Grab your calculators! Fill in every space in the grid with a digit from 1-9. This time, however, every entry MUST contain the digit 0 once and only once, besides for 11A and 10D, which both contain no zero. Digits are allowed to repeat in entries.
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Love these puzzles! For this one, I ended up with a solution different from the official solution, but which, as far as I can tell, is valid. The different entries I had were: 3A: 16; 5A: 61909; 8A: 02; 1D: 11101; 2D: 06; 5D: 60 (reversed version of 2D); 6D: 12
Ahh, "every entry MUST contain the digit 0 once and only once..." I needed that written on the back of my hand, then it wouldn't have taken me 13 minutes to solve the puzzle! That was fun, though!
Caroline 9:50 · over 3 years ago
Can someone explain how 5D is the reverse of 1A, 2D, and 4D?