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Magic Square #2: The answer to life, the universe, and everything.

· By SamuRai · Published 2024-06-15T13:54:30.831Z

Constructor's Note
Each cell contains a one or two digit number. Enter two digit numbers using the rebus function. Entries for each row, column, and the four 2x2 squares will add to the same value. The title of the puzzle is a hint as to this value. The clues give two or three digit answers which fit in the corresponding two cells. For example an answer of 115 could either fit in the two cells as 1-15 or 11-5. Cells without clues can be solved for using the summing rule. Good luck!
侍 SamuRai
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  • dilly 🤓9:57 · 2024-06-15T14:34:10.725Z
    Whew, not used to using that part of my brain! Fun solve! To be honest, I'm not understanding 5A, am I missing something?
    • Account 🤓7:10 · 2024-06-15T16:21:48.207Z
      I think it was slightly misclued. N is the clue number and that wasn't made explicit.
      • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-15T17:09:51.168Z
        I’ve fixed this. It was meant to be the first such sum greater than 100. Thanks for the editorial feedback!
        • Account 🤓7:10 · 2024-06-15T20:29:42.725Z
          Happy to help! Great little puzzle!
      • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-16T18:35:35.908Z
        FWIW every time I try to solve a cryptic, I feel like part of my brain is missing. I love your 1-2-3 though!
      • The Noah 🤓14:47 · 2024-06-15T19:54:48.520Z
        Hey! I got one! Great puzzle!
        • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-15T23:41:08.177Z
          I love seeing time that suggest someone worked through a challenge because I that way with most of the word puzzles, especially ones @kurtalert does in 22 seconds.
          • The Noah 🤓14:47 · 2024-06-16T03:44:17.281Z
          • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-15T23:42:07.619Z
            See that should have read “I am that way…”!
          • Arty 🤓17:09 · 2024-06-15T23:14:23.732Z
            Loved it!
            • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-16T01:12:58.165Z
              Loved that you loved it!
              • Arty 🤓17:09 · 2024-06-16T22:24:12.598Z
                Loved the math clues the best -- fun to see the connections between numbers, which I used to be quite attuned to, but I've let my number thinking atrophy, alas. Eager to see how you clue the next one! Interested to see if you can find factual clues I like better -- these seemed to require specialized knowledge that I don't have (Torah, darts), but the drinking age one had some math and logic available to help. And of course the Douglas Adams connection is close to my heart.
                • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-17T00:42:28.568Z
                  I’ve gone back and forth between whether clues should be mathy or knowledge based. I landed on a mix of the two thinking that the summation rule makes it do you can solve either way. I’m happy to accommodate the request for more math clues as that is how I think. My guiding theorem is the Interesting Number Paradox stating that all natural numbers are interesting (proof by contradiction, see Wikipedia) it’s just an exercise in finding out how. I also do not discourage a web search that facilitates knowledge acquisition.
            • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓3:43 · 2024-06-16T03:20:37.635Z
              That was a workout — challenging, fun, genuinely mathy, and lots of easter eggs!
              • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-16T05:22:33.104Z
                I decided to lean into it on this one. Props to the persistent!
              • SylveonSoulmate 🤓1:43 · 2024-06-17T04:17:23.535Z
                Fun! I'm wondering if anyone else does these puzzles with a calculator.
                • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-17T12:26:45.193Z
                  I certainly write them with one. Calculator usage is encourage.
                  • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-18T02:23:41.362Z
                    Question. Would you be interested in trying a puzzle I’m not ready to make public yet? Calculator definitely helpful. I’m looking for feedback on the instructions. I’m not sure they are as clear as they could be. If yes, I’ll post a link here. If no, that’s okay too.
                    • SylveonSoulmate 🤓1:43 · 2024-06-18T08:33:44.026Z
                      I would be very interested!
                      • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-18T12:45:31.587Z
                        Thanks a bunch. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the instructions or advice to make them clearer. I’m not expecting every clue to be verified. As with many of my other puzzles, you can solve with a much smaller subset of the clues. Thanks a 💯x💯x💯!
                        • SylveonSoulmate 🤓1:43 · 2024-06-18T15:40:22.538Z
                          Left feedback in the comments of your puzzle, it was very fun to play. As well, I saw that @sendhil has a question about your other number circle puzzle, he posted in the discord about it. Not sure if you are also in the discord server as well, if you are, do reach out.
                          • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-18T18:13:41.842Z
                            I’ve been getting closer to joining the discord. I think this means it’s time.
                  The first sum of two consecutive squares greater than 1000.
                  1. 1A
                    The first sum of two consecutive squares greater than 1000.
                  2. 3A
                    The lowest number that cannot be shot with three darts on a standard dart board.
                  3. 5A
                    First sum of the first n factorials starting with 0!=1 that is greater than 100. 0!+1!+2!+…+(n-1)!.
                  4. 6A
                  5. 7A
                  6. 9A
                    Number of elements on the periodic table (as of June 2024).
                  7. 11A
                    The first number greater than 100 represented using only 1’s in binary.
                  8. 12A
                  1. 1D
                    The first square pyramidal number (number of stacked spheres in a pyramid with a square base) that is greater than 1000.
                  2. 2D
                  3. 3D
                    Unlucky squared.
                  4. 4D
                    A hundred pi’s rounded.
                  5. 7D
                    ___ is a power of 2 and a cube of one less than that power, i e. ___= 2^x=(x-1)^3. There are two such natural numbers, 8 (trivially) and ___.
                  6. 8D
                    Number of chapters in the Hebrew Torah. Also an anagram of 10D.
                  7. 9D
                    Sum of the first 8 natural numbers greater than 10.
                  8. 10D
                    The legal drinking age in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada times one more than the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.