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In Space No One Can Hear You Scream (Meta)

· Por benchen71 · Publicado 2022-08-16T05:40:16.025Z

Meta Prompt
The answer to the meta is a song title
Noises in space movies/shows really annoy me. Pew pew! Kaboom! Bah humbug! Even a hard sci-fi show like "The Expanse" (which is absolutely excellent in every other respect and you should definitely watch it if you haven't already) falls afoul of this problem. So get stuck into this meta puzzle to find out: i) which show got it right, and ii) the answer to the meta which is a song title. Answer and explanation:
Check out "The MOAT MEOW Mashup Pack" here: US$10 gives you access to 14 metas that don't always abide by the "rules" of the game. You won't quite know what to expect: asymmetry, 2-letter words, uncrossed letters, sometimes all of those, and sometimes none! One thing is for sure, these are some of the more creative metas my brain has been able to come up with. And there's more: this time there's a mega-meta!
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…

Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • Schmeel solved 2022-08-16T06:10:10.460Z
  • Dow Jones solved 2022-08-16T06:44:37.131Z
  • Laura M solved 2022-08-16T07:09:54.593Z
  • woozy solved 2022-08-16T07:14:40.154Z
  • dplass solved 2022-08-16T11:23:41.119Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2022-08-16T12:14:12.248Z
  • hoover solved 2022-08-16T12:16:10.988Z
  • Meg solved 2022-08-16T12:16:54.458Z
  • ChemBrewer solved 2022-08-16T12:40:34.271Z
  • edestlin solved 2022-08-16T13:03:39.957Z
  • boharr solved 2022-08-16T13:24:02.644Z
  • kymike solved 2022-08-16T13:26:58.040Z
  • rjy solved 2022-08-16T13:30:43.401Z
  • lbray53 solved 2022-08-16T14:14:56.182Z
  • BrennerTJ solved 2022-08-16T14:27:48.687Z
  • ajk solved 2022-08-16T15:38:29.182Z
  • Tyrpmom solved 2022-08-16T15:44:07.369Z
  • KayW solved 2022-08-16T15:58:30.698Z
  • Hector solved 2022-08-16T16:09:23.253Z
  • Dave C solved 2022-08-16T17:26:09.136Z
  • DIS solved 2022-08-16T17:38:09.700Z
  • whimsy solved 2022-08-16T18:14:50.727Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2022-08-16T18:53:06.832Z
  • Gutman solved 2022-08-16T19:16:10.846Z
  • markhr solved 2022-08-16T20:15:20.096Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2022-08-16T21:08:33.707Z
  • zonkswonk solved 2022-08-16T22:20:13.297Z
  • kieranjboyd solved 2022-08-16T23:09:01.978Z
  • ReB solved 2022-08-16T23:13:52.747Z
  • Abide solved 2022-08-17T00:14:40.359Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2022-08-17T00:20:45.834Z
  • oldjudge solved 2022-08-17T00:49:07.460Z
  • Darth solved 2022-08-17T01:47:07.452Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2022-08-17T02:02:49.106Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2022-08-17T03:53:49.843Z
  • SJMcK solved 2022-08-17T05:29:28.568Z
  • Ergcat solved 2022-08-17T15:28:21.036Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2022-08-17T20:57:45.388Z
  • Bbaack solved 2022-08-18T00:39:33.011Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2022-08-18T00:42:01.754Z
  • shalmanezer solved 2022-08-18T13:05:41.984Z
  • Caroline solved 2022-08-18T18:28:22.192Z
  • MH solved 2022-08-18T19:22:53.444Z
  • frostyjhammer solved 2022-08-19T01:41:51.721Z
  • Spid4567 solved 2022-08-19T03:45:04.317Z
  • DrTom solved 2022-08-19T04:13:54.917Z
  • Darrell solved 2022-08-19T12:59:50.576Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2022-08-19T15:47:42.858Z
  • Carolyn solved 2022-08-20T02:06:01.117Z
  • Qmark solved 2022-08-20T14:31:34.271Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2022-08-20T16:19:25.757Z
  • Shalaka solved 2022-08-21T12:00:34.190Z
  • emmie solved 2022-08-21T16:41:29.018Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2022-08-21T20:11:34.023Z
  • Anonyman solved 2022-08-22T09:29:39.906Z
  • Adam Simon Levine solved 2022-08-22T18:38:05.687Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2022-08-23T15:59:44.792Z
  • Julia solved 2022-08-24T04:08:59.665Z
  • kurtalert solved 2022-08-25T16:04:31.415Z
  • sledge solved 2022-08-30T07:48:46.985Z
  • Lucas solved 2022-10-15T21:45:14.699Z


Inicia sesión con Google para dejar un comentario tuyo:

  • Dow Jones 3s · 2022-08-16T06:52:24.549Z
    Fun one, Ben !! Great song. Thanks for sharing this puzzle.
    • woozy 19:38 · 2022-08-16T07:15:01.646Z
      Fun! Easy. And I love that show.
      • benchen71 constructor · 2022-08-16T22:43:25.010Z
        It was the best!
      • Laura M 🤓12:17 · 2022-08-16T07:12:44.657Z
        Great puzzle! Love 42A so much! (By any chance was this meta inspired by the recent Only Murders in the Building?)
        • benchen71 constructor · 2022-08-16T12:21:14.239Z
          No. This was constructed ages ago. But I smiled while watching that episode knowing this puzzle was coming up!
        • dplass 10:23 · 2022-08-16T11:23:45.153Z
          • hoover 3s · 2022-08-16T12:17:05.745Z
            Ha! That was actually running through my head as I was solving the grid!
            • benchen71 constructor · 2022-08-16T22:43:12.212Z
              That's cool!
            • Meg 9s · 2022-08-16T12:17:29.541Z
              Nice!! A great Tuesday morning challenge.
              • boharr 4s · 2022-08-16T13:24:24.794Z
                Enjoyed it. Thanks.
                • Tyrpmom 2s · 2022-08-16T15:45:59.224Z
                  Fun one. Thanks.
                  • DIS 🤓11:31 · 2022-08-16T17:40:33.595Z
                    Really nice construction -- lots of fun!
                    • Gutman 2s · 2022-08-16T19:17:10.557Z
                      Listen to the version by Disturbed
                      • lbray53 4s · 2022-08-16T21:49:08.314Z
                        Totally agree. And I was a huge fan of the original.
                        • benchen71 constructor · 2022-08-16T22:42:53.876Z
                          Yes, that's a great cover.
                        • JHSeeman 4s · 2022-08-16T21:10:00.652Z
                          Fun puzzle and Meta. Thanks
                          • kieranjboyd 🤓9:19 · 2022-08-16T23:11:21.967Z
                            Wasn't expecting to see Zoë Coombs Marr in a crossword today! I'm sure Dave would be confused but chuffed. Nice one!
                            • benchen71 constructor · 2022-08-17T01:12:14.636Z
                              Definitely obscure. But there's enough in the clue for Google to help everyone else!
                            • ReB 5s · 2022-08-16T23:15:52.451Z
                              Fun and a relief after earlier near misses. Your helpful clue hints guided my way. Very appropriate answer.
                              • DrTom 3s · 2022-08-17T00:39:24.103Z
                                Ben, GREAT puzzle. Once I got over trying desperately to overcomplicate it (and did I EVER), the beauty appeared. I tried so hard to tie song titles with the word BLACK to every entry. I mean what else could the Wicked Witch be than a "Black Magic Woman" and Identical half - well Black is Black, Furry family friend = Black Dog...I could go on. But the mastery showed in the simplicity and how well everything tied together. As my Brit fiends say to me "Good Effort"
                                • benchen71 constructor · 2022-08-17T01:13:29.418Z
                                  Glad you made it in the end! After the reveal, I'll talk about the two earlier versions of this puzzle. Your experience is proof that I made the right decision!
                                  • DrTom 29s · 2022-08-19T04:14:44.493Z
                                    Well. I'll look forward to that.
                                • Tom Wilson 12:12 · 2022-08-17T03:56:53.661Z
                                  I'd better not miss this one: Tom Wilson was the producer on that song!
                                  • Ergcat 15:19 · 2022-08-17T15:29:24.767Z
                                    Thanks, Ben! Great song and clever tie-in with your space theme!
                                    • Cindy Heisler 1s · 2022-08-17T20:58:24.558Z
                                      Great meta. I love the song. Thanks, Ben.
                                      • Bbaack 21:24 · 2022-08-18T00:41:33.838Z
                                        Fun one, and brought up some nice memories!
                                        • Carolyn 37:48 · 2022-08-20T02:07:32.225Z
                                          Oops, forgot the actual name of the song! Thank goodness for second tries. Finally got back to this after being exiled from our home for termite fumigation. Nice meta!
                                          • benchen71 constructor · 2022-08-20T04:14:43.720Z
                                            I allowed for four possible answers: SOUND OF SILENCE, THE SOUND OF SILENCE, SOUNDS OF SILENCE and THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE. I didn't want anyone getting that close and then thinking they were in a rabbit hole. Or did you try something completely different?
                                            • Carolyn 37:48 · 2022-08-22T19:29:36.542Z
                                              No, I tried "Hello Darkness....." without thinking about the actual song title. Immediately figured it out. Not a problem.
                                          • Qmark 4s · 2022-08-20T14:32:16.942Z
                                            Challenging fill but fun mechanism...thanks Ben!
                                            • Sharkicicles 2s · 2022-08-20T16:23:47.230Z
                                              I got it at HELLO DARK and then proceeded to enter the wrong S&G song 2 or 3 times.
                                              • emmie 11:30 · 2022-08-21T16:42:12.523Z
                                                • I K Snamhcok 1s · 2022-08-23T16:00:54.823Z
                                                  Came to this one late. (Was traveling.) Probably already revealed, but still fun. Good one, Ben!
                                                  • kurtalert 12:43 · 2022-08-25T16:05:06.966Z
                                                    Great one! Thanks Ben!
                                                    Violet's brother in a family of supers
                                                    1. 1A
                                                      Violet's brother in a family of supers
                                                    2. 5A
                                                      Hardrock band, known for their face paint, stage outfits and * greeting involving a cheek
                                                    3. 9A
                                                      Boo's nickname for Sully in "Monsters Inc." and * a fictional character popular in Japan
                                                    4. 14A
                                                      Sea eagle
                                                    5. 15A
                                                      Louisiana tribe
                                                    6. 16A
                                                      Prime minister of Pakistan, ___ Khan (and a very well-known cricketer to Aussies of my vintage!)
                                                    7. 17A
                                                      Close at hand
                                                    8. 18A
                                                      Grow weary
                                                    9. 19A
                                                      "This is not ___" (Rene Magritte's famous painting's more common name)
                                                    10. 20A
                                                      Author, ___ Jong
                                                    11. 22A
                                                      Margaret Mitchell novel, "___ with the Wind" that has * dropped off the digital scene
                                                    12. 24A
                                                      Stone and Bronze, for two, or * medieval times
                                                    13. 25A
                                                      Caviar source
                                                    14. 27A
                                                      Brandy ___, popular snacks in Australia similar to Italian cannoli
                                                    15. 29A
                                                      Whisky producer since 1814, ___ Lomond Distillery, or * another Scottish body of water
                                                    16. 31A
                                                      "___ by any other name...", namely * the first name of the woman who becomes the Wicked Witch of the East in "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West"
                                                    17. 33A
                                                    18. 36A
                                                      Number that most amps go up to (but not Spinal Tap's!)
                                                    19. 38A
                                                      "I'm ___ this. Can you give me a hand?"
                                                    20. 41A
                                                      Him in French (see 30 down)
                                                    21. 42A
                                                      One of the only sci-fi shows to handle space correctly as far as audio is concerned
                                                    22. 45A
                                                      Vietnamese-Australian painter (and an anagram of HAN)
                                                    23. 46A
                                                      Discontinued peer-to-peer file sharing application that was used to share music back in the day
                                                    24. 48A
                                                      Spanish aunt
                                                    25. 49A
                                                      Suffix for juli- (producing a word often associated with carrots)
                                                    26. 50A
                                                      River of North Rhine-Westphalia and * a speculative philosophy that aimed to transmute base metals into gold
                                                    27. 53A
                                                      Young lady in * a Macaulay Culkin movie
                                                    28. 55A
                                                      Plumbing issues
                                                    29. 57A
                                                      Recording studio effect that makes everything more "echoey"
                                                    30. 61A
                                                      Identical * half of a saying that laments how situations remain unchanged
                                                    31. 64A
                                                      Hotel employee who might play * a card game with one too many cards to form a full set of pairs
                                                    32. 66A
                                                      Google phone (latest version is the 6a)
                                                    33. 67A
                                                      Come ___ (mature)
                                                    34. 69A
                                                      Wife of Osiris in Egyptian mythology
                                                    35. 71A
                                                      Classical portico or roofed colonnade
                                                    36. 72A
                                                      Chris de Burgh song, "Lady ___"
                                                    37. 73A
                                                      Bout enders, for short
                                                    38. 74A
                                                      Trump son that Stephen Colbert impersonates by first drying his upper teeth with a finger
                                                    39. 75A
                                                      Person who likes to dress up in costume as an animal like * the family pet, for example
                                                    40. 76A
                                                      Z in DMZ and * an unfortunate place to be when unrequited love is also involved
                                                    41. 77A
                                                      Polio vaccine developer, Jonas ___
                                                    1. 1D
                                                      First-magnitude star in the constellation of Cygnus
                                                    2. 2D
                                                      Large west African tree
                                                    3. 3D
                                                      Animal known for its lack of speed
                                                    4. 4D
                                                      Agatha Christie's Belgian detective, ___ Poirot
                                                    5. 5D
                                                      Actress who plays Darcy in the first two Thor movies, ___ Dennings
                                                    6. 6D
                                                      Beatnik's "Understood!"
                                                    7. 7D
                                                      Period of time after an eclipse, when the Sun, Earth, and Moon return to approximately the same relative geometry so that a nearly identical eclipse will occur (thanks, Wikipedia, I learned something new today!)
                                                    8. 8D
                                                      Reddish-brown pigment named after a city in Tuscany
                                                    9. 9D
                                                      Korean automaker
                                                    10. 10D
                                                      What I hope you don't hit searching for the answer to the meta
                                                    11. 11D
                                                      Branch of mathematics known for SOHCAHTOA
                                                    12. 12D
                                                      Sticky ___ (in Australia); Scotch ___ (in the US)
                                                    13. 13D
                                                      Chemistry suffixes used to denote the presence of a triple bond
                                                    14. 21D
                                                      In the past
                                                    15. 23D
                                                      What "shell-like" refers to in Cockney slang
                                                    16. 26D
                                                      When Romeo first meets Juliet
                                                    17. 28D
                                                      Steven Wright comedy album, "I Have a ___"
                                                    18. 30D
                                                      Sa in English (see 41 across)
                                                    19. 32D
                                                      Scottish actor, ___ McGregor, known for holding the high ground
                                                    20. 33D
                                                      Large deer species
                                                    21. 34D
                                                      Artist ___ Lipa, whose album "Future Nostalgia" won the Grammy for "Best Pop Vocal Album" in 2021
                                                    22. 35D
                                                      Location in Egypt known for its pyramids
                                                    23. 37D
                                                      Anagram of 36 across
                                                    24. 39D
                                                      Michigan city, ___ Arbor
                                                    25. 40D
                                                      With 60 down: "Take me out to ___, Tell them I ain't comin back" (lyrics from the theme to 42 across, and where to find the answer to the meta)
                                                    26. 42D
                                                      Turn toward
                                                    27. 43D
                                                      "Did you say pig, or ___?" said the Cat ("Alice In Wonderland" quotation)
                                                    28. 44D
                                                      Where a dragon keeps its pile of gold
                                                    29. 47D
                                                      One making an accusation
                                                    30. 49D
                                                      Many Las Vegas impersonators
                                                    31. 51D
                                                      Pork product often served at Christmas time (honey-glazed! Mmmmmm!)
                                                    32. 52D
                                                      Name that means "storm" in Basque
                                                    33. 54D
                                                      Agent, for short
                                                    34. 56D
                                                      Star Trek captain played by Avery Brooks, Benjamin ___
                                                    35. 58D
                                                    36. 59D
                                                      Lubricate again
                                                    37. 60D
                                                      See 40 down
                                                    38. 61D
                                                      Useful French phrase meaning "I'm thirsty", "j'ai ___"
                                                    39. 62D
                                                      Association Français pour les Nations Unies, for short
                                                    40. 63D
                                                      Australian comedian, Zoe Coombs ___
                                                    41. 65D
                                                      Singer, Celine ___, who won Eurovision singing for Switzerland
                                                    42. 68D
                                                      Ice cream maker, Joseph ___
                                                    43. 70D
                                                      Opposite of NNW