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Quick Descent (Meta)

· Di benchen71 · Pubblicato 2023-07-11T06:00:56.044Z

Meta Prompt
The answer to the meta is an 8-letter word that suggests things might be looking up
Last night as I was reading in bed, I thought of a possible metanism. I did a quick search for a few terms, just to see if the idea could work, wrote a short note so I wouldn't forget it, and then went to sleep. Then, in the early morning, I spent a couple of hours tossing and turning, coming up with the puzzle specifics. Memo to self: don't get meta ideas late at night! The answer to the meta is an 8-letter word that suggests things might be looking up. Answer & explanation:
Check out "The MOAT MEOW Mashup Pack" here: US$10 gives you access to 14 metas that don't always abide by the "rules" of the game. You won't quite know what to expect: asymmetry, 2-letter words, uncrossed letters, sometimes all of those, and sometimes none! One thing is for sure, these are some of the more creative metas my brain has been able to come up with. And there's more: this time there's a mega-meta!
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  • SeamusOL solved 2023-07-11T06:32:51.783Z
  • markhr solved 2023-07-11T06:37:59.024Z
  • Laura M solved 2023-07-11T06:58:45.522Z
  • JM solved 2023-07-11T11:51:33.399Z
  • rjy solved 2023-07-11T11:56:11.406Z
  • Capn Rick solved 2023-07-11T12:40:18.495Z
  • boharr solved 2023-07-11T12:40:20.062Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2023-07-11T12:45:19.992Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2023-07-11T12:52:45.868Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2023-07-11T12:56:55.923Z
  • jbird solved 2023-07-11T13:25:50.029Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2023-07-11T13:25:51.278Z
  • MrTheHan solved 2023-07-11T14:00:12.466Z
  • Meg solved 2023-07-11T14:35:00.884Z
  • Hector solved 2023-07-11T14:45:07.342Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2023-07-11T14:57:08.848Z
  • Berto solved 2023-07-11T15:02:04.707Z
  • merlinnimue solved 2023-07-11T15:02:25.969Z
  • whimsy solved 2023-07-11T15:16:36.690Z
  • MatthewL solved 2023-07-11T15:49:11.140Z
  • DIS solved 2023-07-11T16:10:46.871Z
  • hoover solved 2023-07-11T16:55:38.480Z
  • Schmeel solved 2023-07-11T17:09:12.415Z
  • DrTom solved 2023-07-11T17:13:16.531Z
  • Dow Jones solved 2023-07-11T17:13:19.894Z
  • heidi solved 2023-07-11T17:39:28.871Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2023-07-11T17:40:32.927Z
  • ajk solved 2023-07-11T17:46:26.392Z
  • Johnny Luau solved 2023-07-11T17:47:23.151Z
  • kurtalert solved 2023-07-11T17:51:42.622Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2023-07-11T20:36:04.033Z
  • KayW solved 2023-07-11T20:59:04.766Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2023-07-11T21:54:32.709Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2023-07-12T03:30:01.244Z
  • violet solved 2023-07-12T11:45:17.273Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2023-07-12T17:03:33.536Z
  • Spid4567 solved 2023-07-12T18:01:46.152Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2023-07-12T18:13:34.496Z
  • Flora Wynn solved 2023-07-12T20:06:54.423Z
  • Mikey G solved 2023-07-13T04:57:01.566Z
  • Qmark solved 2023-07-13T08:39:52.478Z
  • ReB solved 2023-07-14T01:33:50.942Z
  • woozy solved 2023-07-14T03:30:54.348Z
  • Carolyn solved 2023-07-14T05:34:47.575Z
  • Ergcat solved 2023-07-14T17:33:13.786Z
  • rayyandroid solved 2023-07-14T18:21:50.665Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2023-07-14T22:52:09.275Z
  • PuzNewbie solved 2023-07-15T05:14:03.475Z
  • Gutman solved 2023-07-15T14:00:55.711Z
  • Darrell solved 2023-07-16T06:50:12.125Z
  • Lil Moody solved 2023-07-18T13:44:23.766Z
  • Darth solved 2023-08-07T16:51:53.934Z
  • sledge solved 2023-08-19T19:19:08.298Z


Accedi con google per lasciare un tuo commento:

  • Laura M 🤓7:48 · 2023-07-11T07:04:04.992Z
    That was fun!
    • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-07-11T08:46:55.291Z
    • Tom Wilson 🤓8:02 · 2023-07-11T12:53:39.507Z
      Thank you, Ben. I don't know how you do it so well and so often, but I'm glad you do!
      • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-07-11T22:43:57.726Z
        Lots more coming!
      • merlinnimue 🤓8:50 · 2023-07-11T15:18:54.663Z
        Great puzzle. I am so envious of all of you coming up with ideas and I can only hope to lose sleep over getting one... then again, if it takes me over an hour to solve such a simple meta, perhaps I should leave well enough alone (and simplicity is not a dig on you or your puzzle, but on me and my complete failure to just look at the initial letters... sigh)
        • Tyrpmom 1s · 2023-07-11T14:57:33.486Z
          • whimsy 15:40 · 2023-07-11T15:18:49.780Z
            Stymied as to how to get more letters until I recalled the prompt was "suggests." :-) Thank you, Ben, for a fun one!
            • MatthewL 🤓8:34 · 2023-07-11T15:52:07.186Z
              Clever one. Took me a bit to grok the meta, but ultimately it clicked. Grid was very good, as were the clues. Got a chuckle out of 34D. Thanks, Ben!
              • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-07-11T22:00:33.333Z
                34D was a fun one for me, too!
              • Berto 4:02 · 2023-07-11T15:32:27.823Z
                I loved it, thanks Ben. Originally went with “Tailwind” but eventually got to the right answer.
                • DIS 🤓6:20 · 2023-07-11T16:12:06.742Z
                  My first guess was TAILWIND -- the down segments being the tails of the entries. But WINDFALL is a little better.
                  • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-07-11T23:18:51.497Z
                    My thinking was WATER, ICE, NIGHT and DOWN can all be followed by FALL (as suggested by the puzzle title). I think that makes WINDFALL work better than TAILWIND.
                  • hoover 2s · 2023-07-11T16:57:16.764Z
                    Whew! Finally hit on the right WIND compound. I tried DOWNWIND, TAILWIND, HEADWIND, EAST WIND, WINDWARD, and a few others. I agree with the other folks that TAILWIND is better.
                    • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-07-11T22:02:23.328Z
                      What no one has commented on is that WATER, ICE, NIGHT and DOWN can all be followed by FALL (as suggested by the puzzle title). I think that makes WINDFALL work better than TAILWIND.
                    • DrTom 6s · 2023-07-11T17:20:51.934Z
                      OK, got it but not without going with what I thought was more logical with wind being spelled by the down words and the Title being Quick Descent. So I went with WIND DOWN because that is when the worst is over, stress is declining and things are starting to look good again. Still it is not a word as much as it is two words. I had already discarded WIND BACK because rewinding doesn't mean things are looking up. But WINDFALL fits the definition, the theme and prompt (AN 8 letter word) perfectly. Oh, and I don't care about unchecked squares or two letter words if the meta is fun, and it was!!!
                      • ajk 🤓7:45 · 2023-07-11T17:49:57.597Z
                        Another hand raised for TAILWIND (same thought as DIS), but click was obviously stronger for WINDFALL once I saw it. Also spent some time looking for other examples in the grid -- I SAID NO at 26A, WEEK at 33A, VAN UNLOAD(?) at 46A, ELIE (??) at 60A. But when none of those matched alternate clues I gave up. :)
                        • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-07-11T23:18:23.342Z
                          The idea was WATER, ICE, NIGHT and DOWN can all be followed by FALL (as suggested by the puzzle title). I think that makes WINDFALL work better than TAILWIND.
                          • ajk 🤓7:45 · 2023-07-12T15:03:39.410Z
                            Completely agree, for the reasons you give. When I entered TAILWIND I momentarily forgot that I had decided it was important that the down parts were all real words. :)
                        • kurtalert 🤓6:56 · 2023-07-11T17:51:59.415Z
                          very nice puzzle, thanks Ben!
                          • HeadinHome 🤓4:03 · 2023-07-11T17:44:40.241Z
                            Agree with all that TAILWIND is a cute answer, but WINDFALL was what occurred to me first. I considered FAIR WIND for a second too, but “fall” is obviously what is going on! Also agree that we are glad that you, Sir Ben, are a member of this table!!
                            • benchen71 costruttore · 2023-07-12T04:05:15.457Z
                              You're very welcome! I absolutely adore constructing (and doing) meta crosswords, but I am glad that others appreciate my hobby. :-)
                            • KayW 🤓8:53 · 2023-07-11T21:00:25.975Z
                              woohoo! A very creative metanism. I saw WIND when I first solved this puzzle, but it took letting it percolate on the back burner for a few hours for the rest to come to mind. Thanks Ben!
                              • Qmark 4s · 2023-07-13T08:40:16.243Z
                                Nice one, Ben!
                                • ReB 4s · 2023-07-14T01:36:08.977Z
                                  Good puzzle, just couldn't connect the threads without nudging. But alas, windfalls all too often blow away...
                                  • Carolyn 3s · 2023-07-14T05:38:20.153Z
                                    I got lost in a rabbit warren but finally saw the light. Nice puzzle!
                                    • Ergcat 🤓13:58 · 2023-07-14T17:35:08.847Z
                                      very nice puzzle. After I read the nudges, I looked back at my notes and saw that I had it but didn't see it at the time! Duh! Thank you, Ben!
                                      Location where no development or progress is taking place
                                      1. 1A
                                        Location where no development or progress is taking place
                                      2. 6A
                                        Cooling units, for short
                                      3. 9A
                                        "Other" category (abbr.)
                                      4. 13A
                                        Tax form's first blank
                                      5. 14A
                                        Greek letter used in a Christian symbol
                                      6. 15A
                                        Peruvian of old
                                      7. 16A
                                        Bring into the family
                                      8. 17A
                                        Aviation prefix
                                      9. 18A
                                        Comic routine
                                      10. 19A
                                        Mains electricity controller
                                      11. 22A
                                        Vehicle stoppers
                                      12. 23A
                                        Butts into head-on
                                      13. 26A
                                        "Patience ___ virtue"
                                      14. 28A
                                        See 48 across
                                      15. 29A
                                        Sting's first band
                                      16. 32A
                                        Kangaroo pouch
                                      17. 33A
                                        "___ Al" Yankovic
                                      18. 35A
                                        Mythic bird in "Sinbad the Sailor" stories
                                      19. 36A
                                        Mild-flavored winter radish usually characterized by fast-growing leaves and a long, white root
                                      20. 39A
                                        "You got that right!"
                                      21. 41A
                                        ___ al-Fitr (holiday at the end of Ramadan)
                                      22. 42A
                                        Generic title for someone seated at the Round Table
                                      23. 45A
                                        Barrister's headwear
                                      24. 46A
                                        South Pacific country whose capital is Vila
                                      25. 48A
                                        I am; you are; 28 across/she/it ___
                                      26. 50A
                                        Suffix meaning "sorta"
                                      27. 51A
                                        Bumper sticker: "___ if you love Jesus!"
                                      28. 52A
                                        Breakfast rolls
                                      29. 55A
                                        Society gossip paper pseudonym in the Bridgerton novels
                                      30. 60A
                                        Muppet who visited Grouchland and had to face a giant chicken (this scene used to frighten my daughters when they were a lot younger!)
                                      31. 63A
                                        Quod ___ demonstrandum
                                      32. 64A
                                        "Lisa Bonet ___ basil" (palindrome)
                                      33. 65A
                                        Org. that certifies Gold and Platinum status for songs and albums
                                      34. 66A
                                        Sea, to Jacques Cousteau
                                      35. 67A
                                        Thus far
                                      36. 68A
                                        Email command
                                      37. 69A
                                        Out of the ordinary
                                      38. 70A
                                        Release eggs, as a fish or frog
                                      1. 1D
                                        Onomatopoeic word used in a Batman fight, possibly one involving a gun
                                      2. 2D
                                        Opera set in Egypt
                                      3. 3D
                                        Top admirals (abbr.)
                                      4. 4D
                                        Withheld, as information
                                      5. 5D
                                      6. 6D
                                        "___ there yet?"
                                      7. 7D
                                        Corpus ___ (city in Texas)
                                      8. 8D
                                        Chimney accumulation
                                      9. 9D
                                        Unfortunate accident
                                      10. 10D
                                        Pen fluid
                                      11. 11D
                                        Chem. or biol.
                                      12. 12D
                                        Family pet, perhaps
                                      13. 17D
                                      14. 20D
                                        College cheer
                                      15. 21D
                                        Words to live by
                                      16. 24D
                                        ___ dancing, in which dancers wearing bell pads on their shins wield sticks and handkerchiefs (if it sounds English, that's because it is!)
                                      17. 25D
                                        Bunyan's "___ of Despond"
                                      18. 26D
                                        Old Testament prophet with 66 chapters to his name
                                      19. 27D
                                      20. 30D
                                        Groups of mins.
                                      21. 31D
                                      22. 34D
                                        "A mouse!" (or, what a crossword constructor might say when they discover their grid has an unchecked letter and 2-letter words)
                                      23. 36D
                                        Actor ___ Patel, who did an excellent Australian accent in "Lion"
                                      24. 37D
                                        Japanese city (and surname of a tennis player)
                                      25. 38D
                                        Trivial complaint
                                      26. 40D
                                        Bottle cap that unscrews
                                      27. 43D
                                        Color at one end of the spectrum associated with a type of gem
                                      28. 44D
                                      29. 47D
                                        Sell in a hurry
                                      30. 49D
                                        Honorific heard in dojos, sen___
                                      31. 53D
                                        Oscar or Tony
                                      32. 54D
                                        Pre-bar exams
                                      33. 56D
                                        Trial version
                                      34. 57D
                                        ___ Dunham of "Girls"
                                      35. 58D
                                        Archaic word for "enough"
                                      36. 59D
                                      37. 60D
                                        EMT destinations
                                      38. 61D
                                        Be untruthful
                                      39. 62D