Meta World Peace 5s · 2024-08-31T02:24:51.231Z
                                      Being an economist, I had great difficulty making sense of the first rebus square... ;)
                                      • Mikey G constructor · 2024-09-06T03:09:34.715Z
                                      • axmszr 8:49 · 2024-09-05T07:15:54.396Z
                                        I thought it was a cat! Haha
                                        • Mikey G constructor · 2024-09-06T03:09:36.711Z
                                          Honestly, it should have been!
                                        At will
                                        1. 1A
                                          At will
                                        2. 4A
                                          Joan of "School of Rock"
                                        3. 7A
                                          Slice of pizza?
                                        4. 8A
                                          On deck
                                        5. 11A
                                          5-Down, in English
                                        6. 12A
                                          Paper VIPs
                                        7. 13A
                                          Start of a cycle?
                                        8. 14A
                                          Squad in which character Julie Barnes was described as a "canary with a broken wing"
                                        9. 15A
                                          Some NFL linemen (go Broncos!)
                                        10. 16A
                                          Ready, willing, and ___
                                        11. 19A
                                          This is on a roll!
                                        12. 23A
                                          Brags rudely about one's aviary?
                                        13. 25A
                                          You can see a lot of great plays here
                                        14. 26A
                                          Crafty location (where you can buy a personalized meta answer)
                                        1. 1D
                                          What an ice verb
                                        2. 2D
                                        3. 3D
                                          "All right, I love this 'Owner of a Lonely Heart' group!"
                                        4. 4D
                                          End of many addresses
                                        5. 5D
                                          11-Across, in Spanish
                                        6. 6D
                                          The quarterback wasn't meeting his goals, so management ___ him
                                        7. 8D
                                          Possible response to "Hey, are you free Saturday evening?"
                                        8. 9D
                                        9. 10D
                                        10. 16D
                                          "I sprained myself in the kitchen" "You must have used an easy-___ oven"
                                        11. 17D
                                          Adele, for one
                                        12. 18D
                                          The mathematician's cabin was built out of ___
                                        13. 20D
                                          Chevy model that's 75% vowels
                                        14. 21D
                                        15. 22D
                                          Perry's creator
                                        16. 24D