
Elly Zupko


I'm Elly. I live in Maryland with some humans and some cats (and some stinkbugs and ants... They have been served eviction papers). I am an artist, designer, and writer (often as "Elly ZK"), and I'm new to puzzle construction. My first published puzzles are coming out in August and November this year in Universal and Fireball respectively. I'm a bit worn down by the submission/rejection cycle, so I'm sharing some of my work here for free. I call these puzzles "hot porridge" because they don't meet the "Goldilocks" standards of the major outlets. Feel free to throw something in the tip jar if you like what I do!
Note: puzzles have not been play-tested or professionally edited. Don't hesitate to leave a comment if you find a mistake or other issue. Just be nice. :) (I already know you're nice.)
Tip Elly Zupko

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