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Justice League of America

· By DrTom · Published 2023-01-30T14:58:24.968Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is what those with supreme powers hopefully possess.
Nudges (in what I think is increasing order of helpfulness)
Nudge 1 I put the picture of the comic Justice League up because it was convenient, but that is not the ONLY Justice League of America!
Nudge 2 Note how some clues are even odder and more forced than normal. For instance, did I really have to qualify Otello to clue that famed crossword opera
Nudge 3 The two center clues are a hint toward the group and what you are looking for. It might take some Googling but see what that brings (oh, and it is an example but NOT part of the solve)
Nudge 4 Just like the picture of the JLOA, to which I added one superhero (you will find no superhero like the one on the far right) you are looking for 8 "things" and when you realize what they are the mechanism of the solve should reveal itself in short order.
OK, time for the reveal. If you want to see how to solve the puzzle click below:
The theme clues (1 Down and 5, 9, 25, 31, 35, 44, and 63 Across) all were worded such that they hinted towards judging or decisions, or in the case of 1D the inner conference room of the SCOTUS. Each answer was the name of a Supreme Court Justice with one letter missing:
OUTER = SOUTER minus the S
ALIT = ALITO minus the O
URGER = BURGER minus the B
LAMA = LAMAR minus the R
SCALA = SCALIA minus the I
WHIT = WHITE minus the E
AFT = TAFT minus the T
MOOD = MOODY minus the Y
The missing letters spell out the meta answer SOBRIETY
Clue 46 Across was the nudge hint towards the mechanism
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  • Abide solved 2023-01-30T17:09:55.700Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2023-01-30T17:13:24.543Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-01-30T17:17:01.526Z
  • Mikey G solved 2023-01-30T18:20:47.096Z
  • Hector solved 2023-01-30T18:47:13.359Z
  • Dave C solved 2023-01-30T19:23:51.970Z
  • heidi solved 2023-01-30T22:49:45.573Z
  • Gutman solved 2023-01-31T00:28:20.898Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-01-31T00:37:17.539Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-01-31T01:03:13.336Z
  • Meg solved 2023-01-31T01:03:41.339Z
  • Teamdoubletow solved 2023-01-31T01:16:48.308Z
  • boharr solved 2023-01-31T01:17:50.829Z
  • Darth solved 2023-01-31T01:43:21.237Z
  • KayW solved 2023-01-31T02:57:57.720Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-01-31T14:37:06.220Z
  • rjy solved 2023-01-31T16:14:53.461Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-01-31T17:45:43.121Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-01-31T19:37:25.540Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2023-01-31T19:41:09.421Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-01-31T21:40:35.883Z
  • lbray53 solved 2023-01-31T22:23:54.655Z
  • ChrisCross solved 2023-01-31T22:28:42.756Z
  • AaronT solved 2023-02-01T03:14:19.172Z
  • Bbaack solved 2023-02-02T00:02:50.482Z
  • Abide solved 2023-02-02T03:45:00.472Z
  • markhr solved 2023-02-02T04:28:24.032Z
  • woozy solved 2023-02-02T05:38:37.677Z
  • JM solved 2023-02-02T11:44:56.326Z
  • DebbieC solved 2023-02-02T14:47:26.378Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-02-02T15:08:06.328Z
  • michaelm solved 2023-02-02T16:12:49.316Z
  • Snood solved 2023-02-02T16:26:16.928Z
  • ajk solved 2023-02-02T17:09:06.798Z
  • Dow Jones solved 2023-02-02T18:16:11.756Z
  • david solved 2023-02-02T21:09:13.468Z
  • ReB solved 2023-02-02T22:04:17.815Z
  • Carolyn solved 2023-02-02T23:49:39.486Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2023-02-03T00:27:28.713Z
  • Ergcat solved 2023-02-03T01:50:33.474Z
  • Schmeel solved 2023-02-03T05:53:19.353Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2023-02-03T18:25:29.544Z
  • BethA solved 2023-02-04T13:33:18.072Z
  • jbird solved 2023-02-04T15:01:22.823Z
  • Naptown Kid solved 2023-02-11T15:12:31.270Z
  • clev solved 2023-03-15T08:16:30.281Z
  • somylai solved 2023-03-29T15:49:52.177Z
  • Kulea solved 2024-06-19T08:02:22.166Z


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  • DrTom constructor · 2023-01-30T15:01:53.008Z
    Whoops, caught me napping. The events of the last few weeks have upset my normal routine. Anyway, today's MMM is one of my creations, dutifully whipped into shape by Abide. I am going to say it is about a week 2.5-3 difficulty level just because recognizing what I'm thinking may be harder for some (heck even I don't always know what I am thinking so don't judge yourselves by that)
    • Tyrpmom 2s · 2023-01-30T17:21:05.556Z
      Nice break from MGWCC. Thanks Dr. Tom.
      • Cindy Heisler 2s · 2023-01-30T17:20:48.293Z
        This is definitely not the Justice League of America that I test solved way back when. Many of the clues were different -- even the answer was different. It was like doing a whole new puzzle. But I managed to get the correct answer nonetheless. Thanks, Dr Tom@
        • DrTom constructor · 2023-01-30T17:47:01.412Z
          Well it was indeed almost a brand new puzzle. Abide kept me honest and had me ramp it up a bit. In the end I think it benefitted. Hope you caught my into Easter Egg " don't judge yourself..."
        • Hector 3s · 2023-01-30T18:49:23.386Z
          Very nice. Was GRIER a hint or just fortuitous?
          • DrTom constructor · 2023-01-30T19:17:49.675Z
            DOH! Just a mistake. Unfortunately I am not that familiar with the SCOTUS and apparently my testers weren't either (not surprising). Had I noticed that (or rather known that) I would have made it BERE/BRIER, both acceptable crossword words. I HATE it when I screw up.
            • DrTom constructor · 2023-01-30T20:24:47.502Z
              You know, it was just an error, but looking at its position it probably was a good, though unbeknownst, "nudge" answer. I tired to make the theme clues pretty indicative and even included "judge" in my intro. The other middle crossing clue WAS supposed to be very nudgy towards the idea. I guess I was cleverer (or more likely luckier) than I thought
            • Dave C 3s · 2023-01-30T19:25:48.900Z
              Good puzzle.
              • Mikey G 🤓6:40 · 2023-01-30T21:25:11.842Z
                A TOPBANANA has lots of a peel. (But now I have to split!)
                • DrTom constructor · 2023-01-31T03:34:17.229Z
                  Well if I was looking for a peel I would have used orange, but that was too zesty. Orange you glad I didn't!
                • I K Snamhcok 🤓10:51 · 2023-01-31T00:48:27.199Z
                  I wonder if you could also make this idea work with eight of the JLA superheroes. As I recall from my youth, there was MARTIAN MANHUNTER. Hmm … Less one letter — as, say, MARTINMANHUNTER — that could, I suppose, be your center entry. If you could figure out a fair way to clue it. (“Simpsons character who changed his last name to honor his favorite movie, the 1986 thriller that introduced Hannibal Lecter to the screen.” Yuck.)
                  • DrTom constructor · 2023-01-31T03:32:29.839Z
                    Hmmm, sounds like someone is ready to make their own META!!! I'll be your tester. I mean you could do the same thing: FLESH, FATMAN, RABIN....
                  • boharr 3s · 2023-01-31T01:18:24.373Z
                    Tricky. Thanks
                    • Teamdoubletow 4s · 2023-01-31T01:20:31.283Z
                      We had fun with this but no way we could have done this without the Internet... Although Alex got 5 of them without help. Who knew so many justices have similar names?
                      • whimsy 12:48 · 2023-01-31T14:52:46.103Z
                        In retrospect, I realized and liked the many little hints in clues. Especially like the way SCALiA (my way in, as I recall) segued into ARIA. (RBG would approve:))
                        • rjy 3s · 2023-01-31T16:42:15.818Z
                          Finally got to the finish line - saw the SCALA/SCALIA notion immediately, and thought maaaaybe he's not talking superheroes, but didn't see another quickly enough so I abandoned that rabbit hole. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
                          More promising was 44A, whose answer I thought was BOW. It was AFT, but BOW was elsewhere in the puzzle... AHA! Jersey word: TWINS?? One who argues for you to do the right thing? LAMA?? But that petered out quickly...
                          But after solving, it was interesting to go back and see the very subtle signposts in the clueing amidst the trademarked DrTom cleverness. Nicely constructed, DrTom!
                          • DrTom constructor · 2023-01-31T17:43:51.697Z
                            Why thank you! I do try to telegraph my theme clues, but subtly of course.
                          • ChrisCross 20:12 · 2023-01-31T22:35:55.429Z
                            Thanks for a nice aha moment. The misdirection was strong, but the hints at what the puzzle was really about were there and fair.
                            Gotta say though, I still can't figure out where the S comes from. The rest of the letters I got and the answer seemed clear.
                            • whimsy 12:48 · 2023-02-01T02:05:53.472Z
                              And now for something a tiny bit different - - 1D S(OUTER)
                              • DrTom constructor · 2023-02-01T06:02:57.048Z
                                And there is what happens when you forget your own darn creation. I was originally going to make it outer limits for the reasons stated and then relented in favor of reaches because I thought the "justice" tie in might get diluted.
                                • DrTom constructor · 2023-02-01T06:00:01.889Z
                                  Thank you whimsy, oh and the clue tie in; well the Inner Sanctum is (besides an old mystery/horror radio and TV show) the conference room for the SCOTUS that was always mentioned more for its "boys club" status (which has of course changed) than anything else. What better to pair with Inner Sanctum than Outer Limits, a show of the same ilk.
                                  • ChrisCross 20:12 · 2023-02-02T00:03:43.984Z
                                    Aah thanks!
                                • Bbaack 🤓13:39 · 2023-02-02T00:10:37.862Z
                                  A fun and funny one as always. Thanks Tom!
                                  • MatthewL 🤓8:34 · 2023-02-02T15:17:57.244Z
                                    Finally off the couch with the nudges. Which is embarrassing because I'm a lawyer who avidly follows the Supreme Court. Can't believe I didn't see Scalia staring me plain in the face. Oh well, onto the next one!
                                    • DrTom constructor · 2023-02-02T17:01:22.974Z
                                      Familiarity breeds contempt...imagine how I feel when it is somehting medically or pharmaceutically related and I skim right over it. At any rate the decision was in your favor😊
                                    • michaelm 🤓3:15 · 2023-02-02T16:16:17.283Z
                                      Definitely took some thinking outside of the (jury) box. Thanks, DrTom!
                                      • Snood 7:13 · 2023-02-02T16:30:31.617Z
                                        Fun as always! Thank you for sharing
                                        • Carolyn 4s · 2023-02-02T23:52:04.971Z
                                          Wow! That was tough and I needed a couple of the nudges, along with Google. Thanks
                                          • Ergcat 18:51 · 2023-02-03T01:51:26.917Z
                                            Needed the nudges but finally got it! Thanks, Dr Tom
                                            • Schmeel 10:13 · 2023-02-03T06:08:03.706Z
                                              It was tough! The only US justices I know by name are crosswordese to me. Thanks for the puzzle (and the nudges)!
                                              • BethA 3s · 2023-02-04T13:34:40.380Z
                                                I went in a wrong direction at first, but got it after the hints! Thx for the puzzle!
                                                A real gem from Australia
                                                1. 1A
                                                  A real gem from Australia
                                                2. 5A
                                                  Came down from on high
                                                3. 9A
                                                  One who argues for you to do the right thing
                                                4. 14A
                                                  "Major" animal
                                                5. 15A
                                                  What the 10th little piggie had
                                                6. 16A
                                                  Something we all hope to find on the planet earth
                                                7. 17A
                                                  Vaudeville headliner
                                                8. 19A
                                                  Request from the church
                                                9. 20A
                                                  December 24th or 31st
                                                10. 21A
                                                  Moving vehicles
                                                11. 22A
                                                  "Exodus" star Sal and family
                                                12. 23A
                                                  Avis availabilities
                                                13. 25A
                                                  Venerated figure from a lofty place
                                                14. 26A
                                                  "___ alive!"
                                                15. 27A
                                                  Star of "American Gigolo"
                                                16. 28A
                                                  No longer is
                                                17. 31A
                                                  Where "Otello", a story of injustice, premiered, La ___
                                                18. 34A
                                                  Diva's delivery
                                                19. 35A
                                                  Smallest amount, as in "I don't care a ___ about what is fair, just what is right"
                                                20. 36A
                                                  Antithetically, like arguing one side of a conflict in direct opposition to the other
                                                21. 39A
                                                  Air force heroes
                                                22. 40A
                                                  1973 World Series stadium
                                                23. 41A
                                                  Like Eric the Red
                                                24. 42A
                                                  Fiddle stick
                                                25. 43A
                                                  Marc Antony's love
                                                26. 44A
                                                  Where you head if you reverse a stern decision
                                                27. 45A
                                                  Bric-a-___ (tchotchkes)
                                                28. 46A
                                                  Meta solver who is missing one little thing that would make the mechanism clear
                                                29. 50A
                                                  Famous wreck ___ Fitzgerald
                                                30. 53A
                                                  Match up
                                                31. 54A
                                                  Victorian, for one
                                                32. 55A
                                                  Packers great Brett
                                                33. 56A
                                                  Long running Agatha Christie play, with "The"
                                                34. 58A
                                                  What you can get if you break an egg in two
                                                35. 59A
                                                  Exude, like charm
                                                36. 60A
                                                  Bubbly from Piedmont
                                                37. 61A
                                                  Pique performances?
                                                38. 62A
                                                  Cheers from the estadio
                                                39. 63A
                                                  Frame of mind induced by circumstances, like medical or legal problems
                                                1. 1D
                                                  Antithesis to the Inner Sanctum; the ___ reaches
                                                2. 2D
                                                  Put to the test
                                                3. 3D
                                                  Colorado ski resort for the chic
                                                4. 4D
                                                  Family pet, for short
                                                5. 5D
                                                6. 6D
                                                  Amounts borrowed
                                                7. 7D
                                                  Cozy stops for the night
                                                8. 8D
                                                  Oolong, for one
                                                9. 9D
                                                  CPU hours of operation
                                                10. 10D
                                                  The current Queen of Spain
                                                11. 11D
                                                12. 12D
                                                  Response from a voiceless entity
                                                13. 13D
                                                  Roger from "Cheers"
                                                14. 18D
                                                  Online representative
                                                15. 22D
                                                  French revolutionary leader Jean-Paul
                                                16. 24D
                                                  Pinball machine mistakes
                                                17. 25D
                                                  Expensive camera
                                                18. 27D
                                                  "Foxy Brown" or "Jackie Brown" star Pam
                                                19. 28D
                                                  Blender sound
                                                20. 29D
                                                21. 30D
                                                  Eye affliction
                                                22. 31D
                                                  Natural Band-Aid
                                                23. 32D
                                                  Chanel of fashion
                                                24. 33D
                                                25. 34D
                                                26. 35D
                                                27. 37D
                                                  ___ as a hatter
                                                28. 38D
                                                  In the midst of a winning streak
                                                29. 43D
                                                  James from Gunsmoke
                                                30. 44D
                                                31. 45D
                                                  The stage past charred
                                                32. 46D
                                                  Bandage fabric
                                                33. 47D
                                                  The page that's left
                                                34. 48D
                                                  Poetic muse
                                                35. 49D
                                                36. 50D
                                                  Early newts
                                                37. 51D
                                                  Time before which everything is at its darkest, we are told
                                                38. 52D
                                                  1007 in 1007
                                                39. 53D
                                                  Game where you'll need a cue when its your turn
                                                40. 56D
                                                  Jersey word
                                                41. 57D
                                                  Cap on something full of Scotch