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Chris Jones 🤓43s · 4 mesi fa
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T-grizzle 🤓1:29 · 4 mesi fa
Echser 🤓32s · 4 mesi fa
MAPLE is a flavor? I thought it was just the tree name. If we have syrup from a boxelder for instance, is it boxelder-flavored syrup? I'm not exactly a syrup-aficionado, and I wasn't able to make it to SyrupCon this year, so I'm kind of uninformed.
I think it works... at IHOP, they have different-flavored syrups for pancakes... there's maple, strawberry, blueberry, and butter pecan. (Such decadence! Ha!)
Echser 🤓32s · 4 mesi fa
I suppose that's fair, IHOP is the syrup king after all