The answer to the meta is what goodies often become like by the end
My surname can be traced back to Cornwall, a place known for smuggling goods into England for centuries. So it's clearly in my blood! There may or may not be some smuggling going on in this puzzle. It got past the border police, so hopefully you're smarter than them and can locate the answer to the meta, which is what goodies often become like by the end. Answer and explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
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I can't top dplass' comment, so I'll just say, "Well done, sir." Luckily, I picked up on the vibe early enough so as not to scream, "It's a trap!" down the office hallway.
Anyone get thrown by YOgA and figured Ben was doing an extra Ben level? Did anyone else get FA*****Y and figure "no, way I'm going to get those minor characters in EATS INTO ('tsinto'? was there as 'tsinto'?) or TAKEONME", and guess FATTY? (Goodies eventually become fatty).
Actually.... can I admit I don't really get this? ...These star war characters aren't all smugglers (isn't only one a smuggler?); what is the "goods" or "goodies" being referred to?; and.... how exactly do they become family?
But fine puzzle. Fine Puzzle. (Did anyone think for a nano-second that COFFINNAIL hid a "FIN(e)" and we were supposed to find synonyms for "good"?)
This is possibly a bit of a long shot, but by the end of most movies the goodies all seem like one big happy family (at least, in "happily ever after" movies).
And FINN-INFO, ARTOO-ORATE, MACE-META, KEO-OED (I found him on a list), LANDO-ENOLA. Made for a deep rabbit hole. I thought I left this in a comment when I solved , but I don’t see it.
DIS 🤓6:08 · 2022-05-03T17:31:27.566Z
Thanks for commemorating the day.
Bird Lives 4s · 2022-05-03T18:09:47.980Z
I saw the original in a theater long, long ago (though not far, far away) but passed on all the other forty-two (or however many) sequel and prequels. So I had to Google like crazy to find these hidden characters.
Fun one, but I was sad to see there wasn't a shout out to the greatest smuggler of all, who made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. Would that make it a Solo solve?
Imwe is pretty much the only name in that galaxy far, far away that begins with an "i"!
DrTom 7s · 2022-05-04T20:16:57.061Z
Sorry to be late to the cantina! I should have guessed when I saw YODA and knowing today was Star Wars Day that it was that theme, but noooooo. I spent so much time on "What you need to get into a pool - ARTE = ANTE" and "Object that is good at cleaning wax PROLE = PROBE". Good one Ben, and I'm glad that in the end you let the Kooky win!
Gutman 8s · 2022-05-04T22:39:45.025Z
FYI. 5 of the characters can be found in the grid with one letter change. (Yoda/yoga, lando/enola, artoo/orate, mace/meta, finn/info). I looked for this mechanism for too long.
Yes, in order to generate an appropriate meta answer and long entries I had to deviate from the well-known names a little (or a lot, as the case may be!)
Needed just Nudge #1. I even thought TOKYODAWNS was such a weird entry and I did spot YODA in it, but I was too focused on the "good" entries to spot the STARWARS hint (and then I had to use googling + trial and error to find the other characters, I didn't even know ARTOO was a way to refer to R2D2).
FYI, Artoo is in the script ( "INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER - MAIN PASSAGEWAY An explosion rocks the ship as two robots, Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) and See-Threepio (C-3PO) struggle to make their way through the shaking, bouncing passageway. Both robots are old and battered. Artoo is a short, claw-armed tripod."