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Loose Vowels

· Por DrTom · Publicado 2024-06-26T11:30:08.575Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is a type of vowel
Whew, almost another disaster. I was all primed to release NEXT week's puzzle tomorrow and that would be a shame. This current one came to me in a flash, but took MUCH longer to construct. Luckily I got the assist of Wendy Walker and she helped me make it better. She also convinced me to add a few things that brought it, I'd imagine, from a Lion to a Persian, though mileage will vary. I hope you enjoy it and do not get led down any dastardly paths, you would probably all take a solemn vowel to do me harm.😁
Nudge 1] Notice that each of the theme answers (asterisked) have only one vowel
Nudge 2] What if that vowel were "loose",i.e. could be replaced easily
Nudge 3] What would replace it, and could/would that make another word?
Nudge 4] What do you ALWAYS do if the puzzle gives you a new word????
Nine entries, symmetrically placed, had an answer with one vowel (PINK squares)that could be replaced (it was loose!) with another to form a different word (GREEN squares) - for example FLITS went to FLATS and FLATS are another name for apartments or DIGS. When all the changes were made and the first letter of the new word taken in order that the original words appeared in the GRID it spelled DIPHTHONG which is defined as a "gliding" vowel.
For a graphic representation of the solve go to:
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Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • Berto solved 2024-06-26T05:03:38.462Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2024-06-26T05:43:31.297Z
  • hoover solved 2024-06-26T05:52:44.737Z
  • Danny K Bernstein solved 2024-06-26T06:05:20.639Z
  • markhr solved 2024-06-26T06:07:16.163Z
  • Schmeel solved 2024-06-26T09:54:47.404Z
  • benchen71 solved 2024-06-26T09:58:14.522Z
  • rjy solved 2024-06-26T11:42:00.051Z
  • JM solved 2024-06-26T12:39:38.380Z
  • FrankieHeck solved 2024-06-26T12:44:09.722Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2024-06-26T12:51:28.158Z
  • ajk solved 2024-06-26T13:18:39.626Z
  • boharr solved 2024-06-26T13:18:47.241Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-06-26T13:48:36.988Z
  • Meg solved 2024-06-26T13:56:10.818Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2024-06-26T14:05:42.034Z
  • Hector solved 2024-06-26T14:12:50.900Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2024-06-26T14:26:44.134Z
  • atsiricajr111191 solved 2024-06-26T14:39:48.742Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-06-26T14:44:04.408Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2024-06-26T15:29:16.255Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2024-06-26T15:34:22.760Z
  • kymike solved 2024-06-26T16:05:11.988Z
  • lbray53 solved 2024-06-26T16:27:44.883Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2024-06-26T16:33:24.057Z
  • woozy solved 2024-06-26T17:24:55.762Z
  • kurtalert solved 2024-06-26T17:37:31.936Z
  • Tim solved 2024-06-26T18:25:56.051Z
  • DCBilly solved 2024-06-26T18:27:56.470Z
  • heidi solved 2024-06-26T18:28:20.871Z
  • John Oresko solved 2024-06-26T18:42:13.850Z
  • Carolyn solved 2024-06-26T18:44:29.731Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-06-26T18:45:34.697Z
  • whimsy solved 2024-06-26T20:27:39.804Z
  • Laura M solved 2024-06-26T20:36:07.858Z
  • andeux solved 2024-06-26T20:41:55.911Z
  • Dave C solved 2024-06-26T20:45:52.689Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2024-06-26T21:38:28.481Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2024-06-26T21:45:09.587Z
  • DIS solved 2024-06-26T21:51:31.203Z
  • KayW solved 2024-06-27T00:49:22.701Z
  • Ergcat solved 2024-06-27T01:22:59.878Z
  • Mikey G solved 2024-06-27T02:42:03.326Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2024-06-27T03:37:38.193Z
  • Qmark solved 2024-06-27T04:07:44.116Z
  • Steve M solved 2024-06-27T18:15:48.495Z
  • mardel solved 2024-06-27T18:29:18.971Z
  • Capn Rick solved 2024-06-28T13:03:04.997Z
  • SJ solved 2024-06-28T13:25:32.199Z
  • Darth solved 2024-06-29T13:57:24.760Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2024-06-29T15:34:25.950Z
  • dilly solved 2024-07-07T14:52:46.742Z
  • AuLeaf solved 2024-10-07T01:21:49.883Z
  • Morendil solved 2024-11-07T20:45:03.849Z


Inicia sesión con Google para dejar un comentario tuyo:

  • Berto 1s · 2024-06-26T11:30:08.575Z
    • hoover 2s · 2024-06-26T11:30:08.575Z
      Whee! Fun one!
      • boharr 3s · 2024-06-26T13:19:21.082Z
        Went well with my coffee. Thanks, DrTom.
        • hoover 2s · 2024-06-26T12:12:57.304Z
          It took me a few minutes longer than I should have because I was trying to use CHUMP/ASS instead of CHAMP/HERO and THINK/EYE instead of THINK/OPINE, and I was initially missing a couple others and I tried to put them in order of the replacements, so what I had looked like NEPGITA**. Once I looked at it as *IPAT*ENG, I realized the A and the E were incorrect.
          • Hector 3s · 2024-06-26T16:15:23.994Z
            Heh, same but CHUMP/AHOLE for me 😆
          • ajk 🤓10:00 · 2024-06-26T13:24:09.309Z
            Got the mechanism from the title and the graphic before opening the puzzle, so very speedy solve but still fun to sort out.
            Filling the NE corner was pretty rough, but otherwise smooth progress. The HERO and GASP clues rang a bit odd during the solve, and the rest of the alts were tracked down in a single pass through the clues, although I wasn't sure about THINK/OPINE because I don't think of THINK as expressing things necessarily. I also couldn't find the match for SHELL, but that's because it's supposed to be SHILL 😆. I was even like "oh, it almost matches PLANT, too bad it's SHELL not SHI...' 😆😆
            Fun one, thanks. :)
            • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-26T16:24:47.820Z
              Darn floating vowels....
              • ajk 🤓10:00 · 2024-06-26T23:52:35.184Z
            • MatthewL 🤓7:42 · 2024-06-26T14:48:13.117Z
              Fun one! Saw what was going on pretty quickly, but had to confirm the spelling of the meta because that extra H looked weird. Thanks for the puzzle, Dr. Tom!
              • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-26T16:18:51.704Z
                The extra H has caught a couple of people. Actually I think DIP THONG is a smallish suit worn for a quick swim...
              • woozy 🤓11:19 · 2024-06-26T17:33:23.511Z
                What are the FLITS/STACK D,N?
                • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-26T19:02:02.205Z
                  FLITS/FLATS = DIGS - Flats are another word for apartments for which DIGS is another term (Lodgings, slangily) STACK/STICK = NAIL - As in nail a landing (Get just right, like a landing)
                  • woozy 🤓11:19 · 2024-06-27T16:50:34.029Z
                    Ah. I thought those might be it but they weren't as solid as the other umpteen.
                • kurtalert 🤓5:31 · 2024-06-26T17:40:57.605Z
                  Nice! I initially went from CHOMP to CHUMP, and connected that to Doofus/ASS... and GRANT to GRUNT and deemed that a USN rank - which it's not, it's just a generic military nickname. But close enough to get me there via Google, and backsolve to HERO and GASP!
                  • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:37:23.995Z
                    Ooooh Kurt, never tell a sailor that a Grunt is a naval rank, or a Marine either! I did love my brothers in the pretty suits but there is a long standing rivalry among the Marines and Navy.
                    That being said, thanks for solving!!!
                  • Bird Lives 4s · 2024-06-26T15:39:20.284Z
                    Some nice cluing -- no surprise there -- but it took me a while to stop trying to make a word with the letters in grid order. Speaking of diphthongs (I mean, speaking of them if anyone can actually pronounce the word),
                    Future beetles: larvæ.
                    Menu uption: hors d'œuvre
                    And for those of us with little knowledge of anatomy, those bones might be vertebræ
                    • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:49:09.382Z
                      Great Caesar's Ghost, I spent an hour determining if I should fire off a response and that's, well, um lauts of time to think and the long and the short of it is that, well I agree that those are possible answers if they had fit.
                    • woozy 🤓11:19 · 2024-06-26T17:29:23.793Z
                      Straightforward. And fun. Gross tittle :)
                      Need to backsolve FLITS/STACK and D and N. FLATS/DIGS ??????
                      I was pretty sure SHILL meant something else but I looked it up and, I'll be.
                      • Carolyn 4s · 2024-06-26T18:47:00.289Z
                        Guessed at the answer and mechanism but it was lots of fun filling it all in. Thanks so much!
                        • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:27:43.966Z
                          A solve is a solve no matter what! Thanks for doing the puzzle.
                        • HeadinHome 🤓4:36 · 2024-06-26T18:52:30.752Z
                          Smooth solve (grid and meta) for me… for some reason just saw several of the matches very quickly (I think TASTY/TESTY fell first). Same comments as hoover: THINK/OPINE felt like a stretch because of the word “express” but that’s just a little thing. Also took just a short time to figure out CHIMP, SHELL, BLEND, AND STUCK needed to be something else! Favorite clue: “a more definitive will”. ( :
                          • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:03:02.296Z
                            Yes, in retrospect I probably should have used POSIT, PRESUME or even surmise. The "express" is the difficult part to reconcile. Hope it did not cause too much consternation. I liked making that clue as well, thought it just distracting enough.
                          • John Oresko 🤓28:10 · 2024-06-26T18:45:50.940Z
                            Fun! I'll be honest I still haven't solved the meta, but after guessing the two types of vowels I could think of I managed to strike gold 😅😅
                            • lbray53 3s · 2024-06-26T16:31:56.613Z
                              Also tripped up at CHUMP. But after realizing it could be TOAD, ASS or even 26A (I won't type it!), I decided I needed to look at CHAMP.
                              • Laura M 🤓16:54 · 2024-06-26T20:37:00.344Z
                                Very nice! Solved only with significant backsolving :-)
                                • Dave C 3s · 2024-06-26T20:46:50.605Z
                                  My wife thought it might be diphthong based on the title, so it was nice to have it work out.
                                  • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:05:37.300Z
                                    WOW, now that is what I would call an informed guess!!! Actually, someone thought it was going to be some GI problem with the D and I to start. I don't think ANYONE would be ready for that.🤣
                                  • Sharkicicles 1s · 2024-06-26T21:48:16.964Z
                                    Also, the way my brain usually works I’m shocked that I saw CHAMP/HERO before CHUMP/AHOLE.
                                    • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:14:04.671Z
                                      I realize now that CHUMP/ASS or CHUMP/AHOLE could have been a significant herring. Not exactly family friendly but a distraction all the same. Originally I did not have the themers marked, but there were FAR too many words (SEE, DAB, TOAD, BOSS, IPA, etc.) that needed just a small change to be common words in crosswords. Thank goodness for good testers.
                                      By the way, I will take position that so many of my constructor colleagues have, NONE of those were intentional.
                                    • Sharkicicles 1s · 2024-06-26T21:46:10.517Z
                                      Loved this one! Not too easy, not frustrating.
                                      By the way, whenever I have loose vowels I feel fiver helps quite a bit.
                                      • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:07:04.557Z
                                        Now that is funny!!! I like it.
                                      • KayW 🤓5:42 · 2024-06-27T00:51:03.590Z
                                        Very clever and fun to solve! Thanks Tom. SHALL/SHILL was my entry because I wanted to put SHILL into the grid at 6 down but knew it had to start with a P.
                                        • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:25:56.987Z
                                          I imagined that might be an in, particularly for city folks who have watched someone get fleeced in three card monte after the sucker watches the shills win (or lose) hand after hand.
                                          They probably play that in Chicago.
                                          • KayW 🤓5:42 · 2024-06-27T23:29:55.265Z
                                            shh! Don't give away my side hustle! But seriously, I'm sure they do but I've been fortunate never to have run across it in person.
                                          • hoover 2s · 2024-06-28T13:59:26.328Z
                                            Same here.
                                          • Ergcat 16:06 · 2024-06-27T01:23:39.993Z
                                            Very nice! Thank you for the mental workout!
                                            • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-27T04:27:05.996Z
                                              Well now that your mind is all loose..
                                            • Qmark 3s · 2024-06-27T04:08:03.333Z
                                              Enjoyed it...thanks DrTom!
                                              • Steve M 32:15 · 2024-06-27T18:18:17.084Z
                                                Nice! Fun puzzle. Thanks!
                                                • Capn Rick 7:40 · 2024-06-28T13:06:49.667Z
                                                  Fun one, DrTom! I thought for sure you were going to use 26A as one of your alternates. 😄
                                                  • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-28T20:48:24.464Z
                                                    Truthfully I did not see that, but even if I had, even I am not that brave....
                                                  • Darth 14:55 · 2024-06-29T13:59:29.953Z
                                                    I see what you did with that gliding vowel! lol (I also learned a new word: shill) Thanks, Tom.
                                                    • DrTom constructor · 2024-06-29T21:09:17.742Z
                                                      Well then I shall mark that as a win!
                                                      As a constructor of some of my favorite puzzles, I am glad you liked mine!
                                                    • AuLeaf 🤓8:49 · 2024-10-07T01:26:50.632Z
                                                      Very nice — I think perhaps the clue for HOHUM should be "Having no pizzazz" (or "without pizzazz") given that it's an adjective? Lovely puzzle though, glad you can get the word from just the first half :)
                                                      Licorice-flavored plant
                                                      1. 1A
                                                        Licorice-flavored plant
                                                      2. 6A
                                                        Sheldon's degree
                                                      3. 9A
                                                        *Moves like a monarch
                                                      4. 14A
                                                        *Exclamation from your buds?
                                                      5. 15A
                                                        Island ring
                                                      6. 16A
                                                        This man's life was often used to describe ease
                                                      7. 17A
                                                        Père's oldest daughter
                                                      8. 18A
                                                        Neighbor of Bol.
                                                      9. 19A
                                                        Disney Darby who liked little people
                                                      10. 20A
                                                        Onomatopoetic water sound
                                                      11. 21A
                                                        John Lennon's in-laws
                                                      12. 22A
                                                        *A more definitive will
                                                      13. 23A
                                                        Wal follower when shopping
                                                      14. 25A
                                                        Common, and controversial, antioxidant in food and cosmetics; Abbr.
                                                      15. 26A
                                                        "Burn ___ in your pocket"
                                                      16. 28A
                                                        Playground comeback
                                                      17. 32A
                                                        *Bite down hard
                                                      18. 33A
                                                        Harry Truman's wife
                                                      19. 34A
                                                        Wall Street debut; Abbr.
                                                      20. 35A
                                                        Hard scale to measure up to
                                                      21. 36A
                                                        *Future beetles
                                                      22. 38A
                                                        Capital of Samoa
                                                      23. 39A
                                                        R&B group ___ Hill
                                                      24. 40A
                                                        Hair gel applications
                                                      25. 41A
                                                        *A certain Venetian
                                                      26. 42A
                                                        First Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty and father of Seti
                                                      27. 44A
                                                        In a foul and angry mood
                                                      28. 45A
                                                        Snake that 42A might have encountered
                                                      29. 46A
                                                        It provides a soft touch for 35A
                                                      30. 47A
                                                        *Show gratitude
                                                      31. 50A
                                                        "Dear ___ Hansen", on Broadway
                                                      32. 52A
                                                        Famous for his cookies
                                                      33. 56A
                                                        Ice in a glass
                                                      34. 57A
                                                        William Shatner sci-fi series: "___ War"
                                                      35. 58A
                                                        A place rockers rock or fighters fight
                                                      36. 59A
                                                        Odd navel formation
                                                      37. 60A
                                                        Term that frequently precedes raise
                                                      38. 61A
                                                        *Pile up
                                                      39. 62A
                                                        *Give permission
                                                      40. 63A
                                                        Collections of mos.
                                                      41. 64A
                                                        Foe of Venus and Steffi
                                                      1. 1D
                                                        "Give it ___" (putting tip)
                                                      2. 2D
                                                        Get just right, like a landing
                                                      3. 3D
                                                        "..there ___ joy in Mudville"
                                                      4. 4D
                                                        Second wives, vis-à-vis children
                                                      5. 5D
                                                      6. 6D
                                                        Scammer's assistant in the crowd
                                                      7. 7D
                                                        The one who finally wins over everyone
                                                      8. 8D
                                                        Lodgings, slangily
                                                      9. 9D
                                                        First-year collegians, for short
                                                      10. 10D
                                                        Ignites a fire
                                                      11. 11D
                                                        Big bones of the pelvis
                                                      12. 12D
                                                        Giveaway at the table
                                                      13. 13D
                                                        Word seg.
                                                      14. 21D
                                                        Like many things, the refined kind is more elegant
                                                      15. 24D
                                                        Matterhorn, e.g.
                                                      16. 25D
                                                        Big cheese
                                                      17. 26D
                                                        Right now, in Bilbao
                                                      18. 27D
                                                        Has no "pizzazz"
                                                      19. 28D
                                                        Center of a ball?
                                                      20. 29D
                                                        "___ in the bud!"
                                                      21. 30D
                                                        Express a thought
                                                      22. 31D
                                                        Contemptible one
                                                      23. 32D
                                                        U.S.N. rank
                                                      24. 33D
                                                        Greyhound, e.g.
                                                      25. 36D
                                                        Audible show of fatigue
                                                      26. 37D
                                                        Baseball card stat.
                                                      27. 38D
                                                        Menu option
                                                      28. 40D
                                                        Matching office accessories
                                                      29. 41D
                                                        Cask: Abbr.
                                                      30. 43D
                                                        Became clear
                                                      31. 44D
                                                        "At Seventeen" singer Janis
                                                      32. 46D
                                                        Snatches away
                                                      33. 47D
                                                        Joan Crawford's final film
                                                      34. 48D
                                                        One of twenty-four
                                                      35. 49D
                                                        Court records
                                                      36. 50D
                                                        Crafty retailer
                                                      37. 51D
                                                      38. 53D
                                                        Usually mediocre airline perk
                                                      39. 54D
                                                        Start of many a fairy tale
                                                      40. 55D
                                                        Bags from this store are highly desired
                                                      41. 58D