Nudges (in what I think is increasing order of helpfulness)
Nudge 1 I put the picture of the comic Justice League up because it was convenient, but that is not the ONLY Justice League of America!
Nudge 2 Note how some clues are even odder and more forced than normal. For instance, did I really have to qualify Otello to clue that famed crossword opera
Nudge 3 The two center clues are a hint toward the group and what you are looking for. It might take some Googling but see what that brings (oh, and it is an example but NOT part of the solve)
Nudge 4 Just like the picture of the JLOA, to which I added one superhero (you will find no superhero like the one on the far right) you are looking for 8 "things" and when you realize what they are the mechanism of the solve should reveal itself in short order.
OK, time for the reveal. If you want to see how to solve the puzzle click below:
The theme clues (1 Down and 5, 9, 25, 31, 35, 44, and 63 Across) all were worded such that they hinted towards judging or decisions, or in the case of 1D the inner conference room of the SCOTUS. Each answer was the name of a Supreme Court Justice with one letter missing:
OUTER = SOUTER minus the S
ALIT = ALITO minus the O
URGER = BURGER minus the B
LAMA = LAMAR minus the R
SCALA = SCALIA minus the I
WHIT = WHITE minus the E
AFT = TAFT minus the T
MOOD = MOODY minus the Y
The missing letters spell out the meta answer SOBRIETY
Clue 46 Across was the nudge hint towards the mechanism