For my tenth published word ladder, super-sizing a bit (thanks to Mike for the suggestion to work around the row cap with the bar in the middle). This one doesn't have the circles; publishing another version that does, in case that's your preference. Note that entries "wrap around" — 31A is followed by 5A. Apologies for any keyboard shortcut inconvenience. (Definitely let me know if I got any clues mismatched!) And bummed I missed the seasonal hook… next time! Cover photo courtesy of Katie Harp on Unsplash.
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KayW 🤓3:57 · about 1 year ago
Wow! very clever. I had to backsolve in a few places (I'm looking at you, spherical sweet LOL) but luckily was able to pick up the trail again a few lines down and work my way back. Thanks!
Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed! (Now with a sample size of 10 I can say that there's usually at least one entry that's a bit — or more than a bit — forced. This time I chose to go with LADU rather than REDE, which initially looked like it should be a common-ish word but I couldn't find any good clue.)
Thank you for trying this one out! (I think the ladders with circled letters, especially @Elle's, are cleaner and more accessible to get started — hers were definitely my inspiration to try making my own!)
the wrap-around is nice :) loved that you were able to fit in more words and more fun... i think the last clue should read "What clocks do in 1A, when followed by 1A" or something like that so it clues FALLBACK instead of just BACK
That seems to be where I live right now… do you think the entries are inherently hard, or are too many of the clues just too challenging? Appreciate the solve and the feedback!
A mighty struggle, thanks. The proper noun at 11A might as well been "TALE" for me. Upon googling 12A I find the normal spelling to be "LADDU", what is your source for this particular spelling?