When the Captain asked me for a Smooth Sailing Sunday Solve (wait is that too many S's?) I could not resist. What I had to resist is trying to Tom this darn thing up. It is VERY hard to do what the Captain does; make a fun, interesting, challenging but not mind-bending puzzle with solid fill. Truthfully if he had not helped me I probably would not have managed.
I'm hoping this is just right for this Sunday and doesn't keep you tied up trying to determine (1) what I am getting at (2) WHY Cap'n Rick even asked me in the first place.
There are a few nudges in case you need them, but I'd bet most do not.
I want to extend a thanks to boharr who graciously tested and gave some great feedback on making the puzzle better.
Nudge 1] The meta answer is 7 letters long
Nudge 2] Cap insisted that it be symmetric
Nudge 3] The title was originally "Put Them All Together" but we though that might tip it too much
Nudge 4] What is the publication day - not the date, the day
There were 7 themers (not 8 like some idiot said at first) and each theme answer was a disguised animal "mother".
If you took the clues for the theme answer you get:
Make like Johnny Appleseed
Ooh, look out for that low flying drone!
Threaten to the point of intimidation
Helper with the family's children
Egg donor?
Region of darkness seen on the moon
Sounds a little like you?
The first letter of each of those spells out MOTHERS
For a graphic depiction of the solve please go to: