Thanks for the puzzle - fun clues and fill! Glad to be mostly missing out on the polar vortex so far, and hope it is as short-lived as possible for all who are more directly affected!
Anita and Steve 2s · hace alrededor de 2 años
Got this one with only a quarter of the grid filled.
hazmat 🤓7:13 · hace alrededor de 2 años
tromboneknuckles 🤓11:26 · hace alrededor de 2 años
i waited until i completed the grid before trying to find the answer, had to google correctly for a while tbh
So disappointed the answer wasn't Puschkin Vodka (a winter phenomenon in Germany perhaps?) Enjoyable cluing, though I had to solve the grid from the bottom up. Took just a few moments of thought once I finished the grid and wrote down the themers. Nice meta for a vacation.