The smallest non-trivial palindrome in Roman numerals (i.e. not a single character like 10=X or all the same character 2=II).
  1. 1A
    The smallest non-trivial palindrome in Roman numerals (i.e. not a single character like 10=X or all the same character 2=II).
  2. 4A
    The smallest number such that the prime factorization of the sum of its digits and the prime factorization of the multiplication of its digits include the first 4 primes. (for example, 15’s digits add to 6 which has prime factors 2 and 3 and multiply to 5 which has prime factors of 5. This is the smallest number that yields the first 3 primes.)
  3. 6A
    The largest two digit decimal number with an equal number of 1s and 0s in its binary representation.
  4. 7A
    Number that appears in many Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes. (You can blame me if you now rewatch the series looking for it!)
  5. 8A
    The sum of entries above or below each cell.
  6. 9A
    The smallest non-trivial decagonal number. (Number of dots that can be arranged in a 10-sided polygon, trivially 10 can do this. Similar to arranging 9 dots into a 3x3 square.)
  7. 11A
    Number of Tetris tiles that can be made from five squares. Rotationally equivalent shapes are only counted once. (There are two that can be made from three squares and seven that can be made from four squares.)
  8. 13A
    The smallest number with exactly ten divisors.
  9. 14A
    Distance in yards of the longest made field goal in NFL history (not math but it was a game winner against my team so I may still be bitter!)
  1. 1D
    The sum of each row, column, and diagonal for a 3x3 magic square using the digits 1 through 9.
  2. 2D
    The smallest natural number that can be expressed as the difference of two non-zero squares in more than three ways.
  3. 3D
    The sum of entries left or right of each cell.
  4. 4D
    The sum of each row, column, and diagonal for a 4x4 magic square using the numbers 1 through 16.
  5. 5D
    The smallest sum of 8 distinct prime numbers. Also the largest number of givens a sudoku can have without generating a unique solution!
  6. 9D
    It is the largest number such that subtracting 1 from any of its divisors (except 1 and 2 but including itself) yields a prime number.
  7. 10D
    The smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of four distinct nonzero squares in more than one way.
  8. 11D
    The only integer that equals m^n and n^m for some unequal integers m and n.
  9. 12D
    To be banned, in slang.
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