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Putting The A In STEM (Meta)

· Di benchen71 · Pubblicato 2023-12-13T05:00:08.242Z

Meta Prompt
The answer to the meta is an 11-letter word
I have absolutely no idea where this one came from! I just found myself thinking along certain lines and before I knew it, there it was. This one might be a bit tricky, but hopefully you will get there in the end. The answer to the meta is an 11-letter word. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT MEOW Mashup Pack" here: US$10 gives you access to 14 metas that don't always abide by the "rules" of the game. You won't quite know what to expect: asymmetry, 2-letter words, uncrossed letters, sometimes all of those, and sometimes none! One thing is for sure, these are some of the more creative metas my brain has been able to come up with. And there's more: this time there's a mega-meta!
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Classifica (aggiornata ogni ora)

  • Hector solved 2023-12-13T05:22:45.459Z
  • Berto solved 2023-12-13T05:34:42.025Z
  • SamKat9 solved 2023-12-13T06:19:38.852Z
  • markhr solved 2023-12-13T07:22:28.084Z
  • JM solved 2023-12-13T13:53:18.667Z
  • hoover solved 2023-12-13T14:13:58.162Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2023-12-13T14:30:01.462Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-12-13T15:20:44.824Z
  • Meg solved 2023-12-13T15:29:40.506Z
  • Dave C solved 2023-12-13T15:31:37.512Z
  • AxelPlays solved 2023-12-13T15:42:12.374Z
  • boharr solved 2023-12-13T16:18:22.105Z
  • DCBilly solved 2023-12-13T16:27:55.674Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-12-13T16:50:13.745Z
  • ajk solved 2023-12-13T17:17:58.676Z
  • iceman solved 2023-12-13T18:25:26.094Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-12-13T18:29:51.241Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2023-12-13T18:54:18.555Z
  • Sendhil Revuluri solved 2023-12-13T19:54:21.706Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-12-13T20:03:10.385Z
  • Darrell solved 2023-12-13T20:09:11.368Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2023-12-13T20:17:28.708Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-12-13T20:31:22.231Z
  • rjy solved 2023-12-13T21:38:09.984Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2023-12-13T21:39:30.672Z
  • Ergcat solved 2023-12-13T21:45:32.261Z
  • DIS solved 2023-12-13T22:15:45.973Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2023-12-13T22:38:33.538Z
  • KayW solved 2023-12-13T22:47:11.764Z
  • Darth solved 2023-12-14T03:02:49.916Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-12-14T03:22:07.835Z
  • Wilson Hubbell solved 2023-12-14T04:19:51.893Z
  • woozy solved 2023-12-14T10:03:19.279Z
  • lbray53 solved 2023-12-14T17:17:59.595Z
  • Philip Chow solved 2023-12-14T21:57:07.418Z
  • kurtalert solved 2023-12-15T00:18:56.352Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2023-12-15T02:52:05.462Z
  • DrTom solved 2023-12-15T04:49:12.068Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2023-12-16T02:10:09.210Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2023-12-16T03:37:46.560Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-12-16T05:34:54.301Z
  • Katiedid solved 2023-12-16T20:07:56.772Z
  • edestlin solved 2023-12-16T21:17:38.517Z
  • axmszr solved 2023-12-17T01:02:38.156Z
  • Steve M solved 2023-12-17T16:00:17.370Z
  • AaronT solved 2023-12-17T22:21:35.833Z
  • SeamusOL solved 2023-12-17T23:51:59.633Z
  • Abide solved 2023-12-18T03:41:06.554Z
  • SJMcK solved 2023-12-22T03:15:35.152Z
  • Qmark solved 2024-01-06T17:00:58.919Z


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  • Hector 3:21 · 2023-12-13T05:26:14.801Z
    Love me some Aristotle, thanks! What is the race with the POLE thing?
    • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-12-13T06:23:05.899Z
      Any race with a POLE position! I was thinking mainly of Formula 1. And race tracks have "S" bends.
      • DCBilly 2s · 2023-12-13T16:30:36.604Z
        I went for the ess thinking the race with a (ski) pole was the slalom...
        • ajk 🤓5:12 · 2023-12-13T17:18:57.007Z
          lol I was thinking POLE equated to exclamation point (hence my enthusiastic answer ;))
          • woozy 🤓22:30 · 2023-12-14T10:10:05.919Z
            I thought a pole might be the letter I and the races was that S beat it so it ends with IS. That could combine with the cold letters to make BRIS (or maybe BRALLIS) which are a legitimate strings of letters. But PHYAUBRALLIS really didn't get very far.....
      • Berto 🤓3:48 · 2023-12-13T05:35:09.587Z
        My kind of puzzle!! Thanks Ben!
        • SamKat9 21:49 · 2023-12-13T06:23:34.199Z
          Clever! I got here but I think I didn't fully understand some of the clues. The letter that starts your country but is covered in gold, is it S since it follows Au?
          • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-12-13T09:37:57.145Z
            You got it!
          • hoover 2s · 2023-12-13T14:15:38.106Z
            Love me some word-letter riddles.
            • HeadinHome 🤓1:30 · 2023-12-13T14:40:19.856Z
              Definitely had to backsolve a few of those (“IC”, especially), but wow that was clever. I also spent some time thinking each letter might come from other entries, since BECHAMEL is the base sauce of a pot pie, and ELDORADO means covered in gold (and there’s an A in the middle of it), and two letters that get very cold could be (O)maha and (S)we…. but of course that just would not work out for me. (Also just had to try submitting MATHEMATICS, given your job.)
              • Dave C 4s · 2023-12-13T15:36:06.630Z
                Like some others, I struggled with the esses, but since the physic part seemed clear and using ALL as a word for whole didn't work... (I was on the track of finding a word that started with A based on the title.)
                • Ergcat 17:42 · 2023-12-13T21:49:18.509Z
                  That was my mistake too! ALLPHYSICS? Didn’t work! 😂
                • Meg 2s · 2023-12-13T15:30:26.510Z
                  You little cryptic devil, you!!
                  • ajk 🤓5:12 · 2023-12-13T17:20:19.934Z
                    Got to PHYSICS almost immediately (though I failed to parse POLE as part of the S clue). Needed to google some options to think of what to put in front of it, but once I saw it there was no doubt. Fun one, thanks.
                    • Mr Tex 🤓6:19 · 2023-12-13T18:55:54.406Z
                      It's easy to miss that the clues with blanks after inserting the answers, can be read as one continuous poem.
                      • MatthewL 🤓6:25 · 2023-12-13T18:34:37.581Z
                        Took a bit, and some encouragement from a friendly muggle, but ultimately got there. Thanks for the fun brainteaser, Ben!
                        • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓3:29 · 2023-12-13T19:55:40.499Z
                          Fun, thank you!
                          (N00b question — some folks have times of 2, 3, or 4 seconds for the puzzle… is that from just revealing it and focusing on the meta? Thanks!)
                          • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-12-13T20:14:48.634Z
                            They probably solved using the PDF or PUZ file, then come here to confirm the meta answer.
                            • Cindy Heisler 1s · 2023-12-13T20:20:31.605Z
                              I print the PDF and solve the puzzle on paper. After I think I have the meta, I then go to Crosshare and reveal the puzzle and submit my answer.
                              • boharr 2s · 2023-12-15T14:18:51.948Z
                                I do this as well.
                              • hoover 2s · 2023-12-13T21:02:13.572Z
                                I solve the .puz file in AcrossLite, then come to CrossHare to submit. You can't submit in CH without solving, so I click Reveal Puzzle so I don't have to type it all in again.
                                • Hector 3:21 · 2023-12-13T23:59:54.566Z
                                  I cheat.
                                • CPJohnson 3s · 2023-12-13T20:05:58.352Z
                                  Sendhil, yes. Some of us prefer to solve on paper first, then use Crosshare to submit the answer.
                                  • Laura M 🤓5:53 · 2023-12-13T20:32:28.254Z
                                    That was great!
                                    • Sharkicicles 1s · 2023-12-13T21:40:43.142Z
                                      This was different and fun!
                                      • Ergcat 17:42 · 2023-12-13T21:47:30.962Z
                                        Very creative puzzle!! Love riddles and love this puzzle! Interpreted clue 65a incorrectly and that was preventing a solve for a while! Thank you, Ben!
                                        • KayW 🤓14:24 · 2023-12-13T22:50:10.498Z
                                          whoa how zen... can't believe I grokked that one. Very cool - thanks!
                                          • Darth 10:16 · 2023-12-14T03:06:15.738Z
                                            Fun use of riddle, Ben. I didn't get the bend racing with a pole, but the PHY string and IC were solid and AU = gold from AUStralia = S sort of made sense. Thanks.
                                            • I K Snamhcok 2s · 2023-12-14T03:23:35.941Z
                                              Loved it!
                                              • woozy 🤓22:30 · 2023-12-14T10:06:11.870Z
                                                Oh, good god. Had to you onelook for *physics* (I was convinced the "word for whole" was "all") and gave myself a dope slap when the first hit was the meta.
                                                Great puzzle!
                                                • Philip Chow 🤓7:38 · 2023-12-14T22:03:45.686Z
                                                  this one eluded me for so long because i was staring at chicken pot pie for the longest time not knowing what to do with it... i thought BECHAMEL and i'm like does this go in the pot pie? 🧐 then finally thought about "pea" and the rest was fairly smooth solving until i didn't know what the POLE meant... but had enough of the puzzle to guess the answer... the AU covering AUSTRALIA to extract the "S" was my other in to the puzzle to get me thinking about letters
                                                  • DrTom 4s · 2023-12-15T05:09:15.497Z
                                                    I traveled down all the wrong roads already mentioned. I spent SO much time trying to shoehorn ALL in. This puzzle went well beyond my level of clever I am afraid, but hey, new mechanisms are always a challenge. Thanks for the puzzle Ben
                                                    • whimsy 🤓10:00 · 2023-12-16T05:48:13.563Z
                                                      The spoilers didn't get me any further than I already was; I kept getting tangled using ALL for the start, and ? exactly what to use re: your country. But when I finally figured it had to be physics, well, then I just figured what 4-letter companion needed to be in front of it. Pure poetry!
                                                      • axmszr 10:47 · 2023-12-17T01:03:50.751Z
                                                        omg im so upset with myself. OUTSET means the start. fun one!! thank you
                                                        Balancing sign
                                                        1. 1A
                                                          Balancing sign
                                                        2. 6A
                                                          My first is a feature of chicken ___
                                                        3. 12A
                                                          Fresh Indian cheese
                                                        4. 13A
                                                          "If music be the food of love, play on" speaker
                                                        5. 14A
                                                          Complete fiasco
                                                        6. 15A
                                                          Pleasant smells
                                                        7. 16A
                                                          Then ___ on a tap
                                                        8. 17A
                                                          And a question of ___
                                                        9. 18A
                                                          Salty expanse
                                                        10. 19A
                                                          Member of the rhododendron family
                                                        11. 21A
                                                          In favour of
                                                        12. 22A
                                                          The next starts my country but covered with ___
                                                        13. 26A
                                                          She played Helen in "The Fugitive"
                                                        14. 27A
                                                          Letterbox contents
                                                        15. 29A
                                                          Solitary type
                                                        16. 30A
                                                          "Hey, you!"
                                                        17. 31A
                                                          Continental money
                                                        18. 32A
                                                          English class assignment
                                                        19. 33A
                                                          And then come two letters that get very ___
                                                        20. 35A
                                                        21. 37A
                                                          Nebraska's largest city
                                                        22. 40A
                                                          Graven image
                                                        23. 42A
                                                          Grave robber for a mad scientist
                                                        24. 46A
                                                          Dining-room bottle with a stopper
                                                        25. 47A
                                                          The last is a ___
                                                        26. 48A
                                                          In a race with a ___
                                                        27. 49A
                                                          Archaeological sites
                                                        28. 50A
                                                          Stately shade tree
                                                        29. 51A
                                                          Preoccupy excessively
                                                        30. 53A
                                                          Prior to year zero, briefly
                                                        31. 54A
                                                          Bikini top
                                                        32. 55A
                                                          Collector's goal
                                                        33. 56A
                                                          R.E.M. album with the song "Imitation Of Life"
                                                        34. 60A
                                                          Uses for support
                                                        35. 62A
                                                          Mrs. Marcos
                                                        36. 63A
                                                          When day breaks
                                                        37. 64A
                                                          Then place at the ___
                                                        38. 65A
                                                          A word for the ___
                                                        1. 1D
                                                          Experiment site
                                                        2. 2D
                                                          Blown away
                                                        3. 3D
                                                          Sauce based on milk thickened with a white roux
                                                        4. 4D
                                                          Count (on)
                                                        5. 5D
                                                          It often follows you
                                                        6. 6D
                                                          Baffling riddle that you will need to solve
                                                        7. 7D
                                                          Black-and-white predator
                                                        8. 8D
                                                          Eliot's monogram
                                                        9. 9D
                                                          Back of a brooch
                                                        10. 10D
                                                          Bank-statement abbr.
                                                        11. 11D
                                                          Aurora's Greek counterpart
                                                        12. 12D
                                                          They get pulled off a flower as a test of love, weirdly
                                                        13. 14D
                                                          Sleeps lightly
                                                        14. 16D
                                                          Hinged door fastener
                                                        15. 18D
                                                          King known for his wisdom
                                                        16. 20D
                                                          Gate closers
                                                        17. 21D
                                                          Tree with needles and cones
                                                        18. 22D
                                                          Spills the tea, in a sense
                                                        19. 23D
                                                          Opposite of offs
                                                        20. 24D
                                                          Grazing land
                                                        21. 25D
                                                          Lacking moisture
                                                        22. 28D
                                                          Loud enough to hear
                                                        23. 29D
                                                          French article
                                                        24. 34D
                                                          Granola grain
                                                        25. 36D
                                                          Spanish for "gilded one"
                                                        26. 37D
                                                          Anxiety issue, briefly
                                                        27. 38D
                                                          Diagnostic scan, for short
                                                        28. 39D
                                                          If follows Jul.
                                                        29. 41D
                                                          AOC, for example
                                                        30. 43D
                                                          Keeps at it
                                                        31. 44D
                                                          Actress Mary-Kate, Ashley, or Elizabeth
                                                        32. 45D
                                                          Quiet moment on a score
                                                        33. 50D
                                                          Brilliant success
                                                        34. 52D
                                                          Far from original
                                                        35. 53D
                                                          Expressed, as a farewell
                                                        36. 54D
                                                          One of the March sisters
                                                        37. 56D
                                                          River, in Mexico
                                                        38. 57D
                                                          Down Under bird
                                                        39. 58D
                                                          Animal doc
                                                        40. 59D
                                                          Ernie of the PGA
                                                        41. 60D
                                                          Order's partner
                                                        42. 61D
                                                          Fin. neighbour