I’ll sell you some vowels, Cap’n — A for A-ONE!; E for EXCELLENT!; I for I LIKE IT!; O For OH, JOY!; U for UNMATCHED FABULOUSNESS; Y for YES!!!!! (Obviously I didn’t think too hard on this.) Fun!
lol finally got there. Helps when you read all the clues (especially the one for 71A). Just as cool as it was the first time (partly because I didn't remember any of the steps ).
Thanks for your help with this one, Alan. Yeah, that 71A clue is kinda important. :)
KayW 🤓6:27 · 2024-04-03T23:48:41.594Z
Fun one - and definitely in my wheelhouse! Cat's out of the bag! Speaking of which, CAT is another thing that HOUSE can follow. But let's not go there...
guessed the meta from the prompt alone (coupled with the title being a wheel of fortune category)... then had fun figuring out the mechanism :) impressive puzzle given its thematic density
I guessed the answer right away from the prompt and the 5,5 enumeration but it was still a lot of fun to backsolve! It’s always nice to see new mechanisms… thanks Capn!
Thanks, Sharkicicles. That's why I wavered a bit on the difficulty rating. If you're familiar with the show, you probably got it right away. If you're not, then it probably played a bit harder.
HeadinHome 🤓3:36 · 2024-04-04T02:41:06.654Z
I see how to get VANNA… is WHITE just supposed to be suggested by Vanna, plus it can go with HOUSE ?
Yes, I thought that spelling Vanna's first name was going to be enough for most solvers to figure out the rest vis-a-vis the mechanism and the other "Before & After" examples in the grid. The meta answer section at the bottom is intended to resemble the game board letters that she "turns" (which often display "phrases").
HeadinHome 🤓3:36 · 2024-04-04T02:43:07.129Z
Also - “Before and After” comes from Wheel (name of one of their themes)… and you put the HOUSE after the word. Does “before” come into play?
Wheel of Fortune has a category called "Before & After" where they mash two familiar phrases together ("A Chip Off The Old Block And Tackle" and "A Breath Of Fresh Air Fryer" are two more examples). So yes, that's what I tried to do here with the long quote and Vanna's name - both of which can come "before" HOUSE.
HeadinHome 🤓3:36 · 2024-04-04T23:24:43.981Z
Ahhh… Vanna White House. Got it. ( :
Berto 🤓3:10 · 2024-04-04T02:51:53.391Z
A backsolve for me - but fun seeing the metanism. Thank you!