This puzzle’s contest answer is a well-known children's song.
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Tabla de clasificación (actualizada cada hora)
LarsCaine solved 2024-12-14T13:34:23.231Z
Rosetta Stone solved 2024-12-14T14:52:08.080Z
dilly solved 2024-12-14T15:38:15.193Z
Hector solved 2024-12-14T15:53:11.928Z
Mr Tex solved 2024-12-14T16:16:22.705Z
T G solved 2024-12-14T16:45:45.425Z
Clark E. Tripe solved 2024-12-14T17:20:19.184Z
sss solved 2024-12-14T18:08:07.972Z
pufferfish solved 2024-12-14T21:34:48.639Z
kieranjboyd solved 2024-12-14T21:47:16.715Z
Brian Callahan solved 2024-12-14T23:20:11.823Z
Eric S solved 2024-12-15T00:55:10.176Z
girlcow solved 2024-12-15T02:56:26.936Z
Jimmy James solved 2024-12-16T16:29:07.961Z
Cindy Heisler solved 2024-12-17T14:15:15.199Z
kurtalert solved 2024-12-17T21:30:49.524Z
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Wayne Mesardconstructor · 2024-12-14T13:25:04.632Z
Meta contest hint: The four long answers all have something in common, which evokes a well-known children's song.
Wayne Mesardconstructor · 2024-12-14T15:11:09.047Z
Constructor's Confession Corner: If I had to do it again, I would just stick with three theme answers, so that the fill was cleaner. But once I got four themers to cross each other I couldn’t resist.