Hi, I'm Steven, satellite surgeon by day and god knows what by night. Stepped away from crosswords for a while because life is busy, but maybe this page will come back alive. Here's hoping!
Profile and cover picture are both from Danganronpa. If you want to get in touch for whatever reason, hit me up on Discord - my username is sirmrguy1153, and I'm on the Crosshare discord as well.
...wait, I was on hiatus for longer than I actively posted. Who'd have thought moving across the country for work and all the things that entails would take up my time?
Anyway, apparently I hit 3000 solves while I was gone. Thanks to every one of you…
For anyone wondering why I haven't posted in a long time (at least by my standards), I've been busy moving across the country for a new job. It'll be a little while longer before I'm settled and I certainly won't have as much time to make crosswords,…