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So Many Rabbit Holes!

· Por woozy · Publicado 2022-09-02T20:03:30.588Z

Meta Prompt
The solution to this meta is one of the grid entries
This is my attempt at a Week 5. It may not be because the themers might be too easy to find. But it still shouldn't be any easier than a week 4, I hope.
I came up with this idea when I had a familiar frustration trying to solve a meta and a thought "what if I made a meta where these types of frustrations are part of the solution".
Comprobando datos de juego anteriores…

Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)

  • Hector solved 2022-09-05T12:42:58.555Z
  • Meg solved 2022-09-05T17:00:25.095Z
  • boharr solved 2022-09-05T19:43:32.944Z
  • whimsy solved 2022-09-05T20:35:35.933Z
  • Laura M solved 2022-09-07T00:15:59.006Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2022-09-10T23:20:11.304Z


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  • Hector 12:57 · 2022-09-05T13:10:06.401Z
    I got to ORDEAL, RECESS, and HERO, and saw MO, MN, and IAH in the themers, which go with BIG CREAM FLAVOR. ORDEAL, from ICE CREAM FLAVOR, came closest with two out of three, which is why I submitted it. Probably missing something...
    • woozy constructor · 2022-09-05T16:15:34.690Z
      Unequivocally STATE that one refuses to get along: SC, OR, NH, AR, MO, NY. Of the three clues Louisiana, Montana and Arizona only Arizona is included so we take the word ICE.
      PERIODIC bouts of sleepwalking S,O,Mn, Am, B, U, Li, Sm. Of the three clues Tungsten, Plutonium, and Manganese only Manganese is included so we take the word ICE.
      The study of the progression of conveyances of information (such as AIR, print, or broadcast) over time: MED, IAH, IST, ORY. Of the three clues Barcelona, J.A. Anzoategui International (BLA), Chicago. O'Hare (ORD) and Houston, George Bush International (IAH) only IAH is included so we take the word flavor.
      So we get ICE CREAM FLAVOR = 19D: Rocky Road = ORDEAL.
      Completely unintentional ORDEAL = ORD + EAL = Chicago + Marshall Islands also unintintional was ORDEAL = OR+DE+AL. It makes me feel sorry we cant get chemical symbols out of it.
      • Hector 12:57 · 2022-09-05T23:03:42.270Z
        How is Arizona included?
        • woozy constructor · 2022-09-06T15:09:53.288Z
          SC= South Carolina, OR=Oregon, NH = New Hampshire, AR = Arizona, MO=Missouri, NY = New York.
          Oh, bloody fornication in a tulip!!!
          I swear I double and tripled proofed just for this sort of thing! Three times. Sheesh. Okay, it's easy to fix. Great Gulfs or muskrat fat!
    • Hector 12:57 · 2022-09-05T13:14:39.714Z
      ORDEAL had the added attraction of being composted of three states, and MO MN and IA(H) are state abbreviations -- still nothing that counts as a lock, so I look forward to the reveal. Nice work getting so much theme material for an intricate mechanism in this grid.
      • Meg 3s · 2022-09-05T17:13:37.110Z
        I was looking for an entry that had a state, an element and an airport. I confess I just tried every entry that started with a state and was long enough. If ORDEAL is correct because it has 3 states, then why did we need all the other stuff?
        • whimsy 26:37 · 2022-09-05T21:01:20.726Z
          Got it after a few educated guesses. I saw State and Periodic (Table) and Broadcast(?) in the clues for the long themers. I had the HERO, ORDEAL, and RECESS from the three-word indicators -- Thumbnail pic, Ice cream flavor, and Big Band music --so I tried those in order. Earlier, I'd tried MAID because your clue for that mentioned "generation" - Era? as in Big Band; and "epitomical portrayer" as in ICON. Figured that was two out of three. Gnarly's the word! Nicely convoluted, woozy!
          • woozy constructor · 2022-09-06T02:33:40.672Z
            There are three themes
            United States and Postal Codes:
            Unequivicably STATE state that one refuses to get along= SC,OR,NH, AR,MO, NY which includes Arizona but not Louisiana or Montana. Of the 3 clues that are states ARIZONA = ICE is the only one in the themer.
            Chemical Symbols
            PERIODIC bouts of sleepwalking = S,O,Mn, Am, B,U,Li, SM of which includes Manganese but not Tungsten or Plutonious. Of the 3 clues that are elements Manganese = CREAM is the only one in the themer.
            International Airports
            The study of the progression of conveyances of information (such as AIR, print, or broadcast) over time MED, IAH, IST, ORY = Medina Saudi Arabia; Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz + Houston, George Bush Intercontinental + Istanbul International + Paris, Ory International but doesn't include either Barcelona, J.A. Anzoategui International nor Chicago, O'Hare International. Of the 3 clues that are International Airport only Houston, George Bush Intercontinental = FLAVOR is in the themer.
            Take those answers ICE + CREAM + FLAVOR and there is one clue, 19D, that is an ICE CREAM FLAVOR. 19D = Rocky Road = ORDEAL . And that is the answer.
            The other trios of clues yield BIG BAND MUSIC => SWING TIME => RECESS, and THUMB NAIL PIC => ICON => HERO but as those involve items that were not in any themers they do not count.
            • Hector 12:57 · 2022-09-06T11:00:18.112Z
              Arizona is AZ, not AR (which is Arkansas). So a little speed bump...
              • woozy constructor · 2022-09-07T14:17:36.140Z
                It's been fixed.
            • Laura M 🤓30:57 · 2022-09-07T08:24:34.406Z
              Wow, I missed that the keywords in the clues for the long entries, and also that the entries were completely made up of those abbreviations. Impressive! I was trying to make ORDEAL RECESS HERO somehow combine and point to another entry, until @whimsy gave me a nudge (okay really just told me it was one of those three). I picked ORDEAL mostly because it's the only one of these words that contains an airport, state, and element, although you have to reuse letters. Anyway, this was almost a really great metanism! Just the final step maybe needs a better click.
              • I K Snamhcok 8s · 2022-09-10T23:23:25.936Z
                Well, I got it (after a wrong submission), and there’s reasoning to my answer, but … I’m sure I’ve missed something too. I’ll now look for woozy’s recap, which I believe has been posted.
                In mathematics, the Greatest Lower Bound [of a given set, it is the greatest element (not necessarily in the set itself) that is equal or lower to all elements of the set] -- it's the opposite of SUP
                1. 1A
                  In mathematics, the Greatest Lower Bound [of a given set, it is the greatest element (not necessarily in the set itself) that is equal or lower to all elements of the set] -- it's the opposite of SUP
                2. 4A
                3. 8A
                4. 13A
                  Est. business body
                5. 15A
                  It has erupted in crosswords probably a magnitude of thousands more than it ever has in actuality
                6. 16A
                  Creepy lake homonym
                7. 17A
                  Unremarkable was I ---- saw Elba, Kramer, nu?
                8. 18A
                  There was a video of her dancing when she was a college student. For some reasons her opponents thought this should be damaging to her reputation (because... congressmen are never supposed to have been young?) It wasn't.
                9. 19A
                  a) Diatribe about the Netflix series starring and produced by Brit Marling; b) the Formicidae that is in position to propel the rowboat
                10. 20A
                  Unequivocally state that one refuses to get along
                11. 23A
                  Phooey! I hate sheep.
                12. 25A
                  As a rule a crossword entry is not supposed to contain itself as a word in its clue
                13. 26A
                  Medical degrees (don't overthink it)
                14. 27A
                  Actor McKellen (don't overthink it)
                15. 29A
                  The first name and first letter of the surname of --- -indervarten, a German badminton player. If I change the last letter of this entry the clue for 21D would be a woozyism: Defensive armor made of whole grain. But I'm not going to change the last letter.
                16. 31A
                  Words of understanding
                17. 33A
                  Mystery writer Stabenow; author of the Kate Shugak series
                18. 34A
                  "The roaring ------, or, Moll Cut-Purse : as it hath lately beene acted on the Fortune-stage by the Prince his Players"
                19. 35A
                  Cleanser brand that "hasn't scratched yet"
                20. 37A
                  Like an Ave.
                21. 38A
                  Periodic bouts of sleepwalking
                22. 41A
                  Swing Time
                23. 42A
                  British music, film, gaming, and culture website and brand
                24. 43A
                  Fagaceae Fagus; a deciduous tree. Mr. Rucastle had an estate in Hampshire named "The Copper -----es" where he hired a governess to cut her hair and make unwelcome gestures at a window. The whole thing ends when Dr. Watson shoots a hungry dog.
                25. 44A
                  On condition that...
                26. 46A
                27. 47A
                  Although this storage medium is not re-writable, it can be read multiple times. I, honestly, can't see the point of a storage device that can't be read multiple times but apparently that was an important feature in naming this technology.
                28. 48A
                  Worldwide: Abbr. (Like three of these clues-- but not their entries)
                29. 50A
                  Chicago, O'Hare International
                30. 52A
                  The study of the progression of conveyances of information (such as air, print, or broadcast) over time
                31. 55A
                32. 58A
                  "Frozen" reindeer
                33. 59A
                  13A Bigwig
                34. 60A
                  Manage to not encounter
                35. 61A
                  The Undo card in "Exploding Kittens"
                36. 62A
                  A standard crossword entry. Europe, Asia, mountain range, etc. maybe a sea.....
                37. 63A
                38. 64A
                39. 65A
                  Office note
                1. 1D
                2. 2D
                  Negative conjunction
                3. 3D
                  Hopefully the adjective of this grid entry will refer to the produce being of good quality and not having begun to age. We don't want the adjective to refer to the person selling the produce being rude and impertinent.
                4. 4D
                5. 5D
                  A lot of the Egyptian sun god encases the first fourteen letters
                6. 6D
                  Creep slowly
                7. 7D
                  French for "there" as in "--- -bas il y a un Hareng Rouge, à ne pas confondre avec un Bâton Rouge"
                8. 8D
                  League members
                9. 9D
                10. 10D
                  The muse of Astronomy. (My personal favorite. Who's your favorite muse?)
                11. 11D
                  Quora of ten men required for prayers; early population group in the Aegean area; little yellow guys that look like Twinkies and talk in gibberish... (okay, scratch that last one-- that's just me being a smart-ass)
                12. 12D
                13. 14D
                  Barcelona, J.A. Anzoategui International
                14. 19D
                  Rocky Road
                15. 21D
                  Thorin II, Dwarf King under the Mountain (from "The Hobbit"). If I change the third letter then the clue for 29A would be a straightforward: Metal bar. But I'm not going to change the third letter.
                16. 22D
                  "What's that printed sheet with a list of all the food you can order?" "This? This is ------"
                17. 23D
                18. 24D
                  Seed with flavor and aroma similar to licorice, fennel, and tarragon
                19. 28D
                  Rebellious Turner (or perhaps the opposite of 48A)
                20. 30D
                  "Colossal head" carver of ancient Mexico
                21. 31D
                  Maybe this was the inspiration of HAL9000 (transpose the letters up....)
                22. 32D
                23. 33D
                  Remove a boats main spar
                24. 36D
                  Jazz bassist Charles
                25. 39D
                  As a rule a crossword entry is not supposed to appear twice in the same puzzle
                26. 40D
                27. 41D
                  Hemoglobin corpuscles (abbr.)
                28. 44D
                  "Can it be?" "No, ------"
                29. 45D
                  Houston, George Bush Intercontinental
                30. 46D
                  Marshall Bruce Mathers
                31. 49D
                  It's capital is not Fargo.
                32. 51D
                33. 52D
                  People of my generation think Rose Buck, as played by Jean Marsh was the epitomical portrayal of this profession. (Okay, not my generation.... just me....sigh)
                34. 53D
                  Air filter acronym
                35. 54D
                  County in Northern California whose name derives from Patwin for "place abounding in rushes" (and not for "Rush out and grab the day")
                36. 55D
                  Chocolate test site
                37. 56D
                38. 57D
                  English for 7D, as in "Hither and ---- be a Red Herring, not to be confused with a Red Sticke"
                39. 62D