
A cute wee cryptic

◆◆ · By n0hk · Published 2021-10-05T11:21:35.834Z

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  • Mike D 3:38 · 2021-10-05T11:21:35.834Z
    Couldn't quite crack it but I had a great time trying!
    • BJ constructor · 2021-10-05T11:21:35.834Z
      Intended down
      1D Recaps reversed, sans r (right). Space is a key on a pc
      2D Anagram of car meaning swerve.
      3D Remove AZ from zealous and anagram (buffalo) it
      4D Attempted 4x definition of sweet
      7D Former lover->ex homophone->x->10, with whole clue acting as the def.
      • BJ constructor · 2021-10-05T11:21:35.834Z
        7D had to change, but I've managed to keep the jist of a homophone of 'ex' working as the fodder.
        "Ten" is a valid abbreviation of tenuto, which is a musical instruction to hold a note for full length. It seems easy enough to pick up on the cross-checks that I'm ok with this.
        • BJ constructor · 2021-10-05T11:21:35.834Z
          7D had to change, but I've managed to keep the jist of a homophone of 'ex' working as the fodder.
          "Ten" is a valid abbreviation of tenuto, which is a musical instruction to hold a note for full length. It seems easy enough to pick up on the cross-checks that I'm ok with this.
        • BJ constructor · 2021-10-05T11:21:35.834Z
          Intended across
          1A Substitute alcohol for ale, and put it inside (onboard) ss, from ship.
          5A Double-definition.
          6A Substitute current for AC and vehicle for UTE.
          8A Remove D (Roman Numeral 500) from seed (starting point).
          9A Event is a do, and hidden in the fodder.
          • Orfington 14:09 · 2021-10-05T18:14:43.479Z
            I’m still struggling to get a handle on cryptic clue logic, so thank you for walking through the reasoning! Honestly, I’m rather pleased with myself I even got 3 of them without having to check!
            • BJ constructor · 2021-10-05T23:43:59.023Z
              This one was a step up from my other ones mini-cryptics, some clues like 1A (substitution containers) are getting quite into "cryptic-ese" and hard to parse without being comfortable with Cryptics. Nice effort!
            • Caroline 6:55 · 2021-10-05T19:37:08.209Z
              Personal best! I got 5 answers :) Thank you so much for the explanations. We'll get the hang of these eventually!
              • BJ constructor · 2021-10-06T00:01:02.501Z
              • Joah 5:59 · 2021-10-06T02:32:41.102Z
                Closest I've come! Just missed 7D and 9A! Nice one.
                • BJ constructor · 2021-10-06T03:43:49.563Z
                  Nice Joah! 7D is a bit of a weird clue, and 9A has a deceptive definition of 'do', which might help misdirect people away from what it's trying to do.
                  Glad that you enjoyed it :)
                • spikeydlux 2:55 · 2021-10-07T18:39:32.562Z
                  I am very new to cryptics and I LOVE having the explanations of clue -> answer laid out for me instead of trying to reverse engineer them from correct(/ed) fill. Thank you!!
                  • BJ constructor · 2021-10-08T02:00:02.847Z
                    I'm glad you're enjoying cryptics and enjoyed the deconstruction. It prompted me to try something else, would you be able to lend your opinion on the efficacy of the blog I wrote here? (open in incognito if necessary)
                  • Schmellagator 12:30 · 2021-10-19T10:29:50.954Z
                    A cute cryptic indeed :D
                    Trades alcohol onboard ship (5)
                    1. 1A
                      Trades alcohol onboard ship (5)
                    2. 5A
                      In favour of paid athlete (3)
                    3. 6A
                      Current vehicle terrible (5)
                    4. 8A
                      Observe 500 leaving starting point (3)
                    5. 9A
                      Do date ventriloquist secretly (5)
                    1. 1D
                      Key recaps written up not right (5)
                    2. 2D
                      Swerve car all over the place? (3)
                    3. 3D
                      Arizona left zealous buffalo parasite (5)
                    4. 4D
                      Sugary chocolate pudding to one's liking (5)
                    5. 7D
                      Former lover orally sustained for full length (3)