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"Clark! The Herald"

· Por Clark E. Tripe · Publicado 2024-12-22T05:01:15.305Z

Meta Prompt
The meta answer is a familiar holiday message.
Hint: So, have you spotted the 15-Across yet? Maybe try highlighting (preferably in green) the grid entries referenced in that clue.
Hint: The four familiar surnames kinda provide decorations for the 15-Across, don't you think?
Hint: Okay, okay, so it's a rather crude drawing, but it does contain the holiday message I'm heralding.
Hint: I'm still bummed, though, that there were "two ALLs" in the grid.
Hint: Since it's Christmas, and since those surnames happen to belong to four "men", I've decided to accept all variations of the holiday message that contain "to all" and "to all men".
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…

Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • Kulea solved 2024-12-22T05:21:34.197Z
  • Darth solved 2024-12-22T05:26:08.354Z
  • benchen71 solved 2024-12-22T06:12:10.744Z
  • andeux solved 2024-12-22T06:16:07.364Z
  • Schmeel solved 2024-12-22T07:12:47.501Z
  • DCBilly solved 2024-12-22T11:36:58.438Z
  • Tom Wilson solved 2024-12-22T12:10:04.614Z
  • Pair O Ducks solved 2024-12-22T12:32:49.010Z
  • LarsCaine solved 2024-12-22T13:20:29.530Z
  • BarbaraK solved 2024-12-22T13:52:08.228Z
  • michaelm solved 2024-12-22T14:02:06.562Z
  • Wendy Walker solved 2024-12-22T14:04:03.628Z
  • Streroto solved 2024-12-22T14:14:44.054Z
  • kymike solved 2024-12-22T14:22:05.461Z
  • Meg solved 2024-12-22T14:33:54.413Z
  • boharr solved 2024-12-22T14:47:38.973Z
  • Hector solved 2024-12-22T15:10:02.412Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2024-12-22T15:11:16.620Z
  • omnilynx solved 2024-12-22T15:26:25.145Z
  • Alex Sisti solved 2024-12-22T15:27:52.294Z
  • Carolyn solved 2024-12-22T15:38:14.854Z
  • rjy solved 2024-12-22T15:43:00.210Z
  • JHSeeman solved 2024-12-22T15:45:35.563Z
  • woozy solved 2024-12-22T15:55:09.157Z
  • Tim solved 2024-12-22T16:11:18.780Z
  • KayW solved 2024-12-22T16:28:38.628Z
  • Mwoychick solved 2024-12-22T16:33:14.376Z
  • DavyGravy solved 2024-12-22T16:35:15.251Z
  • heidi solved 2024-12-22T16:56:10.710Z
  • Mr Tex solved 2024-12-22T17:04:17.588Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2024-12-22T17:31:55.089Z
  • Qmark solved 2024-12-22T17:35:43.074Z
  • MatthewL solved 2024-12-22T17:53:21.265Z
  • Cindy Heisler solved 2024-12-22T18:03:40.643Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2024-12-22T18:19:50.341Z
  • ajk solved 2024-12-22T18:36:37.826Z
  • imontoo solved 2024-12-22T18:41:41.235Z
  • DIS solved 2024-12-22T19:13:16.124Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2024-12-22T19:43:13.878Z
  • Jeremy Smith solved 2024-12-22T19:43:42.963Z
  • whimsy solved 2024-12-22T19:54:26.606Z
  • FedexPope solved 2024-12-22T19:58:53.360Z
  • Eric Porter solved 2024-12-22T20:08:32.797Z
  • Heb solved 2024-12-22T20:17:04.531Z
  • Sendhil Revuluri solved 2024-12-22T21:59:34.163Z
  • lbray53 solved 2024-12-22T22:54:15.547Z
  • Anita and Steve solved 2024-12-22T23:12:29.257Z
  • DebbieC solved 2024-12-22T23:58:26.209Z
  • AuLeaf solved 2024-12-23T00:31:10.944Z
  • hoover solved 2024-12-23T00:37:26.561Z
  • Jaclyn solved 2024-12-23T00:49:37.750Z
  • Jordan W solved 2024-12-23T00:50:26.003Z
  • BMW solved 2024-12-23T01:21:49.393Z
  • JM solved 2024-12-23T03:30:45.944Z
  • Dave C solved 2024-12-23T03:43:31.205Z
  • Abide solved 2024-12-23T03:46:05.394Z
  • Just 4 Laffs solved 2024-12-23T04:17:24.414Z
  • InAJelly solved 2024-12-23T04:44:40.816Z
  • ELSavage solved 2024-12-23T04:44:54.326Z
  • markhr solved 2024-12-23T05:19:37.830Z
  • Lance solved 2024-12-23T12:51:53.909Z
  • DrTom solved 2024-12-23T23:35:12.679Z
  • sparrow solved 2024-12-24T01:04:19.522Z
  • HeadinHome solved 2024-12-24T09:29:09.574Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2024-12-24T15:44:03.262Z


Inicia sesión con Google para dejar un comentario tuyo:

  • benchen71 3s · 2024-12-22T06:14:28.948Z
    Love it! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
    • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:23:47.787Z
      Thanks, Ben! Same to you Down Under!
    • michaelm 🤓7:20 · 2024-12-22T14:10:49.608Z
      And the best Tripeptide ever to all of you. Thanks!
      • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:27:36.380Z
        Thanks, Mike. I see that a tripeptide is derived from three amino acids. In this case that would just be three amigos. 😁
      • Darth 🤓6:15 · 2024-12-22T13:54:47.236Z
        Wishing you (and your mother) a season filled with clove, jelly, peas, and all your fav holiday trimmings—including a hearty helping of tripe! Merry Christmas! ~Darth
        • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:25:23.067Z
          Thank you, Darth. I'll pass along your kind wishes to Mom (if I see her before the holidays are over)!
        • Meg 6s · 2024-12-22T14:36:44.685Z
          And a hippo gnu deer to you all (especially Mr. Tripe).
          • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:32:40.112Z
            "Wee fish, ewe, a mare, egrets, moose, panda, hippo, gnu, deer!"
          • kymike 2s · 2024-12-22T14:23:36.218Z
            I was wondering what to do with four words in the middle, but then decided they were just adornments on the tree.
            Thanks for a fun solve.
            • rjy 3s · 2024-12-22T15:49:19.325Z
              My interpretation: the META with the SLY CLUEING was a gift from the Magi, i.e, the Three Wise Guys 😉
              • AuLeaf 🤓5:05 · 2024-12-23T00:35:08.295Z
                yeah TRIPE/ABIDE/SISTI/KENNEDY don't seem to be used... they do spell TASK though!
                • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:30:57.042Z
                  Yes, someone mentioned the Three Wise Men (or Three Wise Guys) plus one. Another solver came up with a splendid alternate version of the holiday message - "Peace on earth for men of good will". Now that was very clever!
                • boharr 2s · 2024-12-22T14:48:53.093Z
                  I had to keep typing but ended up happy. Merry Christmas to all.....
                  • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:33:09.714Z
                    Thank you, Bob. Merry Christmas to you too!
                  • I K Snamhcok 2s · 2024-12-22T15:12:05.139Z
                    • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:33:32.568Z
                      Thanks for solving (and typing), Chris!
                    • Carolyn 19s · 2024-12-22T15:39:19.571Z
                      Lovely sentiment!
                      • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:33:52.854Z
                        Thank you, Carolyn!
                      • woozy 🤓9:10 · 2024-12-22T15:59:56.276Z
                        Ah. Leave out the "and" in "Peace on earth AND good will to all". Theres no "and" in meta (otherwise it'd be Edam Ant). For 65A someone should do a meta involving a Mxas Tsar (just a thought).
                        Fun puzzle and a merry christmas to lol.
                        • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:35:02.310Z
                          Yes, woozy, folks came up with a few different versions, and as we know, Crosshare is very literal.
                        • JHSeeman 3s · 2024-12-22T15:46:21.885Z
                          Fantastic message.... Thanks Clark
                          • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:34:25.700Z
                            I appreciate that, John. Thanks!
                          • KayW 🤓6:25 · 2024-12-22T16:33:35.675Z
                            Thanks for the holiday fun - it's so good to see some holiday Tripe! I loved the "triple-play" metanism; very apt. (And got a chuckle out of HULA HOOP which I don't recall seeing before)
                            • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:36:14.411Z
                              Ha! "Triple-play"! I think we can have some more fun with that one in the future, Kay!
                            • Qmark 2s · 2024-12-22T17:36:41.907Z
                              Wonderful...thanks for a great holiday meta!
                              • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:38:29.177Z
                                Thank you for solving, Qmark!
                              • Sharkicicles 2s · 2024-12-22T17:32:28.610Z
                                Thanks and happy holidays!
                                • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:37:55.132Z
                                  Same to you, Sharkicicles!
                                • MatthewL 🤓5:07 · 2024-12-22T17:54:38.350Z
                                  Only took me about 5 tries to realize GOODWILL is one word and not two. Oh well -- had the right idea at least. Thanks for the Xmas puzzle, gents!
                                  • woozy 🤓9:10 · 2024-12-22T18:18:37.779Z
                                    Crosshare doesn't distinguish spaces or punctuation so that shouldn't matter
                                    • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:40:03.581Z
                                      Woozy is correct about Crosshare, Matthew, so it must've been something else. Probably an "and" which wasn't among the early accepted answers. Thanks!
                                    • imontoo 2s · 2024-12-22T18:42:30.381Z
                                      Enjoyed this, Clark! Thank you.
                                      • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:41:33.596Z
                                        Glad you liked it, imontoo!
                                      • ajk 🤓3:17 · 2024-12-22T18:38:29.340Z
                                        Despite my enduring (abiding?) dislike of sound-related metas, I admit that this one was rather clever. :) Happy holidays to all.
                                        • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:41:15.031Z
                                          Ha! I like what you did there, Alan! I'm still learning the ropes w.r.t. to metanisms and such.
                                        • DavyGravy 2s · 2024-12-22T16:37:46.341Z
                                          Fun one Clark! I saw your name and thought of the classic Chevy Chase Christmas movie. The father in law: “Beautiful Clark!” as the lights do not work. Maybe next year run a Clark Griswald meta!
                                          • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T00:37:38.756Z
                                            Thanks, Dave. One of my early Crosshare cover images had a photo of Clark Griswald, but I thought folks might confuse the two of us. 😄
                                          • ELSavage 🤓4:39 · 2024-12-23T04:46:45.736Z
                                            Thanks and Merry Christmas!
                                            • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-23T14:10:39.296Z
                                              Same to you, Eric!
                                            • DrTom 4s · 2024-12-23T23:41:58.177Z
                                              Fun homophonic trip, took me a while to see that I had to come back for the men; I know the saying but I was thinking you might have another. Now if I was posting a picture I would have a bunch of small green orbs on the ground with Robin Williams and Matt Damon standing among them...
                                              Thanks "Clark", and in particular thanks for the "Christmas Letter", some of the best comic writing around.
                                              • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-24T14:12:58.502Z
                                                Why, thank you, good doctor for solving my puzzle and enjoying my intro. And don't forget to catch my uncle "Clark" Griswold's latest movie - "The Christmas Letter" (filmed in Utica, NY, BTW) - when it comes to a theater near you!
                                              • HeadinHome 🤓3:42 · 2024-12-24T09:39:38.377Z
                                                Not sure why I typed “good will to men” instead of “good will to all” — thanks for widening your net of acceptable answers, so I could jump in here and say, Tripe we wish you a warm Christmas, and a New Year of job opportunities. And for your mom… comfort and joy. Mostly comfort, poor soul.
                                                • Clark E. Tripe constructor · 2024-12-24T14:19:51.156Z
                                                  Thanks, Wendy. Yes, originally the answer was "Peace on earth good will to ALL" based on the two ALLs at the bottom of the grid. But folks kept coming up with different permutations of the same basic message, so there are several accepted answers. Hey, it's Christmas! 😁
                                                • Bird Lives 2s · 2024-12-24T15:51:04.029Z
                                                  I waited till Christmas Eve day because at first glance I couldn't find the "to" to go with the "men" in ENTERTAIN MEN T.Was it "two men," i.e., two of the four constructors? I'm still at a loss. Never heard it as "to all," but I don't get out much these days.
                                                  Merry Christmas!
                                                  Chest muscle, for short
                                                  1. 1A
                                                    Chest muscle, for short
                                                  2. 4A
                                                    "___ porridge hot..."
                                                  3. 9A
                                                    Sizzling skillet sound
                                                  4. 12A
                                                    One-time link
                                                  5. 13A
                                                    Third rock from the sun
                                                  6. 14A
                                                    Dead heat
                                                  7. 15A
                                                    Decorated holiday evergreen that can be visualized when 4A, 13A, 31A, 35A, 37A, 44A, 54A, 56A, 66A, and 60D are strung together
                                                  8. 18A
                                                    Cooperative group
                                                  9. 19A
                                                    Ice-skating surface
                                                  10. 20A
                                                    Mex. miss
                                                  11. 21A
                                                  12. 24A
                                                    Hoppy brews, for short
                                                  13. 25A
                                                    Crossword constructor's activity
                                                  14. 28A
                                                    Quick punch
                                                  15. 31A
                                                    Utter nonsense
                                                  16. 32A
                                                    "Six-pack" muscles
                                                  17. 35A
                                                    Put up with... such as 39A constructors with bad 25A
                                                  18. 37A
                                                    He voiced a mutant turtle named Michelangelo… but was not the subject of Michelangelo’s ceiling
                                                  19. 39A
                                                    Puzzle type with an extra challenge, like "Clark! The Herald"
                                                  20. 40A
                                                    Just fine
                                                  21. 43A
                                                    "Utica ___", first beer sold after Prohibition
                                                  22. 44A
                                                    "Profiles in Courage" author... or half profile?
                                                  23. 47A
                                                    "It's ___-brainer!"
                                                  24. 50A
                                                    Fuel company with an iconic sign near Fenway Park
                                                  25. 51A
                                                    GPS suggestion
                                                  26. 54A
                                                    Dutch cheese
                                                  27. 56A
                                                    Usual shape for 54A
                                                  28. 58A
                                                    What this puzzle provides, hopefully
                                                  29. 62A
                                                  30. 63A
                                                    Building wing
                                                  31. 64A
                                                    ___ buco (veal dish)
                                                  32. 65A
                                                    Former Russian ruler
                                                  33. 66A
                                                    The whole shebang (and apparently a dup of 60D)
                                                  34. 67A
                                                  1. 1D
                                                  2. 2D
                                                    Old-time anesthetic
                                                  3. 3D
                                                    Jeweler's weight
                                                  4. 4D
                                                    Footlike part
                                                  5. 5D
                                                    Chow down
                                                  6. 6D
                                                    Escort's offering
                                                  7. 7D
                                                    Amtrak stop: Abbr.
                                                  8. 8D
                                                    Sentence-enders in the Great White North
                                                  9. 9D
                                                    Remove, as paint
                                                  10. 10D
                                                    Tuscan city
                                                  11. 11D
                                                    Searches for
                                                  12. 16D
                                                    Apple on a desk
                                                  13. 17D
                                                    Math branch
                                                  14. 21D
                                                    California's Big ___
                                                  15. 22D
                                                    Hula hoop?
                                                  16. 23D
                                                    Pup squeak
                                                  17. 26D
                                                    5G ___: mobile standard
                                                  18. 27D
                                                    '80s video-game console
                                                  19. 28D
                                                    Bread spread
                                                  20. 29D
                                                    Presidential nickname
                                                  21. 30D
                                                    Took the bait
                                                  22. 32D
                                                    Silent communication: Abbr.
                                                  23. 33D
                                                    A/C measure
                                                  24. 34D
                                                    Bro or sis
                                                  25. 36D
                                                    Cowboys quarterback Prescott
                                                  26. 38D
                                                  27. 40D
                                                    Young Skywalker's nickname
                                                  28. 41D
                                                    Toronto's prov.
                                                  29. 42D
                                                    Beer barrel
                                                  30. 45D
                                                    Plug-in vehicle, briefly
                                                  31. 46D
                                                    Crossword direction
                                                  32. 47D
                                                  33. 48D
                                                  34. 49D
                                                    "I'm ___ here!"
                                                  35. 51D
                                                    Actress Witherspoon
                                                  36. 52D
                                                  37. 53D
                                                    John of England
                                                  38. 55D
                                                    "In the headlights" critter
                                                  39. 57D
                                                    Med. plan options
                                                  40. 59D
                                                    Boston ___ Party
                                                  41. 60D
                                                    The whole shebang (and apparently a dup of 66A)
                                                  42. 61D
                                                    Under the weather